4006-776-356 出国就医服务电话

获取国外茶碱药品价格,使用等信息,最快 24 小时回馈

出境医 / 海外药品 / 茶碱




黄嘌呤衍生物;呼吸道平滑肌松弛剂,支气管扩张剂。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 230 231 a d e f g h i k l m n


对症治疗或预防与COPD相关的哮喘和可逆性支气管痉挛,包括慢性支气管炎和肺气肿。 211 212 221 222 223 226 229 230 231 d E F G H I J m×n

氨茶碱和茶碱通常与茶碱具有相同的适应症。d H I


可逆性阻塞性气道疾病(例如哮喘)患者的症状管理或预防支气管痉挛。 211 212 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 230 231 a d e f g h i k l m n

在阶梯护理方法在当前哮喘管理指南,m×n选择性推荐的,短效,吸入β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂如需要在所有患者中控制急性哮喘症状被使用;使用这样的的β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂单独通常足以为患者间歇性哮喘。 211 212 213 214215Ñ

考虑短效茶碱(如果尚未使用缓释茶碱)作为有效的较少的替代短效吸入β2 -激动剂用于治疗急性哮喘症状缓解(即,作为临时措施,如果吸入或肠胃外β2 -激动剂不可用);茶碱起效较慢,不良反应风险更大。 212 226 229 F

对于长期控制和预防成年和≥5岁轻度持续性哮喘儿童的症状,考虑将缓释茶碱替代小剂量吸入糖皮质激素的效果较差。 211212n您可以考虑缓释茶碱作为有效的较少的替代长效的吸入β用作辅助成人和儿童≥5岁的中度持续性哮喘吸入糖皮质激素治疗2肾上腺素能激动剂。 211 212 F I M×N一些医生推荐使用缓释茶碱作为替代或附加的长期控制治疗儿童<5岁患有轻度持续性哮喘。 211 m (请参阅“儿童使用注意事项”。)

考虑缓释茶碱作为附加疗法在成人和儿童≥5岁通过口服吸入糖皮质激素和长效吸入β2肾上腺素能受体激动剂的剂量高充分控制严重的持续性哮喘。 212米Ñ

IV茶碱和氨茶碱被FDA标记用作一种辅助吸入β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂和全身性类固醇在急性哮喘发作的治疗。 227 228ķ然而,一些专家建议茶碱衍生物用于治疗严重的急性哮喘发作的,因为这样的治疗显示,以提供额外的好处,以与吸入短效β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂最佳治疗并且与增加相关不良反应的风险。其他专家建议考虑IV茶碱或氨茶碱作为附加疗法用于治疗没有充分响应氧住院患者哮喘的严重,急性加重,吸入短效β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂,和全身性类固醇的。 212

茶碱用于哮喘的治疗。 230 231 dÈħ


COPD患者的症状和可逆性气流阻塞的管理。 221 222 223 226 227 228 230 231 d e f g h i

考虑患者的稳定COPD,以吸入支气管扩张剂不太优选的替代方案取决于个体响应/耐受性和可用性(例如,长效β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂,长效抗胆碱能剂[例如,噻托溴铵])缓释茶碱。 Ĵ

一些专家认为缓释茶碱作为附加治疗COPD患者的症状严重不足与其它疗法(长效β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂,长效抗胆碱能支气管扩张剂[例如,噻托溴铵]和吸入糖皮质激素)来控制。 q

IV茶碱和氨茶碱被FDA标记用作一种辅助吸入β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂和COPD的急性加重全身性类固醇。 227 228 k l然而,由于反应温和/不一致和频繁的不良反应,一些专家认为这种使用存在争议; 219Ĵ●使用的患者建议用谁必须短效支气管扩张剂反应不足严重恶化(例如,吸入β2 -肾上腺素能激动剂)。 ķĴ


已用于缓解Cheyne-Stokes呼吸†的患者的周期性呼吸暂停和增加动脉血pH值†。 A○ - [R





  • 缓释制剂适用于患有相对连续或频繁复发的哮喘症状的患者;对于快速消除茶碱的患者(例如,儿童,成年吸烟者)可能特别有用。 221 222 223

  • 不要使用缓释剂型用于治疗急性支气管痉挛。 221 222 223


  • 根据峰值血清茶碱浓度以及患者反应和药物耐受性进行基础剂量调整。 212 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K

  • 治疗性血清浓度为10–15 mcg / mL时,通常会产生支气管扩张作用,而没有严重的毒性危险,尽管较低的浓度可能在某些轻度哮喘患者中提供有益的作用,并且可能对新生儿呼吸暂停有效。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 a f g i k l长期治疗期间,一些专家建议将血清茶碱浓度保持在5-15 mcg / mL范围内。 211 m可能会发生毒性,血清浓度> 20 mcg / mL。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K

  • 开始治疗时测量血清浓度(1),以指导滴定后的最终剂量调整; (2)在有持续症状的患者中增加剂量之前; (3)是否存在毒性表现; (4)如果是新病或病情恶化,或者改变茶碱清除率的治疗方案发生变化(例如,发烧> 39°C≥24小时,肝炎,添加或停用相互作用药物)。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K之前基于低血清浓度的增加剂量,考虑是否在适当的时间和病人是否粘附到给药方案获得血液样品。 223226

  • 为了指导口服后的剂量,应在达到预期的稳态峰值血清浓度时获得血液样本,通常在开始治疗或改变剂量后3天即可达到,前提是未错过或未增加任何剂量且在不等间隔。 221 222 223 229 F G

  • 延长的给药后;之后的稳态实现,测量血清浓度的茶碱的口服溶液或无涂层的速释片剂226 229 F I或4-12小时的给药后1-2小时(参考制造商的标记取决于特定制剂)释放制剂以获得血清峰值浓度的估计值。 222223

  • 为了指导静脉内给药后的剂量决定,在完成静脉内加载剂量后30分钟测量血清浓度,以确定浓度是<10 mcg / mL(表明需要额外的加载剂量)还是> 20 mcg / mL(表明需要延迟启动)维持静脉输液)。 227 228ķ

  • 除非血清茶碱浓度<10 mcg / mL,否则不要增加IV剂量以急性加重症状。 228


通常,以片剂,胶囊或溶液的形式口服茶碱(例如茶碱,氨茶碱)和茶碱; 221 222 223 226 229 230 231 d e f g h i还可以通过缓慢IV注射或缓慢IV输注来施用茶碱或氨茶碱。 227 228 A K L(参照IV管理剂量和给药下)。





食物或抗酸药不会引起速释剂型对茶碱吸收的临床重要变化。 222


与食物一起服用某些缓释制剂可能会影响药物吸收的速率和/或程度。 221 222 223 a g始终或不带食物的一致方式管理缓释制剂;遵循制造商的建议进行特定的准备工作。 222 223

每8、12或24小时施用一次缓释制剂(取决于特定制剂;请参考制造商的标签),以在症状相对连续或复发的患者中提供治疗性茶碱浓度。 222 223

不要碾碎或咀嚼缓释制剂;吞咽固体剂型有困难的患者可将某些缓释胶囊的内容物与软食混合,并吞咽而不会咀嚼。 222 223 g可以拆分得分,Uniphyl的缓释片剂每天一次。 223 5月还分了乐谱,扩展版本Theochron平板电脑,每天两次,但不能每天一次。 G

管理扩展版本(Theo-24 )每天一次,每天早上在同一时间服用一次;不建议晚上管理。 222对于需要每天两次给药的患者,应在早晨给药后和晚餐前10-12小时给予第二次给药。 222在新陈代谢较快的患者(例如年轻人,吸烟者,一些不吸烟的成年人)中,应更频繁(例如每天两次)服用较小剂量的药物,以避免低谷浓度引起的突破性症状。 222 223

管理延长释放(Uniphyl )平板电脑,每天早上或晚上的同一时间。 223考虑到每天一次给药产生的峰值和谷值血清茶碱浓度可能不同于先前产品和/或方案产生的浓度。 223


可能会将缓释胶囊的内容物倒入饲管;但是,请勿压碎药丸。 b



给予氨茶碱和茶碱溶液,这些溶液应通过缓慢的IV注射未稀释,或者最好通过缓慢的IV输注在大剂量的肠胃外液中稀释。 227 228ķ

单次给药;溶液不含抑菌剂或抗菌剂。 k l丢弃未使用的部分。 ķ


通过在兼容的IV输液液中稀释适当体积的市售氨基茶碱注射液或药房大包装注射液,准备用于静脉输注的氨茶碱溶液。 A L


在30分钟内(≤20mg /分钟)缓慢静脉输注; 227 228如果在输注过程中出现急性不良反应,请停止输注5-10分钟或以较慢的速度给药。 228

达到治疗性茶碱浓度后,连续静脉输注维持剂量;输注速度取决于患者的年龄,临床特征,药代动力学参数和目标血清茶碱浓度(通常为10 mcg / mL)。 227 228

患有心脏代偿失调,肺心病,肝功能不全,败血症伴多器官功能衰竭,休克或正在服用明显降低茶碱清除率的药物的患者,除非在24小时内监测血清浓度,否则最高剂量不得超过17毫克/小时。小时间隔。 227 228













治疗指数低;谨慎确定剂量至关重要。 a不要超过建议的剂量调整;与血清茶碱浓度大幅增加相关的潜在严重不良反应的风险。 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K

在没有已知影响茶碱清除率的因素的情况下,达到治疗性血清浓度所需的剂量在其他类似患者中变化了四倍。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K仔细根据个体需求和响应,肺功能,血清浓度茶碱剂量调整。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K

根据理想体重计算剂量。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K

根据峰值血清茶碱浓度调整剂量。 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 F G I K


在1岁以下的儿童中,尤其是早产和足月新生儿,应仔细考虑使用该药物并个性化剂量。如果使用的话,要保守地服用初始剂量和维持剂量(尤其是后者)。 a除非耐受良好且对临床有益,否则请勿超过建议的维持剂量,也不要继续使用该药物。一种


口服溶液,立即释放片剂,缓释片剂,和胶囊剂:对于可逆性气道阻塞的急性恶化(当吸入的,短效β不可用2 -肾上腺素能激动剂或全身皮质类固醇),226 229 F I n可管理5 mg / kg的负荷剂量(过去24小时内接受任何茶碱的患者)使用速释制剂产生的平均峰值血清浓度为10 mcg / mL(范围5–15 mcg / mL) 。 226 229˚F

一些专家建议以每日10 mg / kg的茶碱剂量开始治疗(分龄≥12岁的青少年最高为300 mg),滴定时的最大剂量通常为每天16 mg / kg。 1-11岁的儿童或≥12岁的青少年每天分次服用800毫克。








最初,每12小时1 mg / kg

调整剂量以保持稳态血药峰浓度为5–10 mcg / mL


最初每12小时1.5 mg / kg

调整剂量以保持稳态血药峰浓度为5–10 mcg / mL


[(0.2 x周龄)+ 5] x体重(kg)=初始每日总剂量(mg);每8小时以3等分的剂量给药

调整剂量以使新生儿的稳态血药峰值浓度保持在5–10 mcg / mL或大龄婴儿的10–15 mcg / mL


[(0.2 x周龄)+ 5] x体重(kg)=初始每日总剂量(mg);每6小时以4次均等的剂量给药

调整剂量以使稳态血药浓度峰值保持在10–15 mcg / mL


最初,每天分剂量服用12–14 mg / kg(最大300 mg); 3天后,如果可以忍受的话,将剂量分次增加至每日16 mg / kg(最大400 mg);再过3天后,如果可以忍受和需要的话,将剂量逐日增加至20 mg / kg(最大600 mg)


≥1岁的儿童和青少年,体重> 45公斤

最初,每天300毫克,分次服用; 3天后,如果可以忍受,将剂量增加至每天400 mg,分次服用;再过3天后,如果可以忍受,并且需要的话,将剂量增加到每天600 mg,分次服用



茶碱:最初,分剂量每天12-14 mg / kg(最大300 mg); 3天后,如果可以忍受的话,将分剂量的剂量每天增加至最大16 mg / kg(最大400 mg)


每隔24小时监测一次血清茶碱浓度,以调整最终剂量。 226


每当出现不良反应,发生会降低茶碱清除率的生理异常(例如持续发热)或添加或停用与茶碱相互作用的药物时,均应指示剂量减少和/或血清茶碱浓度测量。 (请参阅“警告”下的“警告/注意事项”,另请参阅“交互作用”。)


血清茶碱浓度(mcg / mL)



如果症状没有得到控制并且目前的剂量可以忍受,将剂量增加25%; 3天后重新检查血清浓度以作进一步调整







即使没有不良反应,也应将剂量减少25%; 3天后重新检查血清浓度




> 30



茶碱(片剂或溶液剂):对于6岁以上的儿童,每天100至200毫克,每次3至4次。 d h根据个人要求和反应仔细调整剂量。dëħ

茶碱(溶液):至少有一家制造商建议≥6岁的儿童每天分剂量约0.9–1.4 mg / kg(2–3 mg /磅)。 Ë


对于急性支气管扩张,应静脉注射以达到治疗性血清茶碱浓度(即10–15 mcg / mL)。 227 228ķ

通常,在30分钟内通过静脉输注给予茶碱每1 mg / kg(基于理想体重)会导致血清茶碱浓度平均增加2mcg / mL。 227 228ķ

过去24小时内未接受任何茶碱的患者中,应根据理想体重按4.6 mg / kg的茶碱负荷剂量(约等于5.7 mg / kg的含水氨茶碱)给药,以达到平均血清茶碱浓度10 mcg / mL。 227 228ķ

对于目前正在接受茶碱制剂的患者的急性支气管扩张术,应立即测量血清茶碱浓度以确定负荷剂量;根据患者病史估算血清茶碱浓度是不可靠的。之前如果患者已接受在过去24小时内的任何茶碱获得血清浓度茶碱227 228ķ不要给予负荷剂量。 227 228ķ

使用以下公式确定当前正在接受茶碱制剂的患者的负荷剂量: 227 228 k l


假定用于此计算的分配体积为0.5 L / kg。 228 k l确保所需的药物浓度是保守的(例如10 mcg / mL),以允许分配体积的变化。 227 228ķ

服用加药剂量后30分钟测量血清茶碱浓度,以确定后续加药剂量的需要和大小。 227 228 k l达到治疗性茶碱浓度后,根据患者的年龄,临床特征,药代动力学参数和目标血清茶碱浓度(通常为10-15 mcg / mL),通过连续静脉输注调整维持剂量。 227 228ķ


要达到10 mcg / mL的目标茶碱浓度。 228

近似氨茶碱剂量=茶碱剂量/0.8。 228

为肥胖患者使用理想的体重。对于患有疾病或接受降低茶碱清除率的药物的患者,可能需要较低的初始剂量。 (请参阅“警告” /“注意事项”,另请参阅“交互作用”。) 227 228

要达到目标茶碱浓度为7.5 mcg / mL。 227 228

除非血清浓度指示需要更大剂量。 227 228





每12小时1 mg / kg

新生儿,产后年龄> 24天

每12小时1.5 mg / kg


毫克/千克每小时=(0.008)(以周为单位的年龄)+ 0.21


每小时0.8 mg / kg


每小时0.7 mg / kg


每小时0.7 mg / kg


每小时0.5 mg / kg(每天最多900 mg)

在开始连续静脉输注后(即1至9岁的儿童大约4小时后;参见药代动力学的半衰期)后,在1个预期的半衰期测量血清茶碱浓度,以确定茶碱浓度是否从给药后开始降低或增加负荷剂量药物浓度。 228如果茶碱浓度降低,则给予额外的负荷剂量和/或增加输注速率。 228如果连续静脉输注开始后茶碱浓度高于负荷后药物浓度,则在茶碱浓度> 20 mcg / mL之前降低输注速率。 228在12-24小时后再测量血清茶碱的浓度,以确定是否需要调整剂量,然后以24小时的间隔再次进行测量,以调整茶碱给药初期的茶碱浓度变化。 228


每当出现不良反应,发生会降低茶碱清除率的生理异常(例如持续发热)或添加或停用与茶碱相互作用的药物时,均应指示剂量减少和/或血清茶碱浓度测量。 (请参阅“警告” /“注意事项”,并参见“交互作用”。)


血清茶碱浓度(mcg / mL)



如果症状没有得到控制并且目前的剂量可以接受,则将输注速率提高25%。 12小时后重新检查血清浓度以进一步调整剂量






即使没有不良反应,也可将输注速度降低25%。 12小时后重新检查血清浓度,以指导进一步的剂量调整


即使没有不良反应,也应停止输液12小时并降低输注率≥25%。 12小时后重新检查血清浓度,以指导进一步的剂量调整。如果患者有症状,请停止输液并考虑是否需要治疗过量

> 30







某些通用的缓释制剂(例如Inwood Laboratories的缓释胶囊)已通过FDA标记,适用于1至15岁的儿童和青少年。 221

每8或12小时分次服用;请咨询制造商的标签,以了解个别准备工作的具体建议剂量间隔。 221一般建议首先通过监测患者正在服用速释剂型的血清茶碱浓度来确定每日剂量需求,然后再转向使用缓释制剂。 (请参见文字。)







最初,每天分剂量服用12–14 mg / kg(最大300 mg); 3天后,如果可以忍受的话,将剂量分次增加至每日16 mg / kg(最大400 mg);再过3天后(如果可以忍受和需要) ,将剂量逐步增加至每天20 mg / kg(最大600 mg)

6-15岁的儿童和青少年,体重> 45公斤

最初,每天300毫克,分次服用; 3天后,如果可以忍受,将剂量增加至每天400 mg,分次服用;再过3天后,如果可以忍受和需要,将剂量增加到每天600 mg(分次剂量)


最初,每天分剂量服用12–14 mg / kg(最大300 mg); 3天后,如果可以忍受的话,将分剂量的剂量每天增加至最大16 mg / kg(最大400 mg)



每当出现不良反应,发生会降低茶碱清除率的生理异常(例如持续发热)或添加或停用与茶碱相互作用的药物时,均应指示剂量减少和/或血清茶碱浓度测量。 (请参阅“警告” /“注意事项”,并参见“交互作用”。)


血清茶碱浓度(mcg / mL)



如果症状没有得到控制并且目前的剂量可以忍受,将剂量增加25%。 3天后重新检查血清浓度以作进一步调整






即使没有副作用,也应将剂量减少25%; 3天后重新检查血清浓度,以指导进一步的剂量调整


即使没有副作用,也可以跳过下一个剂量并将以后的剂量减少至少25%。 3天后重新检查血清浓度,以指导进一步的剂量调整;如果患者有症状,请考虑是否需要治疗过量

> 30





为可逆性气道阻塞的急性恶化(当吸入的,短效β不可用2 -肾上腺素能激动剂或全身皮质类固醇),226 229 F I n可施用的5mg / kg的负荷剂量(患者谁没有任何接收茶碱在前24小时内)使用速释制剂产生的平均峰值血清浓度为10 mcg / mL(范围5–15 mcg / mL)。 226 229˚F

一些专家建议以每天10 mg / kg的茶碱剂量(最高300 mg)分剂量开始治疗,并以每天最高800 mg的通常最大剂量分剂量滴定。 211 m







Adults ≥16 years of age (weighing >45 kg) without risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance

Initially, 300 mg daily in divided doses; after 3 days, if tolerated , increase dosage to 400 mg daily in divided doses; after 3 more days, if tolerated and if needed , increase dosage to 600 mg daily in divided doses

Administer in divided doses every 6–8 hours

Adults ≥16 years of age with risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance, including patients >60 years of age and those in whom serum concentrations cannot be monitored

Initially, 300 mg daily in divided doses; after 3 days, if tolerated , increase dosage to maximum 400 mg daily in divided doses; do not exceed 400 mg/day in the presence of risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance

Administer in divided doses every 6–8 hours

Monitor serum theophylline concentrations at 24-hour intervals to adjust final dosage. 226 f For final dosage titration based on serum theophylline concentration, see Table 8:

Dosage reduction and/or serum theophylline concentration measurement is indicated whenever adverse effects are present, physiologic abnormalities that can reduce theophylline clearance occur (eg, sustained fever), or a drug that interacts with theophylline is added or discontinued. (See Warning/Precautions under Cautions and see Interactions.)

Table 8. Oral Dosage Adjustment Based on Serum Theophylline Concentrationfi

Serum Theophylline Concentration (mcg/mL)



Increase dose by 25% if symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated; recheck serum concentration after 3 days for further adjustment


Maintain dosage if symptoms are controlled and current dosage is tolerated; recheck serum concentration at 6- to 12-month intervals

Consider adding additional agents if symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated


Consider 10% decrease in dose to provide greater margin of safety even if current dosage is tolerated


Decrease dose by 25% even if no adverse effects are present; recheck serum concentration after 3 days


Skip next dose and decrease subsequent doses at least 25% even if no adverse effects are present

Recheck serum concentration after 3 days; if symptomatic, consider whether treatment for overdose is indicated


Stop drug and treat overdose as indicated

If therapy is resumed, decrease subsequent dosage by ≥50% and recheck serum concentration after 3 days

Dyphylline (tablet or solution): Usually, 15 mg/kg or 100–200 mg every 6 hours; 231 d e h one manufacturer recommends a dosage of 200–400 mg every 6 hours in adults. 230 Adjust dosage carefully according to individual requirements and response. a d e h


For acute bronchodilation, therapeutic serum theophylline concentration (ie, 10–15 mcg/mL) best achieved with IV loading dose(s). 227 228 k l

Generally, each 1 mg/kg (based on ideal body weight) of theophylline given by IV infusion over 30 minutes results in an average 2-mcg/mL increase in serum theophylline concentration. 227 228 k l

In patients who have not received any theophylline in the previous 24 hours , administer loading dose of 4.6 mg/kg of theophylline (approximately equivalent to 5.7 mg/kg of hydrous aminophylline) based on ideal body weight to achieve an average serum theophylline concentration of 10 mcg/mL. 227 228 k l

For acute bronchodilation in patients who are currently receiving theophylline preparations, measure serum theophylline concentration immediately to determine loading dose; estimation of serum theophylline concentration based upon patient history unreliable. 227 228 k l Do not administer loading dose before obtaining serum theophylline concentration if patient has received any theophylline in past 24 hours. 227 228 k l

Determine loading dose in patients who are currently receiving theophylline preparations using following formula: 227 228 k l

Loading dose = (desired serum concentration − measured serum concentration) × volume of distribution

Assume volume of distribution of approximately 0.5 L/kg for use in this formula. 227 228 k l Ensure that desired drug concentration is conservative (eg, 10 mcg/mL) to allow for variability in volume of distribution. 227 228 k l

Measure serum theophylline concentration 30 minutes after administration of a loading dose to determine the need for and size of subsequent loading doses. 228 After a therapeutic serum theophylline concentration is attained, adjust maintenance dosage depending on the patient's age, clinical characteristics, pharmacokinetic parameters, and target serum theophylline concentration (generally 10–15 mcg/mL). 227 228

Following loading dose, initiate continuous IV infusion as shown in Table 9:

To achieve target theophylline concentration of 10 mcg/mL. 228

Approximate aminophylline dosage = theophylline dosage/0.8. 228

Use ideal body weight for obese patients. Lower initial dosage may be required for patients with conditions or receiving drugs that decrease theophylline clearance. (See Warning/Precautions under Cautions and also see Interactions.) 227 228

Unless serum concentration indicates need for larger dosage. 227 228

Table 9. Initial Theophylline IV Infusion Rate Following Appropriate Loading Dose227228kl


Initial Theophylline Infusion Rate

Adults 16–60 years of age

0.4 mg/kg per hour (maximum 900 mg daily)

Patients >60 years of age

0.3 mg/kg per hour up to maximum 17 mg/hour (maximum 400 mg daily)

Patients with cardiac decompensation, cor pulmonale, hepatic dysfunction, sepsis with multi-organ failure, shock

0.2 mg/kg per hour up to a maximum 17 mg/hour (maximum 400 mg daily) unless serum theophylline concentrations are monitored at 24-hour intervals

Measure serum theophylline concentration at 1 expected half-life after starting continuous IV infusion (ie, after 8 hours for nonsmoking adults; see Half-life under Pharmacokinetics) to determine if theophylline concentrations are decreasing or increasing from post-loading dose drug concentration. 228 If theophylline concentrations are decreasing, administer additional loading dose and/or increase infusion rate. 228 If theophylline concentration after initiation of continuous IV infusion is higher than post-loading drug concentration, decrease infusion rate before theophylline concentration >20 mcg/mL. 228 Measure additional serum theophylline concentration 12–24 hours later to determine if dosage adjustments are required, then measure again at 24-hour intervals to adjust for changes in theophylline concentrations during the initial period of theophylline administration. 228

Base IV dosage adjustments on peak serum theophylline concentrations and clinical response and tolerance of patient as shown in Table 10:

Dosage reduction and/or serum theophylline concentration measurement is indicated whenever adverse effects are present, physiologic abnormalities that can reduce theophylline clearance occur (eg, sustained fever), or a drug that interacts with theophylline is added or discontinued. (See Warning/Precautions under Cautions and see Interactions.)

Table 10. IV Dosage Adjustment Based on Serum Theophylline Concentration228kl

Serum Theophylline Concentration (mcg/mL)



Increase infusion rate by 25% if symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated; recheck serum concentration after 24 hours in adults


Maintain infusion rate if symptoms are controlled and current dosage is tolerated; recheck serum concentration after 24 hours

Consider adding additional agents if symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated


Consider 10% decrease in infusion rate to provide greater margin of safety even if current dosage is tolerated


Decrease infusion rate by 25% even if no adverse effects are present; recheck serum concentration after 24 hours in adults


Stop infusion for 24 hours in adults; subsequently, decrease infusion rate by ≥25% even if no adverse effects are present

Recheck serum concentration after 24 hours in adults; if symptomatic, stop infusion and consider whether treatment for overdose is indicated


Stop infusion and treat overdose as indicated

If therapy is resumed, decrease subsequent infusion rate by ≥50% and recheck serum concentration after 24 hours in adults

Switching to Extended-release Preparations

With extended-release preparations, establish daily dosage requirement first by monitoring serum theophylline concentrations while patient is receiving immediate-release dosage form; then, initiate therapy with extended-release preparation by administering half of total daily dose every 12 hours.一种

May transfer patients stabilized on an immediate-release or 8- to 12-hour controlled-release theophylline preparation to once-daily (every 24 hours) administration using 400- or 600-mg tablets of Uniphyl on a mg-for-mg basis. 223

Chronic Bronchospasm

For chronic maintenance bronchodilator therapy in patients receiving certain extended-release preparations designed to be given every 8–12 hours, dosage titration is shown in Table 11.

Some generic extended-release preparations (eg, extended-release capsules from Inwood Laboratories) are FDA-labeled for use in children and adolescents 1–15 years of age. 221

Administer in divided doses every 8 or 12 hours; consult manufacturer's labeling for specific recommended dosing intervals for individual preparations. 221 Generally recommended that daily dosage requirement first be established by monitoring serum theophylline concentrations while patient is receiving an immediate-release dosage form before switching to therapy with an extended-release preparation. (See text.)

See Warning/Precautions under Cautions and also see Interactions for information on risk factors for decreased theophylline clearance.

Table 11. Dosage Titration Using Certain Extended-Release Preparations Every 8–12 Hours221


Daily Dosage

Adults (≥16 years of age) with risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance or in whom serum concentrations cannot be monitored

Initially, 300 mg daily in divided doses; after 3 days, if tolerated , increase dosage to maximum 400 mg daily in divided doses

Patients >60 years of age

Maximum 400 mg daily unless patient continues to be symptomatic, and peak serum concentration <10 mcg/mL

Administer dosages >400 mg daily with caution

Adjust dosage based on peak serum theophylline concentrations and clinical response and tolerance of patient as follows: a

The clinical characteristics of each patient must be considered when applying these general dosage recommendations to individual patients. In general, dosage adjustments should not exceed these recommendations in order to decrease the risk of potentially serious adverse effects associated with unexpected large increases in serum theophylline concentration.

Dosage reduction and/or serum theophylline concentration measurement is indicated whenever adverse effects are present, physiologic abnormalities that can reduce theophylline clearance occur (eg, sustained fever), or a drug that interacts with theophylline is added or discontinued. (See Warning/Precautions under Cautions and see Interactions.)

Table 12. Oral Dosage Adjustment Based on Serum Theophylline Concentrationa

Serum Theophylline Concentration (mcg/mL)



If symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated, increase dosage by 25%. Recheck serum theophylline concentration after 3 days for further dosage adjustment


If symptoms are controlled and current dosage is tolerated, maintain dosage and recheck serum theophylline concentration at 6- to 12-month intervals. If symptoms are not controlled and current dosage is tolerated, consider adding additional agents to treatment regimen


Consider 10% decrease in dosage to provide greater margin of safety even if current dosage is tolerated


Decrease dosage by 25% even if no adverse effects are present. Recheck serum theophylline concentration after 3 days to guide further dosage adjustment


Skip next dose and decrease subsequent dosage by at least 25% even if no adverse effects are present. Recheck serum theophylline concentration after 3 days to guide further dosage adjustment. If patient symptomatic, consider whether treatment for overdose is indicated


Stop drug and treat overdose as indicated. If theophylline therapy is resumed, decrease subsequent dosage by ≥50% and recheck serum concentration after 3 days to guide further dosage adjustment

When adjusting dosage in this manner, ensure that dosage in previous 48 hours was reasonably typical of prescribed regimen and that patient did not miss a dose or take an additional dose in this time period.一种




Children and adolescents 1–15 years of age without risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance: Maximum of 20 mg/kg (up to 600 mg) daily recommended after at least 6 days of dosage titration. 226 229 (See Table 1 under Dosage and Administration.)

Children and adolescents 1–15 years of age with risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance or in whom serum concentrations cannot be monitored: Maximum of 16 mg/kg (up to 400 mg) daily recommended after at least 3 days of dosage titration. 226 229 (See Table 1 under Dosage and Administration.)

Regardless of oral preparation, dosage should not exceed the 600 mg maximum daily dosage without measurement of serum theophylline concentration . 221 222 223 226 229


Nonsmoking adolescents 12–16 years of age: 0.5 mg/kg per hour up to maximum of 900 mg daily (unless serum concentrations indicate need for larger dosage) following administration of appropriate loading dose. 227 228 k l


Asthma and COPD

Patients without risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance: Maximum 600 mg daily. 226 229

Regardless of oral preparation, do not exceed 600 mg daily without measurement of serum theophylline concentration . 221 222 223 226 229

Patients with risk factors for reduced theophylline clearance or in whom serum concentrations cannot be monitored: Maximum 400 mg daily. 226 229

Geriatric patients: Maximum 400 mg daily. 226 229 f g i


In patients who have not received theophylline in previous 24 hours: Maximum 900 mg daily (unless serum concentrations indicate need for larger dosage) following administration of loading dose. 227 228 k l

In geriatric patients, patients with cardiac decompensation, cor pulmonale, hepatic dysfunction, sepsis with multi-organ failure, shock, or those taking drugs that markedly reduce theophylline clearance: Maximum initial infusion rate: 17 mg/hour (unless serum concentrations monitored at 24-hour intervals). 227 228 k l



Possible increased risk of toxicity in patients with hepatic impairment; monitor serum theophylline concentrations and adjust dosage accordingly because of decreased clearance. 223 226 228

In patients with suspected decreased serum protein binding (eg, cirrhosis, third trimester of pregnancy), maintain concentrations of unbound (free) theophylline in range of 6–12 mcg/mL. 222 228 f i k

Initial infusion rate following appropriate loading dose: 0.2 mg/kg per hour. 228

Maximum daily dosage 400 mg unless serum concentration indicates need for larger dosage. 228


Monitor serum theophylline concentrations and adjust dosage accordingly for neonates and infants ≤3 months of age with renal impairment. 228 f

Dosage adjustment not required in adults and children >3 months of age. 228 f

Dyphylline: Consider dosage reduction in patients with renal impairment. 230 231


Select dosage with caution in geriatric patients because of age-related decreases in hepatic, renal, and/or cardiac function, concomitant disease, and drug therapy. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 f g i k l Theophylline clearance decreased in healthy adults >60 years of age. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 f g i k l (See Elimination: Special Populations under Pharmacokinetics.) Reduced dosage and frequent monitoring of serum theophylline concentrations required in geriatric patients. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 f g i k l

Administer oral dosages >400 mg daily with caution. 223 226 g

Initial IV infusion rate following appropriate loading dose: 0.3 mg/kg per hour. 228

Patients with Cardiac Decompensation, Cor Pulmonale, Sepsis with Multi-organ Failure, or Shock

Initial infusion rate following appropriate loading dose: 0.2 mg/kg per hour. 228 Maximum initial infusion rate: 17 mg/hour unless serum theophylline concentrations monitored at 24-hour intervals. 228 k

Maximum daily dosage: 400 mg daily unless serum concentration indicates need for larger dosage. 228


May require larger than usual or more frequent doses in patients that smoke (cigarettes and/or marijuana).一种

Careful attention to dose and frequent monitoring of serum theophylline concentrations required in patients who stop smoking. g (See Elimination: Special Populations under Pharmacokinetics.)

Cautions for Theophyllines


  • Known allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the theophyllines, dyphylline, caffeine, aminophylline, or theobromine. 222 227 a f h i l

  • Hypersensitivity to ethylenediamine found in aminophylline. a i l

  • Known allergy to corn or corn products, which may be included in dextrose-containing theophylline injections. 228 k

  • Dyphylline: Concomitant use with other sympathomimetic agents (eg, ephedrine) in pediatric patients. Ë



Concurrent Diseases or Conditions

Risk of exacerbation of active peptic ulcer disease, seizures, and cardiac arrhythmias (excluding bradyarrhythmias). 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 f g h i k l Use extreme caution in patients with such concurrent conditions. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 h i f g k l

Dyphylline: Do not use for status asthmaticus. 230 231 d e h

Dyphylline: Relationship between plasma concentrations and appearance of toxicity not known, but excessive doses associated with increased risk of adverse effects. 230 231 d e h

Conditions or Factors that Reduce Theophylline Clearance

Clearance reduced in neonates (term and premature), children <1 year of age, and patients >60 years of age; patients with acute pulmonary edema, CHF, cor pulmonale, fever ≥39°C for ≥24 hours or lesser temperature elevations for more prolonged periods, hypothyroidism, liver disease (cirrhosis, acute hepatitis), sepsis with multi-organ failure, or shock; in infants <3 months of age with reduced renal function; during the third trimester of pregnancy; and following cessation of smoking. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 i f g k l

Consider benefits and risks of use in patients with diseases or factors associated with reduction in theophylline clearance; select dosage carefully and closely monitor serum theophylline concentrations. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 i f g k l (See Elimination: Special Populations under Pharmacokinetics.)


When adding drug that inhibits theophylline metabolism or discontinuing drug that enhances metabolism, select dosages carefully and closely monitor serum theophylline concentrations. 221 222 223 226 227 228 229 f g h i k l (See Interactions.)