未报告频率:皮肤表现(荨麻疹伴或不伴瘙痒,红斑,斑丘疹);口干,出汗,结膜症状;面部,周围和血管神经性水肿;与呼吸系统有关的症状包括打喷嚏,鼻塞,咳嗽,窒息,呼吸困难,胸闷和喘息,这可能是更严重和不常见的反应的初步表现,包括哮喘发作,喉痉挛和支气管痉挛伴或不伴有水肿,肺水肿,呼吸暂停和发osis [参考]
这些过敏型反应很少会发展为过敏反应,并失去意识和昏迷以及严重的心血管疾病。 [参考]
这些严重的反应通常可以通过及时适当的管理来逆转。但是,已经发生了死亡事故。 [参考]
1. Cerner Multum,Inc.“英国产品特性摘要”。 00
2.“产品信息。Conray(碘草酸酯)。”密苏里州圣路易斯的Mallinckrodt Medical Inc.
3. Cerner Multum,Inc.“澳大利亚产品信息”。 00
Conray是一种无菌水溶液,旨在用作诊断不透射线的介质。 Conray含有60%w / v的碘丙酸酯葡甲胺,它是1-脱氧-1-(甲基氨基)-D-葡萄糖醇5-乙酰氨基-2,4,6三碘代-N-甲基间苯二甲酸酯(盐),并具有以下结构式:
每毫升包含600毫克的碘草酸酯葡甲胺,0.09毫克的乙二胺四乙酸钙二钠作为稳定剂和0.125毫克的磷酸二氢钠作为缓冲剂。该溶液提供28.2%(282 mg / mL)有机结合的碘。 Conray的渗透压为每升约1000 mOsmol,渗透压为每千克约1400 mOsmol,因此在使用条件下具有高渗性。粘度(cps)在25°C下约为6,在37°C下约为4。 pH为6.5至7.7。
有关超敏反应,请参阅“一般注意事项”。 Conray不应用于脊髓造影。如果关节内或附近存在感染,则不应进行关节造影。凝血功能缺陷和凝血酶原时间延长的患者禁用经皮肝穿刺胆道造影。内镜逆行胰胆管造影术在胰腺炎的急性发作期间或严重的临床上明显的胆管炎期间以及禁止内镜检查的患者中是禁忌的。
严重的皮肤不良反应:给予血管内造影剂后1小时至几周可能出现严重的皮肤不良反应(SCAR)。这些反应包括史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征和中毒性表皮坏死溶解(SJS / TEN),急性全身性皮疹性脓疱病(AGEP)以及具有嗜酸性粒细胞增多和全身症状的药物反应(DRESS)。重复使用造影剂,可能会增加反应的严重性,缩短发作时间;预防性药物可能无法预防或减轻严重的皮肤不良反应。避免对有严重皮肤不良反应史的患者服用Conray。
涉及使用碘化血管内造影剂的诊断程序应在要执行的特定程序的技术人员和经验丰富的人员的指导下进行。所有使用造影剂的程序都有一定的产生不良反应的风险。尽管大多数反应可能是次要的,但可能会在没有警告的情况下发生威胁生命和致命的反应。在进行此类程序之前,应始终仔细评估风险收益因子。应始终随时配备设备齐全的应急推车或同等的物资和设备,以及有能力识别和治疗各种严重不良反应或由于该程序而引起的情况的人员。如果发生严重反应,请立即停止给药。由于已知会发生严重的延迟反应,因此在给药后至少30至60分钟应有急救设施和合格人员(请参阅“不良反应” )。
对造影剂的严重反应通常类似于过敏反应。这促使人们使用了一些挑衅性的预测试方法,这些方法都不可用来预测严重的反应。在严重反应与抗原-抗体反应或其他变态反应之间尚无结论性关系。应始终考虑先前接受过造影剂而没有不良影响的患者发生特异反应的可能性。在注射任何造影剂之前,应询问患者以获得病史,重点是过敏和超敏反应。支气管哮喘或变态反应(包括食物)的阳性史,变态反应的家族史或对造影剂的先前反应或超敏反应可能意味着比平常更大的风险。通过暗示组胺敏感性并因此倾向于反应,这样的病史在预测反应潜力方面可能比预测试更准确,尽管在个别情况下不一定是反应的严重性或类型。当认为诊断程序必不可少时,这种类型的阳性病史不会任意禁忌使用造影剂,但一定要小心(请参阅“不良反应” )。
皮肤和皮下组织疾病:反应范围从轻度(例如皮疹,红斑,瘙痒,荨麻疹和皮肤变色)到严重:[例如史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合症和中毒性表皮坏死症(SJS / TEN),急性全身性皮炎性脓疱病(AGEP)和嗜酸性粒细胞增多和全身症状的药物反应]
各种浓度的碘草酸盐葡甲胺的静脉内LD 50值(以碘克/千克体重计)在小鼠中为5.7至8.9 g / kg,在大鼠中为9.8至11.2 g / kg。 LD 50值随着注入速率的增加而降低。
儿童的剂量与年龄和体重成比例地减少。建议以大约0.5 mL / kg体重的剂量为婴儿和儿童提供以下大致时间表:
6个月以下 | 5毫升 |
6-12个月 | 8毫升 |
1-2年 | 10毫升 |
2-5岁 | 12毫升 |
5-8岁 | 15毫升 |
8-12岁 | 18毫升 |
12-14岁 | 20-30毫升 |
脑血管造影通常在局部或全身麻醉下进行(请参阅“注意事项”,“一般” )。可以按照指示使用预防用药。
所用的通常剂量随注射部位和方法以及患者的年龄,状况和体重而变化。在成人中,通常通过单次快速注射6至10 mL,通过经皮针头或导管方法进行颈动脉和椎骨血管造影。如所示进行另外的注射。在成年人中,逆行肱脑血管造影通常是通过一次向右肱动脉快速注射35至50 mL进行的。取决于注入的血管和所遵循的程序,可以采用其他剂量。儿童剂量与年龄和体重成比例减少。
该过程通常在局部或全身麻醉下进行(请参阅“注意事项”,“一般” )。 Premedication may be employed as indicated.
A preliminary radiograph is usually made prior to the injection of the contrast agent.
In addition to the general precautions previously described, moderate decreases in blood pressure occur frequently with intra-arterial (brachial) injections. This change is usually transient and requires no treatment; however, the blood pressure should be monitored for approximately ten minutes following injection. Special care is required when venography is performed in patients with suspected thrombosis, phlebitis, severe ischemic disease, local infection or a totally obstructed venous system. In the presence of venous stasis, vein irrigation with normal saline should be considered following the procedure. Venography is optimally performed with a more dilute solution such as Conray 43 (Iothalamate Meglumine Injection USP 43%).
Extreme caution during injection of the contrast agent is necessary to avoid extravasation and fluoroscopy is recommended. This is especially important in patients with severe arterial or venous disease.
In addition to the general adverse reactions previously described, hemorrhage and thrombosis have occurred at the puncture site of the percutaneous injection. Brachial plexus injury has been reported following axillary artery injection. Thrombophlebitis, syncope and very rare cases of gangrene have been reported following venography.
Peripheral Arteriography: In adults a single rapid injection of 20 to 40 mL is normally sufficient to visualize the entire extremity. The dose for children is reduced in proportion to body weight. Venography: The usual dose for adults is a single rapid injection of 20 to 40 mL. The dose for children is reduced in proportion to body weight. Following the procedure, the venous system should be flushed with either 5% dextrose in water (D5W) or normal saline (Sodium Chloride Injection USP) or the contrast medium should be removed by leg massage and/or leg elevation.
In addition to the general precautions previously described, strict aseptic technique is required to prevent the introduction of infection. Fluoroscopic control should be used to ensure proper introduction of the needle into the synovial space and prevent extracapsular injection. Aspiration of excessive synovial fluid will reduce the pain on injection and prevent the rapid dilution of the contrast agent. It is important that undue pressure not be exerted during the injection.
In addition to the general adverse reactions previously described arthrography may induce joint pain or discomfort which is usually mild and transient but occasionally may be severe and persist for 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. Effusion requiring aspiration may occur in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthrography is usually performed under local anesthesia. The amount of contrast agent required is solely dependent on the size of the joint to be injected and the technique employed.
The following dosage schedule for normal adult joints should serve only as a guide since joints may require more or less contrast medium for optimal visualization. Dosage should be reduced for children in proportion to body weight.
Knee, hip | 5-15 mL |
Shoulder, ankle | 5-10 mL |
其他 | 1-4 mL |
Passive or active manipulation is used to disperse the medium throughout the joint space.
The lower volumes of contrast medium are usually employed for double contrast examinations. Following the injection of the contrast medium 50 to 100 cc of either filtered room air or carbon dioxide is introduced for examination of the knee and lesser volumes for other joints. The concomitant use of epinephrine 1:1000 will reduce the rate of contrast medium absorption as well as the production of synovial fluids and consequent dilution of the medium.
In addition to the general precautions previously described, in the presence of acute pancreatitis, direct cholangiography, if necessary, should be employed with caution, injecting no more than 5 to 10 mL without undue pressure. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography should only be attempted when compatible blood for potential transfusions is in readiness and emergency surgical facilities are available. The patient should be carefully monitored for at least 24 hours to ensure prompt detection of bile leakage and hemorrhage. Appropriate premedication of the patient is recommended and drugs which are cholespastic, such as morphine, should be avoided. Respiratory movements should be controlled during introduction of the needle.
Adverse reactions may often be attributed to injection pressure or excessive volume of the medium resulting in overdistention of the ducts and producing local pain.
Some of the medium may enter the pancreatic duct which may result in pancreatic irritation. Occasionally, nausea, vomiting, fever, and tachycardia have been observed. Pancholangitis resulting in liver abscess or septicemia has been reported.
In percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, some discomfort is common, but severe pain is unusual. Complications of the procedure are often serious and have been reported in 4 to 6 percent of patients. These reactions have included bile leakage and biliary peritonitis, gall bladder perforation, internal bleeding (sometimes massive), blood-bile fistula resulting in septicemia involving gram-negative organisms, and tension pneumothorax from inadvertent puncture of the diaphragm or lung. Bile leakage is more likely to occur in patients with obstructions that cause unrelieved high biliary pressure.
It is advisable that Conray be at or close to body temperature when injected. The injection is made slowly without undue pressure, taking the necessary precautions to avoid the introduction of bubbles.
Operative – The usual dose is 10 mL but as much as 25 mL may be needed depending upon the caliber of the ducts. If desired, the contrast agent may be diluted 1:1 with Sodium Chloride Injection USP using strict aseptic procedures. Following surgical exploration of the ductal system, repeat studies may be performed before closure of the abdomen, using the same dose as before.
Postoperative – Postoperatively, the ductal system may be examined by injection of the contrast agent through an in-place T-tube. These delayed cholangiograms are usually made from the fifth to the tenth postoperative day prior to removal of the T-tube. The usual dose is the same as for operative cholangiography.
Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography – This procedure is recommended for carefully selected patients for the differential diagnosis of jaundice due to extrahepatic biliary obstruction or parenchymal disease. The procedure is only employed where oral or intravenous cholangiography and other procedures have failed to provide the necessary information. In obstructed cases, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography is used to determine the cause and site of obstruction to help plan surgery. The technique may also be of value in avoiding laparotomy in poor risk jaundice patients since failure to enter a duct suggests hepatocellular disease. Careful attention to technique is essential for the success and safety of the procedure. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia following analgesic premedication.
Depending upon the caliber of the biliary tree, a dose of 20 to 40 mL is generally sufficient to opacify the entire ductal system. If desired, the contrast agent may be diluted 1:1 with Sodium Chloride injection USP using strict aseptic procedures.
As the needle is advanced or withdrawn, a bile duct may be located by frequent aspiration for bile or mucus. Before the dose is administered, as much bile as possible is aspirated. The injection may be repeated for exposures in different planes and repositioning of the patient, if necessary, should be done with care. If a duct is not readily located by aspiration, successive small doses of 1 to 2 mL of the medium are injected into the liver as the needle is gradually withdrawn, until a duct is visualized by x-ray.
If no duct can be located after 3 or 4 attempts, the procedure should be terminated. Inability to enter a duct by a person experienced in the technique is generally considered to be strongly suggestive of hepatocellular disease.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is indicated in carefully selected patients with known or suspected pancreatic or biliary tract disease when other diagnostic procedures have failed to provide the necessary diagnostic information. Prior to the development of ERCP, x-ray examination of the pancreatic ducts could only be obtained at laparotomy.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography should only be performed by personnel skilled and experienced with the procedure, and careful attention to technique is essential for the success and safety of the procedure. Fluoroscopy is mandatory during injection to prevent over distention of the duct systems.
Adverse reactions that have occurred which are attributable to either the procedure or to Conray, include nausea, vomiting, fever, severe abdominal pain, duodenal wall intravasation, septicemia, pancreatitis and perforation of the common bile duct associated with pathology.
The procedure is usually performed following pharyngeal anesthesia and analgesic or sedative premedication. Duodenal motility may be controlled in patients with active duodenal peristalsis with an appropriate antiperistaltic agent.
The contrast medium should be injected slowly under fluoroscopic control employing the minimal dose that is adequate to visualize the common bile duct, the pancreatic duct, or both duct systems. The dosage will vary greatly depending on the pathological findings and can range from 10 to 100 mL for visualization of the common bile duct; and from 2 to 10 mL for visualization of the pancreatic duct.
Following the procedure, the patient should be kept under close observation for 24 hours.
Conray may be useful to enhance the demonstration of the presence and extent of certain malignancies such as: gliomas including malignant gliomas, glioblastomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and gangliomas; ependymomas; medulloblastomas; meningiomas; neuromas; pinealomas; pituitary adenomas; craniopharyngiomas; germinomas; and metastatic lesions.
The usefulness of contrast enhancement for the investigation of the retrobulbar space and in cases of low grade or infiltrative glioma has not been demonstrated.
In cases where lesions have calcified, there is less likelihood of enhancement. Following therapy, tumors may show decreased or no enhancement.
The use of Conray may be beneficial in the image enhancement of non-neoplastic lesions. General infarctions of recent onset may be better visualized with the contrast enhancement, while some infarctions are obscured if contrast media are used. The use of iodinated contrast media results in contrast enhancement in about 60% of cerebral infarctions studied from one to four weeks from the onset of symptoms.
Sites of active infection may also be enhanced following contrast medium administration.
Arteriovenous malformations and aneurysms will show contrast enhancement. In the case of these vascular lesions, the enhancement is probably dependent on the iodine content of the circulating blood pool.
The opacification of the inferior vermis following contrast medium administration has resulted in false positive diagnoses in a number of normal studies.
No special patient preparation is required for contrast enhancement of CT brain scanning. However, it is advisable to ensure that patients are well hydrated prior to examination.
The usual dosage in adults and children is 2 mL/kg (1 mL/lb) by intravenous administration, not to exceed a total dose of 150 mL. In most cases, scanning may be performed immediately after completion of administration; however, when fast scanning equipment (less than 1 minute) is used, consideration should be given to waiting approximately 5 minutes to allow for maximum contrast enhancement.
Conray may be administered for cranial computerized angiotomography when necessary to visualize the cerebral vessels to detect cerebrovascular lesions and to evaluate the anatomical relationship between the cerebral blood vessels and other parenchymal or space occupying lesions.
Conray may be administered by intravenous bolus injection, or by bolus injection followed by rapid infusion.
For bolus injection, the usual dose in adults and children is 0.5 to 1.0 mL/kg at an injection rate of 2 mL/second with scanning begun immediately after administration. This dose may be repeated as necessary. The total dose per procedure should not exceed 200 mL, and in children the total dose is reduced in approximate proportion to age and body weight.
In adults, when the combination bolus and infusion technique is used, a 50 mL bolus injection followed by a rapid infusion of 150 mL may be given or a 100 mL bolus injection followed by a rapid infusion of 100 mL may be used. Scanning is begun immediately after the bolus administration. In children, the dose is reduced in approximate proportion to age and body weight.
Conray may be administered when necessary to visualize vessels and organs in patients undergoing CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis.
No special patient preparation is required for contrast enhancement in body CT. In patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic examination, opacification of the bowel may be valuable in scan interpretation.
In addition to the general precautions previously described, it is advisable to ensure that patients are adequately hydrated prior to examination. Patient motion, including respiration, can markedly affect image quality, therefore, patient cooperation is essential. The use of an intravascular contrast medium can obscure tumors in patients undergoing CT evaluation of the liver resulting in a false negative diagnosis. Dynamic CT scanning is the procedure of choice for malignant tumor enhancement (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ).
Conray may be administered by bolus injection, by rapid infusion or by a combination of both.
For vascular opacification, a bolus injection of 25 to 50 mL may be used, repeated as necessary. When prolonged arterial or venous phase enhancement is required and for the enhancement of specific lesions, a rapid infusion of 150 mL may be used. In some instances, a 100 to 150 mL infusion may be employed to define the area of interest followed by bolus injections of 20 to 50 mL to clarify selected scans.
Intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IV DSA) is a radiographic modality which allows dynamic imaging of the arterial system following intravenous injection of iodinated x-ray contrast media through the use of image intensification, enhancement of the iodine signal and digital processing of the image data. Temporal subtraction of the images obtained during the “first arterial pass” of the injected contrast medium injection yield images which are devoid of bone and soft tissue.
Areas that have been most frequently examined by intravenous DSA are the heart, including coronary by-pass grafts; the pulmonary arteries; the arteries of the brachiocephalic circulation; the aortic arch; the abdominal aorta and its major branches including the celiac, mesenterics and renal arteries; the iliac arteries; and the arteries of the extremities.
No special patient preparation is required for intravenous digital subtraction angiography. However, it is advisable to ensure that patients are well hydrated prior to examination.
In addition to the general precautions previously described, the risks associated with IV DSA are those usually attendant with catheter procedures and include intramural injections, vessel dissection and tissue extravasation. Small test injections of contrast medium made under fluoroscopic observation to ensure the catheter tip is properly positioned, and in the case of peripheral placement that the vein is of adequate size, will reduce this potential.
Patient motion, including respiration and swallowing, can result in marked image degradation yielding non-diagnostic studies. Therefore, patient cooperation is essential.
See section on general Adverse Reactions .
Conray may be injected either centrally, into the superior or inferior vena cava, or peripherally into an appropriate arm vein. For central injections, catheters may be introduced at the antecubital fossa into either the basilic or cephalic vein or at the leg into the femoral vein and advanced to the distal segment of the corresponding vena cava. For peripheral injections, the catheter is introduced at the antecubital fossa into the appropriate size arm vein. In order to reduce the potential for extravasation during peripheral injection, a catheter of approximately 20 cm in length should be employed.
Depending on the area to be imaged, the usual dose range is 20 to 40 mL. Injections may be repeated as necessary.
Central catheter injections are usually made with a power injector with an injection rate of between 10 and 30 mL/second. When making peripheral injections, rates of 12 to 20 mL/second should be used, depending on the size of the vein. Also, since contrast medium may remain in the arm vein for an extended period following injection, it may be advisable to flush the vein, immediately following injection with an appropriate volume (20 to 25 mL) of 5% Dextrose in water or normal saline.
Arterial digital subtraction angiography provides images similar in quality to conventional film-screen systems. The advantages of arterial DSA when compared to standard film angiography include: the use of less contrast medium; the use of lower concentrations for some procedures; a decreased need for selective arterial catheterization reducing the possibility of dislodging atheromatous plaques or significantly reducing the blood flow in the artery; and a shortened examination time. The limitations of arterial DSA include: reduced spatial resolution; limited field size; and the inability to conduct simultaneous biplane examinations.
No special patient preparation is required for arterial DSA. However, it is advisable to ensure that patients are well hydrated prior to examination.
In addition to the general precautions described, the risks associated with arterial DSA are those usually attendant with catheter procedures. Following the procedure, gentle pressure hemostasis is required, followed by observation and immobilization of the limb for several hours to prevent hemorrhage from the site of arterial puncture.
The following dosage schedule for adults should serve only as a guide since the volume administered, the concentration selected and the flow rate will be determined by the resolution of the equipment being used. As a general rule, the volume used and the flow rates for arterial DSA are 50% or less than that used for conventional film arteriography. Diagnostic studies have been obtained using Conray undiluted (28.2% iodine), diluted 1:1 (14.1% iodine), and diluted 1:2 (9.4% iodine). Sodium Chloride Injection USP or Water for Injection USP may be used for dilution.
The following doses, equivalent in iodine content to undiluted Conray, have been used.
Carotid or vertebral arteries: | 3-8 mL |
Aortic Arch: | 15-25 mL |
Subclavian and brachial arteries: | 5-15 mL |
Major branches of the aorta: | 5-20 mL |
Lumbar aorta (bifurcation): | 10-25 mL |
Conray ® Glass Vials/Bottles | NDC Number |
25x30 mL vials | 0019-0953-23 |
25x50 mL vials | 0019-0953-05 |
12x100 mL bottles | 0019-0953-10 |
12x150 mL bottles | 0019-0953-50 |
Store below 30°C (86°F). Exposing this product to very cold temperatures may result in crystallization of the salt. If this occurs, the container should be brought to room temperature. Shake vigorously to assure complete dissolution of any crystals. The speed of dissolution may be increased by heating with circulating warm air. Before use, examine the product to assure that all solids are redissolved, and that the container and closure have not been damaged.
This preparation is sensitive to light and must be protected from strong daylight or direct exposure to the sun.
As with all contrast media, glass containers should be inspected prior to use to ensure that breakage or other damage has not occurred during shipping and handling. All containers should be inspected for closu
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义不大。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |