口服避孕药期间吸烟会增加严重的心血管不良反应的风险。 a随着年龄的增长和大量吸烟(每天吸烟15支以上),这种风险会增加,而> 35岁的女性则明显更大。 a强烈建议使用口服避孕药的妇女不要吸烟。一种
在无保护的性行为后预防受孕(包括已知或怀疑的避孕失败),作为紧急避孕药†(“事后”药片)。 254 255 257 258 259 261 262 264 265 345 346 347 348 349产后(紧急)避孕方法不如大多数其他形式的长期避孕方法有效,因此不应用作常规避孕方法。 345 346
当无保护性行为的72小时内开始使用单独的孕激素(左炔诺孕酮)的紧急避孕方案比普通的雌激素-孕激素紧急避孕(“ Yuzpe”)方案更有效,耐受性更好。易于获得时首选。 345 346 347 348
贝亚兹,萨法拉尔:防止受孕,同时也增加叶酸的浓度(以减少如果在治疗期间或治疗后怀孕发生胎儿神经管畸形的风险)。 367 368美国预防服务工作队建议育龄妇女每天补充叶酸,剂量≥0.4 mg。 367 368在开处方这种药物组合之前,考虑女性可能正在服用的其他叶酸补充剂。 367 368如果因怀孕而终止避孕药,请确保补充叶酸。 367 368
正交三轮车,Estrostep :治疗≥15岁的中度寻常痤疮,没有口服避孕药的已知禁忌症,不希望避孕,已达到初潮,并且对局部抗痤疮药物无反应。 299 321 Estrostep仅可用于需要口服避孕药且计划服用该药物至少6个月的女性,才可用于治疗寻常痤疮。 299
亚兹,贝亚兹:治疗≥14岁的中度寻常痤疮,没有口服避孕药的禁忌症,需要口服避孕药,并且初潮已经达到初潮。 366 367
亚兹,贝亚兹:想要口服避孕药的妇女经前烦躁不安的处理。 338 341 366 367
呕吐或腹泻可能会降低口服避孕药的吸收并可能导致治疗失败;在这种情况下,请使用备用避孕方法(例如避孕套,泡沫,海绵),直到下一次临床医生接触为止。 295 296 298 299 301
可咀嚼的片剂可全部吞下或咀嚼后与240毫升液体一起食用。 337
尽快服用第一剂避孕药,但最好在无保护的性行为后72小时内服用; 12小时后重复剂量。 254 255 257 258 260 261 262 264 265 345 346 347尽可能方便地安排第一剂剂量,以使在12小时后错过第二剂药物的可能性降到最低(例如,如果在下午3点服用第一剂药物,第二剂药物将需要在凌晨3点服用,这可能会导致卧床严重的依从性问题)。 265 275 282 284
大多数数据支持在未进行保护的性交后至120小时内给予第一剂药物,但是随着避孕的开始变得越来越远离不受保护的性交,疗效降低。 345 346 347如果在无保护的性交后> 120小时施用,则疗效未确立。 345 346
考虑在第一次给药前1小时使用止吐药。 254 255 257 258 259 260 261 262 264 265 282 284 285 286 345高剂量可能会导致严重的恶心和呕吐。 254 255 257 258 260 261 262 264 265 285不能有效减轻胃肠道不良影响(恶心)的食品。 345 346
如果在给药后2小时内出现呕吐,请考虑重复服用。 345
阴道避孕环(NuvaRing )由患者插入阴道;环在阴道内的确切位置对于其正常功能并不重要。 309
如果戒指意外脱落,请用冷水或温水冲洗并重新插入,或在必要时尽快插入新的戒指。无论哪种情况,都应继续采用所用的管理时间表。 309
如果从阴道中取出避孕环的时间超过3小时,请使用备用避孕方法(例如,避孕套,杀精剂),直到该环连续使用7天。 309
通过用粘合剂侧面接触皮肤的方式牢固按压系统,将其涂在臀部,腹部,上臂外侧或上躯干的完整皮肤清洁干燥的区域。 308用手掌将系统按入固定位置约10秒钟;确保良好的接触,尤其是在边缘附近。 308不适用于油性,损坏或发炎的场所。 308不透皮系统的乳房或到过紧的衣服可能会导致系统被磨去领域广泛应用。 308
如果系统在不经意间被卸下并卸下了不到一天,请重新应用系统,或者在必要时应用新系统(如果系统不再发粘);无论哪种情况,都应继续采用所采用的申请时间表。 308
如果卸下系统的时间超过1天或持续时间未知,请立即应用新系统并开始新的4周周期;否则,请执行以下步骤。在新周期的第一周使用备用避孕方法(例如,避孕套,杀精剂,隔膜)。 308
那些含有50 mcg雌激素的单相制剂,
那些含有小于50 mcg雌激素(通常为20-35 mcg)的单相制剂,
那些含有<50 mcg雌激素和2个孕激素剂量序列的药物(双相),
那些含有<50 mcg雌激素和3个孕激素剂量序列(三次)的那些,以及
那些含有3种雌激素序列(例如20、30、35 mcg)和固定剂量的孕激素(雌性)。
口服避孕药通常以其雌激素含量来描述,尽管制剂中的孕激素含量也有所不同。 a口服避孕药的雌激素和孕激素优势主要取决于雌激素的量以及制剂中所含的量和特定的孕激素。 a口服避孕药的雌激素或孕激素占主导地位可能会导致激素相关的不良反应,并且当给定的制剂发生不可接受的不良反应时,可能有助于选择其他制剂。一种
双相口服避孕药在每个剂量周期内包含2种顺序给药的激素固定组合。 a第一个序列由包含低剂量雌激素和低剂量孕激素的固定组合的片剂组成,第二序列由包含低剂量雌激素和高剂量孕激素的固定组合的片剂组成。双相口服避孕药是不一样的以前可用的“顺序”口服避孕药,其中包括雌激素的单独的第一序列。一种
三相口服避孕药每个剂量周期均含有孕激素或雌激素的分级序列。 294 299对于大多数可商购的三相口服避孕药,每个剂量周期均由3种按顺序给药的激素固定组合组成,其中孕激素与雌激素的比例随每个序列逐渐增加。 a第一个序列由包含低剂量雌激素和低剂量孕激素的固定组合的片剂组成,第二个序列由包含低剂量或低剂量但略高剂量的雌激素和高剂量孕激素的固定组合的片剂组成,第三个序列由含有低剂量雌激素和甚至更高剂量的孕激素或低剂量的孕激素的片剂组成。一种
雌激素型口服避孕药是三相制剂,其中雌激素成分随每个顺序逐渐增加。 294 299
固定组合的常规周期口服避孕药可作为21天或28天的剂量制剂使用。 a一些28天的制剂包含21种荷尔蒙活性片剂和7种含惰性或富马酸亚铁的片剂。 a其他28天的制剂中含有24种荷尔蒙活性片剂和4种惰性或富马酸亚铁片剂。 332 366
一种单相,固定组合,延长周期的口服避孕药(例如,Seasonale可作为91天剂量的制剂使用,其中包含84种荷尔蒙活性片剂和7种惰性片剂。 322其他长周期口服避孕药(例如,LoSeasonique) ,季节可作为91天制剂,含84种含雌激素/孕激素的荷尔蒙活性片剂和7种含小剂量雌激素的片剂。 331 354
一种固定组合,连续使用(非循环)口服避孕药(即Lybrel )可以28天的剂量制备,其中包含28种荷尔蒙活性片剂。 339
透皮系统(Ortho Evra )以28天为一个周期的周期疗程局部应用。 308
阴道避孕环(NuvaRing )打算使用1个周期,其中包括连续使用环的3周时间,然后是1周的无环时间。 309
如果第一剂是在月经开始后或出血后的第一个星期日,则应在开始口服避孕药后7天使用备用避孕方法(例如避孕套,泡沫,海绵)。 236 298 295 296 298 299 301 332 337 366如果第一剂是在月经周期的第一天,则不需要备用避孕方法。 236 298 295 296 298 299 301
使用21天常规周期制剂,每天连续1天服用1片雌激素/孕激素片,然后连续7天不服用片剂。 a在最后一次荷尔蒙活性片剂后的第八天(即与初始周期的一周的同一天)开始重复剂量周期。一种
对于包含21种荷尔蒙活性片剂的28天常规周期制剂,连续21天每天服用1次雌激素/孕激素片剂,连续21天,然后服用惰性片剂或富马酸亚铁片剂7天。 a在最后一次荷尔蒙活性片剂后的第八天(即与初始周期的一周的同一天)开始重复剂量周期。一种
对于包含24种荷尔蒙活性片剂的28天常规周期制剂,每天连续1天服用1片雌激素/孕激素片剂,连续24天,然后再使用惰性片剂或富马酸亚铁片剂4天。 332 366开始的第五天重复剂量周期的最后激素活性片剂后(即,在一周的同一天的初始周期)。 332 366
如果错过了常规周期口服避孕药的1种雌激素/孕激素片,请记住该遗失片,并立即恢复正常时间表。 a如果仅漏服1片,则无需其他避孕方法。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366
如果在周期的前1或2周内漏服2片雌激素/孕激素片,请在记住时尽快服用2片漏服片,第二天服用2片,然后恢复常规时间表。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366如果2个连续雌激素/孕激素的片剂过程中这是在月经周期的第一天开始的剂量周期的第三或第四个星期错过,则丢弃该片剂的其余部分在包为该周期并在同一天开始新的剂量周期。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366如果连续2个雌激素/孕激素药片中这是第一个星期日开始或在月经开始后的剂量周期的第三或第四周错过了,继续服用,每天1片,直到周日,然后丢弃该周期中其余的药片,并在同一天开始新的剂量周期。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366当连续两天错过2片或更多雌激素/孕激素片时,每次性接触都应使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用激素激活片。 321 332 337 366
如果在月经周期的第一天开始的一个剂量周期内错过了3个或更多连续的雌激素/孕激素片剂,则丢弃该周期中其余的片剂,并在同一天开始一个新的剂量周期。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366如果有3个或更多的连续雌激素/孕激素药片被认为是第一个星期日开始或在月经开始后的剂量周期过程中丢失,每日服用1片,直到周日,然后丢弃的剩余片剂,然后在同一天开始新的剂量周期。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366每次性接触都应使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用了荷尔蒙活性片剂。 321 332 337 366
在为期28天的给药周期的第4周内,应丢弃任何遗漏的非活性或富马酸亚铁片剂;继续服用剩余的药片,直到周期结束。 295 296 298 299 301 332 337 366在第4周内,无需服用后备避孕方法,这是因为丢失了非活性或富马酸亚铁片。 295 296 298 299 301 332 337 366
对于28天的避孕周期,应在服用前28天剂量周期的最后一粒药后的第二天开始新的片剂生产周期(即无药天数)。 295 296 298 299 301 332 337 366
如果不确定因漏服药片而采取何种药物治疗方案,则每次性接触均应使用备用避孕方法,并每天服用1片雌激素/孕激素片,直到下一次临床医生接触为止。 295 296 298 299 301 321 332 337 366
从出血开始或之后的第一个星期日开始。 322 331 354开始治疗后,使用备用避孕方法(例如避孕套,杀精子剂)持续7天。 322 331 354
每天服用1片雌激素/孕激素片84天,然后服用惰性片剂或含10 mcg雌激素的片剂7天。 322 331 354重复剂量周期与初始周期在一周的同一天(星期日)开始。 322 331 354如果在预定日期之后开始重复循环,请使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片剂为止。 322 331 354
如果错过了1种雌激素/孕激素片,请在记住后尽快服用该片,然后恢复常规计划。 322 331 354如果仅遗漏一粒药片,则无需采取其他避孕措施。 322 331 354
如果错过了2片雌激素/孕激素片,请立即记住2片,第二天再服用2片,然后恢复正常循环。 322 331 354使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 322 331 354
如果错过连续3片或以上的雌激素/孕激素片,则继续每天服用1片;错过的药片应丢弃。 322 331 354使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 322 331 354
如果不确定因漏服药片而采取何种药物治疗方案,则每次性接触都应使用备用避孕方法,每天服用1片,直到下一次临床医生接触为止。 322 331 354
丢弃惰性药片或遗漏的含雌激素药片;继续服用剩余的药片,直到周期结束。 322 331 354如果错过了惰性药片或含雌激素的药片,则不需要备用避孕方法。 322 331 354
前一个月未使用激素避孕的妇女:从月经周期的第一天开始。 339如果第一剂是在月经周期的第一天,则不需要备用避孕方法。 339
妇女从循环雌激素-孕激素口服避孕药转换:从戒断出血的第一天开始,在最后一次荷尔蒙有效片后的7天内。 339不需要备用避孕方法。 339
妇女从仅使用孕激素的口服避孕药转换:在最后一次孕激素片剂的次日开始服用。 339使用备用避孕方法(例如避孕套,杀精子剂),直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片为止。 339
妇女从仅使用孕激素的种植体转换:从去除种植体的那一天开始。 339使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 339
妇女从仅使用孕激素的避孕针剂转换:从应该下一次避孕药针的那一天开始。 339使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 339
每天服用1片雌激素/孕激素片,每天持续服用,不要中断。 339
如果错过了1片药片,请记住时立即服用丢失的药片,然后恢复常规时间表(同一天可服用2片药片)。 339使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 339
如果错过了2片药片,并且在第二次错过的剂量当天仍记得所错过的剂量,请在记住时尽快服用2片错过的药片,然后恢复常规时间表。 339如果错过了2片药片,并且在第二次错过的剂量后的第二天仍想起错过的剂量,则应在记住时尽快服用2片错过的药片,第二天服用2片,然后恢复常规时间表。 339使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 339
如果错过了3片或更多片,请联系临床医生,并继续每天服用1片直至临床医生接触为止。 339使用备用避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片。 339
如果不确定因漏服药片而采取何种药物治疗方案,则每次性接触都应使用备用避孕方法。 339
非哺乳期产后妇女可在分娩后28天内开始进行固定组合,连续治疗的口服避孕药。需要一种备用的避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片为止。 339
妇女在完全早孕流产后可以立即开始连续治疗;不需要备用避孕方法。 339
妇女可以在妊娠中期流产后不超过28天开始接受连续治疗;需要一种备用的避孕方法,直到连续7天服用雌激素/孕激素片为止。 339
要开始对前一个月未使用激素避孕的妇女进行治疗,请插入阴道避孕环(NuvaRing )在周期的第5天或之前。 309在第一个周期中,使用备用避孕方法(例如,避孕套,杀精子剂)直到阴道环连续使用7天。 309
3周后,请在插入一周的同一天以及大约每天的同一时间取下阴道环。 309为了获得避孕效果,即使月经尚未结束,在移开前一个阴道环后1周插入一个新的阴道环。 309
从雌激素-孕激素口服避孕药转换的妇女:在最后一次荷尔蒙活性片剂的7天内插入阴道环,且不得迟于开始新的口服避孕周期的那一天;不需要备用避孕方法。 309
从仅使用黄体酮口服避孕药的妇女:在每月的任何一天插入阴道环(在接受最后一种黄体酮口服避孕药和首次服用阴道环之间,不要跳过任何一天)。 309使用备用避孕方法,直到阴道环连续使用7天。 309
从仅使用孕激素的避孕针剂转换的妇女:应于下一次避孕针剂注射的同一天插入阴道环。 309使用备用避孕方法,直到阴道环连续使用7天。 309
从仅使用孕激素的植入物或含孕激素的宫内节育器转为子宫的妇女:在取出植入物或宫内节育器的同一天插入阴道环。 309使用备用避孕方法,直到阴道环连续使用7天。 309
如果女性忘记在任何周期的开始插入新的阴道环,请在记住时尽快插入。使用备用避孕方法,直到该环连续使用7天。 309如果阴道环放置了额外的一周(最多长达4周),请移开环,并在1周的无药间隔后插入新的环。 309如果将戒指放在适当位置超过4周,则应排除怀孕并使用备用避孕方法,直到新的戒指连续使用7天。 309
完全早孕流产后的头5天内,妇女可能开始使用阴道避孕环。这些妇女不需要备用避孕方法。 309如果在前5天内未使用避孕环,请遵循上个月未使用激素避孕的女性的一般说明。 309
如果非哺乳期妇女选择在月经开始前用避孕环阴道开始产后避孕,请考虑在开始避孕治疗之前排卵和受孕的可能性;在头7天使用备用避孕方法。 309
要开始治疗,请在月经周期的第一天或月经开始后的第一个星期日开始。 308如果在月经周期第1天后开始治疗,则应在头7天使用备用避孕方法(避孕套,杀精剂,隔膜)。 308如果在月经周期的第一天使用第一个系统,则不需要备用避孕方法。 308
一种透皮系统(含有乙炔雌二醇0.75毫克和甲基孕酮6毫克),持续3周施用,每周一次(每周同一天),接着是1周的药物-自由间隔(无药物间隔不应超过7天);然后重复该方案。 309
从雌激素-孕激素口服避孕药换用的妇女:在戒断出血的第一天使用透皮系统。 308如果在服用最后一种荷尔蒙片后的5天内没有出血,请排除妊娠。 309如果在出血的第一天之后开始使用经皮系统进行治疗,请使用备用避孕方法治疗7天。 308如果在服用最后一种荷尔蒙片后超过7天,请考虑是否有排卵和受孕的可能。 309
如果女性在任何周期的开始(即第1天/第1周)开始时未使用含雌激素和孕激素的系统而未遵循规定的经皮避孕方法,则应在记住后尽快使用该系统并开始当天有新的剂量周期;在新周期的前7天使用备用避孕方法。 308
如果在周期的中间(即,第8天/第2周或第15天/第3周)在1–2天(<48小时)内未更换透皮系统,请尽快使用新系统记住并继续采用的申请时间表;不需要备用避孕药。 308如果在周期的中间超过2天(≥48小时)未更换透皮系统,则开始新的剂量周期;否则,开始新的剂量周期。在新周期的前7天使用备用避孕方法。 308
如果在使用时间表结束时(即在第22天/第4周)未移除透皮系统,则应记住该系统,并立即继续使用(即在第28天使用系统);不需要备用避孕药。 308
妇女在孕早期流产后可以立即开始使用经皮避孕系统。不需要备用避孕方法。 308如果在早孕流产后的5天内未使用避孕药,请按照说明进行操作,就好像第一次开始进行透皮避孕一样。 308
“ Yuzpe”方案†:在无保护的性交后72小时内服用100 mcg乙炔雌二醇和1 mg炔诺孕酮,然后在12小时后重复服用。 254 255 257 258 259 261 262 264 265 275 282 284 345 345
其他治疗方案†:性交后72小时内服用100–120 mcg的乙炔雌二醇和1.2 mg的炔诺孕酮或0.5–0.6 mg的左炔诺孕酮,并于12小时后重复服用。 264 265 275 282 284 345
如有必要,可以在无保护的性交后长达120个小时内服用第一剂药物,但是随着避孕作用的延迟延迟,药效降低。 345 346 347
反复使用性交后(紧急)避孕措施表明需要就其他避孕方法进行咨询。 345 350尚未确定可反复使用的安全性,但即使在同一个月经周期内,风险也很低。 345 350考虑频繁重复性交后避孕可能增加不良反应风险的可能性。 350
雌激素-孕激素组合制剂[品牌名称] | 每剂量片剂的数量和颜色* |
乙炔雌二醇(50 mcg)与炔诺孕酮(0.5 mg)[卵巢] | 2片白色药片(21片中的任何一个) |
乙炔雌二醇(50 mcg)与炔诺孕酮(0.5 mg)[卵巢-28] | 2白片(前21片中的任何一片) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)和炔诺孕酮(0.3 mg)[Lo-Ovral ] | 4白片(21片中的任何一种) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)和炔诺孕酮(0.3 mg)[Lo-Ovral -28] | 4粒白色药片(前21粒中的任何一颗) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.15 mg)[Nordette ] | 4片淡橙色片(21片中的任何一个) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.15 mg)[Nordette -28] | 4片淡橙色片(前21片中的任何一片) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.15 mg)[Levlen 21] | 4片淡橙色片(21片中的任何一个) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.15 mg)[Levlen 28] | 4片淡橙色片剂(前21粒中的任何一颗) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.125 mg)[Tri-Levlen 21] | 4片黄色药片(最近10粒中的任何一种) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.125 mg)[Tri-Levlen 28] | 4片黄色药片(任何药片12–21) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.125 mg)[Tri-Phasil 21] | 4片黄色药片(最近10粒中的任何一种) |
乙炔雌二醇(30 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.125 mg)[Tri-Levlen 28] | 4片黄色药片(任何药片12–21) |
乙炔雌二醇(20 mcg)与左炔诺孕酮(0.1 mg)[Lessina 28] | 5片粉红色药片(前21粒中的任何一块) |
贝亚兹或Safyral避孕药的使用剂量和给药方式(即开始治疗的时间)与避孕药相同。 367 368
正交三轮车,Estrostep ,亚兹或Beyaz避孕药的使用剂量和给药方式(即开始治疗的时间)与避孕药相同。一种
亚兹或Beyaz避孕药的使用剂量和给药方式(即开始治疗的时间)与避孕药相同。 366 367 (参见“剂量和用法”下的口服[21天或28天常规周期制剂]。)
含屈螺酮的口服避孕药:禁忌于患有肾功能不全,肝肿瘤(良性或恶性)或肝病,肾上腺皮质功能不全,高风险的动脉或静脉血栓性疾病,未诊断的异常子宫出血,乳腺癌史或其他雌激素或孕激素史的妇女敏感的癌症,以及怀孕。 365 366 367 368
大多数专家指出,目前尚无对推荐的治疗方法有真正的禁忌性(紧急)避孕措施的禁忌证,其益处通常超过任何理论上或经证实的风险。 345 346 350
几种严重疾病的风险增加,包括血栓栓塞,中风,心肌梗死,肝肿瘤,胆囊疾病,视力障碍,胎儿畸形和高血压。 a但是,没有潜在危险因素的健康妇女中,严重发病或死亡的风险很小。一种
接受Ortho Evra的女性中乙炔雌二醇和去甲炔诺孕酮的总体暴露量更高与接受口服避孕药的妇女相比,口服避孕药中含有35 mcg乙炔雌二醇和0.25 mg孕激素。 308 (请参见“药代动力学”中的吸收。)增加暴露于雌激素的条件可能会增加某些不良反应(例如静脉血栓栓塞)的风险。 308 Case controlled, epidemiologic studies evaluating the risk of venous thromboembolism with Ortho Evra relative to use of oral contraceptives containing norgestimate or levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol 30–35 mcg reported odds ratios from 0.9 (indicating no increased risk) to 2.4 (indicating increased risk). 308 334 351 352 353
Exposure to ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel is higher in women receiving Lybrel than in women receiving a conventional-cycle oral contraceptive containing the same ethinyl estradiol dose and a similar dose of the progestin component; use of Lybrel results in 13 additional weeks of hormone intake per year. 339
Positive association observed between the amount of estrogen and progestin in oral contraceptives and the risk of vascular disease. a Use smallest dosage of estrogen and progestin compatible with a low failure rate and the individual needs of the woman.一种
Use with caution in women with cardiovascular disease risk factors. 299 301 365 366 367 368
Increased risk of MI, mainly in women who smoke or who have risk factors for CAD (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, diabetes, preeclamptic toxemia).一种
Women who smoke cigarettes during oral contraceptive use have an increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular effects; risk increases with age and heavy smoking (≥15 cigarettes daily). a (See Boxed Warning.) Women who use oral contraceptives should be strongly advised not to smoke.一种
Increases in BP may occur. a Perform regular BP measurements prior to and during therapy.一种
Fluid retention may occur. a Exercise caution and carefully monitor patients with conditions that might be aggravated by fluid retention.一种
Increased risk of thromboembolic and thrombotic disorders, including arterial thrombosis (eg, stroke, MI). a 365 366 367 368 Risk of thrombotic events is even higher in women with other risk factors for such events. 365 366 367 368 Known risk factors for venous thromboembolism (VTE) include smoking, obesity, family history, and other factors (see Contraindications under Cautions). 356 365 366 367 368
Increased risk of cerebrovascular disorders, including thrombotic and hemorrhagic stroke; risk generally is greatest in older (>35 years of age) hypertensive women who smoke. a 365 366 367 368 Risk of stroke also increased in women with other underlying risk factors. 365 366 367 368
Risk of VTE is highest during first year of oral contraceptive therapy. 365 366 367 368 373 Some data suggest risk is highest during first 6 months of use. 365 366 367 368 Highest VTE risk reported after initiation or resumption of therapy (after ≥4-week drug-free interval) with the same or a different oral contraceptive combination. 365 366 367 368 Risk of thromboembolic disease gradually disappears after oral contraceptive therapy discontinued. 365 366 367 368
Clinicians and women should be alert to earliest possible manifestations of thromboembolic and thrombotic disorders (eg, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular insufficiency, coronary occlusion, retinal thrombosis, mesenteric thrombosis); discontinue contraceptive immediately when any of these disorders occurs or is suspected.一种
FDA safety review indicates that oral contraceptives containing drospirenone may be associated with increased risk of VTE compared with oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel or other progestins; 364 365 366 367 368 373 in epidemiologic studies, increase in risk with drospirenone-containing combinations ranged from no increase to threefold increase. 357 358 359 360 361 362 365 366 367 368 369 371 372 373 Because of data limitations, causality is unclear. 373 FDA will provide updates when available. 373
Before initiating use of drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives in new users or in women switching from other oral contraceptives, consider risks and benefits of drospirenone-containing combinations, including VTE risk, specific to that woman. 356 364 365 366 367 368 373 Discontinue use if arterial or venous thrombotic event occurs. 365 366 367 368 (See Advice to Patients.)
Discontinue estrogen-progestin contraceptive therapy, when feasible, at least 4 weeks before surgery associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism or prolonged immobilization. a 365 366 367 368 Wait 2 weeks after elective surgery associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism or after immobilization before resuming use. a 365 366 367 368
Do not start estrogen-progestin contraceptive therapy earlier than 4 weeks after delivery in women who elect not to breast-feed or in women who have had a midtrimester pregnancy termination. a 365 366 367 368 Risk of thromboembolism decreases while risk of ovulation increases after first 3 weeks postpartum. 365 366 367 368
Many studies have shown no increased risk of breast cancer in women receiving oral contraceptives or estrogens. 318 Some studies, however, have suggested an overall increased risk of breast cancer in women receiving oral contraceptives; certain subgroups of women may be at increased risk (eg, women <45 years of age, use early in childbearing years, use for extended periods of time, use before a first full-term pregnancy). 223 224 225 228 229 230 These findings have occurred in only some studies and other large studies have shown no such possible associations. 318 319 230
Some evidence suggests that use of oral contraceptives may be associated with an increased risk of cervical carcinoma.一种
All users of estrogen-progestin contraceptives should be monitored carefully with physical examinations and Papanicolaou tests, at least annually.一种
Benign hepatic adenomas associated with oral contraceptive use; risk appears to increase after ≥4 years of use. a Rupture of benign hepatic adenomas may cause death through intraabdominal hemorrhage.一种
Increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in women using oral contraceptives for >8 years; these cancers are rare.一种
May alter liver function test results. a If such test results are abnormal, repeat 2 months after contraceptive has been discontinued. a Discontinue if jaundice occurs.一种
Retinal thrombosis reported. a Discontinue contraceptive and initiate evaluation for retinal vein thrombosis immediately along with other appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures upon occurrence of unexplained, sudden or gradual, partial or complete loss of vision; proptosis or diplopia;乳头水肿;或视网膜血管病变。 a 365 366 367 368
Obtain ophthalmologist assessment for contact lens wearers who develop visual disturbances or changes in lens tolerance and consider temporary or permanent cessation of contact lens wear.一种
Oral contraceptive use and estrogens associated with an increased lifetime relative risk of gallbladder disease/surgery, especially in young women. a 321 Recent studies indicate that risk may be minimal in patients using low-dose formulations.一种
Decreased glucose tolerance reported. a Monitor prediabetic and diabetic patients.一种
Increased concentrations of plasma triglyceride, low-density lipoproteins, and total phospholipids may occur. a Closely monitor women with hyperlipidemia receiving estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives.一种
Potential exists for hyperkalemia to occur in high-risk patients (eg, those with renal or hepatic impairment, adrenal insufficiency) receiving oral contraceptives containing drospirenone because of its antimineralocorticoid activity. 365 366 367 368
Discontinue contraceptive and evaluate cause if migraine occurs or is exacerbated, or when a new headache pattern develops that is recurrent, persistent, or severe.一种
Breakthrough bleeding and/or spotting (especially within the first 3 months of use), changes in menstrual flow, missed menses (during use), or amenorrhea (after use) may occur. a Evaluate for non-hormonal causes, malignancy, or pregnancy; if pathology is excluded, change to another formulation may solve the problem, or it may resolve with time. a Rule out pregnancy in patients with amenorrhea.一种
Use of an extended-cycle oral contraceptive (eg, LoSeasonique , Seasonale , Seasonique ) results in fewer planned menses (4 per year) than a conventional-cycle oral contraceptive (13 per year) but is more often associated with bleeding irregularities. 322 331 354
Use of a fixed-combination, continuous-regimen (noncyclic) oral contraceptive (ie, Lybrel ) eliminates withdrawal bleeding; however, irregular bleeding and/or spotting occurs in some women. 339 340
Postcoital (emergency) contraception: Irregular vaginal bleeding possible; rule out pregnancy if menses is delayed >7 days after anticipated onset. 345
Annual medical history and physical examination advised. a The physical examination may be deferred until after initiation of these contraceptives if requested by the woman and judged appropriate by the clinician. a Physical examination should include special attention to blood pressure, breasts, abdomen, and pelvic organs and should include a Papanicolaou test (Pap smear) and relevant laboratory tests. a Exercise particular care in women with a strong family history of breast cancer or who have breast nodules.一种
Exercise caution in women with a history of depression; discontinue if severe depression recurs during use.一种
Category X. a
Rule out pregnancy in any patient receiving conventional-cycle estrogen-progestin contraceptives who has missed 2 consecutive menstrual periods. a Consider possibility of pregnancy after the first missed period in patients who have not adhered to the prescribed contraceptive regimen a and in those receiving an extended-cycle estrogen-progestin contraceptive (eg, LoSeasonique , Seasonale , Seasonique )。 322 331 354 Discontinue estrogen-progestin contraceptive use if pregnancy confirmed.一种
Current evidence does not suggest an association between inadvertent use of oral contraceptives in early pregnancy and teratogenic effects. a In addition, extensive epidemiologic studies have revealed no increased risk of birth defects in neonates born to women who used estrogen-progestin contraceptives prior to pregnancy.一种
Estrogens and/or progestins previously used to treat threatened or habitual abortion; estrogens and/or progestins now considered ineffective for this use.一种
Progestin-only or estrogen-progestin contraceptives should not be used to induce withdrawal bleeding as a test for pregnancy.一种
Postcoital (emergency) contraception: No need to rule out pregnancy with postcoital contraceptive regimens. 345 346 347 Postcoital contraceptive regimens (ie, levonorgestrel, estrogen-progestins regimens) do not exhibit abortifacient properties and do not interrupt pregnancy once endometrial implantation has occurred. 345 346 347 No known harm to pregnant woman, course of pregnancy, or fetus from postcoital contraceptive regimens. 345 346 347 350
Estrogen-progestin contraceptives may decrease the quantity and quality of milk if given in the immediate postpartum period. a Small amounts of the hormonal agents are distributed into milk and adverse effects such as jaundice and breast enlargement have been reported in infants. a Defer the use of estrogen-progestin contraceptives, if possible, until the infant has been weaned.一种
Some clinicians recommend that lactating women receiving high-dose postcoital contraceptive regimens use alternative milk sources for their infants for at least 24 hours after completion of the regimen. 284 Other authorities state that nursing can continue during postcoital contraceptive regimens. 350
Safety and efficacy of estrogen-progestin contraceptives have been established in women of reproductive age. 285 295 308 309 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368 Safety and efficacy are expected to be identical for postpubertal adolescents <16 years of age and users ≥16 years of age. 285 295 339
Safety and efficacy of oral contraceptives containing drospirenone are expected to be the same for postpubertal adolescents <18 years of age and users ≥18 years of age. 365 366 367 368 Not indicated before menarche. 285 295 308 309 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368
Oral contraceptives have not been evaluated in women ≥65 years of age and are not indicated in this population. 321 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368
Steroid hormones (including oral contraceptives) may be poorly metabolized in patients with hepatic dysfunction; use with caution in these individuals. a (See Contraindications under Cautions.)
Nausea, chloasma or melasma, breakthrough bleeding and/or spotting, breast changes (tenderness, enlargement, secretion).一种
Estrogens metabolized by CYP3A4. 295 297
Pharmacokinetic interactions likely with drugs that are inhibitors, inducers, or substrates of CYP3A4 with possible alteration in metabolism of estrogen and/or other drug. 295 297 339
药品 | 相互作用 | 评论 |
对乙酰氨基酚 | Possible increased estrogen concentration; 365 366 367 368 decreased acetaminophen concentration 321 331 332 337 339 354 | |
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenytoin, felbamate, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, primidone) | Possible reduced contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding a | |
Antifungal agents | Increased concentrations of ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel (NuvaRing vaginal contraceptive ring) when miconazole nitrate oil-based vaginal suppository used concomitantly 309 Increased plasma concentrations of contraceptive steroids with fluconazole, itraconazole, or ketoconazole 309 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368 | Effects of long-term administration of miconazole nitrate vaginal suppositories in women using NuvaRing not known; 309 contraceptive ring efficacy not expected to be affected 309 |
Anti-infective agents | Anti-infective agents that alter GI bacterial flora may decrease contraceptive efficacy and increase breakthrough bleeding a | Concomitant use of anti-infective agents (eg, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, nitrofurantoin, penicillin V, sulfonamides, tetracyclines) may result in decreased contraceptive efficacy a |
Antimycobacterial agents (rifabutin, rifampin) | Rifampin: Decreased contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding a Rifabutin: Similar effects may occur 339 | |
Antiretroviral agents | Possible changes in pharmacokinetics of the estrogen and/or progestin with some HIV-protease inhibitors and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 308 309 310 354 | Possible reduced efficacy of the oral contraceptive; not known whether this applies to vaginal or transdermal contraceptives 308 309 |
Ascorbic acid | Possible increased estrogen concentration 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368 | |
阿托伐他汀 | Increased estrogen and progestin concentrations 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368 | |
Barbiturates | Possible reduced contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding a | |
苯二氮卓类 | Decrease metabolism of some benzodiazepines (eg, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide); increased metabolism of other benzodiazepines (eg, lorazepam, oxazepam, temazepam) a | Changes in benzodiazepine dosage may be necessary a |
β-肾上腺素能阻断剂 | Increased metoprolol AUC; possible increased concentrations of other β-adrenergic blocking agents that undergo first-pass metabolism a | Reduction in the β-adrenergic blocking agent dosage may be needed a |
波森坦 | Possible reduced contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding 354 | |
Corticosteroids | Enhanced anti-inflammatory effect of hydrocortisone a Increased plasma concentrations of prednisolone and other corticosteroids; 339 possible decreased hepatic metabolism of corticosteroids or changes in corticosteroid protein binding a With concurrent use of dexamethasone, possible reduced contraceptive efficacy and increased breakthrough bleeding 339 | Observe for signs of excessive corticosteroid effects; dosage adjustment of corticosteroid may be needed when oral contraceptives are started or discontinued a |
环孢菌素 | Increased cyclosporine concentration 331 332 337 339 | |
灰黄霉素 | Possible reduced contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding a | |
Drugs that increase serum potassium concentrations (ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretics, heparin, aldosterone antagonists [spironolactone], NSAIAs) | Potential for increased serum potassium concentrations with drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives (Beyaz , Safyral , Yasmin , Yaz ) 309 365 366 367 368 | Determine serum potassium concentrations during first oral contraceptive cycle 365 366 367 368 |
拉莫三嗪 | Decreased lamotrigine concentrations 339 354 365 366 367 368 May reduce seizure control; dosage adjustment of lamotrigine may be needed 365 366 367 368 | |
哌替啶 | Possible decrease in metabolism of meperidine; conflicting data a | |
莫达非尼 | Possible reduced contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding 339 | |
吗啡 | Increased clearance of morphine a | |
Nonoxynol 9 spermicide gel | Pharmacokinetic interaction unlikely with vaginal contraceptive ring (NuvaRing ) 309 | Effects of long-term concomitant use of nonoxynol 9 spermicide gel with the contraceptive vaginal ring not known 309 |
圣约翰草(贯叶连翘) | Decreased contraceptive efficacy; increased breakthrough bleeding 308 309 331 332 337 339 354 365 366 367 368 | |
茶碱 | Increased theophylline concentrations 321 331 332 337 339 | |
三环类抗抑郁药 | Possible decreased metabolism of antidepressant a | Clinical importance unknown a |
Well absorbed through skin and mucous membranes and from the GI tract. a 308 309 312 314 315 316 331 332 337 339
Transdermal contraceptive system containing ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin (Ortho Evra ): Average plasma concentration and AUC 0-168 of ethinyl estradiol at steady state with Ortho Evra are 55–60% higher and peak plasma concentrations are 25% lower than with oral contraceptive preparations containing ethinyl estradiol 35 mcg; exposure to norelgestromin also is increased with Ortho Evra 。 308 Interindividual variation in plasma ethinyl estradiol concentrations is greater with Ortho Evra than with oral contraceptives. 308
Effect of food on oral bioavailability, contraceptive efficacy, and adverse GI effects of the postcoital regimens not known. 257 278 291
Widely distributed. a Distributed into bile and milk.一种
Ethinyl estradiol: 98% protein bound, mainly to albumin.一种
Norethindrone: >95% protein bound to albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).一种
Levonorgestrel: 93–98% protein bound, 34–50% to albumin, 48–65% to SHBG. 238
3-Keto-desogestrel (the active metabolite of desogestrel): 96% protein bound, 64% to albumin, 32% to SHBG. 238
Drospirenone: 97% protein bound, presumably to albumin. 305 365 366 367 368
Etonogestrel: 66% bound to albumin, 32% bound to SHBG. 309
Norelgestromin: ≥97% bound to serum proteins (mainly albumin). 308
Norgestimate, norelgestromin, drospirenone, and ethinyl estradiol do not appear to bind to SHBG. 234 295 238 305 365 366 367 368
Oral contraceptive steroids are metabolized mainly in the liver and/or GI mucosa during absorption.一种
Ethinyl estradiol is mainly metabolized via aromatic hydroxylation by CYP3A4. a Ethinyl estradiol and its metabolites undergo glucuronidation and sulfate conjugation; ethinyl estradiol undergoes extensive enterohepatic circulation as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. a Bacteria in the GI tract hydrolyze these conjugates, allowing rea