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出境医 / 海外药品 / 加巴喷丁的活性PAC




  • 描述
  • 临床药理学
  • 临床研究
  • 适应症和用法
  • 禁忌症
  • 警告事项
  • 预防措施
  • 病人咨询信息
  • 药物相互作用
  • 不良反应/副作用
  • 药物滥用和依赖性
  • 过量
  • 剂量和给药
  • 供应/存储和处理方式


加巴喷丁胶囊USP以压印硬壳胶囊的形式提供,其中包含100 mg,300 mg和400 mg加巴喷丁USP。

胶囊的非活性成分是碳酸钙,二水硫酸钙,山hen酸甘油酯和预糊化淀粉。胶囊壳包含明胶,二氧化钛,十二烷基硫酸钠,黄色氧化铁(300 mg和400 mg)和红色氧化铁(400 mg)。压印油墨包含虫胶,脱水醇,异丙醇,丁醇,丙二醇,强氨溶液,黑色氧化铁,氢氧化钾和纯净水。

加巴喷丁被描述为1-(氨基甲基)环己烷乙酸,其分子式为C 9 H 17 NO 2 ,分子量为171.24。加巴喷丁的结构式为:

加巴喷丁是白色至类白色结晶固体,pK a1为3.7,pK a2为10.7。它可自由溶于水以及碱性和酸性水溶液。 pH 7.4时分配系数(正辛醇/0.05M磷酸盐缓冲液)的对数为-1.25。





加巴喷丁在结构上与神经递质GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)有关,但不会改变GABA A或GABA B放射性配体的结合,不会被代谢转化为GABA或GABA激动剂,也不是GABA摄取或降解的抑制剂。 。加巴喷丁在放射性配体结合测定中的浓度高达100 µM,并且对许多其他常见受体位点均未表现出亲和力,包括苯二氮卓,谷氨酸,N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸(NMDA),喹喹啉,红藻氨酸,对苯丙氨酸不敏感或对苯丙氨酸敏感的甘氨酸,α1,α2或β肾上腺素,腺苷A1或A2,胆碱能毒蕈碱或烟碱,多巴胺D1或D2,组胺H1、5-羟色胺S1或S2,阿片类药物,δ或κ,大麻素1,电压敏感的钙通道位点用硝苯地平或地尔硫卓标记,或在电压敏感的钠通道位点用巴曲毒素A20-α-苯甲酸酯标记。此外,加巴喷丁没有改变细胞对多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素或5-羟色胺的摄取。




口服生物利用度:加巴喷丁的生物利用度与剂量不成比例;即,随着剂量增加,生物利用度降低。加巴喷丁在900、1200、2400、3600和4800毫克/天的剂量下分3次服用,其生物利​​用度分别约为60%,47%,34%,33%和27%。食物对加巴喷丁的吸收速率和吸收程度影响很小(AUC和C max增加14%

分布:少于3%的加巴喷丁循环结合血浆蛋白。加巴喷丁150 mg静脉内给药后的表观分布体积为58±6 L(平均值±SD)。在癫痫患者中,脑脊髓液中加巴喷丁的稳态给药前剂量(C min )约为相应血浆浓度的20%。




特殊人群:肾功能不全的成年患者:肾功能不全(平均肌酐清除率范围从13到114 mL / min)的受试者(N = 60)被给予400 mg口服加巴喷丁单剂。加巴喷丁的平均半衰期约为6.5小时(肌酐清除率> 60 mL / min的患者)至52小时(肌酐清除率<30 mL / min),加巴喷丁的肾清除率约为90 mL / min(> 60 mL / min)。组)至约10 mL / min(<30 mL / min)。平均血浆清除率(CL / F)从约190 mL / min降低至20 mL / min。


血液透析:在一项针对无尿成年受试者(N = 11)的研究中,加巴喷丁在非透析日的表观消除半衰期约为132小时;在透析过程中,加巴喷丁的表观半衰期缩短至3.8小时。因此,血液透析对无尿对象的加巴喷丁消除具有显著作用。



年龄:在20至80岁的受试者中研究了年龄的影响。加巴喷丁的表观口腔清除率(CL / F)随着年龄的增加而降低,从30岁以下的人约225 mL / min降至70岁以上的人约125 mL / min。肾脏清除率(CLr)和根据体表面积调整的CLr也随着年龄的增长而下降;然而,加巴喷丁的肾脏清除率随年龄的下降在很大程度上可以归因于肾功能的下降。与年龄相关的肾功能受损的患者可能需要减少加巴喷丁的剂量。 (请参阅预防措施,老年用途以及剂量和管理。)

儿科:在大约10 mg / kg的剂量下,在1个月至12岁之间的48位儿科受试者中确定了加巴喷丁的药代动力学。整个年龄段的血浆血浆峰值相似,并且在给药后2至3小时内出现。通常,在1个月至<5岁之间的儿科受试者的暴露(AUC)比在5岁以上的人群中降低了约30%。因此,在幼儿中,按体重归一化的口腔清除率较高。加巴喷丁的表观口腔清除率与肌酐清除率成正比。加巴喷丁消除半衰期平均为4.7小时,在所研究的各个年龄段中相似。

在1个月至13岁之间的253名儿科患者中进行了群体药代动力学分析。患者接受TID的剂量为10至65 mg / kg /天。表观口腔清除率(CL / F)与肌酐清除率成正比,这种关系在单剂量和稳定后相似。按体重标准化后,在5岁以下的儿童中观察到的口腔清除率值高于5岁以上的儿童。 <1岁以下婴儿的清除率差异很大。在5岁及以上的小儿患者中观察到的标准化CL / F值与单剂后在成人中观察到的值一致。在各个年龄段,按体重归一化后的口腔分布体积是恒定的。

这些药代动力学数据表明,患有3岁和4岁癫痫病的小儿患者的有效日剂量应为40 mg / kg /天,以达到与5岁及以上接受加巴喷丁30 mg /岁的患者的平均血浆浓度相似的平均血浆浓度。公斤/天。 (请参阅剂量和管理)。





在2项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照,多中心研究中评估了加巴喷丁对疱疹后神经痛(PHN)的管理;意向治疗(ITT)人群中的N = 563名患者(表1)。如果带状疱疹皮疹愈合后疼痛持续超过3个月以上,则入组患者。

1个8周3600 113 116
2 7周1800、2400 223 111
336 227

每个研究都包括一个为期1周的基线,在此期间筛选患者的资格以及7或8周的双盲阶段(滴定3或4周和固定剂量4周)。患者在开始治疗的三天内最多可滴定加巴喷丁900毫克/天。然后以3至7天的间隔以600至1200 mg / day的增量滴定剂量,以达到3至4周的目标剂量。在研究1中,如果无法达到目标剂量,则继续以较低剂量服用。在基线和治疗期间,患者使用11点数字疼痛等级量表(从0(无疼痛)到10(最严重的疼痛))在每日日记中记录他们的疼痛。随机分组要求基线期间的平均疼痛评分至少为4(研究1和研究2的基线平均疼痛评分为6.4)。使用ITT人群(所有接受至少一剂研究药物的随机分组的患者)进行分析。






在705名患者(12岁及以上)中进行的三项试验中,以及在247名儿童(3至12岁)中进行的一项试验中,获得了有效性的证据。尽管接受了一种或多种治疗水平的抗癫痫药物治疗,但入组患者每月至少有4次局部癫痫病史,并在12周的基线期间(在儿科研究中为6周)观察了其既定的抗癫痫药物治疗方案耐心)。在每月至少持续发作2次(或在某些研究中为4次)的患者中,加巴喷丁或安慰剂会在12周的治疗期内加入现有疗法中。有效性的评估主要基于从基线到治疗的癫痫发作频率降低50%或更多的患者百分比(“缓解率”)和一种被称为缓解率的衍生指标,变化率定义为(T- B)/(T + B),其中B是患者的基线癫痫发作频率,T是患者在治疗期间的癫痫发作频率。响应率分布在-1到+1的范围内。零值表示没有变化,而完全消除癫痫发作的值为-1;癫痫发作率增加将产生正值。 -0.33的响应率对应于癫痫发作频率降低50%。除非另有说明,以下给出的结果是针对每个研究中意向性治疗(所有接受任何剂量治疗的患者)人群中所有部分性癫痫发作的结果。

一项研究将加巴喷丁1200 mg /天的TID与安慰剂进行了比较。加巴喷丁组的应答率为23%(14/61),安慰剂组为9%(6/66)。两组之间的差异具有统计学意义。加巴喷丁组(-0.199)的应答率也比安慰剂组(-0.044)好,这一差异也达到了统计学意义。

第二项研究主要比较了每日1200 mg /天的TID加巴喷丁(N = 101)和安慰剂(N = 98)。还研究了其他较小的加巴喷丁剂量组(600 mg /天,N = 53; 1800 mg /天,N = 54)以获取有关剂量反应的信息。加巴喷丁1200 mg / day组的应答率(16%)高于安慰剂组(8%),但差异无统计学意义。 600 mg(17%)时的缓解率也未显着高于安慰剂,但1800 mg组(26%)的缓解率在统计学上明显优于安慰剂。加巴喷丁1200 mg / day组(-0.103)的缓解率优于安慰剂组(-0.022);但这种差异也没有统计学意义(p = 0.224)。加巴喷丁600毫克/天组(-0.105)和1800毫克/天组(-0.222)的反应优于1200毫克/天组,与安慰剂相比1800毫克/天组达到统计学显着性组。

第三项研究比较了加巴喷丁900 mg /天的TID(N = 111)和安慰剂(N = 109)。另一个加巴喷丁1200 mg / day剂量组(N = 52)提供了剂量反应数据。加巴喷丁900 mg /天组(22%)与安慰剂组(10%)相比,应答率有统计学差异。加巴喷丁900 mg /天组(-0.119)的缓解率在统计学上也显着优于安慰剂组(-0.027),1200 mg /天加巴喷丁(-0.184)的缓解率与安慰剂相比也是如此。


使用来自所有三项研究和所有剂量(N = 162,加巴喷丁; N = 89,安慰剂)的组合数据对应答率进行分析,也显示出加巴喷丁相对于安慰剂而言,在降低继发性强直阵挛性癫痫发作的频率方面具有显着优势。


在该图中,相对于所加巴喷丁的日剂量,绘制了在Y轴上根据加巴喷丁和安慰剂分配的患者癫痫发作频率较基线降低50%或更多的比例的差异而得出的治疗效果幅度。 (X轴)。


一项针对3至12岁儿童的第四项研究比较了25至35 mg / kg /天的加巴喷丁(N = 118)和安慰剂(N = 127)。对于意向性治疗人群中的所有部分癫痫发作,加巴喷丁组(-0.146)的应答率在统计学上显着高于安慰剂组(-0.079)。对于同一人群,加巴喷丁的应答率(21%)与安慰剂(18%)无显着差异。

一项针对年龄在1个月至3岁的小儿患者的研究,在接受至少一种市售抗癫痫药且在治疗期间至少发作了部分癫痫的患者中,将40 mg / kg / day加巴喷丁(N = 38)与安慰剂(N = 38)进行了比较筛选期(基线前2周内)。患者具有长达48小时的基线和长达72小时的双盲视频EEG监测,以记录和计数癫痫发作的发生。两种治疗之间的缓解率或缓解率无统计学差异。














癫痫1.0 3.4 3.5 2.4
精神科5.7 8.5 1.5 2.9
其他1.0 1.8 1.9 0.9
2.4 4.3 1.8 1.9






在3至12岁小儿患者的对照试验中,这些不良事件的发生率是:情绪不稳6%(加巴喷丁治疗的患者)对1.3%(安慰剂治疗的患者);敌意为5.2%和1.3%;运动过度4.7%vs 2.9%;和思想障碍1.7%对0%。其中一项事件是敌意报告,被认为是严重事件。加巴喷丁治疗中断的患者中有1.3%的患者报告有情绪不稳和运动亢进,而0.9%的加巴喷丁治疗的患者中有敌意和思想障碍。一名接受安慰剂治疗的患者(0.4%)由于情绪不稳而退出。





在标准的临床前体内生命期致癌性研究中,在雄性大鼠中发现了胰腺腺泡腺癌的意外高发病率,但在雌性大鼠中却没有发现。 (请参阅预防措施:致癌,诱变,生育力受损)。这一发现的临床意义尚不清楚。加巴喷丁上市前的发展过程中的临床经验没有提供直接的方法来评估其在人体内诱发肿瘤的潜力。















进行了体外研究,以研究加巴喷丁使用同工型选择性标记底物和人肝微粒体制剂抑制主要细胞色素P450酶(CYP1A2,CYP2A6,CYP2C9,CYP2C19,CYP2D6,CYP2E1和CYP3A4)的潜力,这些酶介导药物和异种生物的代谢。 。仅在最高测试浓度(171 mcg / mL; 1 mM)下,观察到亚型CYP2A6的轻度抑制(14%至30%)。在高达171 mcg / mL的加巴喷丁浓度下(3600毫克/天的C max的15倍左右),未观察到任何其他受试异构体的抑制作用。



苯妥英钠:在单次(400毫克)和多剂量(400毫克TID)研究中,加巴喷丁在苯妥英单药治疗至少持续2个月的癫痫患者(N = 8)中,加巴喷丁对稳态低谷血浆浓度没有影响苯妥英钠和苯妥英钠对加巴喷丁的药代动力学没有影响。

卡马西平:稳态谷血浆卡马西平和卡马西平10、11的环氧浓度不受加巴喷丁(400 mg TID; N = 12)的同时给药的影响。同样地,卡马西平的给药未改变加巴喷丁的药代动力学。

丙戊酸:在加巴喷丁治疗前后(400 mg TID; N = 17),稳态谷血清丙戊酸浓度无差异,丙戊酸对加巴喷丁的药代动力学参数也无影响。

苯巴比妥:苯巴比妥或加巴喷丁(300 mg TID; N = 12)的稳态药代动力学参数估计值相同,无论是单独给药还是一起给药。

Naproxen: Coadministration (N=18) of naproxen sodium capsules (250 mg) with gabapentin (125 mg) appears to increase the amount of gabapentin absorbed by 12% to 15%. Gabapentin had no effect on naproxen pharmacokinetic parameters. These doses are lower than the therapeutic doses for both drugs. The magnitude of interaction within the recommended dose ranges of either drug is not known.

Hydrocodone: Coadministration of gabapentin (125 to 500 mg; N=48) decreases hydrocodone (10 mg; N=50) C max and AUC values in a dose-dependent manner relative to administration of hydrocodone alone; C max and AUC values are 3% to 4% lower, respectively, after administration of 125 mg gabapentin and 21 % to 22% lower, respectively, after administration of 500 mg gabapentin. The mechanism for this interaction is unknown. Hydrocodone increases gabapentin AUC values by 14%. The magnitude of interaction at other doses is not known.

Morphine: A literature article reported that when a 60 mg controlled-release morphine capsule was administered 2 hours prior to a 600 mg gabapentin capsule (N = 12), mean gabapentin AUC increased by 44% compared to gabapentin administered without morphine (see PRECAUTIONS). Morphine pharmacokinetic parameter values were not affected by administration of gabapentin 2 hours after morphine. The magnitude of interaction at other doses is not known.

Cimetidine: In the presence of cimetidine at 300 mg QID (N=12) the mean apparent oral clearance of gabapentin fell by 14% and creatinine clearance fell by 10%. Thus cimetidine appeared to alter the renal excretion of both gabapentin and creatinine, an endogenous marker of renal function. This small decrease in excretion of gabapentin by cimetidine is not expected to be of clinical importance. The effect of gabapentin on cimetidine was not evaluated.

Oral Contraceptive: Based on AUC and half-life, multiple-dose pharmacokinetic profiles of norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol following administration of tablets containing 2.5 mg of norethindrone acetate and 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol were similar with and without coadministration of gabapentin (400 mg TID; N=13). The C max of norethindrone was 13% higher when it was coadministered with gabapentin; this interaction is not expected to be of clinical importance.

Antacid (Maalox ®* ): Maalox * reduced the bioavailability of gabapentin (N=16) by about 20%. This decrease in bioavailability was about 5% when gabapentin was administered 2 hours after Maalox * . It is recommended that gabapentin be taken at least 2 hours following Maalox * administration.

Effect of Probenecid: Probenecid is a blocker of renal tubular secretion. Gabapentin pharmacokinetic parameters without and with probenecid were comparable. This indicates that gabapentin does not undergo renal tubular secretion by the pathway that is blocked by probenecid.

Drug/Laboratory Tests Interactions

Because false positive readings were reported with the Ames N-Multistix SG ®* dipstick test for urinary protein when gabapentin was added to other antiepileptic drugs, the more specific sulfosalicylic acid precipitation procedure is recommended to determine the presence of urine protein.


Gabapentin was given in the diet to mice at 200, 600, and 2000 mg/kg/day and to rats at 250, 1000, and 2000 mg/kg/day for 2 years. A statistically significant increase in the incidence of pancreatic acinar cell adenomas and carcinomas was found in male rats receiving the high dose; the no-effect dose for the occurrence of carcinomas was 1000 mg/kg/day. Peak plasma concentrations of gabapentin in rats receiving the high dose of 2000 mg/kg were 10 times higher than plasma concentrations in humans receiving 3600 mg per day, and in rats receiving 1000 mg/kg/day peak plasma concentrations were 6.5 times higher than in humans receiving 3600 mg/day. The pancreatic acinar cell carcinomas did not affect survival, did not metastasize and were not locally invasive. The relevance of this finding to carcinogenic risk in humans is unclear.

Studies designed to investigate the mechanism of gabapentin-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in rats indicate that gabapentin stimulates DNA synthesis in rat pancreatic acinar cells in vitro and, thus, may be acting as a tumor promoter by enhancing mitogenic activity. It is not known whether gabapentin has the ability to increase cell proliferation in other cell types or in other species, including humans.

Gabapentin did not demonstrate mutagenic or genotoxic potential in three i n vitro and four in vivo assays. It was negative in the Ames test and the in vitro HGPRT forward mutation assay in Chinese hamster lung cells; it did not produce significant increases in chromosomal aberrations in the in vitro Chinese hamster lung cell assay; it was negative in the in vivo chromosomal aberration assay and in the in vivo micronucleus test in Chinese hamster bone marrow; it was negative in the in vivo mouse micronucleus assay; and it did not induce unscheduled DNA synthesis in hepatocytes from rats given gabapentin.

No adverse effects on fertility or reproduction were observed in rats at doses up to 2000 mg/kg (approximately 5 times the maximum recommended human dose on a mg/m 2 basis).


Pregnancy Category C: Gabapentin has been shown to be fetotoxic in rodents, causing delayed ossification of several bones in the skull, vertebrae, forelimbs, and hindlimbs. These effects occurred when pregnant mice received oral doses of 1000 or 3000 mg/kg/day during the period of organogenesis, or approximately 1 to 4 times the maximum dose of 3600 mg/day given to epileptic patients on a mg/m 2 basis. The no-effect level was 500 mg/kg/day or approximately ½ of the human dose on a mg/m 2 basis.

When rats were dosed prior to and during mating, and throughout gestation, pups from all dose groups (500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg/day) were affected. These doses are equivalent to less than approximately 1 to 5 times the maximum human dose on a mg/m 2 basis. There was an increased incidence of hydroureter and/or hydronephrosis in rats in a study of fertility and general reproductive performance at 2000 mg/kg/day with no effect at 1000 mg/kg/day, in a teratology study at 1500 mg/kg/day with no effect at 300 mg/kg/day, and in a perinatal and postnatal study at all doses studied (500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg/day). The doses at which the effects occurred are approximately 1 to 5 times the maximum human dose of 3600 mg/day on a mg/m 2 basis; the no-effect doses were approximately 3 times (Fertility and General Reproductive Performance study) and approximately equal to (Teratogenicity study) the maximum human dose on a mg/m 2 basis. Other than hydroureter and hydronephrosis, the etiologies of which are unclear, the incidence of malformations was not increased compared to controls in offspring of mice, rats, or rabbits given doses up to 50 times (mice), 30 times (rats), and 25 times (rabbits) the human daily dose on a mg/kg basis, or 4 times (mice), 5 times (rats), or 8 times (rabbits) the human daily dose on a mg/m 2 basis.

In a teratology study in rabbits, an increased incidence of postimplantation fetal loss occurred in dams exposed to 60, 300, and 1500 mg/kg/day, or less than approximately 1/4 to 8 times the maximum human dose on a mg/m 2 basis.没有针对孕妇的充分且对照良好的研究。 This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

To provide information regarding the effects of in utero exposure to gabapentin capsules, physicians are advised to recommend that pregnant patients taking gabapentin capsules enroll in the North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) Pregnancy Registry. This can be done by calling the toll free number 1-888-233-2334, and must be done by patients themselves. Information on the registry can also be found at the website http://www.aedpregnancyregistry.org/.

Use in Nursing Mothers

Gabapentin is secreted into human milk following oral administration. A nursed infant could be exposed to a maximum dose of approximately 1 mg/kg/day of gabapentin. Because the effect on the nursing infant is unknown, gabapentin should be used in women who are nursing only if the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.


Safety and effectiveness of gabapentin in the management of postherpetic neuralgia in pediatric patients have not been established.

Effectiveness as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial seizures in pediatric patients below the age of 3 years has not been established (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Clinical Studies).


The total number of patients treated with gabapentin in controlled clinical trials in patients with postherpetic neuralgia was 336, of which 102 (30%) were 65 to 74 years of age, and 168 (50%) were 75 years of age and older. There was a larger treatment effect in patients 75 years of age and older compared with younger patients who received the same dosage. Since gabapentin is almost exclusively eliminated by renal excretion, the larger treatment effect observed in patients ≥75 years may be a consequence of increased gabapentin exposure for a given dose that results from an age-related decrease in renal function. However, other factors cannot be excluded. The types and incidence of adverse events were similar across age groups except for peripheral edema and ataxia, which tended to increase in incidence with age.

Clinical studies of gabapentin in epilepsy did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they responded differently from younger subjects.其他报告的临床经验尚未发现老年患者和年轻患者在反应方面的差异。一般而言,老年患者的剂量选择应谨慎,通常从给药范围的低端开始,这反映出肝,肾或心脏功能下降以及伴随疾病或其他药物治疗的频率更高。

This drug is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of toxic reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and dose should be adjusted based on creatinine clearance values in these patients (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, ADVERSE REACTIONS, and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION sections).


Postherpetic Neuralgia

The most commonly observed adverse events associated with the use of gabapentin in adults, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, were dizziness, somnolence, and peripheral edema.

In the 2 controlled studies in postherpetic neuralgia, 16% of the 336 patients who received gabapentin and 9% of the 227 patients who received placebo discontinued treatment because of an adverse event. The adverse events that most frequently led to withdrawal in gabapentin-treated patients were dizziness, somnolence, and nausea.

Incidence in Controlled Clinical Trials

Table 3 lists treatment-emergent signs and symptoms that occurred in at least 1% of gabapentin-treated patients with postherpetic neuralgia participating in placebo-controlled trials and that were numerically more frequent in the gabapentin group than in the placebo group. Adverse events were usually mild to moderate in intensity.

TABLE 3. Treatment-Emergent Adverse Event Incidence in Controlled Trials in Postherpetic Neuralgia (Events in at least 1% of Gabapentin-Treated Patients and Numerically More Frequent Than in the Placebo Group)
Body System/
Reported as blurred vision
Body as a Whole
虚弱5.7 4.8
感染5.1 3.5
头痛3.3 3.1
误伤3.3 1.3
腹痛2.7 2.6
Digestive System
腹泻5.7 3.1
口干4.8 1.3
便秘3.9 1.8
恶心3.9 3.1
呕吐3.3 1.8
肠胃气胀2.1 1.8
Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders
周围水肿8.3 2.2
体重增加1.8 0.0
Hyperglycemia 1.2 0.4
Nervous System
头晕28.0 7.5
嗜睡21.4 5.3
Ataxia 3.3 0.0
Thinking abnormal 2.7 0.0
Abnormal gait 1.5 0.0
Incoordination 1.5 0.0
健忘症1.2 0.9
Hypesthesia 1.2 0.9
Respiratory System
咽炎1.2 0.4
Skin and Appendages
皮疹1.2 0.9
Special Senses
Amblyopia* 2.7 0.9
Conjunctivitis 1.2 0.0
Diplopia 1.2 0.0
Otitis media 1.2 0.0

Other events in more than 1% of patients but equally or more frequent in the placebo group included pain, tremor, neuralgia, back pain, dyspepsia, dyspnea, and flu syndrome. There were no clinically important differences between men and women in the types and incidence of adverse events. Because there were few patients whose race was reported as other than white, there are insufficient data to support a statement regarding the distribution of adverse events by race.


The most commonly observed adverse events associated with the use of gabapentin in combination with other antiepileptic drugs in patients > 12 years of age, not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients, were somnolence, dizziness, ataxia, fatigue, and nystagmus. The most commonly observed adverse events reported with the use of gabapentin in combination with other antiepileptic drugs in pediatric patients 3 to 12 years of age, not seen at an equal frequency among placebo-treated patients, were viral infection, fever, nausea and/or vomiting, somnolence, and hostility (see WARNINGS, Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events).

Approximately 7% of the 2074 patients > 12 years of age and approximately 7% of the 449 pediatric patients 3 to 12 years of age who received gabapentin in premarketing clinical trials discontinued treatment because of an adverse event. The adverse events most commonly associated with withdrawal in patients > 12 years of age were somnolence (1.2%), ataxia (0.8%), fatigue (0.6%), nausea and/or vomiting (0.6%), and dizziness (0.6%). The adverse events most commonly associated with withdrawal in pediatric patients were emotional lability (1.6%), hostility (1.3%), and hyperkinesia (1.1%).

Incidence in Controlled Clinical Trials

Table 4 lists treatment-emergent signs and symptoms that occurred in at least 1% of gabapentin -treated patients > 12 years of age with epilepsy participating in placebo-controlled trials and were numerically more common in the gabapentin group. In these studies, either gabapentin or placebo was added to the patient's current antiepileptic drug therapy. Adverse events were usually mild to moderate in intensity.

The prescriber should be aware that these figures, obtained when gabapentin was added to concurrent antiepileptic drug therapy, cannot be used to predict the frequency of adverse events in the course of usual medical practice where patient characteristics and other factors may differ from those prevailing during clinical studies. Similarly, the cited frequencies cannot be directly compared with figures obtained from other clinical investigations involving different treatments, uses, or investigators. An inspection of these frequencies, however, does provide the prescribing physician with one basis to estimate the relative contribution of drug and nondrug factors to the adverse event incidences in the population studied.

TABLE 4. Treatment-Emergent Adverse Event Incidence in Controlled Add-On Trials In Patients >12 years of age (Events in at least 1% of gabapentin patients and numerically more frequent than in the placebo group)
Body System/
Plus background antiepileptic drug therapy
Amblyopia was often described as blurred vision.
Body As A Whole
疲劳11.0 5.0
体重增加2.9 1.6
背疼1.8 0.5
Peripheral Edema 1.7 0.5
血管扩张1.1 0.3
Digestive System
消化不良2.2 0.5
Mouth or Throat Dry 1.7 0.5
便秘1.5 0.8
Dental Abnormalities 1.5 0.3
Increased Appetite 1.1 0.8
Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems
白细胞减少症1.1 0.5
Musculoskeletal System
肌痛2.0 1.9
断裂1.1 0.8
Nervous System
嗜睡19.3 8.7
头晕17.1 6.9
Ataxia 12.5 5.6
Nystagmus 8.3 4.0
震颤6.8 3.2
紧张2.4 1.9
Dysarthria 2.4 0.5
健忘症2.2 0.0
萧条1.8 1.1
Thinking Abnormal 1.7 1.3
Twitching 1.3 0.5
Coordination Abnormal 1.1 0.3
Respiratory System
鼻炎4.1 3.7