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通常缺乏临床试验推荐蜂王浆的剂量。小型临床试验在评估对高脂血症的影响时每天使用蜂王浆6至10 g /天,持续14至28天。一项随机对照试验,研究在接受化学疗法和放射治疗的患者中使用蜂王浆治疗口腔粘膜炎,除标准漱口水疗法外,每天使用1 g剂量。在一项对照试验中,每天2400毫克/天的剂量持续8周显示出有干眼症状的患者的希望。












蜂蜜是从多种植物的花朵中提取,浓缩和加工的花蜜产品。这种甜的分泌物是由蜜蜂(A. mellifera L.,Fam。Apidae)以及热带地区的其他几种蜜蜂沉积在蜂窝中的,主要由糖组成。次要成分包括酚,葡萄糖氧化酶和过氧化氢酶,抗坏血酸,类胡萝卜素,有机酸,氨基酸,蛋白质和α-生育酚。组成随花粉来源,气候,环境条件和加工而变化。1、2


蜂王浆是工蜂(A. mellifera L.)的下咽和下颌腺产生的乳白色分泌物。它是蜜蜂女王的主要食物,可以诱导差异化的生长发育。由于这种特殊的营养,蜂王与工蜂在几个方面有所不同:它们大约是工蜂的两倍;他们每天产下约2,000个卵(女工蜂不育);他们的寿命是5至8年,是工蜂的40倍左右。3






蜜蜂和其他昆虫从各种花朵的蜜腺中提取出稀薄的含水液体花蜜。如果花蜜是从有毒植物中获得的,则某些类型的蜂蜜可能是有毒的(例如月桂树,吉姆森杂草,杜鹃花,杜鹃花)。7当被蜜蜂摄入时,花蜜会被头部和胸部腺体的酶修饰。 ,形成左旋糖,右旋糖和蔗糖。蜂蜜是一种粘稠的,类似糖浆的液体,颜色从浅黄色到金黄色。新鲜时呈半透明状,老时变暗至不透明,可通过右旋糖结晶而变成颗粒状。通常,蜂蜜具有特征性的气味和微弱的甜味。蜂蜜自然是弱酸性的。虽然蜂蜜的成分不同,但其主要成分是右旋糖和左旋糖的混合物,其含量几乎相等,一种或另一种的含量在65%至80%之间。蔗糖范围从0.5%到8%;糊精含量从1%到10%。2关于抗菌蜂蜜馏出液馏分和相关的抗真菌化合物的报道很多。8、9、10、11活性抗菌原理尚未完全确定。


蜂王浆由水(50%),蛋白质(约15%),糖,脂质,维生素,信息素,氨基酸和矿物质的复杂混合物组成。1、14、15此外,脂肪酸(包括羟基癸酸) )和固醇(包括谷固醇,去甾醇和亚甲基胆固醇),色氨酸,有机酸苷和单糖苷,糖肽,N-聚糖,单磷酸腺苷N-氧化物,芹菜素和各种主要蜂王浆蛋白(MRJP)(包括MRJP 1至9)。16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23




与标准的术后单独治疗(抗生素加对乙酰氨基酚)相比,辅助使用5 mL口服蜂蜜10天显着减少了平均止痛时间(分别为7.65和5.53天, P <0.001)和对乙酰氨基酚的平均使用量(17.53)。与80例接受扁桃体摘除术的伊朗儿童相比,分别为12.1倍( P <0.001)。148对评价扁桃体摘除术后使用蜂蜜的8项随机对照试验的系统评价和荟萃分析显示,前7例术后总体疼痛得到了显着改善与对照组相比,在术后几天内使用蜂蜜( P = 0.05至P <0.0001)。但是,在通过干预和盲法研究进行亚组分析后,仅使用蜂蜜加抗生素,而未单独使用蜂蜜,并且仅在术后1天(第2天)观察到疼痛明显减轻。同样,使用蜂蜜加抗生素的术后2天(第1天和第3天)使用的镇痛剂数量在统计学上显着降低,平均差异分别为-1.39和-1.03( P = 0.0001至P = 0.005)。剂量在整个研究中变化很大,研究质量被评为差154。




在蜜蜂(A. mellifera L.)本身中已分离并鉴定了抗菌肽Apidaecins和abaecin [24,25],并且在蜂王浆中发现了一种名为Royalisin的有效抗菌蛋白。26抗菌活性稀释后的蜂蜜中具有合适的pH值(3.2至5)的原因是过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 ),它是由葡萄糖形成葡萄糖酸的酶促副产物。但是,蜂蜜在加热或长时间暴露于阳光下后,大部分与过氧化氢有关的抗菌活性会丧失。27,28第二种机制,非过氧化物抗菌活性与光,热和储存时间无关,但取决于花朵花蜜的来源。结果,并非所有蜂蜜都具有这种活性。其他可能影响蜂蜜抗菌活性的特征还包括溶菌酶的存在以及蜂蜜的低pH和高渗透压。1来自中欧山区针叶林的蜜露蜂蜜和来自新西兰的麦卢卡(Leptospermum scoparium)的蜂蜜含量特别高。抗菌活性29





与聚维酮碘相比,麦卢卡蜂蜜是一种安全的替代局部抗生素,可预防与透析导管相关的败血症。38然而,来自荷兰的2 g医用级蜂蜜对减少在中心静脉导管部位皮肤的定植没有作用。重症监护病房患者与标准现场敷料和70%酒精中的0.5%洗必泰配合使用时142。蜂蜜也已用于治疗胃溃疡的病因幽门螺杆菌39,40,41












根据一些随机对照试验的数据,蜂蜜可能比安慰剂,不进行治疗,沙丁胺醇和苯海拉明在缓解儿童急性咳嗽的症状上提供益处,并且可能具有与右美沙芬相似的功效。116、140、155一项随机对照试验(N = 300)表明,服用10克蜂蜜(桉树,柑桔或唇形舌草)单剂量或稀释后服用1克蜂蜜的1至5岁儿童的夜间急性咳嗽总症状评分有显着益处。睡前30分钟服用不含咖啡因的饮料,与安慰剂(丝瓜提取物)相比。138


在一项双盲,随机,安慰剂对照研究(n = 43)中,对用于干眼症的蜂王浆口服补充剂的安全性和有效性进行了研究(n = 43),随后采用小鼠模型研究了其潜在的作用机制。抱怨有轻度或中度干眼症状的日本成年人服用安慰剂或每天2400毫克酶处理的蜂王浆片(饭后每天800毫克,每日3次),持续8周;将片剂标准化为至少3.5%(E)-10-羟基-2-癸烯酸和0.6%10-羟基癸酸。与基线和安慰剂相比,口服蜂王浆在8周时仅泪液量显着改善,并且仅针对Schirmer初始评分为10或更低的患者(每个P = 0.0005)。与基线和安慰剂相比,蜂王浆在4周时泪膜破裂时间显着改善( P = 0.0271),而在8周时则没有。没有观察到不良事件。该机制似乎涉及蜂王浆恢复泪腺功能。152



与己烯雌酚和植物雌激素的作用相比,对雌激素受体的作用较弱。然而,已经证明了他莫昔芬可以阻断雌激素反应基因中信使核糖核酸(mRNA)的表达并增强MCF-7细胞的增殖,这可能被他莫昔芬所阻断。23,57还在大鼠和母羊中进行了动物实验。 。在补充蜂王浆的大鼠中,子宫腔上皮轻度肥大[23],而对母羊的影响则有所不同。补充蜂王浆对发情期的影响在母羊中显示出喜忧参半的结果,其中一项试验未见效果,而另一项试验与对照相比发情时间短,与促性腺激素相比无差异。58、59、60实验证明了对怀孕和产羔率的积极影响。








各种体外实验检查了蜂王浆及其成分对免疫系统的作用。14、65、66、67、68、69动物实验显示了免疫调节活性,蜂王浆的施用量为500至1,500 mg / kg /天,从而提高了荷瘤小鼠的存活率,并证明了对骨髓干细胞和肿瘤诱导的脾造血功能的积极作用。70此外,全身免疫性红斑狼疮易发性小鼠的自身免疫性受到抑制,疾病进展延迟,蛋白尿减少并增加存活率71。豚鼠鼓膜穿孔观察到治愈率提高72。










传统上使用蜂王浆预防衰老已导致有关神经元活动的实验。在成年小鼠脑中已证明刺激了神经胶质细胞系源性神经营养因子的产生,并预测了蜂王浆具有神经保护作用。76此外,10-羟基-反-2-癸酸可增加神经元的生成。 77,而单磷酸腺苷刺激嗜铬细胞瘤PC12细胞的神经元分化。78还显示了中年大鼠对垂体的活性79,并口服蜂王浆增加了大鼠蜂房中颗粒细胞的含量。海马,观察到小鼠诱发的认知障碍有所改善77。


对接受癌症治疗的患者预防口腔粘膜炎的干预措施的评估报告,一些微弱的统计证据表明,与安慰剂或不治疗相比,蜂蜜可预防或减轻粘膜炎的严重性有益。115另外,在一项随机对照试验中(N = 103),除了接受标准的盐酸苯乙胺和漱口水漱口水疗法外,每天接受1 g / g蜂王浆漱口的放射和化学疗法患者,口腔粘膜炎平均消退时间(1至3级)显着减少。 141但是,截至2014年6月发表的9项随机临床试验的亚组分析评估了蜂蜜对接受放射或化学放疗的头颈癌患者口腔粘膜炎的影响,发现对接受化疗的患者无显着影响。相比之下,与安慰剂或不治疗相比,在蜂蜜组中观察到了显着改善(中度至重度粘膜炎的发生率较低,发病时间较晚,平均3周平均水平较低),与放化疗相比,仅接受放疗的患者效果更好。 145






在一项先导研究中,随机分配了10匹阿拉伯马以接受Dynamic Trio(一种含有55%蜂花粉或安慰剂的产品),其中安慰剂由50%的红麦麸,25%的甘蔗汁冰糖,17%的发酵粉和8%的粉末制成苹果皮剥了42天。在基线时,马匹执行标准运动测试。在研究期间,他们继续参加马术课程,并在整个星期内被骑乘。此外,马每周进行两次标准运动测试,运动强度逐渐增加。在本研究结束时,V 150和V 200的治疗速度无差异,心率分别为每分钟150和200次心跳时的预计速度值。没有观察到心率或乳酸,血细胞比容或血红蛋白水平的变化。接受蜂花粉的马倾向于消化更多的中性洗涤剂纤维和酸性洗涤剂纤维。另外,它们的磷排泄较少,并且倾向于保留氮。因此,含有蜂花粉的产品可能仅通过刺激食物摄入和营养保留而对马匹有益。81


一项为期2年的双盲研究发现,蜂花粉“绝对不是对运动员新陈代谢,锻炼训练或性能的显着帮助。” 82在田径运动员中进行的另一项研究结果表明,服用蜂花粉的运动员恢复得更快。运动后,因此对于缓解普通的疲劳和精力不足具有价值。这项研究的批评者发现测试小组很小,盲目性不足且结论为时过早。83另一项为期20周的20名竞技游泳者的研究发现,用蜂花粉治疗的人和用安慰剂治疗的人的力量和耐力测试没有差异(鱼肝油)。但是,在事后分析中注意到,与用安慰剂治疗的游泳者(27天)相比,用蜂花粉治疗的游泳者由于上呼吸道感染而错过了更少的训练天(4天)。84



在对小鼠的研究中,将含有花粉,高花粉(蜂面包)和蜂王浆的产品Melbrosia分别以6、60和600 mg / kg的剂量口服3天给10只未成熟大鼠。以相同的剂量对三只经卵巢切除的12只大鼠皮下注射Melbrosia。 Melbrosia治疗对雌激素的作用不明显85。


在一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的交叉研究中,Femal(一种含有36 mg花粉提取物,120 mg花粉和雌蕊组合提取物和6 mg蜂王浆的草药)对经前综合症(PMS)的影响为在32位经期规律的女性中进行了评估。每个参与者连续两个月经周期接受Femal或安慰剂治疗,然后再接受另外两个连续月经周期的替代治疗。三名妇女退出研究,有29名参与者参加了分析。总体症状如烦躁不安和烦躁不安得到了改善,并且9症状评分中的6降低了27%至57%。证据还表明,起效较慢(在第一个治疗周期后,Femal和安慰剂之间未观察到任何作用),并且考虑到安慰剂组首先经历了症状减轻,因此作用持续时间较长。除睡眠质量外,安慰剂前接受Femal的参与者的症状无差异。与安慰剂相比,接受Femal治疗的参与者的体重增加减少了50%。尽管结果表明Femal可能对改善PMS症状有益,但应谨慎解释它们,因为没有洗脱期,这使作者怀疑是否有残留效应,而旨在消除安慰剂反应者的初步阶段却没有进行的86

Melbrosia在欧洲使用,并且包含植物甾醇,植物雌激素,氨基酸,寡肽和酶的有效成分。87Melbrosia对改善更年期症状的作用已得到临床评估。跟踪了两组妇女。 32例为对照组,34例为梅尔布鲁西亚。接受治疗的患者的Kupperman绝经指数降低。特别是,Melbrosia对神经质,焦虑,烦躁,头痛和潮热最有效。促性腺激素,雌二醇或脂质值未见变化。因此,含有蜂花粉的产品可能是更年期相关的更年期症状患者的潜在治疗选择。88同样,另一项对绝经期严重的女性进行的安慰剂对照随机研究发现,使用美宝来可以改善头痛,尿失禁,阴道干燥和活力下降。但是,没有发现生化参数的变化89。

在一个开放的,多中心的,不受控制的前瞻性观察研究中,评估了Melbrosia对更年期症状和心血管危险标志物的影响。 55名绝经后绝经后妇女在前2周每天接受2粒Melbrosia胶囊,在接下来的10周内每天接受1粒胶囊。 55名患者中有27名接受了心血管风险标志物的实验室评估,包括胆固醇和C反应蛋白(CRP)水平。注意到治疗显着降低了标准化Kupperman评分( P <0.001)和其他症状测量工具(即Zerssen症状清单和Zung抑郁评分)。解决问题的能力也得到了改善( P = 0.0015),但在自尊或自我评估方面却没有改善。此外,患者因Melbrosia治疗而变得烦躁不安( P <0.001)。 Melbrosia改善了总胆固醇( P = 0.03),LDL( P = 0.0053)和HDL( P = 0.018)。但是,甘油三酸酯水平显着增加( P = 0.0088)。 Melbrosia疗法的CRP水平无显着差异( P = 0.37)。因此,含有蜂花粉的产品不仅可以改善更年期症状,而且可以改善胆固醇参数。87


蜂花粉的提取物Cernilton已被认为在前列腺环境中具有抗炎和抗雄激素作用90。单剂量的Cernilton包含60 mg cernitin T60(水溶性花粉提取物级分)和3 mg cernitin GBX (丙酮可溶的花粉提取物级分)。 Cernilton通过松弛尿道平滑肌张力具有抗雄激素作用,并增加膀胱肌肉的收缩和/或作用于α-肾上腺素受体,并松弛内外括约肌91。



2000年发表的系统评价包括两项安慰剂对照试验和2项比较试验,共纳入444名接受治疗12至24周的参与者。塞尼尔顿组与安慰剂组相比,自我改善患者的自我完善的加权平均相对风险(RR)为2.4( Tadenan(非洲李子植物的提取物)相对于1.42(范围1.21至4.75)的范围为1.21至4.75)。与安慰剂相比,Cernilton治疗可降低夜尿症,RR为2.05(范围为1.41至3)。与Paraprost(一种氨基酸混合物)相比,夜尿症的加权平均差异为-0.4倍/晚(范围-0.73至0.07)。与安慰剂或活性比较剂相比,Cernilton不能改善尿流率,残余体积或前列腺大小。报道的对切尔尼尔顿的唯一不良反应是恶心91。

在一项比较研究中评估了不同剂量的Cernilton预防BPH进展。患有BPH(N = 240)的男性每天接受两次375或750毫克的Cernilton药物治疗,持续4年。与接受较低剂量的患者相比,接受较高剂量的Cernilton的患者在国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS),前列腺体积,无尿后残留尿液和最大流速(Q max )评估方面有更大的改善( P <0.0001)。此外,接受较高剂量的Cernilton的患者在治疗3个月和6个月后IPSS和Q max均有改善,而接受较低剂量的患者则为6个月和9个月96。

在90例患者中评估了Cernilton N治疗慢性前列腺炎综合征的疗效。该补充剂以1片的形式每天服用3次,持续6个月。参与者分为两组:具有复杂因素(n = 18)的患者,如尿道狭窄,前列腺结石和膀胱颈硬化。以及那些没有复杂因素的因素(n = 72)。没有复杂因素的患者中有百分之七十八接受Cernilton N治疗后反应良好。 36%的症状得到了治愈,而流速,前列腺按摩后尿液中的白细胞尿以及射精液中的补体C3 / coeruloplasmin等指标得到了改善,改善了42%。只有1名复杂因素患者表现出反应。 Thus, consideration for complicating factors may be an important determinant for successful treatment.97

One study evaluating the effects of the chloroform extract of bee pollen from Brassica campestris, a plant used as an herbal cancer chemopreventative in China, found that the steroid-containing extract could induce cytotoxicity in prostate cancer PC-3 (human) cells via apoptosis.98 Additional studies of bee pollen in the treatment of prostate cancer are needed.

Respiratory infections

Other potential uses of bee pollen include combating the effects of aging, treating respiratory infections and endocrine disorders, and relief of enteritis, colitis, and constipation. A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial conducted in 64 Iranian adults 18 to 65 years of age who had failed standard medical treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis found significantly improved endoscopic scores post-endoscopic surgery in the group treated with thyme honey nasal spray (35% w/v honey, 200 microg/mL thymol) compared to placebo. However, no significant differences were seen in sinonasal outcome test, endoscopy, or computerized tomography scan scores between the groups.146


A placebo-controlled randomized trial investigated the efficacy of topical 90% medical-grade kanuka honey (with 10% glycerine) applied twice daily for 8 weeks as a treatment for rosacea in 138 adult New Zealanders. Participants were predominantly between the ages of 50 and 70 years of age with a mean duration of rosacea of 15 years. The proportion of participants who experienced a clinically significant improvement was significantly higher in the treatment group (34.3%) compared to placebo (17.4%) ( P = 0.02). Additionally, the proportion of patients who demonstrated full resolution of rosacea was 13.2% versus 2.9% in the honey versus placebo groups, respectively ( P = 0.031). Both the investigator-rated and participant-rated severity scores were also significantly improved at weeks 2 and 8 in the treatment group compared to placebo.119

Wound healing

Wound healing activity, particularly anti-ulcerous properties, of honeybee products is attributed primarily to the presence of phenolic compounds.1


A review of literature through March 2001 found numerous articles verifying the use of honey in wound healing. A representative sample includes articles on honey for wounds, ulcers, and skin graft preservation99; an analysis of 40 cases in which honey was used on wounds and showed a positive (88% healing) effect100; honey and its healing properties for leg ulcers101; the successful use of honey for superficial wounds and ulcers102; honey as a wound-healing agent with antibacterial activity103; the use of honey in wound management104 and treating burns105, 106, 107; and usefulness of honey in managing abdominal wound disruption in 15 patients after cesarean delivery.108 The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines (SIGN, 2010) for the management of chronic venous leg ulcers state that honey dressings are not recommended in the routine treatment of patients with venous leg ulcers; no recommendation can be made for manuka honey as a debridement agent.109 A Cochrane systematic review of evidence-based decisions for local and systemic wound care found strong evidence for the use of honey and included venous ulcers, acute wounds, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and arterial ulcers.110 However, a Cochrane review of treatments for venous leg ulcers alone found that honey-based preparations offered no benefit in time to healing or complete healing when compared with usual care.111 An updated Cochrane review evaluated clinical data in 26 trials (N = 3,011) on the use of honey as a topical treatment for acute and chronic wounds. High-quality evidence favored improved healing with honey for partial thickness burns compared to conventional dressings in addition to a reduced overall risk of adverse events relative to treatment with silver sulfadiazine. Low-quality data supported improved healing of burns as well as mixed population acute and chronic wounds with honey compared to silver sulfadiazine. Other favorable outcomes were seen for Fournier's gangrene with honey versus Eusol soaks, improved pressure ulcers with honey versus saline soaks, and healing of infected postoperative wounds with honey versus antiseptic washes; fewer adverse events were also seen with honey when used for postoperative wound infection. Beyond these, results were unclear due to poor quality of the evidence.144 It was also reported that while honey may be superior to some conventional dressing materials, the reproducibility of results is uneven.112 Other data support reduced healing time, but not healing rate, of lower leg ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes.139 Whereas a small double-blind, randomized, controlled trial (N = 25) in patients with type 2 diabetes found no significant difference in healing parameters with application of 5% topical royal jelly over 12 weeks.147 A larger randomized controlled trial (unblended) conducted in 348 patients with Wagner's grade 1 or 2 foot ulcers reported significantly improved wound healing and healing time honey-impregnated dressings compared to saline dressings. Only beri honey (Ziziphus jujuba) samples that provided at least an 18 mm zone of inhibition at 50% w/v against Staphylococcus aureus in agar diffusion test were used for the study. Maximum follow up was 120 days. Significantly more wounds healed with honey-impregnated dressings than saline dressings (75.97% vs 57.39%, respectively, P =0.001). Additionally, the number of wounds that were incompletely healed were significantly lower with honey (17.87%) compared to saline (31.36%; P =0.001). Mean wound healing time was also significantly shorter with honey than saline (18 vs 29 days, P <0.001).150


Honey is a common food and there are no dose restrictions on its use. It has been ingested and used topically, sometimes on surgical dressings.120

The ideal dose of bee pollen is unknown, with doses varying among products because tablets contain differing amounts. Manufacturers' recommendations on product labeling may provide more guidance.

Clinical trials are generally lacking to recommend dosage for royal jelly. Small clinical trials have used 6 to 10 g/day for 14 to 28 days when evaluating the effect on hyperlipidemia.74, 75 A randomized, controlled trial investigating use of royal jelly for oral mucositis in patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation used a dose of 1 g/day in addition to standard mouthwash therapy.98 Whereas 2,400 mg/day (800 mg 3 times daily with meals) was used safely for 8 weeks in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with some benefit in improving tear volume in patients with dry eye.152


Honey is GRAS when used as food. Safety and efficacy for dosages above those in foods is unproven.

Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats fed bee pollen had fetuses with higher birth weights and decreased death rates, suggesting that bee pollen may be an effective prenatal nutrient.121 Human data regarding safety and efficacy of bee pollen in pregnancy and lactation are lacking.

Information regarding safety and efficacy of royal jelly in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Estrogenic effects of royal jelly and its constituents have been demonstrated in animals.23, 57, 58, 59, 60, 117


No interactions have been well-documented for honey.

Warfarin: Bee pollen may enhance the anticoagulant effect of warfarin. Monitor therapy.156, 157, 158

Case reports of hematuria due to potentiation of warfarin have been documented with royal jelly.122 Based on a few animal experiments, potentiation of insulin activity may exist.20, 64



Nigerian honey consumption resulted in a dose-related variable, but had a statistically nonsignificant effect on quinine metabolism to 3-hydroxquinine in a 3-phase randomized crossover trial in 10 healthy volunteers. Young adult Nigerians 20 to 28 years of age consumed 10 or 20 mL of honey twice daily for 1 week prior to administration of quinine; the quinine metabolic ratio increased by 24.4% after the 10 mL phase and decreased 23.9% after the 20 mL phase ( P = 0.15).143



Pollen in honey may cause allergic reactions.

Bee Pollen

There have been numerous case reports of adverse reactions related to allergic reactions after ingestion of bee pollen by sensitive individuals. Single doses of bee pollen as low 5 mL have precipitated acute allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.12, 123, 124, 125 The development of hypereosinophilia and neurologic and GI symptoms were reported in a woman who ingested bee pollen for more than 3 weeks.126 Allergic symptoms resolved upon discontinuation. The reactivity of bee pollen was assessed in 145 atopic patients and 57 healthy volunteers. All patients received skin-prick testing with 6 standard aeroallergens (olive, grasses mix, Parietaria, mugwort, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, and Dermatophagoides farinae) and homemade bee pollen extracts. There was a strong correlation between cutaneous reactions to bee pollen extracts and olive, grasses mix, and mugwort. Additionally, strong cutaneous reactions to bee pollen were observed in atopic patients compared with healthy volunteers.127

Two case reports of acute hepatitis following bee pollen ingestion have been reported. In 1 report, a 33-year-old woman had been taking 2 tablespoons of pure bee pollen daily for several months and subsequently developed sharp midepigastric and right upper quadrant pain. Liver function tests (LFT) were elevated. Although she was taking several other medications, only the bee pollen was discontinued. Within 6 weeks, a complete resolution with normalization of laboratory values occurred. In the second report, a 69-year-old man was taking 14 tablets daily of a mixed herbal product containing bee pollen. He developed worsening pruritus and nausea, followed by anorexia, weight loss, and jaundice, as well as elevated LFT. His only other medication was metoprolol tartrate. Within 8 weeks of discontinuation of only the herbal product, his symptoms dissipated and LFTs normalized.128

Royal Jelly

Although skin tests were positive for royal jelly in many allergy patients, some have been able to consume honey with no problems. Allergy, acute exacerbation of asthma, anaphylaxis, and death have been reported. Some occupational allergic respiratory cases have been reported in workers handling powdered royal jelly.122, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 153


Generally, honey is considered safe as a sweet food product, gargle, cough-soothing agent, and a topical product for minor sores and wounds. However, medical reports indicate that honey can be harmful when fed to infants because some batches contain spores of Clostridium botulinum, which can multiply in the intestines and result in botulism poisoning.134, 135, 136 The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend that honey should not be given to an infant younger than 12 months due to the potential for botulism. Research regarding toxicity with the use of bee pollen and royal jelly is lacking. A case report described mucosal hemorrhage, edema, and inflammation attributed to royal jelly consumption. A drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test for royal jelly was positive.137

Honey made from the nectar of poisonous plants can be poisonous. This is most commonly seen in Turkey, with honeys produced from the genus Rhododendron in the Eastern Black Sea region; 15 to 20 cases per year of "mad honey" intoxication are reported that result from consumption of honey containing grayanotoxin that blocks sodium channels and most often leads to bradycardia, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, syncope, and possibly also mild hypothermia.149 Three cases of honey poisoning, including 1 fatality, were reported in Southwest China from consumption of honey contaminated with pollen from Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F. The patients, who were young males otherwise previously healthy, presented with frequent vomiting, acute renal failure, and toxic myocarditis.151


  • Bee Pollen
  • Bees
  • Honey
  • Honeybees
  • Royal Jelly


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77. Hattori N, Ohta S, Sakamoto T, Mishima S, Furukawa S. Royal jelly facilitates restoration of the cognitive ability in trimethyltin-intoxicated mice [published online ahead of print October 25, 2010]. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med .19376837
78. Hattori N, Nomoto H, Fukumitsu H, Mishima S, Furukawa S. Royal jelly and its unique fatty acid, 10-hydroxy-trans-2-decenoic acid, promote neurogenesis by neural stem/progenitor cells in vitro.生物医学研究。 2007;28(5):261-266.18000339
79. Narita Y, Ohta S, Suzuki KM, Nemoto T, Abe K, Mishima S. Effects of long-term administration of royal jelly on pituitary weight and gene expression in middle-aged female rats. Biosci生物技术生化。 2009;73(2):431-433.19202272
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