可能导致或加重致命或危及生命的神经精神病,自身免疫性疾病,缺血性和感染性疾病。 1 20用定期的临床和实验室评估密切监视患者。 1 20在这些症状持续严重或恶化的患者中停用peginterferon alfa。 1 20在许多但并非所有情况下,这些疾病在停药后都会消失。 1 20
病毒唑的同时使用可能会导致先天缺陷和/或胎儿死亡。 1 20要格外小心,以免女性患者和男性患者的女性伴侣怀孕。 1 20利巴韦林引起溶血性贫血;这可能会导致心脏病恶化。 1 20
患有严重的抑郁症,自杀意念和完全自杀的风险增加,以及其他严重的神经精神疾病。 2对于患有抑郁症,精神病或脑病的持续严重或恶化的症状或体征的患者,永久停用peginterferon alfa-2b。 2停药后这些疾病可能无法解决。 2
抗病毒和抗肿瘤药;含有与单甲氧基聚乙二醇(PEG)共价结合的干扰素α(重组DNA来源)。 1 2 20可作为peginterferon alfa-2a(Pegasys )和peginterferon alfa-2b(PegIntron )用于治疗某些病毒感染;也可提供更高浓度的1 20聚乙二醇干扰素alfa-2b(Sylatron )用作抗肿瘤药。 2
Peginterferon alfa-2a(Pegasys ):治疗成人慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染并伴有乙型肝炎e抗原(HBeAg)阳性或阴性,代偿性肝病以及病毒复制和肝炎的证据。 20 97 110
抗病毒治疗的目标是持续抑制HBV复制和肝脏疾病的缓解。 97的长期目标是预防肝硬化,肝衰竭和肝细胞癌。 97 110
当前可用的疗法(例如,干扰素α,聚乙二醇干扰素α,阿德福韦,恩替卡韦,拉米夫定,替比夫定,替诺福韦)不能根除HBV,并且可能只有有限的长期疗效。 97在做出治疗决定时,应考虑患者的年龄,肝病严重程度,反应的可能性,药物的安全性和有效性,选择耐药性HBV株的可能性,不良反应的可能性,成本,患者的怀孕潜力以及患者和提供者首选项。 97
美国肝病研究协会(AASLD)指出,在有代偿性肝病的患者中,用于慢性HBV感染初始治疗的首选药物是聚乙二醇干扰素α,恩替卡韦或替诺福韦,除非禁忌症或无效。 97聚乙二醇干扰素α和非缀合干扰素α的功效被认为是相似的,但聚乙二醇干扰素α的给药方案更为方便,通常是首选的。 97
尽管尚未确定在合并感染HIV的患者中治疗慢性HBV感染的安全性和有效性,但有20位专家建议将聚乙二醇干扰素α作为在合并感染HIV的某些成年人中治疗HBV的替代方法。 190
慢性HBV感染的治疗是复杂且迅速发展的,应由熟悉该疾病的临床医生指导;咨询专家以获得最新信息。 97
Peginterferon alfa-2a(Pegasys )和peginterferon alfa-2b(PegIntron ):治疗成年人和患有代偿性肝病的小儿慢性HCV感染;与口服利巴韦林联用,可用于多种药物治疗。 1 20 96 119 120 121 342 349 377 403 420 421 422 423 426 427
通常在包括HCV直接作用抗病毒(DAA)在内的多种药物治疗方案中与口服利巴韦林联合使用。 119 187 188为治疗慢性HCV基因型1感染,已与口服利巴韦林和simeprevir(一种HCV蛋白酶抑制剂) 187或sofosbuvir(一种HCV聚合酶抑制剂)一起使用。 119 188为了治疗慢性HCV感染引起的,已经结合口服利巴韦林和索非布韦联合使用其他基因型(例如,基因型3,4,5,或6)。 119 188
聚乙二醇干扰素α单独用于治疗代偿性肝病患者的慢性HCV感染, 1 20 7 17 28 423 427,但与口服利巴韦林联合使用时,反应率更好。 1 20 423 427尽管制造商表示禁忌或不耐受口服利巴韦林仅在以前未经治疗的患者中考虑使用聚乙二醇干扰素α单药治疗,但1 20专家指出,不建议在任何时候都建议使用聚乙二醇干扰素α单药治疗慢性HCV感染。 119
peginterferon alfa单独或与口服利巴韦林联合使用时,对于失代偿性肝病,HBV合并感染或肝移植或其他器官移植的患者,其安全性和有效性尚未确定可用于治疗慢性HCV感染。 1 20
抗病毒治疗的目标是持续抑制HCV复制并预防HCV相关并发症(例如坏死性炎症,纤维化,肝硬化,肝细胞癌)和死亡。 96 120在作出有关处理决定,考虑肝病,HCV基因型,治疗史,严重不良反应的潜力,治疗反应的可能性,共存的条件存在,和患者的治疗准备的严重程度。 96 120 121
最合适的多药治疗方案取决于具体的HCV基因型和所涉及的患者人群。 119
慢性HCV感染的治疗是复杂且迅速发展的。咨询专家以获得最新信息。 119来自美国肝病研究协会(AASLD),美国传染病学会(IDSA)和美国国际抗病毒学会(IAS-USA)的有关HCV感染的诊断和管理的信息,包括初始治疗的建议,可从[Web]获得。 119
Peginterferon alfa(alfa-2a,alfa-2b):治疗急性HCV感染†,以防止进展为慢性HCV感染;单独使用或与口服利巴韦林联用。 96 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 190
急性HCV感染的患者比慢性HCV感染的患者有更高的治疗反应率,急性感染的治疗可以降低疾病发展为慢性感染的风险。 96 120
大约10–50%的急性HCV患者未经治疗即具有自限性疾病和自发清除病毒的功能。 96 120速率自发分辨率取决于患者是否是无症状或有症状的,在该感染后天HCV传播途径,和年龄。 96 120
未确定最佳治疗方案(包括治疗剂量和疗程)和开始治疗的最佳时间。 96 120 190一些专家建议,除非HCV RNA水平高且没有下降,否则在急性肝炎发作后将治疗开始时间(特别是对有症状的患者)推迟8-12周。 96 120
请咨询专家以获取有关急性HCV感染治疗的最新信息。 96 120 121
Peginterferon alfa-2b:用于在职业性接触HCV阳性源后提供HCV†的暴露后预防。 32
CDC和其他状态下暴露后预防与抗病毒剂(例如,聚乙二醇干扰素α或干扰素α有或没有口服利巴韦林),免疫球蛋白,或免疫调节剂不推荐以下已知或可能涉及与HCV阳性源职业或其他暴露,33 120 192 193包括爆炸或其他重大伤亡情况下的穿透性伤害或皮肤接触不良。 193
暴露个体的暴露后管理包括及早发现HCV感染和适当的抗病毒治疗。 33 192 193一些专家建议在暴露时间(7-14天之内)和4-6个月后评估ALT浓度和抗HCV,并每4-6周或2周间隔检测HCV RNA。 33 192 193
Peginterferon alfa-2b:已用于治疗合并感染HBV的成年人的慢性D型肝炎病毒(HDV)感染。 97 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140已单独使用130 131 132 136 140或与利巴韦林134 135或其他抗病毒药(例如,阿德福韦,恩曲他滨,替诺福韦)一起使用。 137 133
HDV感染仅在HBV感染的个体中发生,因为该病毒依赖HBV产生包膜蛋白。 97 140可作为HBV合并感染或HBV携带者双重感染获得。 97 140 HDV在HBV携带者中的过度感染几乎总是导致两种病毒的慢性感染,并且与肝硬化,肝代偿失调和肝细胞癌的高风险相关。 97
Peginterferon alfa(alfa-2a,alfa-2b):治疗HEV感染†;已单独或与利巴韦林联合使用。 428 429 436 437
慢性HEV感染几乎仅在免疫功能低下的人群中报告,包括实体器官移植接受者,接受癌症化疗的患者和HIV患者。 428 429 436 437尚未确定慢性HEV感染的最佳治疗方法。 428 437
Peginterferon alfa-2b(Sylatron ):成人的黑色素瘤的辅助治疗是经过明确的手术切除(包括完全淋巴结清扫术)的成年人,有镜下或大结节受累。 2 430 431在此类患者手术后的84天内开始接受peginterferon alfa-2b辅助治疗。 2
聚乙二醇干扰素α(alfa-2a)已与口服利巴韦林联用,用于治疗由中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)引起的中东呼吸综合征†(MERS)。 443 445 MERS没有具体的治疗已被确定; 436 444 445一些证据表明,除常规支持治疗外,口服利巴韦林和聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a方案可提高14天生存率,但28天生存率并未显着改善。 443
2012年9月在沙特阿拉伯首次报道了MERS-CoV感染;截至2015年8月28日,全球报告436 439 444例实验室确诊病例(包括515例死亡)。 444迄今为止,大多数报道的病例(包括在美国的2例和在大韩民国的爆发)通过旅行或居住到中东直接或间接相关。 436 444 446
CDS网站[Web]上提供了有关MERS-CoV感染评估,诊断和管理的信息,以及前往MERS报告地区(例如中东)的个人的指南。 436
几种聚乙二醇化干扰素α亚型(α-2a,α-2b),剂型和强度是可商购的。 1 2 20确保使用正确的准备。 1 2 20
由于市售的聚乙二醇干扰素α制剂之间在推荐适应症,效力和剂量方面存在差异,因此建议在整个治疗方案中使用为患者选择的聚乙二醇干扰素α制剂。 20
警告患者在未咨询临床医生的情况下不要更改聚乙二醇干扰素的品牌。 20
Peginterferon alfa-2a(Pegasys )和peginterferon alfa-2b(PegIntron ,Sylatron )每周一次通过次Q注射给药。 1 2 20
应当将Peginterferon alfa-2a的Sub-Q注射入大腿或腹部。聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b的20子Q注射应做成大腿,上臂,腹部或外表面。 1 2避开肚脐和腰围区域。 1 2 20旋转注射部位。 2 20
如果临床医生确定患者和/或其护理人员有能力在适当的训练后并根据需要进行医学随访,有能力准备和安全施用药物,则可以自行给药。 1 2 20
在家庭环境中使用聚乙二醇干扰素α的患者和/或其护理人员,应仔细指导正确使用药物(包括无菌技术),并警告不要重复使用注射器和针头,并应提供防刺容器以适当使用,安全处置此类设备(以及正确处置完整容器的说明)。 1 2 20
未稀释地进行管理。 20
给药前应使其达到室温; 20不要摇动。 20请勿在室温下放置超过24小时。 20
溶液应透明无色至浅黄色;如果溶液变色或有颗粒,请勿使用。 20
样品瓶,预灌装的注射器和自动进样器仅供一次性使用。丢弃任何未使用的部分。 20
在给药前,仅使用制造商提供的无菌注射用水将注射用的冻干粉复溶。 1个
复溶前,应为白色至类白色粉末或完整或成片的片剂状固体。 1个
含有冻干的聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(PegIntron的单剂量预填充双室注射笔)和无菌注射用水:直立并按照制造商的说明将两半压在一起。 1轻轻倒转混合;不要摇晃。 1装上提供的针头,并按照制造商的说明校准剂量。 1个
含有冻干的聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(PegIntron的单剂量小瓶):缓慢加入制造商提供的0.7 mL无菌水稀释剂并轻轻旋转小瓶;不要摇晃。 1标记为每0.5毫升包含50、80、120或150 mcg的样品瓶分别包含74、118.4、177.6或222 mcg冻干的聚乙二醇干扰素al-2b。 1个
复配溶液应透明无色;如果溶液变色或混浊或有颗粒,请勿使用。 1个
小瓶和预灌装的钢笔仅供一次性使用;丢弃任何未使用的部分。 1个
在给药前,仅使用制造商提供的无菌注射用水将注射用的冻干粉复溶。 2
含有冻干的聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b(Sylatron)的单剂量小瓶):缓慢加入制造商提供的0.7 mL无菌水稀释剂并轻轻旋转小瓶;不要摇晃。 2个标为每0.5毫升包含200、300或600 mcg的样品瓶分别包含296、444或888 mcg冻干的聚乙二醇干扰素alfa-2b。 2
复配溶液应透明无色;如果溶液变色或混浊或有颗粒,请勿使用。 2
每个小瓶中不要抽取超过0.5 mL的复原溶液。 2
小瓶仅供一次性使用;丢弃任何未使用的部分。 2
≥5岁的儿童:口服利巴韦林每周一次(最大180 mcg)180 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×体表面积(BSA)。 20
对于HCV基因型2或3,建议的治疗时间为24周,对于其他HCV基因型,建议的治疗时间为48周。 20
如果HCV RNA水平在第12周仍未从基线下降≥2log 10 ,或者在治疗24周后仍可检测到,则考虑停止HCV治疗。 20
制造商声明超过48周的治疗尚无安全性和有效性。 20
3-17岁的儿童:每周一次与口服利巴韦林联用60 mcg / m 2 。 1如果患者在治疗过程中已满18岁,请使用小儿药物剂量完成治疗。 1个
除HCV基因型2和3外,如果HCV RNA水平在第12周时未从基线下降≥2 log 10或在治疗24周后仍可检测到,则考虑停止HCV治疗。 1个
如果单独或与口服利巴韦林联用聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a时发生严重的不良反应或实验室变化,请酌情调整一种或两种药物的剂量,直至不良反应减轻。 20如果调整剂量后不耐受持续存在,请停用两种药物。 20
通常,如果由于中度至重度不良反应(临床和/或实验室)而需要对聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a进行剂量调整,通常将初始剂量降至135 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA通常就足够了;在某些情况下,可能需要进一步降低到90 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA或45 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA。 20在考虑停药之前,最多可以进行3次毒性剂量调整。 20
中度抑郁:将聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a剂量降至135 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA;可能需要进一步降低到90 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA或45 mcg / 1.73 m 2 ×BSA。 20如果减少剂量后症状改善并保持稳定4周,请考虑继续减少剂量或增加至常规剂量。 20
严重抑郁:永久停用。 20
血液学影响:如果发生中性粒细胞减少症(<1000 / mm 3 )或血小板计数减少(<50,000 / mm 3 ),请减少剂量或停用(取决于严重程度)。 20
有关针对抑郁症,血液学效应或其他不良反应的剂量调整的更具体建议,请咨询制造商的信息。 20
如果单独或与口服利巴韦林联用聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b时发生严重的不良反应或实验室变化,请酌情调整一种或两种药物的剂量,直至不良反应减轻。 1如果在调整剂量后仍然存在不耐受,则停止使用两种药物。 1个
通常,如果由于接受常规剂量(60 mcg / m 2 )的患者发生不良反应而需要对peginterferon alfa-2b进行剂量调整,请分两步降低剂量(即最初每周一次将剂量降低至40 mcg / m 2) ,如果需要,每周一次将剂量降低至20 mcg / m 2 )。 1个
中度抑郁症:减少聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b的剂量至40微克/ m 2的,每周一次,如果需要,以20微克/ m 2的,每周一次,1如果症状具有减少的剂量提高和保持稳定4周,考虑继续降低的剂量或增加到通常的剂量。 1个
严重抑郁:永久停用。 1个
血液学影响:如果白细胞计数为1000至<1500 / mm 3 ,中性粒细胞计数为500至<750 / mm 3 ,或血小板计数为50,000至<70,000 / mm 3 ,请减少剂量。 1如果血红蛋白<8.5 g / dL,白细胞计数<1000 / mm 3 ,中性粒细胞计数<500 / mm 3或血小板计数<50,000 / mm 3 ,则永久终止。 1在患有心脏病的小儿患者中,应在每周的血液学评估中密切监测是否在任何4周的时间内血红蛋白下降≥2 g / dL;如果血红蛋白<8.5 g / dL(或减少剂量4周后<12 g / dL),则停用。 1个
有关针对抑郁症,血液学效应或其他不良反应的剂量调整的更具体建议,请咨询制造商的信息。 1个
每周一次180 mcg,持续48周。 20 97
成人HCV单一感染(不共存HIV感染):每周一次与口服利巴韦林联用180 mcg。 20建议的治疗时间取决于HCV基因型。 20 (请参阅表1。)
HCV基因型 | 聚乙二醇干扰素Alfa-2a剂量 | 持续时间 |
1(不使用HCV蛋白酶抑制剂时使用) | 每周一次180 mcg | 48周 |
4 | 每周一次180 mcg | 48周 |
2,3 | 每周一次180 mcg | 24周 |
5,6 | 数据不足以提出剂量建议 |
患有HCV和HIV合并感染的成人:每周一次,每次180 mcg,联合口服利巴韦林治疗48周,无论HCV基因型如何。 20 190
如果HCV RNA水平在第12周仍未从基线下降≥2log 10 ,或者在治疗24周后仍可检测到,则考虑停止HCV治疗。 20
制造商声明超过48周的治疗尚无安全性和有效性。 20
1.5微克/ kg一次与口服利巴韦林结合每周1。 1个
与口服利巴韦林联用的重组聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b的合适体积取决于使用的溶液强度和患者的体重。 1 (请参阅表2。)
重量 | 预填充的注射笔或样品瓶强度(每0.5毫升微克) | 每周一次的剂量(mcg) | PegIntron的体积管理(毫升) |
<40公斤 | 50 | 50 | 0.5 |
40–50公斤 | 80 | 64 | 0.4 |
51–60公斤 | 80 | 80 | 0.5 |
61–75公斤 | 120 | 96 | 0.4 |
76–85公斤 | 120 | 120 | 0.5 |
86–105公斤 | 150 | 150 | 0.5 |
> 105公斤 | 变化 | 根据体重计算 | 体积可能需要> 1小瓶 |
以前未接受过治疗(未经治疗的成人)的成年人:HCV基因型2的常规治疗时间为24周,或者HCV基因型1的常规治疗时间为3周或48周。1如果HCV RNA在第12周时与基线相比没有降低≥2 log 10 ,则考虑停止HCV治疗。治疗24周后仍可检测到。 1个
先前治疗失败后的成年人再治疗:无论HCV基因型如何,通常的治疗时间为48周。 1如果在第12周仍可检测到HCV RNA水平,或在治疗24周后仍可检测到HCV RNA,则考虑停止HCV治疗。 1个
以前未经治疗(未接受治疗)的单发感染成人(无艾滋病合并感染),无法接受病毒唑:每周180 mcg,持续48周。 20
HCV感染的成年人患有HIV共感染和临床稳定的HIV疾病,其CD4 + T细胞计数> 100细胞/ mm 3 :180 mcg,每周一次,持续48周。 20
制造商声明超过48周的治疗尚无安全性和有效性。 20
以前未经治疗(未接受治疗)的成年人无法接受病毒唑:1 mcg / kg,一年一次,每周一次。 1个
重构的聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b的合适体积取决于使用的溶液强度和患者的体重。 1 (请参阅表3。)
重量(公斤) | 预填充的注射笔或样品瓶强度(每0.5毫升微克) | 每周一次的剂量(mcg) | PegIntron的体积管理(毫升) |
≤45 | 50 | 40 | 0.4 |
46–56 | 50 | 50 | 0.5 |
57–72 | 80 | 64 | 0.4 |
73–88 | 80 | 80 | 0.5 |
89–106 | 120 | 96 | 0.4 |
107–136 | 120 | 120 | 0.5 |
137–160 | 150 | 150 | 0.5 |
如果Pegasys发生严重的不良反应或实验室发生变化单独使用或与口服利巴韦林联合使用,如果合适,可调整一种或两种药物的剂量,直至不良反应减轻。 20如果调整剂量后不耐受持续存在,请停用两种药物。 20
通常,如果由于不良反应(临床和/或实验室)而需要调整PEG-干扰素α-2a的剂量,建议每周一次将初始剂量降低至135 mcg。如果不良反应持续存在或复发,则可能需要每周一次进一步降低至90 mcg。 20如果不良反应减轻,请考虑重新调整剂量。 20
中度抑郁:每周一次将peginterferon alfa-2a剂量降低至135 mcg;每周一次可能需要进一步降低至90 mcg。 20如果减少剂量后症状改善并保持稳定4周,请考虑继续减少剂量或增加至常规剂量。 20
严重抑郁:永久停用。 20
血液学影响:如果ANC <750 / mm 3,每周一次将peginterferon alfa-2a剂量降至135 mcg。 20如果ANC <500 / mm 3 ,则停药;如果ANC增至> 1000 / mm 3 ,则每周20次,减少剂量为90 mcg,以减少剂量恢复并继续监测。 20如果血小板计数<50,000 / mm 3 ,则每周减少一次剂量至90 mcg; 20如果血小板计数<25,000 / mm 3 ,请停止使用药物。 20
有关针对抑郁症,血液学效应或其他不良反应的剂量调整的更具体建议,请咨询制造商的信息。 20
如果使用PegIntron时发生严重的不良反应或实验室发生变化单独使用或与口服利巴韦林联合使用,如果合适,可调整一种或两种药物的剂量,直至不良反应减轻。 1如果在调整剂量后仍然存在不耐受,则停止使用两种药物。 1个
通常,如果由于接受常规剂量(每周一次1.5 mcg / kg)和同时口服利巴韦林的患者发生不良反应而需要对peginterferon alfa-2b进行剂量调整,则应采用两步降低剂量(即,最初将peginterferon alfa-2b剂量降低至每周一次1 mcg / kg,然后,如果需要,每周一次将剂量降低至0.5 mcg / kg。 1在接受常规的peginterferon alfa-2b单药治疗剂量(每周一次1 mcg / kg)的患者中,将剂量降低到每周一次0.5 mcg / kg。 1个
中度抑郁:如果将聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b与口服利巴韦林同时使用,则应每周一次将聚乙二醇干扰素α-2b的剂量降低至1 mcg / kg,如果需要,应降低至每周一次0.5 mcg / kg。 1如果使用peginterferon alfa-2b单一疗法,每周一次将剂量降低至0.5 mcg / kg。 1如果减少剂量后症状改善并保持稳定4周,请考虑继续减少剂量或增加至常规剂量。 1个
严重抑郁:永久停用。 1个
血液学影响:如果白细胞计数为1000至<1500 / mm 3 ,中性粒细胞计数为500至<750 / mm 3 ,或血小板计数为25,000至<50,000 / mm 3 ,则减少剂量。 1如果血红蛋白<8.5 g / dL,白细胞计数<1000 / mm 3 ,中性粒细胞计数<500 / mm 3或血小板计数<25,000 / mm 3 ,则永久终止。 1在有稳定心脏病史的患者中,如果在任何4周的时间内血红蛋白减少≥2g / dL,则将peginterferon alfa-2b剂量减少50%;如果血红蛋白<8.5 g / dL(或减少剂量4周后<12 g / dL),则停用。 1个
有关针对抑郁症,血液学效应或其他不良反应的剂量调整的更具体建议,请咨询制造商的信息。 1个
一些专家建议每周一次180 mcg,持续24周。 120
没有确定开始治疗的最佳时间和最佳治疗方案(例如,口服或不口服利巴韦林,剂量,治疗时间)。从12-48周96米120推荐的持续时间的范围取决于HCV基因型,HCV RNA的反应,和共存的条件(例如,HIV感染)。 96 120 121 190
如果未获得反应,一些专家建议对慢性HCV感染进行标准治疗。 120
一些专家建议每周一次1.5 mcg / kg,持续24周。 120
没有确定开始治疗的最佳时间和最佳治疗方案(例如,口服或不口服利巴韦林,剂量,治疗时间)。从12-48周96米120推荐的持续时间的范围取决于HCV基因型,HCV RNA的反应,和共存的条件(例如,HIV感染)。 96 120 121 190
如果未获得反应,一些专家建议对慢性HCV感染进行标准治疗。 120
每周一次,剂量为180 mcg,持续48周。 137
每周一次以1.5 mcg / kg的剂量服用48或52周。 131 136
每周一次6 mcg / kg,共8剂(诱导),随后每周一次3 mcg / kg,长达5年(维护)。 2在明确的手术切除(包括完全淋巴结清扫术)后的84天内,开始使用peginterferon alfa-2b辅助治疗黑色素瘤。 2
睡前服用退烧药可最大程度减少类似流感的副作用。 2制造商建议在第一次给药前30分钟口服0.5–1 g对乙酰氨基酚,并在以后的给药中根据需要服用。 2
如果发生持续性或恶化的严重神经精神疾病或4级非血液学毒性,或者患者每周一次不能耐受1 mcg / kg的剂量或出现新的或恶化的视网膜病,则永久终止治疗。 2
如果ANC <500 / mm 3或血小板计数<50,000 / mm 3或东部合作肿瘤小组(ECOG)的表现状态≥2或非血液学毒性等级≥3,则停用。 2 432
当患者表现出以下所有症状时,可以降低剂量继续服用:ANC≥500/ mm 3 ,血小板计数≥50,000/ mm 3 ,ECOG表现状态为0或1,并且非血液学毒性已完全解决或改善为1级。2 432
如果由于不良反应在治疗的第1-8周(诱导)需要调整剂量,建议从原始剂量(每周一次6 mcg / kg)减少3步(即,每周一次将剂量降低到3 mcg / kg;如果每周一次降至2 mcg / kg;如果需要,每周一次进一步降低至1 mcg / kg。 2如果每周一次不耐受1 mcg / kg,则永久停药。 2
如果在9–260周的治疗(维持)中由于不良反应而需要调整剂量,建议从原始剂量(每周一次3 mcg / kg)降低2步(即,每周一次将剂量降低至2 mcg / kg;如果需要,每周一次降至1 mcg / kg)。 2如果每周一次不耐受1 mcg / kg,则永久停药。 2
成人的ALT浓度升高(ULN的> 5倍):考虑每周一次将剂量降低至135 mcg,或暂时停止治疗并更频繁地监测肝功能; ALT耀斑消退后,恢复治疗20次。 20
ALT浓度持续升高或严重升高(> ULN的10倍以上):考虑停止治疗。 20
尽管剂量减少,但渐进性ALT升高:立即停止治疗。 20
ALT升高伴有胆红素升高或肝代偿失调的证据:立即停止治疗。 20
患有进行性ALT的成年人会增加至基线以上:每周一次将剂量降低至135 mcg,并更频繁地监测肝功能; ALT耀斑消退后,恢复治疗20次。 20
尽管剂量减少,但渐进性ALT升高:立即停止治疗。 20
ALT升高伴有胆红素升高或肝代偿失调的证据:立即停止治疗。 20
未进行肝功能不全患者黑色素瘤辅助治疗的研究。 2禁忌于肝功能不全者(Child-Pugh评分> 6,B级和C级)。 2
有Cl成人CR 30-50毫升/分钟:使用通常的180微克每周一次的剂量。 20
Cl cr <30 mL / min的成人(包括患有需要血液透析的终末期肾脏疾病的成年人):每周一次将剂量降低至135 mcg。 20
有严重不良反应或实验室异常的成年人:可将剂量降低至90 mcg;如果不容忍现象继续存在,请中止。 20
肾功能不全的小儿患者:无法提供剂量推荐数据。 20
在单一疗法有Cl CR 30-50毫升/分钟的成年人:减少25%的剂量。 1个
Monotherapy in adults with Cl cr 10–29 mL/minute (including those on hemodialysis): Reduce dosage by 50%. 1个
Discontinue treatment if renal function decreases during treatment. 1个
Pediatric patients with renal impairment: Discontinue treatment if S cr >2 mg/dL. 1个
Adults with Cl cr 30–50 mL/minute per 1.73 m 2 : Reduce dosage for adjuvant treatment of melanoma to 4.5 mcg/kg once weekly for 8 doses (induction), followed by 2.25 mcg/kg once weekly for up to 5 years (maintenance). 2
Adults with Cl cr <30 mL/minute per 1.73 m 2 and adults with end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis: Reduce dosage for adjuvant treatment of melanoma to 3 mcg/kg once weekly for 8 doses (induction), followed by 1.5 mcg/kg once weekly for up to 5 years (maintenance). 2
Cautious dosage selection because of age-related decreases in renal function. 1 20 (See Renal Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)
Known hypersensitivity reactions (eg, urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis) to peginterferon alfa (alfa-2a, alfa-2b) or any ingredient in the formulation. 1 2 20
Autoimmune hepatitis. 1 2 20
Cirrhotic patients with hepatic decompensation (Child-Pugh score >6, class B and C) prior to or during treatment. 1 2 20
Use of peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ) in cirrhotic patients with chronic HCV infection who are coinfected with HIV and have hepatic decompensation (Child-Pugh score ≥6) prior to treatment. 20
Use of peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ) in neonates and infants (this preparation contains benzyl alcohol). 20 (See Pediatric Use under Cautions.)
Concomitant use of ribavirin is contraindicated in women who are or may become pregnant, men whose female partners are pregnant, patients with known hypersensitivity (eg, urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis) to ribavirin or any ingredient in the formulation, patients with hemoglobinopathies (eg, thalassemia major, sickle cell anemia), patients receiving concomitant didanosine therapy, and usually contraindicated in patients with Cl cr <50 mL/minute. 1 20
May cause or aggravate fatal or life-threatening neuropsychiatric, autoimmune, ischemic, and infectious disorders. 1 2 20 Monitor closely with periodic clinical and laboratory evaluations; discontinue in those with persistently severe or worsening signs or symptoms of these disorders. 1 2 20 In many, but not all cases, these disorders resolve after peginterferon alfa discontinuance. 1 20 (See Other Warnings/Precautions under Cautions.)
When used in conjunction with oral ribavirin, consider cautions, precautions, and contraindications associated with both drugs. 1 20
Ribavirin may cause birth defects and/or death of the fetus. 1 20 If oral ribavirin is used in conjunction with peginterferon alfa, extreme care must be taken to avoid pregnancy in female patients and in female partners of male patients. 1 20 349 377 403
Ribavirin causes hemolytic anemia, which can result in worsening of cardiac disease. 1 20 349 377 403
When used in conjunction with oral ribavirin and an HCV DAA, including simeprevir (an HCV protease inhibitor) or sofosbuvir (an HCV polymerase inhibitor), also consider cautions, precautions, and contraindications associated with the HCV DAA. 187 188
Risk of serious depression, with suicidal ideation and completed suicides, and other serious neuropsychiatric disorders (eg, homicidal ideation, increased risk of relapse in recovering drug addicts) are increased with alpha interferons. 1 2 20 Psychoses, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, bipolar disorders, mania reported in patients receiving nonconjugated interferon alfa. 1 20 In postmarketing experience, adverse neuropsychiatric reactions have been reported up to 6 months after discontinuance of peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron )。 2
Exacerbated symptoms of psychiatric disorders may occur in patients with both psychiatric and substance use disorders. 1 If initiated in a patient with current or prior psychiatric conditions or history of substance use disorders, consider the need for drug screening and periodic health evaluation, including psychiatric symptom monitoring. 1 Early intervention for new or re-emergent neuropsychiatric symptoms and substance use recommended. 1个
Use with extreme caution in any patient with history of depression or psychiatric disorder. 1 20 Monitor all patients for evidence of depression and other psychiatric symptoms (every 3 weeks during first 8 weeks of treatment, every 6 months thereafter; continue monitoring for at least 6 months after last dose). 1 2 20 Advise patients to report any sign or symptom of depression or suicidal ideation to their clinician. 1 2 20
If mild depression develops, usual dosage may be continued if patient is evaluated once weekly and depression remains stable or improves; dosage reduction recommended in those who develop moderate depression. 1 20 (See Dosage under Dosage and Administration.)
If persistent severe depression occurs, psychiatric symptoms persist or worsen, or suicidal ideation or aggressive behavior toward others is identified, discontinue immediately, provide psychiatric intervention, and refer patient for psychiatric evaluation. 1 2 20 Do not reinitiate in such patients. 1 2 20 These disorders may not resolve after the drug is discontinued. 2
Serious acute hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis) and cutaneous eruptions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis) reported rarely during interferon alfa therapy. 1 20
If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs, discontinue peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin immediately and provide appropriate supportive and symptomatic care. 1 20 Transient rash does not necessitate interruption of treatment, 1 but discontinue the drug if signs or symptoms of severe skin reactions occur. 20
Clinically important cardiovascular effects (eg, hypotension, hypertension, supraventricular arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, cardiomyopathy, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, bundle-branch block) reported. 1 2 20
Use with caution and with close monitoring in those with preexisting cardiovascular disease, including history of myocardial infarction and cardiac arrhythmias. 1 20 Perform ECG before initiating peginterferon alfa in such patients. 1 20 Permanently discontinue if new onset ventricular arrhythmia or cardiovascular decompensation occurs. 2
Because cardiac disease may be worsened by ribavirin-associated anemia, patients with a history of clinically important or unstable cardiac disease should not receive concomitant oral ribavirin. 1 20
Suppresses bone marrow function and may cause severe cytopenias; 1 20 aplastic anemia reported rarely. 1 20 Concomitant oral ribavirin may potentiate neutropenia and lymphopenia induced by alfa interferons, including peginterferon alfa. 1 20
Severe thrombocytopenia and neutropenia occurs more frequently in patients coinfected with chronic HCV and HIV than in those not coinfected with HIV; serious infections or bleeding may occur. 20
Use concomitant peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin with caution in patients with baseline neutrophil counts <1500/mm 3 , baseline platelet counts <90,000/mm 3 , baseline hemoglobin <10 g/dL, or a baseline risk of severe anemia (eg, spherocytosis, history of GI bleeding). 20
Perform CBCs prior to and routinely during therapy. 1 20 Adjust dosage or discontinue drug if necessary. 1 20 (See Dosage under Dosage and Administration.)
Development or exacerbation of autoimmune disease (eg, thyroiditis, thrombotic or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, interstitial nephritis, hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis) reported. 1 20
Use with caution in patients with autoimmune disorders. 1 20
May cause or aggravate hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes mellitus. 1 2 20
Measure TSH levels within the 4 weeks preceding initiation of peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron ), at 3 and 6 months following initiation of the drug, and every 6 months thereafter until discontinued. 2
Patients with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or diabetes mellitus whose disease cannot be effectively treated should not receive peginterferon alfa. 1 20
Permanently discontinue if these conditions develop during peginterferon therapy and cannot be effectively controlled. 1 2 20
Decreased or loss of vision, retinopathy including macular edema, retinal artery or vein thrombosis, retinal hemorrhages and cotton-wool spots, optic neuritis, papilledema, and serous retinal detachment are induced or aggravated by peginterferon alfa or other interferon alfa preparations. 1 2 20
Perform baseline ophthalmologic examination in all patients prior to initiation of peginterferon alfa. 1 20 Perform ophthalmologic examinations (eg, visual acuity and indirect ophthalmoscopy fundus photography) periodically during treatment in those with preexisting ophthalmologic disorders (eg, diabetic or hypertensive retinopathy). 1 2 20
Perform prompt and complete eye examination in any patient who develops ocular symptoms. 1 2 20
Permanently discontinue in patients who develop new or worsening ophthalmologic disorders. 1 2 20
Ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular events reported with alfa interferons, including peginterferon alfa. 1 20 Such events have occurred in patients with few or no reported risk factors for stroke, including patients <45 years of age. 1 20 Estimates of frequency and causal relationship not established. 1 20
Patients with chronic HCV infection and cirrhosis may be at risk of hepatic decompensation and death during interferon alfa (including peginterferon alfa) therapy. 1 20 Cirrhotic HCV patients coinfected with HIV receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in conjunction with interferon alfa therapy (with or without oral ribavirin) appear to be at increased risk for development of hepatic decompensation compared with patients not receiving HAART. 1 20 In most reported cases, patients were receiving HAART that included nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (abacavir, didanosine, lamivudine, stavudine, zidovudine). 20 (See Specific Drugs under Interactions.)
Closely monitor clinical status and hepatic function. 20 Immediately discontinue peginterferon alfa if decompensation (Child-Pugh score ≥6) occurs. 1 20
Patients with chronic HBV infection may experience HBV exacerbations (characterized by transient and potentially severe increases in ALT) during treatment. 20 Marked transaminase flares during peginterferon alfa-2a treatment have been accompanied by other liver test abnormalities. 20 If ALT flares occur, monitor liver function more frequently and consider dosage reduction. 20 Immediately discontinue treatment if ALT increases are progressive despite dosage reduction or are accompanied by increased bilirubin or evidence of hepatic decompensation. 20
Peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron ) increases risk of hepatic decompensation and death in patients with cirrhosis. 2 Monitor hepatic function (ie, serum bilirubin, ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, LDH) at 2 weeks, 8 weeks, 2 months, and 3 months following initiation of the drug, then every 6 months thereafter during therapy. 2 Permanently discontinue if evidence of severe (grade 3) hepatic injury or hepatic decompensation (Child-Pugh score >6, class B and C) occurs. 2
May aggravate or induce potentially life-threatening dyspnea, pneumonia, bronchiolitis obliterans, pulmonary infiltrates, interstitial pneumonitis, pulmonary hypertension, and sarcoidosis. 1 20
Discontinue peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin therapy in patients who develop pulmonary infiltrates or pulmonary function impairment. 1 20 Recurrence of respiratory failure has occurred with interferon rechallenge, closely monitor patient if therapy is resumed. 1个
Use with caution in patients with history of pulmonary disease (eg, COPD) or other debilitating conditions, since flu-like symptoms may occur. 1个
Serious and severe infections (bacterial, viral, fungal), including some fatalities, reported in patients treated with alfa interferons, including peginterferon alfa. 20
While fever may be associated with the flu-like syndrome commonly reported during interferon therapy, rule out other causes of high or persistent fever, particularly in patients with neutropenia. 20
Initiate appropriate anti-infective therapy and consider discontinuing peginterferon alfa in patients who develop severe infections. 20
Potentially life-threatening ulcerative and hemorrhagic/ischemic colitis reported within 12 weeks of initiation of interferon alfa treatment. 1 20
Discontinue immediately in patients who develop signs and symptoms of colitis (eg, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, fever); colitis usually resolves within 1–3 weeks of discontinuance of interferon alfa therapy. 1 20
Potentially life-threatening pancreatitis has occurred in patients receiving interferon alfa therapy. 1 20
Discontinue in patients with suspected pancreatitis; permanently discontinue if diagnosis of pancreatitis is established. 1 20
Peripheral neuropathy reported in patients receiving telbivudine with an interferon alfa. 1 20 (See Specific Drugs under Interactions.)
Increased triglyceride concentrations reported in patients receiving alfa interferons, including peginterferon alfa. 1 20
Manage elevated triglycerides as clinically appropriate. 1个
Consider discontinuing in patients with persistently elevated triglycerides (eg, triglycerides >1000 mg/dL) and symptoms of potential pancreatitis (eg, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting). 1个
Dental and periodontal disorders reported in patients receiving peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin; 1 dry mouth may contribute to damage of teeth and oral mucous membranes during long-term treatment. 1个
Advise patients to have regular dental examinations during treatment, brush their teeth thoroughly twice daily, and rinse their mouth thoroughly after vomiting. 1个
Neutralizing antibodies may develop in patients receiving alfa interferons, including peginterferon alfa. 1 2 20
Clinical and pathologic importance of development of serum neutralizing antibodies unknown. 1 2 20 No apparent correlation of antibody development to clinical response or adverse events. 1 20
As with other alfa interferons, liver and renal graft rejections have been reported when peginterferon alfa (with or without oral ribavirin) was used in organ transplant recipients. 1 20
Safety and efficacy not established in patients with liver or other transplants. 1 20
Assess organ system functions, including renal, hepatic, and hematopoietic, prior to and during peginterferon alfa therapy (with or without concomitant oral ribavirin). 1 20
Periodically monitor triglyceride concentrations. 1个
In clinical studies in adults, CBCs and chemistries (liver function tests, uric acid) were measured at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks or 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after initiation of therapy and then every 4–6 weeks or more frequently if abnormalities were found. 1 20 In addition, TSH was measured every 12 weeks. 1 20
In a clinical study in pediatric patients, hematologic and chemistry assessments were performed at 1, 3, 5, and 8 weeks after initiation of peginterferon alfa and then every 4 weeks. 20
Perform pregnancy screening tests in all women of childbearing potential prior to initiation of treatment; in those receiving concomitant oral ribavirin, repeat pregnancy tests once monthly during and for 6 months after discontinuing therapy. 1 20
Peginterferon alfa monotherapy: Category C. 1 2 20
Concomitant peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin: Category X. 1 20 (See Concomitant Oral Ribavirin under Cautions.)
Not known whether peginterferon alfa is distributed into human milk; 1 2 20 studies in mice indicate mouse interferons are distributed into milk. 1 2
Discontinue nursing or the drug. 1 2 20
Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ): Safety and efficacy not established in children <5 years of age. 20
Peginterferon alfa-2b (PegIntron ): Safety and efficacy not established in children <3 years of age. 1 Do not use concomitant peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin capsules or oral solution (Rebetol ) therapy in pediatric patients with S cr >2 mg/dL. 1个
Peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron ): Safety and efficacy not established in children <18 years of age. 2
Adverse effects reported in pediatric patients generally similar to those reported in adults. 1 20 In addition, delay in weight and height increases compared with baseline reported in pediatric patients receiving peginterferon alfa and oral ribavirin. 1 20
Decreased weight and height for age z-scores as well as percentiles of the normative population reported; 1 20 generally return to baseline normative growth curve percentiles for weight and height at end of 2-year follow-up after completion of treatment. 20 May induce inhibition of growth resulting in reduced adult height in some patients. 1个
Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ): Contraindicated in neonates and infants; 20 each mL contains 10 mg of benzyl alcohol as a preservative. 20 Although a causal relationship has not been established, administration of injections preserved with benzyl alcohol has been associated with toxicity (eg, neurologic) in neonates and infants, which is sometimes fatal. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Experience in those 65 years of age and older insufficient to determine whether they respond differently than younger adults. 1 2 20
Adverse reactions related to alfa interferons, such as CNS, cardiac, and systemic (eg, flu-like) effects may be more severe in geriatric patients than in younger adults. 20 Use with caution. 1 20
Because geriatric patients may have decreased renal function and because patients with renal impairment may be at increased risk of drug-induced toxicity, monitor closely and adjust dosage accordingly. 20 (See Renal Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)
Chronic HBV patients may be at risk for transient acute exacerbations (flares) of HBV infection. 20 (See Hepatic Failure and Hepatitis Exacerbations under Cautions.)
Chronic HCV patients with cirrhosis may be at risk of hepatic decompensation and death. 1 20 Closely monitor clinical status and hepatic function; immediately discontinue treatment if decompensation (Child-Pugh score ≥6) occurs. 1 20 (See Hepatic Failure and Hepatitis Exacerbations under Cautions.)
If elevated plasma ALT concentrations occur, monitor hepatic function more frequently; consider dosage adjustments or discontinuance if necessary. 20 (See Hepatic Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)
Peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron ): Not studied in melanoma patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score >6, class B and C). 2 Contraindicated in such patients; discontinue if hepatic decompensation (Child-Pugh score >6, class B and C) occurs during treatment. 2
Use with caution and close clinical monitoring in patients with renal impairment. 1 20
Dosage adjustments required if Cl cr <30 mL/minute (peginterferon alfa-2a [Pegasys ]) or Cl cr ≤50 mL/minute (peginterferon alfa-2b [PegIntron , Sylatron ]). 1 2 20 (See Renal Impairment under Dosage and Administration.)
Use concomitant peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ) and oral ribavirin tablets (Copegus ) with caution if Cl cr ≤50 mL/minute. 20 377 Other ribavirin preparations contraindicated if Cl cr <50 mL/minute. 349 403
Concomitant peginterferon alfa-2b (PegIntron ) and oral ribavirin contraindicated if Cl cr <50 mL/minute. 1 349 403
In studies evaluating peginterferon alfa-2b (PegIntron ) for treatment of chronic HCV infection, response rates were lower in black and Hispanic patients and higher in Asian patients compared with white patients. 1 4 Although black patients had a higher proportion of poor prognostic factors compared with white patients, experience with these patients was insufficient to allow meaningful conclusions about differences in response rates after adjusting for these prognostic factors. 1个
Peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys ), peginterferon alfa-2b (PegIntron ): Flu-like symptoms (fatigue/asthenia, headache, myalgia, pyrexia, rigors); 1 7 20 neuropsychiatric effects (insomnia, depression, anxiety/emotional lability/irritability); 1 20 hematologic effects (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia). 1 20 Almost all (>96%) of patients with chronic HCV infection receiving peginterferon alfa (alfa-2a, alfa-2b) experience adverse effects at some time during the course of treatment. 1 20
Peginterferon alfa-2b (Sylatron ): Flu-like symptoms (fatigue, headache, myalgia, pyrexia, chills), anorexia, arthralgia, injection