灭活(多糖)疫苗。 105 129 134 181在美国市售的肺炎球菌的13价结合疫苗(白喉CRM197蛋白)(PCV13;接种Prevnar 13 ) 181和肺炎球菌疫苗,多价(肺炎球菌23价疫苗; PPSV23;气胸23)。 129两种疫苗均含有从肺炎链球菌提取的荚膜抗原,并用于刺激针对肺炎球菌感染的主动免疫。 105 129 134 181正在研究其他各种肺炎球菌疫苗,或者在其他国家也可以买到。 188
PCV13(上一条13 ):预防由肺炎链球菌引起的侵袭性疾病(例如,肺炎链球菌)在6周至23个月大的婴儿,2至5岁的健康儿童,6至18岁的儿童和青少年中增加风险对于肺炎球菌疾病,年龄≥19岁的成年人罹患肺炎球菌疾病的风险††,以及≥65岁的成年人。 100 181 184 199 200 202 203 204 205 206提供保护仅针对13肺炎链球菌血清型的疫苗表示(即,1,3,4,5,6A,6B,7F,9V,14,18C,19A,19F ,23F)。 181
PPSV23(气胸23):预防由肺炎链球菌引起的侵袭性疾病(例如,肺炎链球菌)在2至18岁的儿童中增加肺炎球菌疾病风险,≥19岁的成年人在肺炎球菌疾病风险中增加,以及≥65岁的成年人。 100 129 169 184 202 203 204 205 206 206仅提供针对疫苗中所代表的23种肺炎链球菌血清型的保护(即1、2、3、4、5、6B,7F,8、9N,9V,10A,11A, 12F,14、15B,17F,18C,19F,19A,20、22F,23F,33F)。 129
肺炎链球菌是世界范围内严重或侵入性疾病和死亡的主要原因。 100 105 166 169 184在美国,在肺炎球菌性肺炎的结果估计每年(病死率5-7%)175000次住院;每年报告> 50,000例肺炎球菌菌血症(病死率约20%)和3000–6000例肺炎球菌脑膜炎(病死率约30%)。 166老年人的病死率更高(该年龄段的肺炎球菌菌血症或脑膜炎患病率为60-80%)。 166在5岁以下的儿童中,肺炎链球菌一直是细菌性脑膜炎的主要原因。 166
在美国的肺炎球菌疾病的流行病学与疾病常规婴儿和儿童的疫苗接种是在2000年100 184总体侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病发病率开始在儿童<5岁的年龄大约为99例/ 10万人下降1998 - 1999年后显着变化到2008年,这一数字上升到21例/ 100,000人口。184婴儿和儿童常规接种肺炎球菌疫苗也降低了所有年龄段未接种疫苗的人中侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病的发生率。 184 1998-1999年和2008年的数据表明,年龄在18-49岁,50-64岁和65岁以上的个体的侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病总发生率分别降低了34%,14%和37%。 184
PCV13(上一条13 )是USPHS免疫实践咨询委员会(ACIP),AAP和其他机构推荐的肺炎球菌疫苗,适用于2至23个月大的所有婴儿和2至5岁的健康儿童的常规初次和补充疫苗接种。 100种184 199疫苗抗原在PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )与T细胞依赖性载体蛋白(白喉CRM 197蛋白)结合,并且与PPSV23(肺炎支原体)中未结合的抗原相比,在婴儿和幼儿中具有更高的免疫原性23)。 100 184
PPSV23(气胸23)包含PCV13中不包含的11种其他抗原(Prevnar 13 ),而PCV13含有一种在PPSV23中找不到的抗原;两种疫苗的使用在针对更广泛的血清型的免疫方面都具有优势。 202 203 205因此,ACIP,AAP和其它建议接种PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)≥2岁的儿童,青少年和≥19岁的成年人,由于某些疾病,使他们患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加。 100 155 156 184 199 200 202 203 205 206接种PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)也建议在所有65岁以上的成年人中使用。 200 204 (请参阅使用中处于危险中的人群的肺炎球菌疫苗接种。)
当两个PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)所示,依序给予疫苗;不要同时给予。 100 184 199 200 202 203 204 205如果可能的话,给所有需要的剂量PCV13的(接种Prevnar 13 )在PPSV23(气胸23)。 100 184 199 200 202 203 204 205(见剂量和给药。)
肺炎球菌7价结合疫苗(PCV7; Prevnar )从2000年到2010年在美国可用148 184 185 ,后来被PCV13取代(Prevnar 13 )。 100 184 185由于PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )包含PCV7中未包含的6种其他抗原(Prevnar ),以前接受过适合年龄的疫苗接种或未完全接种PCV7的个体(Prevnar )应该收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 )。 100 184 199 203 205
对于有暴露于肺炎链球菌的风险或如果感染了肺炎链球菌,则有可能发展为侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病的婴儿,儿童,青少年和成人,建议接种肺炎球菌疫苗。 100 105 169 184 199 200 202 203 204 205
2至23个月大的婴儿患侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加,应接种适当剂量的PCV13疫苗以预防该疾病的接种(Prevnar 13 )。 100 105 184 PPSV23(Pneumovax 23)不建议在这些婴儿中使用。 129
ACIP,AAP等建议在2至23个月大的所有先前未接种疫苗或未完全接种疫苗的婴儿中,使用适合年龄的PCV13剂量接种常规的初次接种和补充疫苗接种以预防肺炎球菌感染(Prevnar 13 )。 100 184 199
年龄在14至23个月之间的婴儿,已接受与年龄相关的先前可用的7价疫苗接种(PCV7; Prevnar )应该接受PCV13的单剂补充剂量(Prevnar 13 ),因为这可能会提供额外的保护。 100 184 199
尚未接种疫苗或未完全接种肺炎球菌疾病的2至5岁的健康儿童应接受单剂量PCV13的补充疫苗接种(Prevnar 13 )。 100 184 199 PPSV23(Pneumovax不建议在2至5岁的健康儿童中,没有健康状况,使他们罹患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加。23)。 100 184 199
2至5岁的儿童,使用先前可用的7价疫苗进行了适当年龄的疫苗接种(PCV7; Prevnar )应该接受PCV13的单剂补充剂量(Prevnar 13 ),因为这可能会提供额外的保护。 100 184 199
在对于因某些疾病肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加儿童2〜5岁的应针对用PCV13的顺序方案的疾病进行预防接种(接种Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)。 100 184 199
2至5岁的儿童,患有功能性或解剖性无力(包括镰状细胞病或其他血红蛋白病,先天性或获得性无力),免疫功能低下的医疗状况(先天性或获得性免疫缺陷,HIV感染,慢性肾功能衰竭,肾病综合征,恶性肿瘤,白血病) ,淋巴瘤,霍奇金病,实体器官移植)或某些其他疾病(慢性心脏病[特别是发otic性先天性心脏病和心力衰竭],慢性肺部疾病[如果使用大剂量口服皮质类固醇激素治疗可包括哮喘],糖尿病,CSF泄漏,人工耳蜗)被认为增加了肺炎球菌疾病的风险。 100 184 199
ACIP,AAP和其他机构建议,患有此类疾病的2至5岁未接种疫苗或未完全接种疫苗的儿童应使用适合年龄的PCV13方案进行追赶疫苗接种(Prevnar 13 ),然后服用一剂PPSV23(气胸23)。 100 184 199
由于某些医学状况,应接种6岁至18岁的儿童和青少年,因罹患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加,因此需要接种该疫苗。 100 184 199 203 205
ACIP,AAP和其他建议对两种PCV13进行顺序接种(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)年龄在6至18岁之间的功能性或解剖性无力(包括镰状细胞病或其他血红蛋白病,先天性或获得性无力),免疫功能低下的医疗条件(先天性或获得性免疫缺陷,HIV感染,慢性肾功能衰竭,肾病综合征)的儿童和青少年,恶性肿瘤,白血病,淋巴瘤,霍奇金病,广义恶性肿瘤,实体器官移植,多发性骨髓瘤)或某些其他医学疾病(CSF漏泄,人工耳蜗)。 184 199 203 205
这些专家通常建议接种PPSV23(气胸23)仅在6至18岁的儿童和青少年中患有慢性心脏病(尤其是发otic性先天性心脏病和心力衰竭),慢性肺部疾病(如果长期服用大剂量口服皮质类固醇激素可治疗哮喘),糖尿病,酒精中毒,或慢性肝病以及吸烟者。 184 199 203但是,AAP指出,对这两种PCV13都进行了顺序接种(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)可用于患有慢性心脏病(尤其是发otic性先天性心脏病和心力衰竭),慢性肺部疾病(如果长期口服大剂量口服皮质类固醇激素治疗的患者包括哮喘)和糖尿病的患者。 205
ACIP,AAP和其他专家不建议常规使用PCV13(第13章)和/或PPSV23(气胸23)在6至18岁的健康儿童和青少年中,他们的医疗状况使他们患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加。 100 184 199
6岁至18岁的儿童和青少年由于医疗状况而接受了与年龄适当的先前可用的7价疫苗接种(PCV7; Prevnar),因患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加)应该接受PCV13的单剂补充剂量(Prevnar 13 ),因为这可能会提供额外的保护。 203
当PPSV23(气胸23)适用于6岁至18岁的儿童和青少年,由于医疗状况而增加了肺炎球菌疾病的风险,应给以前未接种过疫苗的人接种一定剂量的疫苗。 184 199 203 205此外,ACIP,AAP和其他机构建议患有功能性或解剖性无力的儿童和青少年以及免疫力低下的儿童和青少年接受第二剂PPSV23的再接种(Pneumovax 23)第一次给药后5年。 PPSV23 199 203 205第二个剂量(Pneumovax 23)对于患有慢性心脏病,慢性肺病,糖尿病,CSF漏液,人工耳蜗,酒精中毒或慢性肝病或吸烟的具有免疫能力的个体,认为没有必要。 199 203 205
≥19岁的成年人由于某些医疗条件而患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加,应接种该疾病的疫苗。 200 202
ACIP和其他人建议对两种PCV13进行顺序接种(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)≥19岁的成年人患有功能性或解剖性无力(包括镰状细胞病或其他血红蛋白病,先天性或获得性无力,脾功能障碍,脾切除术),免疫功能低下的医疗条件(先天性或获得性免疫缺陷,HIV感染,慢性肾功能衰竭,肾病综合征,白血病,淋巴瘤,霍奇金病,广泛性恶性肿瘤,实体器官移植,多发性骨髓瘤),医源性免疫抑制(包括长期全身性皮质类固醇疗法或放射疗法)或某些其他医学病症(CSF泄漏,人工耳蜗)。 200 202 206
这些专家通常建议接种PPSV23(气胸23)独自一人在成人≥19岁患有慢性心脏疾病(包括充血性心脏衰竭,心肌病[不包括高血压]),慢性肺病(COPD,肺气肿,哮喘),糖尿病,酒精中毒,慢性肝病,肝硬化或并在那些抽烟的人中。 169 200 202
当PCV13(Prevnar 13 )在≥19岁的成年人中由于医疗条件而出现肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加,因此应给予单剂疫苗。 203
当PPSV23(气胸23)适用于≥19岁的成年人,由于医疗条件而增加患肺炎球菌疾病的风险,应该给以前未接种过疫苗的人服用一定剂量的疫苗。 169 200 202此外,ACIP等建议患有功能性或解剖性无力的人和免疫力低下的人再次接种PPSV23(气胸23)第一次给药后5年。 PPSV23 169 200 202第二个剂量(Pneumovax 23)对于患有慢性心脏病,慢性肺病,糖尿病,CSF漏液,人工耳蜗,酒精中毒或慢性肝病或吸烟的具有免疫能力的个体,认为没有必要。 169 200 202
50至64岁的健康成年人。虽然是PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)已被FDA标记为在50岁以下的成年人中预防肺炎和侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病, 181 ACIP等不建议在50至64岁的健康成年人中进行常规肺炎球菌疫苗接种,这些成年人没有医疗条件,增加患肺炎球菌疾病的风险。 200 201 204
≥65岁的成年人,包括具有免疫能力的成年人,肺炎球菌感染的风险增高,应按顺序接种PCV13疫苗以预防疾病(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)。 200 204
ACIP和其他专家建议,所有未接种疫苗或疫苗接种状况未知的≥65岁成年人应服用PCV13剂量(Prevnar 13 ),然后服用一剂PPSV23(气胸23)6–12个月后。 200 204
≥65岁的成人未接受PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),但以前收到过PPSV23(气胸23)<65岁时应接受PCV13的剂量(Prevnar 13 )最近一次服用PPSV23(气胸)后至少1年23)。 200 204然后应给这些人接种一定剂量的PPSV23(气胸) 23)PCV13之后的6–12个月(Prevnar 13 )剂量,并且至少要在之前的PPSV23(Pneumovax)之后5年23)剂量。 200 204
≥65岁的成人未接受PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),但以前收到过PPSV23(气胸23)≥65岁时应接受PCV13的剂量(Prevnar 13 )至少在最近的PPSV23(Pneumovax)之后1年23)剂量。 200个204无需额外的剂量PPSV23的(Pneumovax 23)推荐。 200 204
≥65岁的成人以前曾接受PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),年龄小于65岁,但尚未接受PPSV23(气胸23)应服用一剂PPSV23(气胸23)PCV13之后的6–12个月(Prevnar 13 )剂量。 200
≥65岁的成人以前曾接受PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)在<65岁时应重新接种PPSV23(气胸23)PCV13之后的6–12个月(Prevnar 13 )剂量,并且至少要在之前的PPSV23(Pneumovax)之后5年23)剂量。 200
感染了HIV的人患肺炎球菌疾病的风险增加,应接种该疫苗。 100 155 156 166 169 184 199 200 202 203 205
ACIP,AAP,CDC,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),IDSA,小儿传染病学会等建议使用适合年龄的PCV13疫苗接种(Prevnar 13 )在2至23个月大的所有HIV感染婴儿中,并采用适合年龄的序贯治疗PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)诊断后应尽快在所有感染HIV的成人,青少年和≥2岁的儿童中进行检查。 100 155 156 184 199 200 203 205
PCV13(上一条13 )可以用于HIV感染的成年人和青少年,而不管CD4 + T细胞计数如何。 155 200 202尽管ACIP和其他专家指出PPSV23(Pneumovax 23)也可以用于受HIV感染的成年人,而与CD4 + T细胞计数无关,有200位专家指出,最好推迟使用PPSV23(气胸23)在受HIV感染的成年人和青少年中,直到对抗逆转录病毒疗法作出响应,CD4 + T细胞计数增加到> 200细胞/ mm 3为止。 155
再次接种PPSV23(气胸23)建议在HIV感染者中,在初始剂量后至少5年。 105 155 156 169 184 202 203 205有专家建议PPSV23的第三剂量(Pneumovax 23)在≥65岁的HIV感染者中,自上次给药以来已过去5年之久。 155 PPSV23(气喘)的终生剂量不得超过3 23)推荐。 155
人工耳蜗植入者患肺炎球菌性脑膜炎的风险大大增加,应接种该疫苗。 100 184 199 200 202 203 205细菌性脑膜炎,肺炎球菌尤其脑膜炎,发病率是耳蜗植入比在一般人群中的儿童的儿童中更高,154 161 189和肺炎链球菌是最常见的病原体中的人工耳蜗植入者引起细菌性脑膜炎所有年龄段的脑膜炎病因均已知。 189
AAP,ACIP,CDC和其他机构建议使用适合年龄的PCV13序贯疫苗接种(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)在所有≥2岁且已经或计划接受人工耳蜗的个体中。 100 110 184 189接种应在植入人工耳蜗之前至少2周完成。 184 189
吸烟者患侵袭性肺炎球菌疾病的风险大大增加。 169 ACIP和其他人建议未接种疫苗的吸烟者应服用一定剂量的PPSV23(气胸23)和戒烟咨询。 169 200 202 203
免疫状况不确定的国际收养婴儿和儿童应根据美国推荐的儿童和青少年免疫计划接种肺炎球菌疾病疫苗。 134这些儿童应按年龄适当接种肺炎球菌疫苗,并应根据可能增加肺炎球菌疾病风险的潜在医疗状况表明。 134尽管在许多国家推荐使用肺炎球菌疫苗,但应考虑到该疫苗可能不会常规使用。 134
肺炎球菌疾病风险最高的旅行者包括幼儿,老年人和患有慢性病或免疫抑制的任何年龄的人。 171尽管肺炎球菌病在世界范围内发生,但CDC并未就旅行者的肺炎球菌疫苗接种提出具体建议。 171
PCV13(上一条13 )被FDA标记为预防由肺炎链球菌4、6B,9V,14、18C,19F和23F血清型引起的AOM在6周至5岁的婴儿和儿童中的发生。 181该适应症基于功效研究,评估了先前可用的7价疫苗的使用(PCV7; Prevnar ); 181条有关使用PCV13的功效数据不可用(Prevnar 13 ),以预防由疫苗中所代表的其他肺炎链球菌血清型(即1、3、5、6A,7F,19A)引起的AOM。 181
PCV13(上一条13 ):仅通过IM注入进行管理。 181
PPSV23(气胸23):仅通过IM或sub-Q注入进行管理。 129
不要稀释; 129 181不与任何其他疫苗或混合溶液。 129 181
不要给予PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )与PPSV23(气胸23)。 100 184当两种疫苗所指出的,辖PPSV23(Pneumovax 23)在推荐的适合年龄的PCV13疗法后依序服用(Prevnar 13 ), 如果可能的话。 100 184 199 200 202 203 204 205
PCV13(上一条13 )或PPSV23(气胸23)可以在同一次保健访问中与其他适合年龄的疫苗同时接种。 105 134 184 (请参阅交互作用。)在单次卫生保健就诊期间施用多种肠胃外疫苗时,应在不同的注射部位和不同的注射位置给每种疫苗注射;由至少1英寸(如果可行解剖)105个134单独的注射位点以允许的可能发生的任何局部副作用适当的归属。 134
接种疫苗后可能会出现晕厥(血管迷走神经或降压药反应;晕厥)。 134这种反应最常见于青少年和年轻人。 134如果疫苗在疫苗接种期间或之后坐下或躺下15分钟,可以避免晕厥和继发性伤害。 134如果发生晕厥,请观察患者直至症状消失。 134
根据患者年龄,将IM植入三角肌或大腿前外侧。 134在6周至2岁的婴幼儿中,大腿前外侧是首选; 134或者,如果肌肉质量足够,则可以在1至2岁的年龄使用三角肌。 134在成年人,青少年和3岁以上的儿童中,首选三角肌。 134
为了确保输送到肌肉中,请使用适合于个体年龄和体重,注射部位脂肪组织和肌肉厚度的注射针,以与皮肤成90°角的IM注射方式进行注射。 134
避免注射到臀区域或血管或神经内或附近。 134通常不要将疫苗注射到臀区域或可能存在主要神经干的任何区域。 134如果臀肌选择婴儿<12月龄因特殊情况(例如物理阻塞其他网站),很重要的是临床医生确定注射之前解剖标志。 134
仅通过IM注入进行管理。 181含有铝佐剂; 134 181不管理子-Q或皮内。 134
提供单剂量预灌装注射器。 181将无菌针头连接到预填充的注射器后,立即管理所有内容物。 181
给药前立即剧烈摇晃以提供均匀的白色悬浮液。 181如果疫苗中含有颗粒,变色或无法充分搅动而不能重悬,则应丢弃。 181
通过IM注入进行管理;或者,通过次Q注射给药。 129(见分-Q给药量和管理之下。)不要给予静脉或皮内。 129
可在单剂量预装注射器和单剂量或多剂量小瓶中使用。 129如果使用单剂量预填充注射器,请按照制造商的说明连接无菌针头并按IM剂量管理所有内容物。 129如果使用单剂量或多剂量小瓶,请使用不含防腐剂,防腐剂和去污剂的无菌针头和注射器从小瓶中取出0.5毫升疫苗,并使用IM。 129
应为无色透明溶液; 129如果含有颗粒或变色,请丢弃疫苗。 129
对上肱三头肌上部或大腿前外侧进行次Q注射。 129 134在成人,青少年和儿童≥2岁,上,外肱三头肌区首选。 134
为确保适当的递送,请使用5/8英寸,23至25号针头以45°角进行Sub-Q注射。 134
通过亚Q注入管理;或者,通过IM注射进行管理。 129(见IM管理用法与用量下。)不要给予静脉或皮内。 129
可在单剂量预填充注射器中以及在单剂量或多剂量小瓶中使用。 129如果使用单剂量预填充注射器,请按照制造商的说明安装无菌针头并管理全部内容(Q)。 129如果使用单剂量或多剂量小瓶,请使用不含防腐剂,防腐剂和去污剂的无菌针头和注射器从小瓶中取出0.5毫升疫苗,并施用sub-Q。 129
应为无色透明溶液; 129如果含有颗粒或变色,请丢弃疫苗。 129
剂量表(即剂量数)和特定的肺炎球菌疫苗(PCV13 [Prevnar 13 ]和/或PPSV23 [气胸23])取决于个人的年龄,免疫状况和肺炎球菌疾病的危险因素。 100 105 129 181 184请遵循适合所用年龄的建议以使用特定的制剂。 129 181
无论出生体重如何,医学上稳定的早产儿(即胎龄<37周),均应按常规剂量和剂量表在常规年龄进行疫苗接种。 134
中断导致间隔时间比建议的更长,不应干扰最终的免疫力;无需额外剂量或重新开始疫苗接种系列。 134
每个剂量为0.5mL。 181
婴儿早期的常规免疫接种(即在6个月大之前开始):给予4剂PCV13系列疫苗(Prevnar 13) )。 100 181 184 199 ACIP,AAP和其它建议剂量在2,4,6,和12至15个月的年龄进行说明。 100 181 184 199初始剂量可以早6周龄。第一3个剂量之间100 181 184 199最小间隔为4周;第三和第四剂量之间100 181 184 199最小时间间隔为8周。 100 181 184 199
在7至11个月大的未接种疫苗的婴儿中进行追赶疫苗接种:给予2剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )至少相隔4周,然后在12个月大后再进行第三次给药,而在第二次给药后至少8周(2个月)。除非所有先前的剂量在<12月龄给出181 199第四个剂量是在健康婴儿不必要的。 199
在12至23个月大的以前未接种疫苗的婴儿中进行补充疫苗接种:给予2剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )至少相隔8周(2个月)。如果第二个剂量是在≥24个月的年龄给定181 199第三个剂量是不必要的。 199
年龄在14至23个月之间的婴儿,之前曾接受与年龄相匹配的先前可用的7价疫苗接种(PCV7; Prevnar ),但尚未收到任何PCV13(Prevnar 13 )剂量:给PCV13单次补充剂量(上一则13 )。 199
单次0.5 mL剂量。 181
在其他2至5岁健康的未接种疫苗且未接种任何PCV13的儿童中进行补充疫苗接种(Prevnar 13 ):服用一剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )。 100个181 184 199在健康儿童不必要的额外剂量如果PCV13(接种Prevnar 13 )≥2岁的剂量。 199
在2至5岁的其他健康儿童中补充接种疫苗,这些儿童未完全接种其年龄的疫苗,并且未接受与年龄相符的总剂量PCV13(Prevnar 13) )和/或PCV7(上一个):服用一剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )最近一次服用PCV13后至少8周(Prevnar 13 )或PCV7(上一个)。 181 184 199
2至5岁的儿童,使用先前可用的7价疫苗进行了适当年龄的疫苗接种(PCV7; Prevnar ),但尚未接受任何剂量的PCV13(Prevnar 13 ):给予PCV13单次补充剂量(Prevnar 13 )。 199
每个剂量为0.5mL。 181
以前接受了小于3剂的PCV13(Prevnar 13 )或<3剂先前可用的7价疫苗(PCV7; Prevnar ):给予2剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )至少相隔8周。 100 129 184 199
以前总共接受了3剂PCV疫苗,即PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和/或PCV7(上一个)或接受4剂或其他适合年龄的PCV7疫苗接种系列(Prevnar ):服用一剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )。 100 184 199
单次0.5 mL剂量。 129
以前尚未收到PPSV23(气胸23):单次服用PPSV23(气胸23)。 100 129 184 199
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 )或PPSV23(气胸23):赠送PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),然后给PPSV23(Pneumovax 23)在最近的PCV13之后至少8周(Prevnar 13 )剂量。 199
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),但以前收到过PPSV23(气胸23):赠送PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),至少在最近的PPSV23(Pneumovax)之后8周23)剂量。 199
不要给PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)同时进行。 199
单次0.5 mL剂量。 181
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 ):服用一剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )。 199 203 205
每个剂量为0.5mL。 129
以前尚未收到PPSV23(气胸23):单次服用PPSV23(气胸23)。 199 203 205
功能性或解剖性无力或免疫功能低下:再次接种PPSV23(气胸23)首次使用PPSV23(Pneumovax)5年后23)的剂量,且应在最近的PCV13后至少8周使用(Prevnar 13 )剂量。 199 203 205
感染了HIV:再次接种第二剂PPSV23(气胸23)首次使用PPSV23(Pneumovax)5年后23)剂量,且至少应在PCV13后8周(Prevnar 13 )。 156 199
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 )或PPSV23(气胸23):赠送PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),然后给PPSV23(Pneumovax 23)在最近的PCV13之后至少8周(Prevnar 13 )剂量。 199 203 205
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),但以前收到过PPSV23(气胸23):赠送PCV13(Prevnar 13 ),至少在最近的PPSV23(Pneumovax)之后8周23)剂量。 199 203 205
如果第二剂PPSV23(气胸23),至少在PCV13后(8月13日) ),且距先前的PPSV23(气胸)至少5年23)剂量。 156 199 203 205
不要给PCV13(Prevnar 13 )和PPSV23(气胸23)同时进行。 199
单次0.5 mL剂量。 181
先前尚未收到PCV13(Prevnar 13 ):服用一剂PCV13(Prevnar 13 )。 200 202
每个剂量为0.5mL。 129
以前尚未收到PPSV23(气胸23):单次服用PPSV23(气胸23)。 200 202
功能性或解剖性无力或免疫功能低下:再次接种PPSV23(气胸23)首次使用PPSV23(Pneumovax)5年后23)剂量,且至少应在PCV13后8周(Prevnar 13 )。 200 202
受HIV感染的成年人:重新接种第二剂PPSV23(气胸23)首次使用PPSV23(Pneumovax)5年后23)剂量,且至少应在PCV13后8周(Prevnar 13 )。 155 200 202 Some experts recommend a third dose of PPSV 23 (Pneumovax 23) at ≥65 years of age, provided it has been at least 5 years since previous PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 155 No more than 3 lifetime doses of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) recommended. 155
Has not previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) first and give PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at least 8 weeks after most recent PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose. 200 202 206
Has not previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) but previously received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) at least 1 year after most recent PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 200 202 206
Has previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) but has not previously received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Give PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at least 8 weeks after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 )。 200 202 206
If additional dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) indicated, give at least 8 weeks after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and at least 5 years after previous PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 155 200 202
Do not give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) concurrently. 200 202 206
Single 0.5-mL dose. 181
ACIP and other experts do not recommend routine pneumococcal vaccination in healthy adults 50 through 64 years of age who do not have medical conditions that increase risk for pneumococcal disease. 200 201 204
Single 0.5-mL dose. 129
ACIP and other experts do not recommend routine pneumococcal vaccination in healthy adults 50 through 64 years of age who do not have medical conditions that increase risk for pneumococcal disease. 200 201 204
Single 0.5-mL dose. 181
Unvaccinated or unknown vaccination status: Give a single dose of PCV13 (Prevnar 13 )。 200 204
Each dose is 0.5 mL. 129
Unvaccinated or unknown vaccination status: Give a single dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23). 169 200 204
Received a dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at <65 years of age for any indication: Revaccinate with another dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at 65 years of age, provided it has been at least 5 years since previous dose. 169 200 204
Has not previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) or has unknown vaccination status: Give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) first and give PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at least 1 year after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose. 206
Has not previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) but previously received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at <65 years of age: Give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose at least 1 year after most recent PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 200 204 206 Then, revaccinate with another dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at least 1 year after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose and at least 5 years after most recent PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 206
Has not previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) but previously received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at ≥65 years of age: Give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose at least 1 year after most recent PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 200 204 206
Previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) at <65 years of age but has not previously received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Give PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose at least 1 year after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose. 206
Previously received PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at <65 years of age: Give another dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) at least 1 year after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) dose and at least 5 years after most recent PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose. 206
Do not give PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) concurrently. 200 204 206
To facilitate completion of pneumococcal vaccination in immunocompetent adults ≥65 years of age, ACIP recommends an interval of at least 1 year between PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23), regardless of which order the vaccines are given. 206 If PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) dose inadvertently given earlier than 1 year after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ), the dose does not need to repeated. 206 The minimum interval between PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) is 8 weeks. 200 204 206
PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Severe allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) to any ingredient in the formulation or any vaccine containing diphtheria toxoid. 181
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Anaphylactic/anaphylactoid or severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in the formulation. 129
Allergic reactions, including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, 129 181 rash, 129 181 urticaria, 129 181 bronchospasm, 181 serum sickness, 129 facial edema, 181 erythema multiforme, 129 181 and angioedema, 129 181 reported with pneumococcal vaccines.
Take all known precautions to prevent adverse reactions, including review of the patient's history with respect to health status and possible sensitivity to the vaccine or similar vaccines. 184
Epinephrine and other appropriate agents should be readily available in case anaphylaxis or other serious allergic reaction occurs. 181
May be administered to individuals immunosuppressed as the result of disease or immunosuppressive therapy. 129 134 181 Consider possibility that immune response to vaccines may be diminished or suboptimal in these individuals. 129 134 181
If possible, administer pneumococcal vaccine at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy or defer until at least 3 months after immunosuppressive therapy is discontinued. 134 (See Specific Drugs under Interactions.)
Since antibody response may be impaired after splenectomy, ACIP and AAP recommend that vaccination with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and/or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) be completed at least 2 weeks prior to elective splenectomy, if possible. 105 134 184
A decision to administer or delay administration of vaccination in an individual with a current or recent acute illness depends on the severity of symptoms and etiology of the illness. 129 134
ACIP, AAP, and others state that minor acute illness, such as mild diarrhea or mild upper respiratory infection (with or without fever), usually does not preclude vaccination. 105 134 However, vaccination of individuals with moderate or severe acute illness (with or without fever) generally should be deferred until they have recovered from the acute phase of the illness. 105 134
Manufacturer of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) states defer vaccination in individuals with moderate or severe illness. 129
Manufacturer of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) states administer with caution in individuals with severely compromised cardiovascular and/or pulmonary function in whom a systemic reaction could pose a substantial risk. 129
May not protect all vaccine recipients against pneumococcal disease. 129 181
Will not prevent pneumococcal infection caused by S. pneumoniae serotypes not represented in the vaccines. 129 181
Primary immunization with the usually recommended age-appropriate vaccination regimen before an expected exposure to pneumococcal infection ensures the highest level of protection. 100 105 184
May not prevent infection in individuals who do not achieve protective antibody titers; 129 181 minimum titer of serum anticapsular antibody needed to confer immunity against S. pneumoniae serotypes not established. 129 181
Manufacturer of PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) states effectiveness of the vaccine administered <5 years after PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) not known. 181
Vaccination with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) and/or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) does not replace prophylaxis with penicillin (or other appropriate anti-infectives) for prevention of pneumococcal disease in patients with functional or anatomic asplenia (eg, sickle cell disease). 105 129 If such prophylaxis indicated, continue regardless of vaccination status. 105 129
Although ACIP and AAP recommend use of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) in individuals with CSF leaks, 202 203 the manufacturer states the vaccine may not be effective in preventing pneumococcal meningitis in patients with chronic CSF leakage resulting from congenital lesions, skull fractures, or neurosurgical procedures. 129
Antigens in PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) are conjugated to a carrier protein; 181 conjugated antigens are more immunogenic in infants and young children than the unconjugated antigens in PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23). 100 134 184 (See Actions.)
Duration of protection after age-appropriate vaccination with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) not known. 181 Because the capsular antigens contained in PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) are conjugated to a T-cell dependent carrier protein (diphtheria CRM 197 protein), this may result in improved primary response to the antigens. 134 166 Revaccination with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) after age-appropriate vaccination not currently recommended. 166 199 200
Duration of protection after administration of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) not fully determined. 155 169 Because capsular antigens in PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) are unconjugated, the vaccine antigens do not induce long-lasting immunity or an anamnestic response after subsequent exposure to the same antigens. 134 166 Although routine revaccination of immunocompetent individuals who previously received a dose of PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) not recommended, 129 166 169 revaccination indicated in individuals with certain medical conditions that put them at increased risk for pneumococcal disease, provided at least 5 years have elapsed since the last dose. 100 129 155 156 166 169 184 199 200 202 203 205 Revaccination with PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) also recommended in adults ≥65 years of age who received a dose of the vaccine at a younger age, provided at least 5 years have elapsed since the previous dose. 169 200 204 (See Dosage under Dosage and Administration.)
Improper storage or handling of vaccines may reduce vaccine potency resulting in reduced or inadequate immune responses in vaccinees. 134
Inspect all vaccines upon delivery and monitor during storage to ensure that the appropriate temperature is maintained. 134 (See Storage under Stability.)
Do not administer vaccine that has been mishandled or has not been stored at the recommended temperature. 134 If there are concerns about mishandling, contact the manufacturer or state or local immunization or health departments for guidance on whether the vaccine is usable. 134
PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Category B. 181 No evidence of fetal harm or impaired fertility in animal studies using the vaccine at doses 20 times the human dose; 181 no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. 181 Use during pregnancy only when clearly needed. 181
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Category C. 129 No animal reproduction studies; not known whether the vaccine can cause fetal harm or affect reproductive capacity. 129 Use during pregnancy only when clearly needed. 129
ACIP, AAP, and others state PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) may be used when indicated in pregnant women at increased risk for pneumococcal disease. 105 200
AAP states that pneumococcal vaccination generally should be deferred during pregnancy, but risk of severe pneumococcal disease in a pregnant woman who has not received PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) within the previous 5 years and has underlying medical conditions that increase risk of invasive pneumococcal disease should prompt immunization with PPSV23 (Pneumovax ) 23. 105
Not known whether antigens contained in PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) are distributed into milk. 129 181
在哺乳期妇女慎用。 129 181
Because inactivated vaccines do not multiply within the body, ACIP states they should not pose any unusual problems for lactating women or their infants. 134
PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Safety and efficacy not established in infants <6 weeks of age. 181 Manufacturer states immune response to the vaccine in preterm infants not adequately studied to date. 181 Because apnea reported following IM vaccination in some infants born prematurely, base decisions regarding use of IM vaccines in such infants on consideration of the individual infant's medical status and potential benefits and possible risks of vaccination. 181
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Safety and efficacy not established in children <2 years of age. 129 Children <2 years of age may not have a satisfactory antibody response to PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23). 129
PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Antibody responses in adults ≥65 years of age are lower compared with those in adults 50 through 59 years of age; 181 no overall differences in safety between adults ≥65 years of age compared to adults 50 through 59 years of age. 181
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Rate of vaccine-related systemic adverse effects was higher following revaccination than primary vaccination in those ≥65 years of age. 129 Possibility that some older adults may exhibit increased frequency and/or greater severity of adverse reactions cannot be ruled out. 129
PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Local reactions at injection site (eg, pain/tenderness, swelling, erythema, limitation of arm movement), fever, headache, fatigue, muscle or joint pain, chills, rash, decreased appetite, irritability, increased sleep, decreased sleep. 181
PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): Local reactions at injection site (eg, pain/soreness/tenderness, swelling/induration, erythema), headache, asthenia/fatigue, myalgia. 129
Although specific studies may not be available evaluating concurrent administration with each antigen, simultaneous administration with other age-appropriate vaccines, including live virus vaccines, toxoids, or inactivated or recombinant vaccines, during the same health-care visit generally is not expected to affect immunologic responses or adverse reactions to any of the preparations. 105 134 Immunization with pneumococcal vaccines can be integrated with immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus (HPV), influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal disease, poliomyelitis, rotavirus, and varicella. 105 134 However, each parenteral vaccine should be administered using a different syringe and different injection site. 105 134
药品 | 相互作用 | 评论 |
对乙酰氨基酚 | Infants receiving PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Prophylactic acetaminophen (first dose given at time of each vaccine dose and additional doses given at 6- to 8-hour intervals) reduced antibody response to some pneumococcal vaccine serotypes after third vaccine dose compared with antibody responses among infants who received antipyretics only as needed for treatment; 181 reduced antibody responses not observed after fourth dose of PCV13 in those receiving prophylactic acetaminophen 181 | ACIP states evidence does not support use of antipyretics before or at time of vaccination, but antipyretics can be used for treatment of fever and local discomfort occurring following vaccination 134 |
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine adsorbed (DTaP) | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Has been administered concurrently with fixed-combination vaccine containing DTaP (DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix ) in infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age 181 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): May be administered concurrently with DTaP (using different syringes and different injection sites) 105 134 |
Haemophilus b (Hib) vaccine | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Has been administered concurrently with Hib vaccine in infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age 181 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): May be administered concurrently with Hib vaccine (using different syringes and different injection sites) 105 134 Fixed-combination vaccine containing Hib vaccine and meningococcal polysaccharide groups C and Y vaccine (Hib-MenCY; MenHibrix ): May be administered concurrently with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) in infants 2 through 18 months of age (using different syringes and different injection sites) 177 |
Hepatitis A (HepA) vaccine | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Has been administered concurrently with HepA vaccine in infants 12–15 months of age 181 Concomitant administration of previously available 7-valent vaccine (PCV7; Prevnar ) and HepA vaccine (Havrix ) in infants 15 months of age did not result in decreased immune response to any pneumococcal serotypes contained in PCV7 172 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): May be administered concurrently with HepA vaccine (using different syringes and different injection sites) 105 134 |
Hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Has been administered concurrently with fixed-combination vaccine containing HepB (DTaP-HepB-IPV; Pediarix ) in infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age 181 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): May be administered concurrently with HepB vaccine (using different syringes and different injection sites) 105 134 |
Immune globulin (immune globulin IM [IGIM], immune globulin IV [IGIV]) or specific immune globulin (hepatitis B immune globulin [HBIG], rabies immune globulin [RIG], tetanus immune globulin [TIG], varicella zoster immune globulin [VZIG]) | No evidence that immune globulin preparations interfere with immune response to pneumococcal vaccine 134 | Pneumococcal vaccine may be administered simultaneously with or at any interval before or after immune globulin or specific hyperimmune globulin 134 |
Immunosuppressive agents (eg, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, corticosteroids, radiation) | Potential for suboptimal antibody response to vaccines 105 129 134 181 | Pneumococcal vaccine may be administered at least 2 weeks before initiation of immunosuppressive therapy or deferred until ≥3 months after therapy discontinued 129 134 If administered during chemotherapy, revaccinate after immune competence is regained 134 |
Influenza vaccine | Parenteral inactivated influenza vaccine: Concomitant administration with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) in adults ≥50 years of age did not increase frequency of local adverse effects, but increases in some solicited systemic reactions were reported compared with administration of either vaccine alone; 181 concomitant administration with PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) has resulted in increased incidence of adverse local and systemic effects compared with administration of influenza vaccine alone; 145 146 ACIP states concomitant administration of these vaccines results in satisfactory antibody responses without increasing incidence or severity of adverse reactions 134 Intranasal live influenza vaccine: Concomitant administration with pneumococcal vaccines not studied 179 | Parenteral inactivated influenza vaccine: May be administered concomitantly (using different syringes and different injection sites) with PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) 105 134 Intranasal live influenza vaccine: May be administered simultaneously with or at any time before or after PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23) 134 178 |
Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Has been administered concurrently with MMR or fixed-combination vaccine containing MMR and varicella vaccine (MMRV; ProQuad ) in infants 12–15 months of age 181 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ) or PPSV23 (Pneumovax 23): May be administered concurrently with MMR or MMRV (using different syringes and different injection sites) 105 134 |
Meningococcal vaccine | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 ): Manufacturer states data insufficient to assess concurrent administration with meningococcal (groups A, C, Y and W-135) polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (MCV4-D, MenACWY-D; Menactra ) or meningococcal (groups A, C, Y and W-135) oligosaccharide diphtheria CRM 197 conjugate vaccine (MCV4-CRM, MenACWY-CRM; Menveo ) in children and adolescents 181 MCV4-D (Menactra ): Concurrent administration with PCV7 (Prevnar ) in infants 12 months of age resulted in decreased immune response to some of the pneumococcal vaccine serotypes compared with administration of PCV7 without MCV4-D 108 177 MCV4-CRM (Menveo ): Concurrent administration with PCV7 (Prevnar ) in infants at 2, 4, 6, and 12 months of age resulted in possible interference with antibody response to 2 of the pneumococcal vaccine serotypes at 1 month after third dose, but no evidence of immune interference to any pneumococcal vaccine serotypes after fourth dose 176 | PCV13 (Prevnar 13 药物状态美国日本医生![]() Heather Benjamin MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Benjamin MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Suzanne Reitz MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Miske DO经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Miske DO经验:11-20年 ![]() 渡邊剛经验:21年以上 ![]() 渡邊剛经验:21年以上 ![]() 百村伸一 教授经验:21年以上 ![]() 村上和成 教授经验:21年以上 ![]() 中山秀章 教授经验:21年以上 临床试验