4006-776-356 出国就医服务电话

获取国外丙戊酸钠药品价格,使用等信息,最快 24 小时回馈

出境医 / 海外药品 / 丙戊酸钠




  • 可能发生致命的肝衰竭。 179 182 183 184 185 221 222 223

  • 通常发生在治疗的最初6个月内。 179 182 183 184 185 221 222 223

  • <2岁的儿童,发生致命肝毒性的风险显着增加,尤其是那些接受多种抗惊厥药的儿童,以及那些患有先天性代谢异常,严重的癫痫发作,精神发育迟缓或器质性脑疾病的儿童。 179 182 183 184 185在该年龄组中,应格外小心,仅作为单药治疗;仔细权衡收益与风险。 179 182 183 184 185致命性肝毒性的发病率似乎随着年龄的增长而逐渐降低。 179 182 183 184 185 223

  • 严重或致命的肝毒性可能会出现非特异性症状,例如不适,虚弱,嗜睡,面部浮肿,食欲不振和呕吐。 179 182 183 184 185 221

  • 在癫痫患者中,癫痫发作控制的丧失也可能在肝毒性发展之前。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 密切监视患者是否发生任何此类变化。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 在治疗之前和治疗期间应定期进行肝功能检查,尤其是在开始的6个月内。 179 182 183 184 185(下见注意事项肝毒性)。

  • 由聚合酶γ( POLG )基因突变(例如,Alpers-Huttenlocher综合征)引起的遗传性线粒体疾病患者发生急性肝衰竭(有时导致死亡)的风险增加; 179 182 183 185 221 222 223禁忌于已知患有此类疾病的患者以及临床怀疑为线粒体疾病的2岁以下儿童。 179 182 183 185对于怀疑患有遗传性线粒体疾病的大于2岁的儿童,仅在其他抗惊厥治疗失败的情况下使用;通过定期的临床评估和肝功能检查密切监视此类患者。 179 182 183 185根据当前临床实践进行POLG突变筛查。 179 182 183 185 222 223

  • 发生重大先天性畸形的风险,尤其是神经管缺损(NTD)。 182 183 184 185 188 189 190 191 192 193 194

  • 子宫暴露后智商得分降低的风险。 182 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 212

  • 孕妇禁忌偏头痛。 182 205孕妇癫痫或躁郁症,如果其他治疗失败或以其他方式接受只使用。 182 205

  • 除非该药物对她们的健康状况至关重要,否则请勿在有生育能力的女性中使用。 182 183 184 185在考虑治疗通常不伴有永久性伤害或死亡风险(例如偏头痛)的自发可逆疾病时,这一点尤其重要。 182 183 184 185(下注意事项见妊娠)。

  • 可向患者提供描述丙戊酸风险的药物指南。 182 183 188(见建议给病人。)

  • 威胁儿童生命的胰腺炎已在儿童和成人中发生。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 一些病例被描述为出血性疾病,从最初的症状发展到死亡迅速。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 可能在初次使用后以及使用数年后发生。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 警告患者和护理人员,腹痛,恶心,呕吐和/或厌食症可能是胰腺炎的症状,需要立即进行医学评估。 179 182 183 184 185

  • 如果诊断出胰腺炎,通常会停药并开始其他治疗。 179 182 183 184 185


丙戊酸(活性成分),丙戊酸钠和二丙戊酸钠是羧酸衍生物的抗惊厥药;以及抗躁狂药,其他心理治疗药和抗偏头痛药。 182 183 184 185 b


丙戊酸(离子化形式:丙戊酸盐)是丙戊酸钠和二丙戊酸钠的活性部分。 b


单独或与其他抗惊厥药(例如,ethosuximide)一起作为简单和复杂的癫痫发作(小发作)的预防管理中的一线治疗。 179 182 183 184 185 224b

与其他抗惊厥药联合治疗多种类型的癫痫发作,包括失神发作。 b


单独或与其他惊厥药(例如,卡马西平,苯妥英钠)一起使用或与其他惊厥药(例如,卡马西平,苯妥英钠)一起用于复杂部分发作的预防管理。 179 182 183 184 185 b


一线治疗广泛性癫痫发作,包括原发性全身性强直性阵挛性†,原发性全身性强直性阵挛性缺乏,肌阵挛性或无性性惊厥†,尤其是当存在多于一种类型的全身性癫痫发作时。 b


一线治疗,用于治疗简单的部分性癫痫†。 b


已通过直肠†或通过胃内滴注†进行治疗,在治疗IV地西epa难治的癫痫持续状态†中取得了一些成功。 b

丙戊酸的肠胃外制剂已得到研究,当静脉内给药治疗癫痫持续状态时有效。 b


单独或作为组合疗法(例如,与锂,抗精神病药[例如,奥氮平],抗抑郁药,卡马西平组合)的组成部分,用于治疗伴有或不伴有精神病特征的躁郁症或躁郁症。 182 183 214

美国精神病学协会(APA)当前建议将丙戊酸加抗精神病药或锂加抗精神病药联合治疗作为一线药物疗法,用于急性发作更严重的躁狂发作或混合发作,以及使用其中一种药物进行单药治疗的费用较少。严重的发作。 b

丙戊酸或锂也建议用于快速循环的初始急性治疗。 b

一些临床医生建议丙戊酸疗法用于双相型躁郁症或精神分裂性情感障碍,双相型,对锂盐或其他疗法(例如卡马西平)的治疗反应不足或无法耐受的患者,尤其是如果患者表现出丙戊酸疗法残留的躁狂症状,或存在快速骑行,躁狂躁狂或躁狂症,相关的神经系统异常或器质性脑部疾病。 b


预防偏头痛。 170 182 183 214b

由于丙戊酸造成危害胎儿(见胎儿风险的黑框警告,也看到在怀孕的注意事项),请在孕妇不能使用预防偏头痛;在此类患者中,药物的风险大于任何可能的益处。 182 183 184 185 205仅在必需药物时才可用于有生育能力的妇女。 182 183 184 185 188 190 196 205

美国头痛协会指出,丙戊酸在预防偏头痛方面具有中到高效的功效。 170

IV†也已用于偏头痛的急性治疗†(即流产治疗); 157 158 160 161 162 163 164 166然而,药物相对于其他急性疗法的作用需要进一步阐明。 156 166 170 172 173


在精神分裂症对症治疗中作为抗精神病药物的辅助药物,对于仅对抗精神病药物进行充分试验没有足够反应的患者。 146 147 148

APA 146和一些临床医生148指出,抗惊厥药(例如丙戊酸和双丙戊酸钠)可能在情绪不佳的精神分裂症患者或躁动,攻击性,敌对或暴力行为的患者中有用。 146 148

APA指​​出,除了患有精神分裂症的患者,其疾病具有很强的情感成分外,丙戊酸或双丙戊酸钠不能单药治疗长期治疗精神分裂症。 146



对于癫痫发作的患者,请勿突然停用包括丙戊酸在内的抗惊厥药;逐渐退出以最大程度地增加癫痫发作频率。 182 183 184

密切监视患者行为的明显变化,这些变化可能表明自杀念头,行为或抑郁症的出现或恶化。 176 177 178 180 183 184 (请参阅“小心下的自杀风险”。)

向接受口服药物制剂的患者分发用药指南,解释治疗的风险和益处。 188


口服或静脉输注丙戊酸钠;口服丙戊酸和双丙戊酸钠。 182 183 184 185 b

丙戊酸也已通过灌肠或蜡基栓剂经直肠给药,但直肠剂型在美国尚无市售。 b


口服丙戊酸,丙戊酸钠和双丙戊酸钠。 182 183 184 b

如果发生胃肠道刺激,可与食物一起服用或从最初的低剂量逐渐增加剂量。 179 182 183 184 b

无法耐受丙戊酸或丙戊酸钠的胃肠道作用的患者可能耐受双丙戊酸钠。 b

如果错过了剂量,除非下一次剂量差不多,否则应尽快服用。 182 183 184增加一倍剂量,以弥补错过的剂量。 182 183 184

Divalproex钠缓释片与缓释片没有生物等效性。 182

尽管从含有双丙戊酸钠钠的包衣颗粒或缓释片剂的胶囊吸收的丙戊酸在胃肠道的吸收程度相当,但达到的峰值和谷血浆浓度可能会有所不同(例如,缓释片剂的丙戊酸峰值通常较高) ;如果用一种剂型替代另一种剂型,建议加强对丙戊酸血浆浓度的监测。 b


服用divalproex钠缓释片(例如Depakote) ER)每天一次;对于其他口服制剂,如果每日总剂量> 250 mg,则分次服用。 179 182 183 184 214

丙戊酸胶囊:整个吞服胶囊,不可咀嚼,以防止口腔和咽喉发炎。 184

丙戊酸钠口服溶液:不要给予在碳酸饮料。 b

丙戊酸缓释胶囊(Stavzor ):整粒吞服胶囊;不要压碎,咀嚼或弄碎。 214

Divalproex钠缓释剂(例如Depakote )或扩展发行版(例如Depakote ER)片:吞咽片完整;不要咀嚼或挤压。 182 183

含有双丙戊酸钠钠涂层颗粒的胶囊(例如Depakote洒胶囊):完整吞服胶囊或将胶囊中的全部内容物洒在少量(约5 mL)的软食品(例如苹果酱,布丁)上,然后立即吞咽(不咀嚼)。 179存储以备将来使用的混合物。 179



丙戊酸钠注射液仅用于静脉注射。 185


对于静脉内使用,用至少50 mL的兼容静脉内溶液稀释适当剂量的丙戊酸钠注射液(例如5%葡萄糖注射液,0.9%氯化钠注射液,乳酸林格氏注射液)。 185 b (请参阅稳定性下的解决方案兼容性。)


在60分钟内注入稀释的IV溶液;制造商建议该速率不超过20毫克/分钟。 185

快速静脉输注与不良反应风险增加有关。 b

临床研究中,速率> 20 mg / min或输液时间<60分钟的经验有限。 b

在一项关于丙戊酸钠(静脉注射丙戊酸每分钟1.5–3 mg / kg)的初始5至10分钟静脉输注安全性的研究中,患者通常耐受这种快速输注。但是,该研究并非旨在评估该方案的疗效。 185

尚未确定使用快速输注作为口服丙戊酸的肠胃外替代药物。 b


丙戊酸钠和双丙戊酸钠的剂量以丙戊酸表示。 b

必须根据个人要求和反应小心而缓慢地调整剂量。 b

建议的抗惊厥治疗范围为50–100 mcg / mL。较低或较高的浓度有时可能会控制癫痫发作,但是> 150 mcg / mL通常是有毒的。 b

对于双相情感障碍的急性躁狂或混合发作,通常根据临床反应剂量,其低谷血浆浓度为50–125 mcg / mL。 182 183

不良反应的频率(尤其是肝酶浓度升高和血小板减少症)可能与剂量有关;仔细权衡改善治疗效果的好处,该治疗效果可能伴随更高剂量与不良反应的风险一起使用。 182 183 B(下见注意事项血小板减少症)。

对于接受常规丙戊酸的患者,改用divalproex钠缓释片或丙戊酸缓释胶囊时,应使用相同的每日剂量和时间表。 183 214用缓释制剂稳定后,可对选定的患者进行每日剂量划分,每天给药2或3次。 183 214



剂量适用于丙戊酸(活性成分),丙戊酸钠和divalproex钠的常规(胶囊和溶液),延迟释放(胶囊和片剂)和延长释放(片剂)剂型。 179 182 183 184 214

≥10岁的儿童:最初每天10-15 mg / kg。 179 182 183 184 214

根据反应和耐受性,每周间隔每天增加5-10 mg / kg的剂量,最大推荐剂量为每天60 mg / kg。 179 182 183 184 214

辅助使用时,可继续同时进行抗惊厥治疗,根据反应和耐受性调整剂量。 182 183 184(请参见交互。)

或者,可以尝试每2周将当前抗惊厥药的剂量降低25%,或者与开始丙戊酸治疗同时开始,或者如果担心癫痫发作可能减少而推迟1-2周。 b

当前抗惊厥药撤出的速度和持续时间可能有很大差异。在此期间密切监视患者的癫痫发作频率。 b

当将患者从当前的抗惊厥药转变为丙戊酸疗法以治疗复杂的部分性癫痫发作时,应以通常的起始剂量开始丙戊酸疗法。 b


对于暂时无法口服治疗的患者,可以采用静脉注射疗法,但临床上应尽快转为口服。 185

静脉内给药可用于治疗癫痫病的单一疗法或辅助疗法。 185

通常的每日总剂量对于静脉注射或口服给药是等效的,尽管可能需要监测血浆浓度和调整剂量,但在癫痫发作中口服治疗所用的剂量和给药频率与静脉注射治疗预期相同。 185

每日剂量> 250 mg,分次服用。 185

未确定使用IV治疗超过14天。 185

尚未对静脉注射丙戊酸钠在最初的单一疗法中的使用进行系统的研究。然而,肠胃外治疗可采用口服治疗的常规剂量和滴定法。 185

密切监测每天接近通常最大推荐剂量60 mg / kg的患者,尤其是在同时使用诱导酶的药物时。 b


剂量适用于丙戊酸(活性成分),丙戊酸钠和divalproex钠的常规(胶囊和溶液),延迟释放(胶囊和片剂)和延长释放(片剂)剂型。 179 182 183 184 214

最初,每天15 mg / kg。 179 182 183 184 214

根据反应和耐受性,每周间隔每天增加5-10 mg / kg的剂量,最大推荐剂量为每天60 mg / kg。 179 182 183 184 214


对于暂时无法口服治疗的患者,可以采用静脉注射疗法,但临床上应尽快转为口服。 185

通常的每日总剂量对于静脉注射或口服给药是等效的,尽管可能需要监测血浆浓度和调整剂量,但在癫痫发作中口服治疗所用的剂量和给药频率与静脉注射治疗预期相同。 185

每日剂量> 250 mg,分次服用。 185

迄今为止,尚未研究使用IV治疗超过14天的情况。 185

尚未对静脉注射丙戊酸钠在最初的单一疗法中的使用进行系统的研究。然而,肠胃外治疗可采用口服治疗的常规剂量和滴定法。 185

密切监测每天接近通常最大推荐剂量60 mg / kg的患者,尤其是在同时使用诱导酶的药物时。 185



剂量适用于丙戊酸(活性成分),丙戊酸钠和divalproex钠的常规(胶囊和溶液),延迟释放(胶囊和片剂)和延长释放(片剂)剂型。 182 183 184 214

最初,每天10–15 mg / kg。 183 184 214

每周间隔每天增加5-10 mg / kg的剂量,直到癫痫发作得到控制或不良反应阻止剂量进一步增加,通常根据反应和耐受性每天增加至60 mg / kg。 b

辅助使用时,可继续同时进行抗惊厥治疗,根据反应和耐受性调整剂量。 182 183 184(请参见交互。)

或者,可以尝试每2周将当前抗惊厥药的剂量降低25%,或者与开始丙戊酸治疗同时开始,或者如果担心癫痫发作可能减少而推迟1-2周。 b

当前抗惊厥药撤出的速度和持续时间可能有很大差异。在此期间密切监视患者的癫痫发作频率。 b


对于暂时无法口服治疗的患者,可以采用静脉注射疗法,但临床上应尽快转为口服。 185

静脉内给药可用于治疗癫痫病的单一疗法或辅助疗法。 b

通常的每日总剂量对于静脉注射或口服给药是等效的,尽管可能需要监测血浆浓度和调整剂量,但在癫痫发作中口服治疗所用的剂量和给药频率与静脉注射治疗预期相同。 185

每日剂量> 250 mg,分次服用。 185

未确定使用IV治疗超过14天。 185

尚无系统地研究静脉注射丙戊酸钠在初始单一疗法中的应用。然而,肠胃外治疗可采用口服治疗的常规剂量和滴定法。 b

密切监测每天接近通常最大推荐剂量60 mg / kg的患者,尤其是在同时使用诱导酶的药物时。 b


剂量适用于丙戊酸(活性成分),丙戊酸钠和divalproex钠的常规(胶囊和溶液),延迟释放(胶囊和片剂)和延长释放(片剂)剂型。 182 183 184 214

最初,每天15 mg / kg。 183 184 b

根据反应和耐受性,每周间隔每天增加5-10 mg / kg的剂量,最大推荐剂量为每天60 mg / kg。 183 184 214


对于暂时无法口服治疗的患者,可以采用静脉注射疗法,但临床上应尽快转为口服。 185

通常的每日总剂量对于静脉注射或口服给药是等效的,尽管可能需要监测血浆浓度和调整剂量,但在癫痫发作中口服治疗所用的剂量和给药频率与静脉注射治疗预期相同。 185

每日剂量> 250 mg,分次服用。 185

未确定使用IV治疗超过14天。 185

尚未对静脉注射丙戊酸钠在最初的单一疗法中的使用进行系统的研究。然而,肠胃外治疗可采用口服治疗的常规剂量和滴定法。 b

密切监测每天接近通常最大推荐剂量60 mg / kg的患者,尤其是在同时使用诱导酶的药物时。 b

从Divalproex钠缓释片(例如Depakote)到延长释放片(例如Depakote ER)的转换

当将癫痫发作由divalproex钠缓释片控制的患者转换为缓释片时,每天应给予该药物一次,其每日总剂量要比该患者相应的延迟释放剂量高8–20%正在接收。 182

对于无法将延迟释放日剂量直接转换为相应的市售延迟释放剂量的患者,请考虑将延迟释放总日剂量增加至下一个更高的剂量,然后再在临床医生处转换为合适的延迟释放日总剂量谨慎。 182


已通过灌肠或蜡基栓剂每6小时服用一次400-600毫克丙戊酸。 b


最初,以分次剂量的方式每天服用750毫克的延迟释放片剂(例如Depakote )或延迟释放胶囊(Stavzor )或25 mg / kg每天一次,作为缓释片(例如Depakote) ER)用于急性发作。 182 183 214

对于急性发作,应尽快增加剂量,以达到产生所需临床效果或所需血浆浓度的最低治疗剂量;但是,制造商建议每天的剂量不要超过60 mg / kg。 182 183 214b

在临床研究中,通过降低血浆浓度为50–125 mcg / mL的剂量来应对临床反应。 182 183

超过3周的疗效未得到系统评估;如果继续,则应定期重新评估各个患者的长期用处和风险。 182 183 214

记录回顾中的数据支持了长期抗躁狂治疗的安全性,涉及大约360名接受3个月以上治疗的患者。 183 214

维持治疗的剂量指南†少于急性治疗的证据基础,并且偶尔使用的剂量低于急性治疗的剂量。 b


最初,每天两次以250毫克的缓释片剂(例如Depakote)183或延迟释放的胶囊(Stavzor )214或500 mg,每天一次作为缓释片剂(例如,双丙戊酸钠ER)。 182

维护:缓释片剂的初始剂量1周后,可将剂量增加至每天1 g。 182有些患者可能会受益于每天1 g的剂量。与较高剂量额外的好处183 214没有证据。 183 214

如果患者需要的剂量调整量小于使用缓释片剂的剂量调整量,请改用缓释片剂。 182


通常,对于辅助治疗,应与癫痫发作的治疗剂量相同,并以相同的治疗血浆浓度给药。 146 147 148




通常最大推荐剂量为每天60 mg / kg; 182 183 B如果没有实现治疗反应,监视器血浆浓度。 182 183



通常最大推荐剂量为每天60 mg / kg; 182 183 B如果没有实现治疗反应,监视器血浆浓度。 182 183


建议最大剂量为每天60 mg / kg。 182 183 b


推荐的最大剂量是每天1克。 182 183 214



由于蛋白质结合力显着降低,因此监测(结合+未结合)药物浓度可能会产生误导。 183 185


剂量调整似乎没有必要。 183 184

由于蛋白质结合力显着降低,因此监测(结合+未结合)药物浓度可能会产生误导。 183 184


减少初始剂量,因为未结合的丙戊酸清除率降低,并且对不良反应(例如嗜睡)的敏感性更高;加大后续剂量的速度。 182 183 184 185

对于减少食物或液体摄入量的老人患者以及过度嗜睡的患者,应考虑减少剂量或停药。 182 183 184 185 (请参见谨慎处理的老年患者的嗜睡症,另请参见谨慎使用的老年患者。)

根据耐受性和临床反应确定最终治疗剂量。 b


无需仅根据性别来调整剂量。 183



  • 肝病或实质性肝功能障碍。 182 183 184 185

  • POLG突变引起的线粒体疾病患者和2岁以下的儿童怀疑患有POLG相关疾病。 179 182 183 185

  • 已知对丙戊酸,丙戊酸钠,双丙戊酸钠或各自制剂中的任何成分过敏。 182 183 184 185 b

  • 尿素循环障碍。 182 183 184 185 (请参阅“注意事项”下的尿素循环紊乱[UCD]。)

  • 用于预防孕妇的偏头痛。 182 183(下注意事项见妊娠)。




可能导致严重的甚至潜在的致命肝毒性。 182 183 184 185 221 222 223(见肝毒性黑框警告。)

接受多种抗惊厥药或先天性代谢紊乱,伴有智力低下的严重癫痫发作或器质性脑病的儿童和患者可能具有特殊的风险。 182 183 184 185 221

据报道,由POLG突变引起的遗传性神经代谢综合征患者的急性肝衰竭和由此导致的死亡的发生率要高于没有这种疾病的患者;多数病例在儿童和青少年中发现。 182 221 222 223

有肝病史的患者慎用。 182

如果存在怀疑的或明显的肝功能不全,请立即停用丙戊酸。 182 183 184 185在某些情况下,尽管停用了药物,但肝功能障碍仍在发展。 182 183 184 185


可能导致危及生命的胰腺炎。 182 183 184 185(见胰腺炎黑框警告。)


UCD患者开始治疗后可能发生致命的高氨血症性脑病,UCD是一组罕见的遗传异常,尤其是鸟氨酸转氨甲酰酶缺乏症。 182 183 184 185(下注意事项见禁忌)。

静脉注射后尚未系统研究血浆氨浓度;但是,至少有2例患者报告了接受丙戊酸钠静脉输注的高氨血症性脑病。 185

如果这种疾病的症状(例如嗜睡,呕吐,精神状态改变)发展,建议患者立即联系临床医生。 182 183 184 185

如果出现此类症状,请确定血浆氨浓度,如果浓度升高,请停止治疗。 182 183 184 185

为高氨血症开始适当的治疗,并评估患者的潜在UCD。 182 183 184 185

在开始治疗之前,考虑对以下患者进行UCD评估:患有无法解释的脑病或昏迷病史,与蛋白质负荷相关的脑病,妊娠相关或产后脑病,无法解释的智力低下或血浆氨或谷氨酰胺浓度升高的病史;周期性呕吐和嗜睡,发作性极度烦躁,共济失调,BUN浓度低或避免蛋白的患者;有UCD家族病史或无法解释的婴儿死亡的患者(尤其是男性);或其他带有UCD征兆或症状的人。 182 183 184 185

无症状的氨浓度升高比有症状的高氨血症更为常见。 182 183 184 185在无症状升高的患者中,密切监测血浆氨浓度,如果持续升高,则考虑停药。 182 183 184 185


在子宫内暴露后会产生NTD和其他结构畸形(例如,颅面缺陷,心血管畸形,涉及各种身体系统的异常)。 182 183 184 185 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 194此外,在子宫内暴露的儿童中观察到智商下降和其他认知障碍。 205 206 207 208 212(参见胎儿的风险中黑框警告。)

在动物研究中,观察到不利的胎儿影响,包括结构畸形(例如,骨骼,心脏,泌尿生殖器),神经管闭合缺陷,子宫内发育迟缓,神经行为异常和死亡。 182 183 184 190

不要在孕妇预防偏头痛的不得使用;如果绝对必要,仅在患有癫痫或双相情感障碍的孕妇中使用。 182 183 184 185 188 196 205(下见注意事项妊娠)。


在对患有癫痫,精神疾病(例如,躁郁症,抑郁,焦虑)和其他疾病(例如,偏头痛,神经性疼痛)的患者使用各种抗惊厥药的研究分析中观察到的自杀风险(自杀意念或行为)增加;接受抗惊厥药的患者的风险(0.43%)约为接受安慰剂的患者(0.24%)的两倍。 176 177 178 179 180 183 184在开始抗惊厥治疗后≥1周观察到自杀风险增加,并且持续了24周。 176 177 178 179 183 184 184与其他条件下接受抗惊厥药的患者相比,癫痫患者的风险更高。 176 178 179 183 184

密切监视当前接受或开始抗惊厥治疗的所有患者的行为变化,这些变化可能表明自杀念头,行为或抑郁症的出现或恶化。 177 178 179 180 183 184焦虑,躁动,敌意,躁狂症和躁狂症可能是自杀的先兆。 176

在自杀风险和未治疗疾病的风险之间取得平衡。 176 179 183 184用抗惊厥药治疗的癫痫病和其他疾病本身与发病率和死亡率以及自杀风险增加有关。 179 183 184如果在抗惊厥治疗过程中出现自杀念头或行为,请考虑这些症状是否与疾病本身有关。 179 183 184(见建议给病人。)


上市后的经历中报告了大脑和小脑萎缩(或假性萎缩);可能是不可逆的或可逆的。 182 183 215 216 217 218 219 220 220一些患者康复后出现永久性后遗症。 182 183

在治疗过程中定期监测患者的运动和认知障碍;如果出现或怀疑有脑萎缩的任何表现,请评估是否应继续治疗。 182 183

在子宫内暴露于丙戊酸的儿童中也有脑萎缩的报道。 182 183(下注意事项见妊娠)。


碳青霉烯类抗生素(例如,厄他培南,亚胺培南,美罗培南)可将血浆丙戊酸的浓度降低至亚治疗水平,导致癫痫发作控制丧失。 179 182 184 185 186 187(参见下相互作用特异性药物和实验室试验。)


据报道嗜睡,特别是在老年患者中。 182 183 184 185(见建议给病人。)

In geriatric patients with dementia, somnolence occurred in a significantly higher proportion of patients receiving valproic acid compared with those receiving placebo. 182 183 184 185 Dehydration also occurred in more valproic acid-treated patients, although the difference was not clinically significant. 182 183 184 185 In some patients (approximately half) with somnolence, associated reduced nutritional intake and weight loss occurred. 182 183 184 185 (See Geriatric Use under Cautions.)

In geriatric patients, increase dosage more slowly and monitor patients regularly for fluid and nutritional intake, dehydration, somnolence, and other adverse effects. 182 183 184 185 (See Geriatric Patients under Dosage and Administration.)


Frequency of valproic acid-associated adverse effects, particularly elevated liver enzyme concentrations and thrombocytopenia, may be dose-related. 182 183 b

The probability of thrombocytopenia appears to increase substantially at total plasma valproic acid concentrations ≥110 mcg/mL (females) or ≥135 mcg/mL (males). 182 183 184 185

Weigh the therapeutic benefit of relatively high dosages with the possibility of dose-related thrombocytopenia and other adverse effects. 182 183

Monitor platelet counts and coagulation tests before initiating valproic acid therapy and periodically during therapy. 182 183 b Such monitoring is also recommended prior to planned (ie, elective) surgery. 182 183 b

Consider thromboelastography as a more reliable method to assess the effects of valproic acid on coagulation. b

If clinical evidence of hemorrhage, bruising, or a disorder of hemostasis/coagulation occurs during therapy, reduce dosage or withdraw the drug pending further evaluation. 182 183 184 185


Hypothermia (unintentional drop in body core temperature to <35°C) reported in association with valproic acid therapy both in conjunction with and in the absence of hyperammonemia (see Hyperammonemia under Cautions). 182 183 184 185 May also occur in patients receiving concurrent topiramate and valproic acid after starting topiramate therapy or increasing the daily topiramate dosage. 182 183 184 185 (See Hyperammonemia and Encephalopathy associated with Concurrent Topiramate under Cautions.)

Consider discontinuing valproic acid therapy in patients who develop manifestations of hypothermia, including lethargy, confusion, coma, and significant alterations in other major organ systems (eg, cardiovascular and respiratory systems). 182 183 184 185 Include examination of blood ammonia concentrations in clinical assessment and management of hypothermia. 182 183 184 185 (See Urea Cycle Disorders [UCD] under Cautions.)


Hyperammonemia reported; may be present despite normal liver function tests. 182 183 184 185 In patients who develop unexplained lethargy and vomiting or changes in mental status, consider hyperammonemic encephalopathy and measure blood ammonia concentrations. 182 183 184 185 Also consider hyperammonemia in patients who present with hypothermia. 182 183 184 185

If ammonia concentrations are increased, discontinue valproic acid therapy and initiate appropriate treatment interventions. 182 183 184 185 Also evaluate hyperammonemic patients for possible underlying UCD. 182 183 184 185 (See Urea Cycle Disorders [UCD] under Cautions.)

Asymptomatic elevations of ammonia concentrations are more common and, when present, require close monitoring of plasma ammonia concentrations. 182 183 184 185

Hyperammonemia and Encephalopathy Associated with Concurrent Topiramate

Concomitant administration of topiramate and valproic acid has been associated with hyperammonemia with or without encephalopathy in patients who have previously tolerated either drug alone. 182 183 184 185 Clinical symptoms of hyperammonemic encephalopathy often include acute alterations in level of consciousness and/or cognitive function accompanied by lethargy or vomiting. 182 183 184 185 Hypothermia also may be a manifestation of hyperammonemia. 182 183 184 185

In most cases, signs and symptoms abated upon discontinuance of either drug. 182 183 184 185 It is not known if topiramate monotherapy is associated with hyperammonemia. 182 183 184 185 Patients with inborn errors of metabolism or reduced hepatic mitochondrial activity may be at increased risk for hyperammonemia with or without encephalopathy. 182 183 184 185

In patients who develop unexplained lethargy, vomiting, or changes in mental status, consider hyperammonemic encephalopathy and measure blood ammonia concentration. 182 183 184 185 (See Urea Cycle Disorders [UCD] under Cautions, see Hyperammonemia under Cautions, and see Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests under Interactions.)

Posttraumatic Seizures

Fatality rate was higher for valproic acid (IV valproate sodium then oral valproic acid) versus IV phenytoin in patients with acute head injuries receiving the drugs for prevention of posttraumatic seizures; causal relationship not established. 185 195

Prudent to not use IV valproate sodium in acute head trauma for posttraumatic seizure prophylaxis pending further study. 185 195


Multi-organ Hypersensitivity Reactions

Multi-organ hypersensitivity reactions reported rarely in close temporal association to initiation of valproic acid therapy in adult and pediatric patients (median time to detection: 21 days; range: 1–40 days). 182 183 184 185 Many reported cases resulted in hospitalization and at least one death. 182 183 184 185

Patients typically, although not exclusively, present with fever and rash associated with other organ system involvement. 182 183 184 185 Other associated manifestations may include lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, liver function test abnormalities, hematologic abnormalities (eg, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia), pruritus, nephritis, oliguria, hepatorenal syndrome, arthralgia, and asthenia. 182 183 184 185 This disorder is variable in its expression, and signs and symptoms associated with other organ systems also may occur. 182 183 184 185

If a multi-organ hypersensitivity reaction is suspected, discontinue valproic acid and initiate alternative treatment. 182 183 184 185 Although the existence of cross sensitivity with other drugs that produce this disorder is unclear, experience with drugs associated with multi-organ hypersensitivity would indicate this to be a possibility. 182 183 184 185

Other Hypersensitivity Reactions

Anaphylaxis, photosensitivity, generalized pruritus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema nodosum, and erythema multiforme reported. b

Rare cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis, including a fatal case in a 6-month-old infant receiving valproic acid therapy; however, infant was receiving other drugs concomitantly. b



Do not discontinue anticonvulsant drugs abruptly in patients, including pregnant women, receiving the drugs to prevent major seizures; strong possibility of precipitating status epilepticus with attendant hypoxia and threat to life. 182 183 184 b (See Pregnancy under Cautions.)

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Since valproic acid may interact with concurrently administered drugs that are capable of hepatic enzyme induction, periodic determinations of plasma concentrations of valproic acid and concomitant drugs are recommended during the early course of therapy. 182 183 184 185 (See Interactions.)

Effect on HIV and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Replication

Appears to stimulate replication of HIV and CMV under certain experimental conditions; however, clinical importance not known. 179 182 183 184 185

Relevance to patients receiving maximally suppressive antiretroviral therapy also is not known. 179 182 183 184 185

Consider these effects when interpreting test results concerning the clinical condition of patients with HIV (plasma HIV RNA levels [viral load]) or CMV infection. 179 182 183 184 185

Medication Residue in Stool

Medication residue in stool reported rarely with divalproex sodium formulations (eg, Depakote , Depakote ER, Depakote Sprinkle Capsules); some cases occurred in the presence of diarrhea. 179 182 183 Some patients had anatomic (eg, ileostomy, colostomy) or functional GI disorders that decrease GI transit times. 179 182 183 Monitor plasma valproic acid concentrations and clinical status in such patients; consider alternative therapy if clinically necessary. 179 182 183



Category D (epilepsy, bipolar disorder); category X (migraine prophylaxis). 182 183 184 185 196 205 (See Fetal Risk in Boxed Warning.)

North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) Pregnancy Registry at 888-233-2334 (for patients); NAAED registry information also available on the website [Web]. 182 183 184 185 196

Risk of major congenital malformations, particularly NTDs; risk appears to be greatest during the first trimester of pregnancy. 182 183 184 185 188 189 190 Rate of major malformations in infants exposed in utero to valproic acid is fourfold higher than that observed in infants exposed to other anticonvulsants. 182 183 184 185 188 189 191

CDC estimates the fetal risk of spina bifida in valproic acid-treated pregnant women to be approximately 1–2%; estimated risk of spina bifida in the general population is 0.06–0.07%. 182 183 184 185 190

Folic acid supplementation in pregnant women may decrease risk of congenital NTDs. 182 183 184 185 188 189 190 191 192 Not known whether risk of NTDs in offspring of women receiving valproic acid is specifically reduced by folic acid supplementation. 182 183 184 185 190 192 Folic acid supplementation prior to conception and during pregnancy should be routinely recommended in women. 182 183 184 185 188 190 191 192

In utero exposure to valproic acid also appears to increase risk of adverse cognitive effects in children. 182 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 212 Reduced IQ scores and other cognitive deficits (eg, decreased memory, verbal and nonverbal abilities, cognitive fluency and originality, or executive functions; delayed mental development; increased special education needs) observed in several observational studies in children exposed in utero to valproic acid compared with those with no exposure. 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 205 206 207 208 210 Dose-dependent effect observed, with higher dosages associated with worse cognitive outcomes. 197 206 207 Long-term effects of such exposure not known; also not known whether risk occurs when fetal exposure is limited with respect to duration or timing (eg, first trimester) during pregnancy. 196 205

Possible association between in utero valproic acid exposure and developmental delay, autism, and/or autism spectrum disorders. 179 183 190 191 192 194 209 210

Potentially fatal neonatal clotting abnormalities and hepatic failure have occurred rarely with maternal exposure to the drug. 182 183 184 185

Do not use in pregnant women for prevention of migraine headaches; use in pregnant women with epilepsy or bipolar disorder only if other treatments have failed to provide adequate symptom relief or are otherwise unacceptable. 182 205

Use in women of childbearing potential only if the drug is clearly shown to be essential in the management of their medical condition; use effective contraception. 182 183 184 185 188 190 196 b Consider alternative therapies in women contemplating pregnancy. 182 205 212

Tests to detect neural tube and other malformations using current accepted procedures should be considered a part of routine prenatal care and be offered to pregnant women receiving valproic acid. 182 183 184 185 b

If used during pregnancy, monitor clotting parameters closely. 182 183 184 185 b

Do not discontinue anticonvulsants in pregnant women in whom the drugs are administered to prevent major seizures because of the strong possibility of precipitating status epilepticus with attendant hypoxia and threat to life. b


分配到牛奶中。 183 184 185 b Caution advised. 182 183


Experience with oral valproic acid in the management of seizures indicates that children <2 years of age are at an increased risk of developing fatal hepatotoxicity. 182 183 184 185 (See Hepatotoxicity in Boxed Warning.)

Use with extreme caution and only as single-agent therapy in such children, and weigh the benefits of therapy against the risks. 182 183 184 185

The incidence of fatal hepatotoxicity decreases considerably in progressively older patient groups (ie, >2 years of age). 182 183 184 185

Younger children, especially those receiving enzyme-inducing drugs, will require larger maintenance dosages to attain targeted total and unbound valproic acid concentrations for the management of seizures. 182 183 184 185 The variability in free fraction limits the clinical usefulness of monitoring total serum valproic acid concentrations alone. 182 183 184 185

Interpretation of valproic acid concentration in children should include consideration of factors that affect hepatic metabolism and protein binding. 182 183 184 185

Safety and efficacy of valproic acid for complex partial seizures not established in pediatric patients <10 years of age. 179 214

Efficacy of extended-release tablets (eg, Depakote ER) for mania or migraine prophylaxis in pediatric patients not demonstrated in placebo-controlled studies. 182 183 214

Safety and tolerability of divalproex sodium in pediatric patients appear similar to those in adults. 182 183 214

Safety of the injection has not been studied in pediatric patients <2 years of age. 185 b If a decision is made to use the injection in this age group, use with extreme caution and only as monotherapy, and weigh potential benefits against possible risks. 185 b


No geriatric patients >65 years of age were enrolled in controlled trials of oral valproic acid for the treatment of manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder. 182 183 184 185 In a case review study, a higher percentage of patients >65 years of age reported accidental injury, infection, pain, somnolence, and tremor compared with younger patients. 182 183 184 185

Increased risk of somnolence in geriatric patients. 179 182 183 184 185 (See Somnolence in Geriatric Patients under Cautions.)

Safety and efficacy of valproic acid for the prevention of migraine headaches in geriatric patients >65 years of age not established. 182 183

No unique safety concerns were identified in geriatric patients >65 years of age receiving IV valproate sodium in clinical trials. 185

Dosage adjustments are necessary in geriatric patients. 179 182 183 184 185 (See Geriatric Patients under Dosage and Administration.)

Regularly monitor geriatric patients for fluid and nutritional intake, dehydration, somnolence, and other adverse effects. 182 183 184 185


Liver disease impairs the capacity to eliminate valproic acid. 184 185 b (See Elimination: Special Populations, under Pharmacokinetics.)

Substantially increased unbound (active) drug fraction because of decreased albumin. 183 184 185 Because of decreased protein binding, monitoring total (bound + unbound) drug concentrations may be misleading. 183 185 (See Distribution: Special Populations, under Pharmacokinetics.)

Contraindicated in patients with hepatic disease or substantial hepatic dysfunction. 182 183 184 185 Use with caution in patients with a history of hepatic disease. 182 183 184 185 (See Hepatotoxicity in Boxed Warning and also see Hepatotoxicity under Cautions.)


The most frequent adverse effects following initiation of therapy are nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. b

Eructation, fecal incontinence, gastroenteritis, glossitis, flatulence, hematemesis, periodontal abscess, tooth disorder, dry mouth, stomatitis, and constipation may occur. b

Somnolence, asthenia, dizziness, and tremor generally are the most frequently reported adverse nervous system effects. 185 b

In addition, IV infusion may cause local effects at the injection site and effects associated with the rate of infusion. 185

Interactions for Valproate Sodium

CYP microsomal-mediated oxidation is a relatively minor metabolic pathway. 183

Drugs Affecting Hepatic Enzymes

Drugs affecting expression of hepatic enzymes, particularly glucuronyltransferases, may increase valproic acid clearance. 183

Phenobarbital or primidone, phenytoin, or carbamazepine can double valproic acid clearance. 183

Increase monitoring of valproic acid and concomitantly used drug concentrations whenever enzyme-inducing drugs are introduced or withdrawn. 183

Inhibitors of CYP isoenzymes are unlikely to have a clinically important effect on valproic acid clearance. 183






Limited pharmacokinetic studies reveal little to no interaction following concomitant administration b


May reduce plasma anticonvulsant concentrations to subtherapeutic levels; an increase in seizure frequency and a worsening in the EEG may be observed b

Use concomitantly with caution b

Additive CNS depression may occur b

Use concomitantly with caution b


Decreased plasma clearance of amitriptyline and nortriptyline (the pharmacologically active metabolite of amitriptyline) 179 182

Consider monitoring concentrations and reducing dosage of amitriptyline during concomitant use 179 182


Limited pharmacokinetic studies reveal little to no interaction during concomitant administration 182 b


May increase unbound fraction of warfarin 183

Clinical relevance unknown; monitor coagulation tests during concomitant use b

Anticonvulsants (phenobarbital, phenytoin, and primidone)

Additive, potentially severe CNS depression may occur (particularly with phenobarbital and primidone) b

Concomitant administration of valproic acid and phenobarbital (or primidone which is metabolized to phenobarbital) can result in increased plasma phenobarbital concentrations and excessive somnolence b

May displace phenytoin from protein binding and inhibit its metabolism 183

Observe closely for possible neurotoxicity if phenobarbital or primidone is used concomitantly 183

Combination can produce CNS depression (possibly severe) even without substantial increases in serum concentrations of either drug b

Observe for breakthrough seizures during concomitant phenytoin use; adjust dosage accordingly

Since valproic acid also may interact with other anticonvulsants, it is advisable to monitor plasma concentrations of concomitantly administered anticonvulsants during initial valproic acid therapy b


Aspirin can increase unbound (active) valproic acid fourfold 182 183 185
