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药品类别 病毒疫苗



灭活(重组)疫苗。 132 133 213 281乙型肝炎疫苗包含乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg),用于刺激对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染的主动免疫。 132 133 213 281在美国市售的单价疫苗(乙肝;的Engerix-B ,Recombivax HB )。 132 133此外,在与B型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)疫苗杆菌(Hib-乙肝固定组合疫苗可商购的; Comvax )中的251例与甲型肝炎病毒疫苗(HepA-HepB; Twinrix ), 262和含有白喉,破伤风,百日咳,乙型肝炎和脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原(DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix)的固定组合疫苗)。 104



在新生儿,儿童,青少年和成人中预防HBV感染。 105 112 132 133 213 241 280 281 282

急性HBV感染可能是自我限制的,从而导致产生针对HBsAg的抗体(抗HBs)并具有抗再感染的免疫力;但是,它可能会发展成慢性HBV感染(尤其是在婴儿或幼儿,免疫功能低下的个体,糖尿病患者中)或致命的暴发性肝炎。 105 213 281 282病死率是那些具有急性HBV感染中0.5-1.5%; 213和281 290最高死亡率在成人> 60岁。 213 281围产期感染的≥90%婴儿,1-5岁年龄段感染的儿童中有25-50%以及≥5岁年龄段感染的儿童中小于5%会发展为慢性HBV感染。 105 213 281 282 290 291慢性感染与肝脏中持续的HBV复制有关,并可能导致肝硬化,肝癌,肝衰竭和死亡。 105 213 281 282 290 HBV通过经皮或粘膜暴露发送到乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性(HBsAg阳性)血液,血清,血浆,精液或唾液105 130 213 269 281 282并且可以从母亲围产期发送到婴儿在分娩时,通常是由于分娩和分娩期间血液接触所致。 105 213 282

USPHS免疫实践咨询委员会(ACIP),AAP和美国家庭医师学会(AAFP)建议,除非有禁忌,否则所有新生儿和婴儿以及所有以前未接种疫苗的18岁以下儿童和青少年都应接种HBV疫苗。 105 112 213 241(下小心见禁忌。)

ACIP,AAFP,美国妇产科学院(ACOG)和美国内科医师学院(ACP)建议所有未接种HBV感染风险的成年人接种HBV疫苗。 280 281 (请参见使用中的高危人群的乙型肝炎病毒感染前暴露疫苗。)ACIP还指出,除非有禁忌证,否则任何未接种疫苗的成年人都可申请获得HBV保护。 280 281(注意事项下见禁忌。)

对于免疫状况不确定的国际收养儿童,可以重复接种疫苗或进行血清学检查以确认免疫力。 131对于乙型肝炎疫苗(HepB疫苗),ACIP州在不确定疫苗接种史或先前已给予<3剂疫苗的情况下,开始或完成适合年龄的HepB疫苗系列。 131 (参见剂量和用法)。如果儿童的记录表明≥3剂HepB疫苗,ACIP指出,如果在≥24周龄时≥1剂,则无需额外剂量。如果最近一次剂量在<24周,则在≥24周再给予一次剂量。 131不论疫苗接种状况如何,如果个人出生在亚洲,太平洋岛屿,非洲或其他乙肝高度流行的地区,都应进行乙肝表面抗原检测。 131 AAP建议对所有国际收养的儿童进行HBsAg血清学检测,并指出,如果无法进行此类检测且不确定疫苗接种史,则应接种HepB疫苗系列。 105

结合使用主动免疫与HepB疫苗和结合被动免疫与B肝免疫球蛋白(HBIG),可预防已知或怀疑为HBsAg阳性的妇女所生婴儿的围产期HBV感染。 105 112 132 133 213 (请参见使用中预防围产期乙型肝炎病毒[HBV]感染。)

对于暴露于HBV或HBsAg阳性物质的某些个体(例如,医护人员,性攻击受害者,个体性接触或亲密接触者),使用HepB疫苗主动免疫或不使用HBIG被动免疫来进行暴露后预防(PEP)急性或慢性HBV感染)。 101 130 269 281 290 (请参见使用后暴露的乙型肝炎病毒[HBV]感染预防)。

除D型肝炎病毒(HDV)感染外, 105 133种单价HepB疫苗不能预防由已知感染肝脏的其他病毒(包括A型肝炎病毒(HAV),C型肝炎病毒(HCV)或E型肝炎病毒)引起的肝炎(HEV)。 105 132 133 HDV仅作为合并感染或重叠感染出现在HBV感染患者中。对HBV免疫的个体也应对HDV免疫。 105 133

当在HBsAg阴性女性所生的6周至15个月大的婴儿中均同时接种一定剂量的HepB疫苗和一定剂量的b型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)疫苗时,市售的含Hib结合物的固定组合疫苗(脑膜炎球菌蛋白偶联物)疫苗和HepB疫苗(Hib-HepB; Comvax )可以使用。 213 251 ACIP指出,这种固定组合疫苗也可用于在HBsAg阳性妇女出生的6周至15个月大的婴儿中完成HepB疫苗系列†。 213 Comvax应用于新生儿中指示的HepB疫苗的初始(出生)剂量。 105 213

如果没有任何单独成分的禁忌症,则可购买包含白喉,破伤风,百日咳,乙型肝炎和脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原(DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix)的市售固定组合疫苗)可用于HBsAg阴性妇女出生的6周至6岁的婴儿和儿童。 104 ACIP指出,对于HBsAg阳性妇女≥6周龄的婴儿†,也可以使用这种固定组合疫苗完成HepB疫苗系列。 213 Pediarix不应其用于新生儿中指示的HepB疫苗的初始(出生)剂量。 104 105 Pediarix含有白喉,破伤风和百日咳抗原,与Infanrix中包含的抗原相同DTaP疫苗,含有与Engerix-B相同的HBV抗原乙肝疫苗。 104

如果在18岁以上的成年人中都接种了针对HBV和HAV的疫苗,市售的固定组合疫苗将灭活甲型肝炎病毒疫苗和HepB疫苗(HepA-HepB; Twinrix )可以使用。 213 262 281


在先前未接种疫苗的儿童,青少年或成年人中,暴露于HBsAg阳性物质(例如血液,血浆,血清)的风险前的预防接种。 130 132 133 233

ACIP建议对所有未接种疫苗的成年人进行暴露前疫苗接种,在这种情况下,很大一部分人可能有HBV感染的风险。 130 132 133 233这包括卫生保健人员,选定的患者和患者接触者,感染风险高的人群,因性行为而处于危险之中的个人,被确定为处于较高危险之中的军事人员以及其他处于暴露危险中的个人(例如注射吸毒者)。 130 132 133 233

在可能会有很大比例的人感染HBV的环境中,ACIP建议对尚未完成HepB疫苗系列的所有成年人进行普遍疫苗接种,并建议长期订购该疫苗,作为对所有易感人群的常规服务的一部分谁访问这些设置。 281这包括测试和治疗性传播疾病(STD)和HIV的设施,提供药物滥用治疗和预防的设施,针对注射吸毒者或与男性发生性关系的男性提供服务的医疗保健设施以及教养设施。 281此外,由于并非所有患有HBV危险因素的成年人都去过这些场所,ACIP建议初级保健和专科医疗场所(例如,医师办公室,社区卫生中心,计划生育诊所,肝病诊所,旅行诊所)执行常规医嘱。识别易感的成年人,并在常规预防护理中有指示或要求时提供HepB疫苗。 281

可能暴露于血液,血液污染的体液,其他体液和/或可能被HBsAg污染的针头的卫生保健人员有HBV感染的风险,应接种HBV疫苗。 180 181 182 183 185 206 233 269 282 ACIP和医院感染控制措施咨询委员会(HICPAC)建议乙肝疫苗对于所有此类保健人员(如医生,护士,急救医务人员,牙科专业人士和学生,医学和护理专业的学生,采血医生,医学和实验室技术人员,医院志愿者,医疗机构的行政和支持人员)。 233理想情况下,应在医学,牙科,护理,实验室技术和其他相关健康专业培训期间完成HepB疫苗系列,以便在暴露于高风险环境中之前提供免疫力。 233 (有关未接种疫苗的医护人员暴露后预防HBV的信息,请参阅使用中的乙型肝炎病毒[HBV]暴露后预防)。

HBV血清阴性的血友病或其他先天性出血性疾病的个体应接种HBV疫苗。 100 101 132 133 288如果出生时未开始针对HBV的免疫,请在诊断出血友病或其他先天性出血疾病时开始HepB疫苗系列。 288改进的供体筛选,更有效的病毒灭活程序和/或纯化或过滤程序已降低但并未完全消除血浆来源的凝血因子传播血源病毒(HBV,HCV,HIV)的风险。 288国家血友病基金会的医学和科学顾问委员会(MASAC)建议个人血友病100 288疫苗接种后的测试和规定,无应答者(即那些谁不给主乙肝疫苗系列响应)应接受≥1的附加剂量的疫苗。 100 (请参见预防接种前和接种后的血清学检测。)

血液透析,器官移植或肿瘤病房的患者和工作人员极有可能接触HBsAg阳性物质,应接种HBV疫苗。 101 220尽管血液透析患者的疫苗接种引起的血清转换率和抗HBs滴度低于健康人,但接种疫苗可保护应答者免受HBV感染,并减少了频繁进行血清学筛查的需要。 101 203 204 220 ACIP建议尽早发现潜在候选人的肾脏疾病。有证据表明,如果尿毒症患者在需要透析之前进行了疫苗接种,他们的血清转化率和抗HBs滴度更高。 101 199 220

发育中的残疾人机构的居民和工作人员,包括小型(团体)居住区的居民,有接触HBsAg阳性物质的高风险,应接种疫苗。 101应对从居民机构中出院进入社区的居民进行乙型肝炎表面抗原筛查,以便采取适当措施防止在社区传播。这些措施包括环境控制和适当的疫苗接种。 101

积极进取,去机构化,发育障碍的个人的课堂接触(老师或同学)处于接触HBsAg阳性物质的高风险中。当携带者具有攻击性或特殊的医学问题会增加其血液或浆液分泌物暴露的风险时,强烈建议对HBsAg携带者的教室接触者进行101 186 HBV疫苗接种。 101 186此外,由已知的HBsAg携带者参加的非住宅日托计划的工作人员(例如,学校,发育障碍者的庇护工场)的感染风险与卫生保健人员相仿,应接种疫苗。 101 200 205还应考虑对此类日托计划中的其他参与者进行疫苗接种。 101 205

HBsAg携带者的配偶,非性家庭和性接触者暴露于HBsAg阳性物质的风险很高。 101当通过常规的献血检查,医院的诊断检查,产前检查,某些地区的难民检查或其他检查程序确定携带者时,应将其HBsAg状况告知他们。 101尽管某些未接种疫苗的配偶以及HBsAg携带者的非性接触者和家庭之间的性接触可能会在连续,长期的接触过程中产生抵抗HBV感染的免疫力,但应测试所有此类接触者,并对易感者进行接种。 101

在美国,某些HBV流行率很高的人群(例如,当地的阿拉斯加人,太平洋岛民,来自HBV流行地区的难民)的风险增加,应接种HBV疫苗。 101 105 213 222由于此类人群主要在儿童时期传播,因此在这些人群中,出生时开始HepB疫苗系列以及在6至12个月大时完成该系列疫苗尤为重要。 105 213 222由于这些人群中儿童之间的家庭间传播率很高,疫苗接种工作应针对在高流行地区出生且父母≥1的所有易感儿童和青少年。 105 281

因性行为而感染HBV的风险较高的个体(例如,与男性发生性行为的男性,过去6个月中性伴侣超过1个的个体,HBsAg阳性个体的性伴侣, 101 130 132 133 281女性妓女132 133 )和寻求性传播疾病评估或治疗的个人应接种乙肝疫苗。建议对所有与男性(同性恋,双性恋)发生性关系的易感青少年和成年男性推荐101 130 132 133 281 282 HepB疫苗,无论这种性行为的年龄或持续时间如何。 130 132 133 282

前往地方性HBV水平处于中级(2–7%)或高(≥8%)区域的旅行者有暴露于该疾病的风险。 101 125 274 ACIP,CDC和其他机构建议前往之前未接种疫苗的旅行者(新生儿,婴儿,青少年,成人)进行暴露前预防接种。 101 125 274 HBV流行在中南亚和西南亚,以色列,日本,东欧和南欧,俄罗斯以及亚马孙河流域,洪都拉斯和危地马拉的大多数地区处于中等水平;在非洲,东南亚(包括中国,韩国,印度尼西亚和菲律宾),中东(以色列除外),南太平洋和西太平洋岛屿,亚马逊内部盆地以及加勒比海某些地区(例如海地,多米尼加共和国)的患病率很高)。 125 274

tic教和防腐剂暴露于HBsAg阳性物质的风险很高;制造商建议在这些个体中使用HepB疫苗。 132 133

军事人员接触HBV的风险可能会增加;制造商建议在这些个体中使用HepB疫苗。 132 133

囚犯接触乙肝的风险可能会增加;制造商建议在这些个体中使用HepB疫苗。 132 133

公共安全人员(例如警察,消防部门人员)可能有职业性接触HBV的风险(取决于所执行的任务);接触血液或受血液污染的体液的人应接种疫苗。 281

患有慢性HCV感染的个体可能增加HBV暴露的风险,应接种疫苗。 132 133尚未确定针对此类个体的最佳HepB疫苗方案;患有慢性HCV感染的个体对HepB疫苗的反应可能会降低。 267 268

对胃肠外给药药物上瘾的个体极有可能暴露于HBsAg阳性物质,一旦确定其吸毒后应接种乙肝疫苗。 133

在学校,办公室和商业环境等环境与HBsAg携带者临时接触的个人患HBV的风险最小。 101 ACIP不建议在这些个体中常规使用HepB疫苗。 101在儿童保育中心(发育障碍者除外)中,很少有证据表明儿童之间或儿童与工作人员之间传播乙肝病毒。 101 ACIP指出,除非有可能促进传播的特殊情况(例如,诸如咬伤或抓挠的行为问题,诸如严重的皮肤病之类的医疗状况),否则在儿童保育机构中无需对HBsAg携带者的接触者进行疫苗接种。 101


预防HBsAg阳性妇女出生的新生儿的围产期HBV感染。 105 112 132 133 213

一个组合方案,其中包括与乙肝疫苗和被动免疫与乙肝免疫球蛋白主动免疫是预防急性和慢性HBV感染的妇女所生均为阳性HBsAg和HBeAg婴儿85-95%有效。 105 213

ACIP和AAP建议在产前早期就诊(例如,早孕期)对所有孕妇进行常规血清学筛查,以确定其HBsAg状况,即使她们先前已经接受过测试或已经接种过HBV疫苗也是如此。 105名112 213妇女谁没有产前测试,那些谁搞的是把他们的高风险HBV行为(例如,>在过去6个月1名性伴,HBsAg阳性的性伴侣,评估或治疗性病,近期或(目前注射用药滥用)和临床肝炎患者入院分娩时应进行HBsAg状态检测。 105 213

为了防止围产期HBV感染,ACIP和AAP建议所有HBsAg阳性妇女出生的新生儿在出生后(出生12小时内)都应尽快接种一剂HepB疫苗和一剂HBIG,无论其胎龄或出生体重如何。 105 112 213对于新生儿<2公斤,不计算出生疫苗剂量朝向乙肝疫苗系列的完成;在婴儿1个月大时开始常规的3剂疫苗系列。 105 213

如果在出生时不知道母亲的HBsAg状况,请给婴儿接种第一剂HepB疫苗(出生12小时内)。 105 112 213尽快确定母亲的HBsAg状态,如果呈阳性,应尽快(不晚于7天)给婴儿服用HBIG。 105 112对于新生儿体重<2公斤,如果母亲的HBsAg状态不能出生后12小时内确定,给予的剂量HBIG的尽快(内出生后12小时),也不会计算出生疫苗剂量朝向完成乙肝疫苗系列;在婴儿1个月大时开始常规的3剂疫苗系列。 105 213


某些暴露于HBV或HBsAg阳性物质的个体的HBV暴露后预防(PEP)(例如,医护人员,性侵犯受害者,患有急性或慢性HBV感染的个体的性接触或亲密接触)。 101 130 269 281 290

根据暴露情况,PEP方案可能包括结合使用HepB疫苗进行主动免疫和结合使用HBIG进行被动免疫,以提供短期和长期保护。 101 130 269 281 290

职业性接触可能含有HBV的血液和其他体液后,易感,未接种疫苗的卫生保健人员可能会指示PEP。 269如果发生职业性接触HBV的情况,请检查接触者的疫苗接种状况和疫苗反应状况(如果已知)以及来源的HBsAg状况。 269 (请参阅表1。)

如果暴露的个体先前未接种过HBV疫苗,请尽快(最好在24小时内)开始HepB疫苗系列。 269此外,如果发现来源是HBsAg阳性,则应尽快(最好在24小时内)服用HBIG。 269

如果暴露个体先前接种了针对HBV和是一个已知的应答器(血清抗HBs≥10MIU / mL)中,PEP是没有必要的。 269如果暴露个体先前接种了针对HBV但是公知的无应答者(血清抗-HBs <10 MIU / mL)中,如果源是HBsAg阴性PEP是没有必要的。 269但是,如果来源是HBsAg阳性或已知对HBV的高风险,请给暴露的个体服用一定剂量的HBIG,并在暴露后尽快开始第二次HepB疫苗接种。 269对于先前对第二系列疫苗无反应的个体,首选HBIG 2剂量方案(无HepB疫苗)。 269

如果未知暴露个体的抗体状态,则在开始PEP之前测试他们的抗HBs。 269如果暴露个体被发现是一个响应者(血清抗HBs≥10MIU / mL)中,PEP是没有必要的。 269如果发现暴露的个体无反应(抗HBs水平<10 mIU / mL),且来源是HBsAg阳性,则应给予一定剂量的HBIG和加强剂量的HepB疫苗。 269如果发现暴露的个体无反应,并且来源未知或无法测试,请加大剂量的HepB疫苗并在1-2个月内重新检查抗体滴度。 269












已知应答者(抗HBs 10 mIU / mL或更高)




已知的无反应者(抗HBs低于10 mIU / mL)

单一HBIG剂量并开始乙肝疫苗接种系列或2 HBIG剂量(尽快服用第一剂; 1个月后服用第二剂)











ACIP和CDC向患有HBV的性侵犯(成人,青少年,儿童)的受害者推荐PEP和HepB疫苗。在以前接受过完整的HepB疫苗系列接种的人中,性侵犯后不需要130 281 PEP。 130如果受害者未接种疫苗或未完全接种疫苗,且肇事者为HBsAg阳性,请在攻击后14天内(最好在24小时内)给予HBIG剂量,并开始或完成HepB疫苗系列。 130 281

ACIP和CDC向患有慢性或HBV感染者的性伴侣或共用针头的伴侣以及非性家庭接触者推荐使用带有HepB疫苗的PEP。 130 281由于大多数乙肝表面抗原阳性者的常规筛查(如献血,产前评估)或临床评价过程中发现的,它可能难以辨认最后一次接触的时间,使用HBIG的认为没有必要为PEP在接触这样的人。 281如果最近一次暴露于HBsAg阳性个体的最近一次性暴露发生在最近14天内,则可能需要服用HBIG。 130考虑对慢性HBV感染者的性接触进行疫苗接种后血清学检测。 281尽管预计大多数人会对疫苗产生反应,但在无反应者中再接种第二批完整的HepB疫苗。 281如果对第二种疫苗没有反应,请提供有关戒酒和其他方法通过性传播保护自己免受HBV感染的咨询。 281

ACIP和CDC建议,先前未接种过急性HBV感染者的性伴侣接受PEP剂量的HBIG和初始剂量的HepB疫苗系列(在最近一次性接触后的14天内)。 130 281完成疫苗系列可提供长期保护的情况下,急性HBV感染的个体变成慢性感染的。 130 281考虑性伴侣的疫苗接种前的血清学检测,但只有当它不耽误暴露后接种14天以上。 281

AAP建议未接种疫苗的小于12个月且与母亲或其他主要护理者密切接触的急性HBV感染婴儿接受HBIG被动免疫和HepB疫苗主动免疫联合治疗105如果婴儿以前曾接受过单剂量的HepB疫苗,则在适当的时间间隔内再接种第二个疫苗,或者如果现在还不足以接种疫苗,则再接种HBIG。如果婴儿在接触时已经接受了≥2剂HepB疫苗,则不需要105 HBIG。 105

患有急性HBV感染者的其他非性家庭接触者除非有其他危险因素或暴露于感染患者的血液中(例如,通过共用牙刷或剃刀),否则感染的风险不会增加。 105 130然而,鼓励病人急性HBV感染所有家庭接触到接受乙肝疫苗。 105 130如果有急性HBV感染患者变成慢性感染(即保持6个月后HBsAg阳性),所有的家庭接触者应与乙肝疫苗接种。 130

疾病预防控制中心建议,除非有禁忌症,否则在未进行疫苗接种或接种史不确定的炸弹爆炸或其他大规模伤亡中受伤的人员应在暴露后接种HepB疫苗(无HBIG)。如果此类人的伤口(穿透性伤痕),皮肤无瑕疵或粘膜可能暴露于其他人的血液或体液中,则通常需要290 HepB疫苗。 290如果疫苗短缺,请考虑小于17岁的儿童和医护人员以前比其他人更容易接种疫苗。 290应采用推荐用于职业性接触HBV的PEP方案来管理大规模伤亡现场的响应者和其他人员。 290 (请参阅表1。)

PEP没有必要谁先前接收初级免疫接种乙肝疫苗,并有抗-HBs(≥10MIU /毫升)的适当水平的血清学证据的个体。 269

PEP先前HBV感染的个体没有必要的;这样的人对再感染免疫。 269 282




管理单价HepB疫苗(Engerix-B ,Recombivax HB )通过IM注入。 132 133对于IM注射后有出血风险的个体,必要时可通过Q注射进行给药。 132 133(见个体的注意事项下出血性疾病。)不要给予静脉或皮内; 101 132 133 251 262有证据表明,皮内给药可能与免疫原性降低有关。 101 207 209

管理包含Hib疫苗和HepB疫苗的固定组合疫苗(Hib-HepB; Comvax )通过IM注入。 251不要给予子-Q或IV。 251

管理包含白喉,破伤风,百日咳,乙型肝炎和脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的固定组合疫苗(DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix )通过IM注入。 104不要给予子Q或IV。 104

管理包含HepA疫苗和HepB疫苗的固定组合疫苗(HepA-HepB; Twinrix )通过IM注入。 262不要给予子-Q或IV。 262

给药前应立即摇匀疫苗,以提供均匀,浑浊的白色悬浮液。 104 133如果疫苗中含有微粒,看上去已变色或无法充分搅动而无法重悬,则将其丢弃。 104 133

不要稀释。 133,不要与其他任何疫苗或混合溶液。 104

根据患者年龄,将IM植入三角肌或大腿前外侧。 101 104 105 131 132 133 213为了确保递送到肌肉中,IM注射应与皮肤成90°角,并使用适合于个体年龄和体重,注射部位脂肪组织和肌肉厚度的针长,以及注入技术。 131

对于新生儿和幼儿(不超过12个月大),应在大腿前外侧进行IM注射。 101 104 105 132 133 213 282对于1至2岁的儿童,IM注射最好进入大腿前外侧。如果肌肉质量足够,则可以选择三角肌。 131对于成人,青少年和3岁以上的儿童,三角肌是首选,尽管大腿前外侧是另一种选择。 101 104 105 131 132 133 282

由于可能导致坐骨神经注射相关损伤,因此一般不儿童臀部肌肉注射疫苗。 131

尽管一些专家指出可以进行抽吸(即在插入针头之后并在注射之前拉回注射器柱塞)以确保未进入血管,但ACIP和AAP表示不需要此过程,因为大血管在推荐的IM注入站点不存在。 105 131

由于接种疫苗后可能会发生晕厥,因此在注射疫苗剂量后大约15分钟观察被疫苗接种者。 131如果发生晕厥,请观察患者直至症状消失。 131疫苗接种后的晕厥在青少年和年轻人中最常见。 131

当除疫苗的主动免疫外(如在HBsAg阳性女性出生的新生儿中,某些暴露于某些人群的PEP方案)还被认为需要被动免疫时,单价HepB可以与HBIG同时给予(使用不同的注射器和不同的注射部位)。 HBV或HBsAg阳性材料)。 105 112 131 213 281

可以在同一次医疗保健访问中与其他适合年龄的疫苗同时接种(使用不同的注射器和不同的注射部位)。 131 133 213(请参见交互。)

如果在单次医疗保健就诊期间施用多种疫苗,则每种疫苗应使用不同的注射器和不同的注射部位。由至少1英寸(如果可行解剖)131个213独立注射位点以允许的可能发生的任何局部副作用适当的归属。 131 213如果必须在一个肢体中接种多种疫苗,则三角肌可用于年龄较大的儿童和成人,但大腿前外侧是婴幼儿的首选。 131 213


剂量和给药方案取决于个体的年龄和所用的特定疫苗,母亲(针对新生儿)的HBsAg状况以及潜在疾病的存在。 104 105 125 132 133 213 217按照所用具体制剂的剂量建议。 101 105

当前可用的单价HepB疫苗(Engerix-B ,Recombivax HB )通常被认为是可互换的;从一种单价疫苗开始的HepB疫苗系列可以使用针对特定制剂建议剂量的另一种疫苗来完成。 105 213

仅使用单价HepB疫苗(Engerix-B ,Recombivax HB )的初次(出生)剂量,适用于6周以下的新生儿或婴儿。 105 112完成疫苗使用串联的一价或年龄相适应的固定组合疫苗。 105 112

必须管理完整的HepB疫苗系列,以确保获得最佳保护。 105 213中断导致间隔时间比建议的更长,不应干扰最终获得的免疫力;无需额外剂量或重新开始疫苗系列。 104 105 213

如果疫苗系列在初始剂量后中断,应尽快给予第二剂(第一和第二剂之间的最小间隔为4周),并在第二剂之后至少8周给予第三剂(第一和第三剂之间的最小间隔) is 16 weeks). 112 213 269 281 282 If only the third dose is delayed, administer as soon as possible. 213 269 Infants should receive the final dose at ≥24 weeks of age. 112 213 282


Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection (Monovalent Vaccines)
Neonates and Infants (Engerix-B)

Primary immunization consists of 3 doses. 112 133 213 Use pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 10 mcg/0.5 mL. 133

Manufacturer recommends 10-mcg doses at 0, 1, and 6 months. 133 Alternatively, manufacturer recommends a 4-dose regimen consisting of 10-mcg doses at 0, 1, 2, and 12 months. 133

Full-term neonates born to HBsAg- positive women or women with unknown HBsAg status: Give initial dose of 10 mcg within 12 hours of birth. 105 112 213 ACIP, AAP, and AAFP recommend that second and third 10-mcg doses be given at 1–2 and 6 months of age, respectively. 105 112 213 Give third dose no earlier than 24 weeks of age. 112 213 (See Prevention of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.)

Full-term neonates born to HBsAg- negative women: Give initial dose of 10 mcg at birth (before hospital discharge). 105 112 213 ACIP, AAP, and AAFP recommend that second and third 10-mcg doses be given at 1–2 and 6–18 months of age, respectively. 112 213 If not given before hospital discharge, give initial dose no later than 2 months of age. 213 Give third dose no earlier than 24 weeks of age. 112 213

Preterm neonates weighing <2 kg born to HBsAg- positive women or women with unknown HBsAg status: Give a dose of HepB vaccine and a dose of HBIG as soon as possible after birth (within 12 hours of birth). 105 213 221 (See Prevention of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) Do not count this initial (birth) dose toward completion of the HepB vaccine series; initiate usual 3-dose vaccine series when infant is 1 month of age. 105 213 282

Preterm neonates weighing <2 kg born to HBsAg- negative women: Give initial dose of 10 mcg at 1 month of age. 105 213 Initial dose may be given at time of hospital discharge (before 1 month of age) if infant is medically stable and showing consistent weight gain. 105 213 Give second and third 10-mcg doses at 1–2 and 6–18 months, respectively, after initial dose. 213

Neonates and Infants (Recombivax HB)

Primary immunization consists of 3 doses. 132 213 Use pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 5 mcg/0.5 mL. 132

Manufacturer recommends 5-mcg doses at 0, 1, and 6 months. 132

Full-term neonates born to HBsAg- positive women or women with unknown HBsAg status: Give initial dose of 5 mcg within 12 hours of birth. 105 112 133 213 ACIP, AAP, and AAFP recommend that second and third 5-mcg doses be given at 1–2 and 6 months of age, respectively. 213 Give third dose no earlier than 24 weeks of age. 112 213 (See Prevention of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.)

Full-term neonates born to HBsAg- negative women: Give initial dose of 5 mcg at birth (before hospital discharge). 105 112 213 ACIP, AAP, and AAFP recommend that second and third 5-mcg doses be given at 1–2 and 6–18 months of age, respectively. 112 213 If not given before hospital discharge, give initial dose no later than 2 months of age. 213 Give third dose no earlier than 24 weeks of age. 112 213

Preterm neonates weighing <2 kg born to HBsAg- positive women or women with unknown HBsAg status: Give a dose of HepB vaccine and a dose of HBIG as soon as possible after birth (within 12 hours of birth). 105 213 221 (See Prevention of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) Do not count this initial (birth) dose toward completion of the HepB vaccine series; initiate usual 3-dose vaccine series when infant is 1 month of age. 105 213 282

Preterm neonates weighing <2 kg born to HBsAg- negative women: Give initial dose of 5 mcg at 1 month of age. 105 213 Initial dose may be given at time of hospital discharge (before 1 month of age) if infant is medically stable and showing consistent weight gain. 105 213 Give second and third 5-mcg doses at 1–2 and 6–18 months, respectively, after initial dose. 213

Children ≤10 Years of Age (Engerix-B)

Primary immunization (including catch-up vaccination) consists of a series of 3 doses. 133 Use pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 10 mcg/0.5 mL 133

Give initial dose of 10 mcg on a selected date. 133 213 Give second and third 10-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 133 213

Alternatively, manufacturer states that children ≤10 years of age can receive a 4-dose regimen consisting of 10-mcg doses given on a selected date and at 1, 2, and 12 months after the initial dose, or children 5–10 years of age can receive a 3-dose regimen consisting of 10-mcg doses given on a selected date and at 12 and 24 months after the initial dose. 133

Children ≤10 Years of Age (Recombivax HB)

Primary immunization (including catch-up vaccination) consists of 3 doses. 132 Use pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 5 mcg/0.5 mL. 132

Give initial dose of 5 mcg. 132 Give second and third 5-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 132

Adolescents 11–19 Years of Age (Engerix-B)

Primary immunization (including catch-up vaccination) consists of a series of 3 doses using the pediatric/adolescent formulation or the adult formulation. 133 213

If pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 10 mcg/0.5 mL is used, give initial dose of 10 mcg on a selected date. 133 213 Give second and third 10-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 133 213 Alternatively, in those 11–16 years of age, manufacturer states that 10-mcg doses can be given on a selected date and at 12 and 24 months after the initial dose. 133

If adult formulation containing 20 mcg/mL is used, give initial dose of 20 mcg on a selected date. 133 Give second and third 20-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 133 Alternatively, manufacturer states that a 4-dose regimen consisting of 20-mcg doses given on a selected date and at 1, 2, and 12 months after the initial dose can be used. 133

Adolescents 11–19 Years of Age (Recombivax HB)

Primary immunization (including catch-up vaccination) consists of 3 doses using the pediatric/adolescent formulation. 132 Alternatively, manufacturer states that adolescents 11–15 years of age can receive a 2-dose regimen using the adult formulation. 132

If pediatric/adolescent formulation containing 5 mcg/0.5 mL is used, give initial dose of 5 mcg. 132 Give second and third 5-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 132

If adult formulation containing 10 mcg/mL is used, give 10 mcg dose on a selected date and give second 10-mcg dose 4–6 months later. 132 257

Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection (Combination Vaccines)
Infants and Children 6 Weeks to 15 Months of Age (Hib-HepB; Comvax)

May be used when primary immunization against Hib and HBV is indicated in infants 6 weeks to 15 months of age born to HBsAg- negative women. 251 ACIP states this vaccine also may be used to complete the HepB vaccine series in infants 6 weeks to 15 months of age born to HBsAg- positive women†. 213

May be used in infants who previously received a dose of monovalent HepB vaccine at or shortly after birth. 251 Manufacturer states that Comvax can be used in children otherwise scheduled to receive concurrent PedvaxHIB and Recombivax HB251

Primary immunization consists of a series of 3 doses (0.5 mL) given ideally at 2, 4, and 12–15 months of age. 251

Interval between first 2 doses should be at least 6 weeks and interval between second and third dose should be as close as possible to 8–11 months. 251

Infants and Children 6 Weeks through 6 Years of Age (DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix)

May be used when immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, HBV, and poliovirus is indicated in infants and children 6 weeks through 6 years of age born to HBsAg- negative women. 104 ACIP states this vaccine also may be used to complete the HepB vaccine series in infants 6 weeks to 15 months of age born to HBsAg- positive women†. 213

May be used to complete the HepB vaccine series in children <7 years of age who have previously received 1 or 2 doses of monovalent HepB vaccine, Infanrix DTaP vaccine (but not other commercially available DTaP vaccines), and/or monovalent IPV if such children are scheduled to receive the other components of the fixed-combination vaccine. 104

Primary immunization consists of a series of 3 doses (0.5 mL) given at 6- to 8-week intervals (preferably 8 weeks). 104 Initial dose usually given at 2 months of age, but may be given as early as 6 weeks of age. 104

To complete the DTaP and IPV primary vaccination series in children who received a 3-dose primary series of Pediarix , administer a dose of Infanrix (DTaP) at 15–18 months of age and a dose of monovalent IPV (IPOL ) at 4–6 years of age. 104

Prevention of Perinatal Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection
Neonates Born to HBsAg-positive Women

Combined passive immunization with HBIG and active immunization with HepB vaccine is indicated. 105 112 132 133 213

Give a dose of monovalent HepB vaccine and a dose of HBIG (0.5 mL) within 12 hours of birth (using different syringes and different injection sites). 105 112 132 133 213

Complete the 3-dose HepB vaccine series using usually recommended doses and intervals. 105 112 132 133 213 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Monovalent Vaccines) or Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Combination Vaccines) under Dosage and Administration.) Final dose of the vaccine series should be given at ≥24 weeks of age. 112 213

For preterm neonates weighing <2 kg at birth, do not count initial (birth) dose of HepB vaccine as part of the 3-dose vaccine series. 105 213 In addition to the birth dose, give 3 vaccine doses beginning at 1 month of age (total of 4 doses). 105 213

At 9–18 months of age after completion of the vaccine series, test infant for anti-HBs and HBsAg. 105 112 213 If anti-HBs level is <10 mIU/mL and HBsAg is negative, repeat the vaccine series by giving 3 additional doses of HepB vaccine (initial dose on a selected date and second and third dose at 1–2 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose) and retest for anti-HBs 1–2 months after the third dose. 105 213 Alternatively, test for anti-HBs 1 month after each dose to determine whether subsequent doses are needed. 105 HBsAg-negative infants with anti-HBs levels ≥10 mIU/mL are protected from HBV and do not need additional doses of HepB vaccine. 105 213

Neonates Born to Women with Unknown HBsAg Status

Active immunization with HepB vaccine is indicated; passive immunization with HBIG also may be indicated. 100 101 213

Give a dose of monovalent HepB vaccine within 12 hours of birth. 105 112 132 133 213 Determine HBsAg status of the mother as soon as possible. 105 112 132 133 213

If mother is found to be HBsAg-positive, give neonate a dose of HBIG (0.5 mL) as soon as possible (no later than 1 week of age). 105 112 132 133 213

If neonate was preterm and weighed <2 kg at birth, give neonate a dose of HBIG (0.5 mL) within 12 hours of birth if mother is found to be HBsAg-positive or if results are not available. 105 213

Complete the 3-dose HepB vaccine series using usually recommended doses and intervals. 105 112 132 133 213 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Monovalent Vaccines) or Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Combination Vaccines) under Dosage and Administration.)

If neonate was preterm and weighed <2 kg at birth, do not count initial (birth) dose of HepB vaccine as part of the 3-dose vaccine series. 105 213 In addition to the birth dose, give 3 vaccines doses beginning at 1 month of age (total of 4 doses). 105 112 132 133 213

Postexposure Prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Infants <12 Months of Age Exposed to Acute HBV Infection

Active immunization with HepB vaccine is indicated; passive immunization with HBIG also may be indicated. 105

If mother or other primary caregiver has acute HBV infection, give a dose of HBIG and initiate or complete primary immunization with HepB vaccine. 105 HBIG is not necessary if infant already received ≥2 doses of HepB vaccine. 105

Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Sexual Assault Victims

Active immunization with HepB vaccine is indicated; passive immunization with HBIG also may be indicated. 130 281

Initiate or complete HepB vaccine series. 130 281 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) Give initial dose within 14 days of the assault (preferably within 24 hours). 130 Give second and third doses at 1–2 and 4–6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 130

If perpetrator is HBsAg-positive, also give victim a dose of HBIG (0.06 mL/kg) within 14 days of the assault (preferably within 24 hours). 130 281


Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection (Monovalent Vaccines)
Adults ≥20 Years of Age (Engerix-B)

Primary immunization consists of 3 doses. 133 280 281 Use adult formulation containing 20 mcg/mL. 133

Give initial dose of 20 mcg. 133 Give second and third 20-mcg doses at 1–2 and 4–6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 133 281

Alternatively, a 4-dose regimen can be used. 133 213 281 Give initial 20-mcg dose and give additional 20-mcg doses at 1, 2, and 12 months after initial dose. 133 213 281

Adults ≥20 Years of Age (Recombivax HB)

Primary immunization consists of 3 doses. 132 280 281 Use adult formulation containing 10 mcg/mL. 132

Give initial dose of 10 mcg. 132 Give second and third 10-mcg doses at 1–2 and 4–6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 132 281

Adults Undergoing Hemodialysis (Engerix-B)

Primary immunization consists of 4 doses. 133 281 Use adult formulation containing 20 mcg/mL. 133 Each dose consists of 40 mcg and may be given using 1 or 2 injections. 133 281

Give initial dose of 40 mcg. 133 Give additional 40-mcg doses at 1, 2, and 6 months after initial dose. 133 281

Adults Undergoing Hemodialysis (Recombivax HB)

Primary immunization in predialysis and dialysis patients consists of 3 doses. 132 281 Use dialysis formulation containing 40 mcg/mL. 132 281

Give initial dose of 40 mcg. 132 281 Give second and third 40-mcg doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 132 281

Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection (Combination Vaccines)
Adults ≥18 Years of Age (HepA-HepB; Twinrix)

Primary immunization consists of a series of 3 doses. 262 Each 1-mL dose contains at least 720 units of HAV antigen and 20 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). 262

For primary immunization, give initial dose on a selected date and give second and third doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 262 280

Alternatively, if an accelerated dosing schedule is needed, give initial dose on a selected date and give second and third doses at 7 and 21–30 days, respectively, after initial dose; also give a booster dose at 12 months after initial dose. 262 280

Preexposure Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in High-risk Groups

Primary immunization with the usually recommended HepB vaccine series before an expected exposure to HBV or HBsAg-positive materials (eg, blood, plasma, serum) ensures the highest level of protection. 105 213 281 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Monovalent Vaccines) or Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection (Combination Vaccines) under Dosage and Administration.)


Individuals traveling to areas with intermediate or high levels of endemic HBV (see Preexposure Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection in High-risk Groups under Uses): Give initial dose on a selected date and give second and third doses 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 101 125 To ensure completion of the 3-dose series and optimal protection against HBV, begin HepB vaccine series 6 months prior to travel. 101 125 Because a partial series offers some protection, initiate the series even if it cannot be completed before travel. 101 125

Alternatively, for travelers who will depart before the usual 3-dose series can be completed, CDC suggests an optional accelerated schedule† (initial dose given on a selected date and second and third doses given 7 and 21 days, respectively, after initial dose). 125 If the accelerated schedule is used, give a booster dose 1 year after start of the series to promote long-term immunity. 125

Alternatively, a 4-dose regimen can be used. 133 213 281 Give initial dose on a selected date and give other 3 doses at 1, 2, and 12 months after initial dose. 133 213 281 This regimen induces immunity more rapidly than the usual 3-dose regimen and may be useful when there are time constraints; first 3 doses should be administered before travel (ie, at 0, 1, and 2 months). 101

Postexposure Prophylaxis of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Occupational Exposure in Susceptible Health-care Personnel

Depending on exposure circumstances, combined active immunization with HepB vaccine and passive immunization with HBIG may be indicated. 269 281 (See Table 1 under Uses.)

Initiate HepB vaccine series in unvaccinated individuals. 269 281 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) If vaccine series was initiated prior to exposure, give remaining doses as originally scheduled. 269 281

Give initial dose as soon as possible following exposure (preferably within 24 hours). 269 281 Give second and third doses at 1 and 6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 269 281

Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Sexual Assault Victims

Active immunization with HepB vaccine is indicated; passive immunization with HBIG also may be indicated. 130 281

Initiate or complete HepB vaccine series. 130 281 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) Give initial dose at time of initial medical examination within 14 days of the assault (preferably within 24 hours). 130 Give second and third doses at 1–2 and 4–6 months, respectively, after initial dose. 130

If perpetrator is HBsAg-positive, also give victim a dose of HBIG (0.06 mL/kg) within 14 days of the assault (preferably within 24 hours). 130 281

Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Contacts of Individuals with Acute HBV Infection

Initiate HepB vaccine series in unvaccinated individuals. 130 (See Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus [HBV] Infection under Dosage and Administration.) If vaccine series was initiated prior to exposure, give remaining doses as originally scheduled. 130

Unvaccinated or Incompletely Vaccinated Individuals Wounded in Mass Casualty Settings

Give a dose of HepB vaccine as soon as possible (preferably within 24 hours) and not later than 7 days after the event. 290 Complete primary vaccine series at the time of discharge or during follow-up health-care visits. 290

Special Populations


没有具体的剂量建议。 132 133


For dosage recommendations for patients undergoing hemodialysis, see Adults Undergoing Hemodialysis under Dosage and Administration.

Geriatric Patients

没有具体的剂量建议。 132 133 HepB vaccine may be less immunogenic in geriatric individuals than in younger adults. 132 133 281 282

Cautions for Hepatitis B Vaccine


    Monovalent HepB Vaccine (HepB; Engerix-B , Recombivax HB )
  • Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the vaccine (including yeast). 132 133

  • Previous hypersensitivity to any HepB vaccine. 133

    Fixed-combination Vaccine Containing Hib vaccine and HepB Vaccine (Hib-HepB; Comvax )
  • Hypersensitivity to any vaccine component (including yeast). 251

    Fixed-combination Vaccine Containing DTaP, HepB, and IPV Vaccines (DTaP-Hib-HepB; Pediarix )
  • Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the vaccine (eg, yeast, neomycin, polymyxin B). 104

  • Serious allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) temporally associated with a previous dose of the vaccine or any vaccine component. 104

  • Encephalopathy (eg, coma, decreased consciousness, prolonged seizures) within 7 days of a previous dose of vaccine containing pertussis antigens that is not attributed to another identifiable cause. 104

  • Progressive neurologic disorder, including infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive encephalopathy. 104

    Fixed-combination Vaccine Containing HepA Vaccine and HepB Vaccine (HepA-HepB; Twinrix )
  • Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation, including the HepA vaccine component (Havrix ), the HepB vaccine component (Engerix-B ), yeast, or neomycin. 262

  • Previous hypersensitivity reaction to Twinrix or monovalent HepA or HepB vaccines. 262


Sensitivity Reactions


Life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions reported rarely. 234 235

Anaphylaxis and symptoms of immediate hypersensitivity, including rash, pruritus, urticaria, edema, angioedema, dyspnea, chest discomfort, bronchospasm (including asthma-like symptoms), palpitation, or symptoms consistent with a hypotensive episode, reported within the first few hours after administration of HepB vaccine. 132

Take all known precautions to prevent adverse reactions, including a review of the patient's history with respect to possible hypersensitivity to the vaccine or similar vaccines. 104 132 133 262

Epinephrine and other appropriate agents should be readily available in case anaphylaxis or an anaphylactoid reaction occurs. 132 133 262 If hypersensitivity reaction occurs, immediately institute appropriate therapy as indicated. 133

Do not administer additional vaccine doses to individuals with symptoms of hypersensitivity after a previous dose. 132 234

Serum-sickness Reactions

An apparent serum-sickness reaction with delayed onset reported days to weeks after administration of HepB vaccine. 132 133

Delayed reaction consists of arthralgia and/or arthritis (usually transient), fever, and dermatologic reactions such as urticaria, erythema multiforme (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), ecchymoses, and erythema nodosum. 132 133

Yeast Allergy

Manufacturing process for HepB vaccine involves baker's yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ). 104 132 133 251




  • 肌内悬液





  • 胸痛或不适
  • 无法移动手臂和腿
  • 恶心
  • 手臂,下颌,背部或颈部疼痛或不适
  • 手臂和腿部突然麻木和虚弱
  • 出汗
  • 呕吐





  • 普遍感到不适或生病
  • 头痛
  • 注射部位疼痛
  • 异常疲倦或虚弱


  • 发热
  • 注射部位发红或肿胀




最常见的不良事件是注射部位反应,头痛和疲劳。 [参考]

















疫苗接种后数天至数周,出现了明显的迟发型明显的超敏反应综合征(类似血清病),包括:关节痛/关节炎(通常是短暂性的),发烧和皮肤病反应,如荨麻疹,多形性红斑,瘀斑和结节性红斑。 [参考]







































1. Cerner Multum,Inc.“澳大利亚产品信息”。 00

2.“产品信息。Engerix-B(乙型肝炎疫苗)。” SmithKline Beecham,宾夕法尼亚州费城。

3.“产品信息。Recombivax HB(乙型肝炎疫苗)。”宾夕法尼亚州西点市的默克公司(Merck&Company Inc)。

4. Cerner Multum,Inc.“英国产品特性摘要”。 00




19岁以下:​​分别在0、1、6个月的计划内进行三剂肌肉注射(每次0.5 mL)

Heplisav-B(R):隔一个月肌肉注射两次(每次0.5 mL)

19岁以下:​​分别在0、1、6个月的计划内肌肉注射3剂(每次0.5 mL)(使用儿童/青少年配方)





Recombivax HB透析制剂(R)
透析前患者:3剂(每次40 mcg / 1 mL),IM,分别在0、1和6个月的时间表中





11至19岁:3剂(每次1 mL),IM,分别在0、1和6个月的时间表中
11到19岁:0、1、2和12个月计划中的4剂(每次1 mL),IM
20岁及以上:4剂(每次1 mL),IM,分别在0、1、2和12个月的时间进行

成年人进行血液透析:按年度抗体测试确定的2 mL(或两次1 mL剂量)显示抗体水平低于10 mIU / mL

-在第三剂后一到两个月,抗-HB水平低于10 mIU / mL时,考虑用Recombivax-HB透析制剂增加剂量或重新接种。
-当年度测试显示抗HB水平低于10 mIU / mL时,给予加强剂量。


Engerix-B(R):分别在0、1、2和6个月时肌肉注射四剂(每次2 mL)


Recombivax-HB(R)透析配方:分别在0、1、6个月时肌内注射三剂40 mcg(1 mL)







  • 207种中等程度的药物相互作用
  • 3次轻微的药物相互作用






  • Adacel(Tdap)(白喉类毒素/百日咳,无细胞/破伤风类毒素)
  • 安塞夫(头孢唑啉)
  • 水生浮游生物(phytonadione)
  • 舍维地尔(Dinoprostone外用)
  • 考拉斯(博士)
  • Propoa(甲羟孕酮)
  • 杜拉吗啡(吗啡)
  • 血酸盐(carboprost)
  • 美沙酮(甲基麦角新碱)
  • 莫特林(布洛芬)
  • 扑热息痛(对乙酰氨基酚)
  • Percocet(对乙酰氨基酚/羟考酮)
  • 催产素(催产素)
  • RhoGAM(rho(d)免疫球蛋白)
  • Senokot(番泻叶)
  • 泰诺(对乙酰氨基酚)
  • 泰诺酚增强剂(对乙酰氨基酚)
  • 泰诺与可待因#3(对乙酰氨基酚/可待因)
  • 维生素C(抗坏血酸)
  • 维生素D3(胆钙化固醇)



  • 血友病

