减毒活疫苗。 1 27 137水痘病毒活疫苗包含Oka / Merck菌株1 27的水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV),用于刺激对水痘(水痘)的主动免疫。 1 27在美国以单价疫苗形式销售(Varivax )和含有麻疹,腮腺炎,风疹和水痘抗原的固定组合疫苗(MMRV; ProQuad )。 1种125其他水痘疫苗可能是在其他国家(例如,奥卡/ Biken疫苗)提供。 8 11 15 27 45
预防成人,青少年和≥12个月大的儿童出现水痘(水痘)。 1 27 71 82 89 92 100 114 129 137
水痘是由水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV)的初次感染引起的。 1 6 9 11 14 27 41 64 75 137 138 138在其他健康的儿童中,水痘通常是一种急性的自限性疾病,其特征是发烧,全身乏力以及由200-500个病变组成的全身性水疱疹。 1 6 9 11 14 27 41 64 75 137 138在新生儿,青少年,成人和免疫功能低下的人中,它可能是一种更严重的疾病,伴有更多的病灶和更高的并发症风险(例如,肺炎,脑炎,肾小球肾炎) ,细菌过度感染(包括坏死性筋膜炎)。 6 9 11 15 27 34 41 64 75 80 89 91 94 137 138过去,在美国,每年平均有400万例水痘和100-150例水痘相关死亡。 6 27 64 137自1995年以来,水痘疫苗在市场上可以买到,在美国,各个年龄段的水痘和与水痘相关的住院治疗的发生率均已大幅下降,尤其是1至9岁的儿童。 112 138自1996年以来,美国水痘的住院和死亡人数下降了90%以上。138
USPHS免疫实践咨询委员会(ACIP),AAP和美国家庭医师学会(AAFP)建议,除非禁忌使用疫苗,否则所有12个月至12岁的易感儿童都应接种水痘疫苗。 27 71 100 137 (请参阅警告中的禁忌症。)
ACIP,AAP,AAFP,美国妇产科学院(ACOG)和美国医师学院(ACP)建议,除非有禁忌,否则所有13岁以上的易感成年人和青少年均应接种水痘疫苗。 27 71 89 100 114 129 (请参阅警告中的禁忌症。)
对于免疫状况不确定的国际收养儿童,可以重复接种疫苗或进行血清学检查以确认免疫力。 26由于大多数国家(尤其是发展中国家)没有水痘疫苗,因此,所有没有可靠证据证明水痘免疫的国际收养儿童都应按照美国推荐的免疫时间表进行疫苗接种。 26 112 (请参阅剂量和用法。)尽管可以进行血清学检查以验证> 12个月龄儿童的免疫状况,但除非热带雨林国家/地区低于12岁的儿童建议不要在疫苗接种前进行此类检查。病史。 112
包含麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹病毒活疫苗(MMR)和水痘病毒活疫苗(MMRV; ProQuad)的固定组合疫苗当在该年龄组中显示MMR和水痘疫苗的剂量时,可在12个月至12岁的儿童中使用)代替单价水痘疫苗。 27 125 136 137 145 ACIP,AAP和AAFP指出,与单独注射等效成分疫苗相比,通常首选使用联合疫苗。 71但是,尽管使用了MMRV(ProQuad )减少了在单次卫生保健就诊期间同时接种两种疫苗的必要注射次数,[ 27 128]有一些证据表明,MMRV(ProQuad)可使12至23个月大的婴儿发生高热惊厥的相对风险更高)比一剂Varivax并同时服用一剂MMR。 125 136 145 (请参阅谨慎使用固定组合。)
ACIP指出,水痘免疫力的证据包括针对年龄的水痘疫苗接种,免疫力的实验室证据或实验室确诊的水痘,1980年以前在美国出生的人(孕妇,免疫功能低下的人,医疗保健人员除外),诊断或由医护人员核实水痘病史,或由医护人员诊断或核实带状疱疹(带状疱疹,带状疱疹)病史。 27没有此类证据的个人应被视为易患水痘。 27
医护人员应确保他们对水痘有免疫力,尤其是那些与水痘严重并发症高危人群密切接触的人。 27 113 ACIP和美国公共卫生服务局(HICPAC)的医院感染控制实践咨询委员会建议对所有易感卫生保健人员进行水痘疫苗接种。 27 113这可以保护工作场所水痘暴露后的工人,还可以帮助减少VZV的医院内传播。 11 27
旅行者应接种水痘疫苗。 27 112水痘全世界发生。 112 138尽管进入任何国家(包括美国)都不需要接种水痘疫苗,但疾病预防控制中心(CDC)指出,出国旅行或居住在国外的个人应确保自己具有免疫力。 112
某些具有水痘严重并发症风险的免疫功能低下的人可能会从针对该疾病的疫苗接种中受益。 27 52 100 137 143 144然而,水痘疫苗通常在免疫功能低下的成年人,青少年和儿童中禁用。 1 54 70 100 137 (请参见在谨慎性下具有改变的免疫能力的人。)
ACIP,AAP,CDC,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),美国传染病学会(IDSA)的HIV医学协会,小儿传染病学会等,建议对某些HIV感染者考虑对水痘疫苗接种†,尤其是那些无症状或仅有轻度症状的人。 27 100 137 143 144这些专家指出,在权衡风险和收益之后,应考虑在1-8岁的HIV感染儿童中,年龄特定的CD4 + T细胞百分比≥15%,使用单价水痘疫苗27 137 144 ,可以考虑在HIV感染的成人,青少年和年龄大于8岁且CD4 + T细胞计数≥200/ mm 3的儿童中使用。 27 143 144其他感染HIV的成人,青少年和儿童谁更严重免疫不应该接受水痘疫苗。 1 27 143 144 (请参阅在谨慎性下具有改变的免疫能力的人。)
尽管以前曾根据研究方案将单价水痘疫苗用于某些急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)†缓解的儿童和青少年,但该方案已终止27 52 100 。 100 ACIP和AAP状态水痘疫苗不应作为常规的易感儿童白血病和使用缓解白血病儿童没有免疫水痘的证据谁疫苗的使用应该只在专家的指导进行,并且只有在抗病毒治疗如果发生并发症,可以使用。 27 100 137 (请参见在谨慎性下具有改变的免疫能力的人。)
除非禁忌,否则对易感染的成人,青少年或最近接触过水痘的儿童进行接触后疫苗接种。 27 100 138
预防和控制水痘暴发(例如,在儿童保育设施,学校,机构中)。 27次138水痘爆发可以持续长达4-6个月。 27 138
如果在接触后3天内(可能长达5天)给予水痘,可能会预防水痘或改变疾病的严重程度。 27 100 112 115 116 138
如果接触没有引起感染,接触后疫苗接种应提供保护,以防止随后接触。 27 100 138如果暴露导致感染,在水痘的症状发生前或症状发作前阶段接种疫苗似乎不会增加疫苗相关不良反应的风险或引起更严重的自然疾病。 27 100 138
在水痘暴发期间,ACIP建议以前只接受过单剂疫苗的人再次接种水痘疫苗,但前提是自首次接种以来已经过了与年龄相称的时间间隔(即12个月至12岁的儿童为3个月, ≥13岁的成年人和青少年至少4周)。 27 138
在医院环境中,考虑对未接种水痘暴露时没有免疫力的未接种疫苗的卫生保健人员进行暴露后疫苗接种。 27 113 138暴露前疫苗接种是在医疗机构中预防水痘的首选方法。 27 138
如果无法使用水痘疫苗(例如孕妇,新生儿,免疫功能低下的人),并且认为必须进行暴露后预防,则建议使用水痘带状疱疹免疫球蛋白(VZIG)进行被动免疫,以预防或降低水痘的严重程度。 15 27 100 138 143 144 144目前唯一可在美国使用的VZIG制剂(VariZIG ; Cangene)必须通过分销商(FFF Enterprises,电话:800-843-7477)通过研究性新药(IND)扩展访问协议获得。 134 135如果无法使用VZIG进行暴露后预防,则可以使用免疫球蛋白IV(IGIV)。 100
管理单价水痘疫苗(Varivax )通过次Q注入。 1个
管理包含MMR和水痘疫苗的固定组合疫苗(MMRV; ProQuad )通过次Q注入。 125
不要给予单价或固定联合疫苗IM†。 1 125 IM管理不慎无须重新接种。 26 30
根据患者年龄,将Q-sub施用至上三头肌或大腿前外侧。 1 26 125对于≥1岁的儿童,青少年和成人,通常首选上三头肌上外侧区域。 26
为确保适当的输送,应使用5/8英寸,23至25号规格的针头以45°角进行次Q注射。 26
注射之前,请确保针头不在血管中。 1个
由于接种疫苗后可能会发生晕厥,因此应在接种疫苗后约15分钟观察被接种者。 26如果发生晕厥,请观察患者直至症状消失。 26疫苗接种后的晕厥在青少年中最常见。 26
不要用VZIG伴随管理。 1 (请参阅“相互作用下的特定药物和实验室测试”。)
可以在同一次医疗保健访问中与其他适合年龄的疫苗同时接种(使用不同的注射器和不同的注射部位)。 26 71 100 129 137(见文字)。
如果在单次医疗保健就诊期间施用多种疫苗,则每种疫苗应使用不同的注射器和不同的注射部位。 26将注射部位分开至少1英寸(如果解剖学上可行),以适当归因于可能发生的任何局部不良反应。 26如果必须在一个肢体中接种多种疫苗,则三角型可用于较大的儿童和成人,但大腿前外侧是婴儿和幼儿的首选。 26
水痘疫苗(Varivax ):通过添加制造商提供的0.7 mL稀释剂并轻轻搅动小瓶来重新配制冻干疫苗。 1仅使用制造商提供的稀释剂。 1个
MMRV(ProQuad ):使用制造商提供的稀释剂,按照制造商的说明重新配制冻干疫苗。 125轻轻搅动小瓶。 125仅使用制造商提供的稀释剂。 125
使用不含防腐剂,防腐剂和清洁剂的无菌注射器和针头,以免灭活病毒疫苗。 1 125
为了最大程度地降低效力损失并确保足够的免疫剂量,重组后应立即给药;丢弃30分钟内未使用的重组疫苗。 1 125
每个剂量为0.5mL。 1个
初次免疫包括2剂,间隔至少3个月。 1 27 71 100 137
ACIP,AAP和AAFP建议初始剂量为12至15个月大,第二剂量为4至6岁(即孩子上幼儿园或一年级之前)。 27 71 100 137第二个剂量可以在4岁之前服用,但前提是自初始剂量起至少经过3个月且两次剂量均在≥12个月时服用。 1 27 71 100 137如果不慎过早(但在初次服用后至少28天)不慎服用第二剂,则无需重复。 27 71 100 137
对于以前未接种过疫苗的人,要进行追赶疫苗接种,请间隔至少3个月给予2剂。 1 27 71 100 137在以前曾接受过单剂含水痘疫苗的疫苗的患者中,最好在初次接种后至少3个月再接种一次。 1 27 71 100 137
每个剂量为0.5mL。 125
当指示同时接种第一剂或第二剂水痘疫苗和第一剂或第二剂MMR时,或者在指示固定组合疫苗的任何成分且不禁忌其他成分的情况下,均可使用。 27 71 125
当考虑在12至47个月大的婴儿和儿童中使用时,ACIP规定提供者应向父母或照料者告知与MMRV(ProQuad)相关的益处和风险)与单个成分疫苗相比。 145 (请参阅谨慎使用固定组合。)
一剂含麻疹的疫苗(如MMR)和一剂MMRV(ProQuad)之间应至少间隔1个月)之间,最好在服用Varivax之间至少间隔3个月和一剂MMRV(ProQuad );但是,如果在第一剂之后至少28天施用第二剂含水痘疫苗,则无需重复第二剂。 71 125
每个剂量为0.5mL。 1个
初次免疫包括2剂,间隔至少4-8周。 1 27 71 89 100 137第一和第二剂之间的最小间隔为28天。 71 100第一和第二剂之间的间隔时间较长,不需要第三剂,但在随后的几个月中可能使个体易感。 27 100
对于以前只接受过单剂疫苗的人进行补充疫苗接种,请在第一剂疫苗后至少4周(28天)给予第二剂。 1 27 71 137
ACIP,AAP,CDC,NIH,IDSA的HIV医学协会和小儿传染病学会推荐的间隔至少3个月的2剂。 27 144在第一个生日之后尽快服用第一剂。 144
ACIP,AAP,CDC,NIH,IDSA的HIV医学协会和小儿传染病学会推荐的间隔至少3个月的2剂。 27 137 143 144
≥12个月的未接种疫苗或未完全接种疫苗的儿童:在接触后3-5天内应接种疫苗,并应完成初次免疫。 27
为了控制暴发,给第二次服药的人以前只接受过一次服药的人,条件是自第一次服药起经过了适当的间隔(即12个月至12岁的儿童至少3个月,青少年至少4周) ≥13岁)。 27 138
每个剂量为0.5mL。 125
初次免疫包括2剂,间隔4-8周。 1 27 82 129第一和第二剂之间的间隔时间较长,无需第三剂,但可能会使个人在接下来的几个月中易感。 27
对于以前只接受过单剂疫苗的人,如果要进行追赶疫苗接种,则应在第一剂疫苗后至少4周给予第二剂。 1 27 129
ACIP,NIH,CDC和IDSA HIV医学协会建议至少间隔3个月服用2剂。 27 129 143 144
未接种疫苗或未完全接种疫苗:在接触并完成初次免疫后的3-5天内给予疫苗剂量。 27
为了控制爆发,如果以前服用过一次,则给第二次服用,前提是第一次服用后已经经过了适当的间隔(即,成年人至少要服用4周)。 27 138
没有具体的剂量建议。 1个
没有具体的剂量建议。 1个
没有具体的剂量建议。 1个
对疫苗或制剂中的任何成分(包括明胶)过敏。 1 27 100 125 (请参阅“明胶过敏”下的“注意事项”。)
对新霉素的过敏反应史。 1 26 100 125 (请参阅“新霉素过敏”)。
血液异常,白血病,任何类型的淋巴瘤或影响骨髓或淋巴系统的任何其他恶性肿瘤。 1 26 70 92 100 125 (请参见在谨慎性下具有改变的免疫能力的人。)
原发性和获得性免疫缺陷,包括获得性免疫缺陷综合症(AIDS)或HIV感染,细胞免疫缺陷,低聚球蛋白血症和低聚球蛋白血症的其他临床表现。 1 26 54 70 92 100 125 (请参见在谨慎性下具有改变的免疫能力的人。)
免疫抑制疗法(例如皮质类固醇,抗肿瘤药,放射线)。 1 26 54 70 92 100 125 (请参见相互作用下的特定药物和实验室测试。)
先天性或遗传性免疫缺陷的家族史,除非在潜在的疫苗接受者中证明了免疫能力。 1 125(见与下小心改变的免疫活性个体)。
活动性未经治疗的结核病。 1 125(下见注意事项结核病)。
高热性呼吸系统疾病或其他活动性高热感染。 1 125(注意事项下见伴随疾病。)
怀孕。 1 125(下见注意事项妊娠)。
因为单价水痘疫苗(Varivax )和MMRV(ProQuad )含有减毒活病毒,通常禁止在免疫能力改变的个体中使用,包括具有原发性或获得性免疫缺陷的个体或接受免疫抑制治疗的个体。 1 27 70 100 125 137 143 144
这些疫苗通常禁忌患有原发性免疫缺陷(例如细胞免疫缺陷,低聚球蛋白血症,低聚球蛋白血症)的人,以及因艾滋病或其他艾滋病毒感染的临床表现,血液异常,白血病,白血病,任何类型或任何形式的淋巴瘤而导致免疫反应受到抑制的个体其他影响骨髓或淋巴系统的恶性肿瘤。 1 27 70 100 125 137 143 144在一级亲属中具有先天性或遗传性免疫缺陷家族病史的个体(例如父母和兄弟姐妹)中通常也禁忌使用,除非潜在疫苗接受者的免疫能力得到了临床证实或经过实验室验证。 1 20 27 100 125 137
在感染了艾滋病毒的儿童,青少年或成人中尚未确定安全性和有效性。 1 27 125但是,由于感染了水痘和带状疱疹的成人,青少年和儿童感染了艾滋病毒,因此ACIP,AAP,CDC,NIH,IDSA的HIV医学协会,小儿传染病学会等指出,使用Varivax在权衡潜在的利益和风险后,可以考虑在选定的HIV感染者中考虑†。 27 100 137 143 144 (请参见使用中针对高危人群的水痘感染的预防接种)。用于感染艾滋病毒的人,请考虑接种活病毒疫苗后,由于这些人的细胞免疫力受损,他们发生并发症的风险增加的可能性;如果疫苗接种后出现水痘样皮疹,鼓励患者咨询临床医生。 27 100不要使用MMRV(ProQuad )感染了HIV的个体。 27 125 137 144
未在白血病患儿中确立安全性和有效性†。 1 27 125 137 ACIP指出,如果白血病或其他恶性肿瘤已经缓解,并且在接种疫苗前至少三个月终止了化疗,则可以考虑使用活病毒疫苗。 26但是,使用Varivax在易感白血病儿童中,只有在专家指导下并且只有在可以使用抗病毒药物治疗并发症的情况下,才应采取缓解措施。 27 100 137
家庭中存在免疫力低下或感染HIV的个体并不排除使用Varivax或MMRV(ProQuad )给其他家庭成员。 27 100 137家庭接触者的疫苗接种减少了将野生型水痘带入家庭的可能性。 27 143 144但是,如果疫苗接种者出现水痘样皮疹,则应避免与免疫功能低下的家庭成员接触。 27 100 137 (请参阅“小心传播疫苗病毒”。)
MMRV(ProQuad ):对有脑损伤史,癫痫发作的个人或家族史或应避免发烧引起的压力的任何其他情况,请谨慎使用。 125 (请参阅“谨慎使用固定组合”。)
一项正在进行的研究的中期结果表明,服用MMRV(ProQuad)后5-12天出现高热惊厥的相对风险)在12至60个月大的儿童中(995岁为12至23个月大)是同时服用Varivax剂量的2.3倍以及在单次医疗访问中给予的MMR剂量。 136 (请参阅“谨慎使用固定组合”。)
有报告称,在接种水痘疫苗或MMR后出现血小板减少症。血小板减少症在已有血小板减少症的患者中恶化,并且在随后的剂量下可能恶化。 27 125
MMRV(ProQuad)制造商)指出,在患有血小板减少症或先前剂量的血小板减少症恶化的患者中考虑使用疫苗之前,应评估其潜在的益处和风险。 125应考虑针对MMR抗体进行血清学检测,以确定是否应给予额外剂量。 125
MMRV(ProQuad )含有人白蛋白。 125
由于白蛋白是从合并的人血浆中制备的,因此它是传播人类病毒(包括病毒性肝炎和HIV感染的病原体)的潜在载体,并且从理论上讲可能具有传播克雅氏病(CJD)的病原体的风险。或变体CJD(vCJD)。 125 141
过敏反应, 1 27皮疹, 1荨麻疹, 1超敏性血管炎, 105多形红斑, 1 27和史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合症1很少报道。
在接种疫苗之前,请询问接受者和/或父母或监护人对先前剂量的疫苗或类似制剂的反应。 1 125
如果发生过敏反应或类似反应,应容易获得肾上腺素和其他合适的药物。 1 125
瓦里瓦克斯和MMRV(ProQuad )包含水解的明胶作为稳定剂。 1 125
立即发生反应(即有或没有荨麻疹的喘息和呼吸困难)和其他反应(即注射部位的红斑和肿胀),可能与明胶超敏反应有关。 106考虑这种反应的可能性。 26 100 106 125
尽管可以考虑在施用含明胶的疫苗之前对皮肤进行明胶敏感性测试,但尚无用于此目的的特定方案。 26 100因为在美国生产的疫苗中使用的明胶通常来自猪源,食品明胶可能仅来自牛源,因此食品史阴性并不排除与疫苗中所含明胶反应的可能性。 100
瓦里瓦克斯和MMRV(ProQuad )含有微量新霉素,并禁止对新霉素有过敏反应的患者服用。 1 125
新霉素过敏通常会导致延迟型(细胞介导的)超敏反应,表现为接触性皮炎。 26 27 100 125 ACIP和AAP指出,对于具有新霉素过敏反应史的人,不应使用含有微量新霉素的疫苗,但如果有新霉素迟发型超敏反应史,则可以考虑使用此类疫苗。接种疫苗的好处胜于风险。 26 27 100
MMRV(ProQuad)制造商)指出,如果认为对新霉素有过敏反应史的患者在医疗上需要使用该疫苗,则应咨询过敏症专家或免疫学家,并且应仅在可以适当处理过敏反应的环境中使用疫苗。 125
MMRV(ProQuad ):这种固定组合疫苗的MMR成分是在鸡胚细胞培养物中产生的。 125
鸡蛋摄入后有过敏反应或其他直接过敏反应史(例如荨麻疹,口或喉咙肿胀,呼吸困难,低血压,休克)的个体,在接受含有痕量乙肝疫苗的疫苗后,可能会发生立即型过敏反应的风险增加。鸡胚抗原。 125
在管理MMRV(ProQuad)之前要考虑潜在收益与潜在风险)对鸡蛋摄入有过敏反应或其他直接过敏反应史的个人。 125请格外小心,并在发生反应时立即进行适当的治疗。 125
鸡蛋过敏的儿童,甚至是那些严重过敏的儿童,对MMRV过敏反应的风险也较低(Proquad ),并且在此类儿童中用稀疫苗进行皮肤测试不能预测对疫苗的反应。 100 125
具有非过敏性鸡蛋过敏的个体通常不会增加对鸡胚细胞培养物中产生的疫苗过敏反应的风险。 26 125没有证据表明对鸡或羽毛过敏的人对此类疫苗过敏反应的风险增加。 26 125
尽管接种水痘疫苗后发生了血清转化,但在暴露于野生型病毒的某些儿童或成年人中仍可能发生突破性水痘感染。 1 13 16 17 18 20 24 27 42 44 47 48 52 53 55 75 77 122 123 137 137这些感染(即在接种疫苗后42天以上发生的野生型VZV感染)通常比未接种疫苗的个体轻,并且与发烧率低,恢复快。 1 13 16 17 24 27 42 47 48 52 75 77 137
在接种疫苗的12个月至17岁的健康儿童和青少年中,突破性感染在10年之内发生率约为19%,通常涉及<100个囊泡。 1 13 16 17 27 47 48 75 77
在接种了疫苗的健康成人中,有4–27%的家庭接触后发生了突破性感染。 1这些感染通常涉及<50个囊泡, 1 11 27 137,但可能与≥50–300个囊泡有关。 1 11
水痘疫苗的初次免疫并不一定能确保免受随后的天然野生型VZV潜在感染或潜在感染再激活的保护。 8 9 27 42 49 50 74 137
在免疫力低下的儿童以及接受水痘疫苗初次免疫的健康儿童,青少年和成人中,很少有带状疱疹的报道。 1 8 9 42 47 49 50 51 52 55 74大多数病例发生在疫苗接种后3–5年,轻度无后遗症。 1 9 50 74
疫苗接种者的带状疱疹可能是由疫苗病毒或野生型病毒引起的。 1 8 9 27 49 74 137迄今为止,没有证据表明潜伏疫苗病毒感染比由野生型病毒引起的潜伏感染更可能重新激活。 8 55
对VZV的细胞介导的免疫力减弱可能会促使病毒重新激活。 6 9 74 137水痘疫苗初次免疫对随后带状疱疹发生率的长期影响,特别是在暴露于自然水痘的疫苗中,尚无长期效果。 1 9 21 24 32 37 38 39 78在疫苗接种者中报告的带状疱疹发生率似乎比在具有自然水痘的健康儿童中进行的基于人群的研究报告的发生率低得多。 1 8 11 27 42 74 137
在患有ALL†的儿童中,接种水痘疫苗的人出现带状疱疹的频率要比自然水痘感染者低。 11 49 55 78
瓦里瓦克斯和MMRV(ProQuad )包含减毒活病毒。 1 8 11 27 45 54 125在被接种者和易感接触者之间很少发生疫苗病毒的传播。 1 125
已从水痘疫苗中分离出疫苗病毒,该水疱疫苗是从接种水痘疫苗的个体免疫后发展出水痘样皮疹的接种个体中分离出来的。 1 8 9 10 11 14 20 42 45 54 79
如果疫苗接种者在接种疫苗后出现水痘样皮疹和/或疫苗接种者免疫功能低下,则将疫苗病毒传播给易感性密切接触者的风险最大。 10 27 40有报道称疫苗病毒是从疫苗中传播而没有水痘样皮疹, 1但尚未证实。 1个
迄今报道的与疫苗相关的接触性感染一般是轻度或亚临床的,表明疫苗病毒在传播时仍保持减毒状态。 8 10 54
疫苗接种者应尽可能避免在接种疫苗后长达6周的时间内与易感高危个体密切接触。 1125高危人群包括免疫力低下的个体,孕妇无需事先感染水痘或实验室证据记载的历史,这样的易感孕妇的新生儿。 1 93 125如果不可避免地要与高风险个体接触,则应权衡疫苗病毒的潜在传播风险与获取和传播自然水痘病毒的风险。 1 125
Ensure that vaccinees who develop a rash avoid contact with susceptible, immunocompromised individuals until the rash resolves. 10 27 54 If contact inadvertently occurs, postexposure prophylaxis with VZIG is unnecessary since transmission is rare and contact infections generally are mild. 27 94
Whenever fixed-combination vaccine containing measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella antigens (MMRV; ProQuad ) is used, consider contraindications and cautions related to each antigen. 125
There is some evidence that the relative risk for febrile seizures in children 12–60 months of age after a dose of MMRV (ProQuad ) is higher than that reported when a dose of Varivax and a dose of MMR are given during a single health-care visit. 136 (See Cerebral Injury or Seizures under Cautions.)
When the first dose of MMR and first dose of Varivax are indicated in infants and children 12 through 47 months of age, ACIP states that providers considering use of ProQuad should advise the parent or caregiver about the benefits and risks associated with MMRV (ProQuad ) compared with the individual component vaccines. 145 Although MMRV (ProQuad ) results in 1 less injection, it is associated with a higher risk for fever and febrile seizures on days 5 through 12 after the first dose in children 12 through 23 months of age (ie, about 1 extra febrile seizure for every 2300–2600 doses of MMRV [ProQuad ]). 145 ACIP states that if providers face any barriers to clearly communicating these benefits and risks (eg, language barrier), then MMR and varicella virus vaccine live should be administered instead of MMRV (ProQuad ) . 145
When the first dose of MMR and first dose of Varivax are indicated in children ≥48 months of age and when second doses are indicated in those 15 months through 12 years of age, ACIP states that use of MMRV (ProQuad ) generally is preferred over separate injections of the component vaccines; 145 considerations should include provider assessment (eg, number of injections, vaccine availability, likelihood of improved coverage, likelihood of patient return, storage and cost considerations), patient preference, and potential for adverse effects. 145
The manufacturer recommends that MMRV (ProQuad ) be used with caution in individuals with a history of cerebral injury, personal or family history of seizures, or any other condition in which fever-induced stress should be avoided. 125 The ACIP states that a personal or family (ie, sibling, parent) history of seizures is a precaution for use of MMRV (ProQuad )。 145 Studies suggest that children with a personal or family history of febrile seizures or family history of epilepsy are at increased risk for febrile seizures compared with children who do not have such histories. 145 ACIP states that children with a personal or family history of seizures generally should receive a dose of MMR and a dose of varicella virus vaccine live because the risks of using MMRV (ProQuad ) in these children generally outweigh the benefits. 145
Data not available regarding safety and efficacy of MMRV (ProQuad ) in HIV-infected individuals; 27 do not use the fixed-combination vaccine in HIV-infected individuals. 27 144 If vaccination against varicella is indicated in an HIV-infected individual, (see Preexposure Vaccination Against Varicella Infection in High-risk Groups under Uses) use monovalent vaccine (Varivax )。 27 137
Varivax : May not protect all individuals from varicella. 1 27
MMRV (ProQuad ): May not protect all individuals from measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. 125
Varivax : Not known whether administration of the vaccine immediately after exposure to natural varicella virus will prevent illness. 1 27 (See Postexposure Vaccination Against Varicella Infection and Outbreak Control under Uses.)
MMRV (ProQuad ): Safety and efficacy for postexposure prophylaxis after exposure to measles, mumps, rubella, or varicella not established. 125
Duration of protection following primary immunization with 2 doses of varicella vaccine and need for revaccination or additional (booster) doses after primary immunization not fully determined to date. 1 27 77 100
Although immunity wanes over time, 122 123 protection against varicella may persist for at least 5–10 years after a single vaccine dose. 1 4 19 65 27 66 100
Subsequent exposure to natural wild-type varicella infection appears to boost anti-VZV antibody levels in vaccinated individuals. 1 24 27 77 This boosting theoretically could contribute to long-term protection against the disease. 1 24 The duration of protection against varicella in vaccinated individuals in the absence of such wild-type boosting is unknown. 1 24 35 77
Prevaccination serologic testing is not required before vaccination since the vaccine is well tolerated by immune individuals 100 and a prior history of chickenpox is not a contraindication to varicella vaccine. 138
The ACIP states that individuals have evidence of immunity to varicella if there is written documentation of age-appropriate vaccination (one vaccine dose in preschool children 12 months of age or older or 2 doses in school-aged children, adolescents, and adults), they were born in the US before 1980 (US birth before 1980 should not be considered evidence of immunity for health-care providers and pregnant women), they have a history of herpes zoster based on a diagnosis by a health-care provider, or there is laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of varicella infection. 27 129 In addition, the ACIP states that individuals with a history of typical varicella disease based on a diagnosis or verification of such history by any health-care provider (eg, school or occupational clinic nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, clinician) can be considered to have evidence of immunity to varicella. 27 129 For those reporting a history of or presenting with atypical and/or mild varicella , health-care providers should seek either an epidemiologic link to a typical varicella case (eg, case occurred in the context of an outbreak or patient had household exposure to varicella in the previous 3 weeks) or evidence of laboratory confirmation performed at the time of acute disease; 27 129 when such documentation is lacking, individuals should not be considered as having a valid history of varicella since other diseases may mimic mild, atypical varicella. 27
Prevaccination serologic testing is not warranted in children 12 months through 12 years of age without a history of chickenpox since the majority of these children are susceptible. 138
Routine postvaccination serologic testing to confirm seroconversion following administration of varicella vaccine in otherwise healthy children, adolescents, or adults is not routinely recommended because of the high rate of seroconversion in these individuals 94 100 and because commercially available assays lack sensitivity to detect vaccine-induced immunity and may give false-negative results. 27 137 138
In health-care institutions, prevaccination serologic screening of personnel who have a negative or uncertain history of varicella may be cost-effective. 27 113 ACIP and HICPAC state that routine postvaccination testing of health-care personnel probably is not recommended. 27 113
Ideally, individuals ≥12 months of age who are scheduled to undergo solid organ transplantation should be tested for serologic evidence of varicella immunity and, if susceptible, should receive varicella vaccine at least 1 month prior to the procedure. 100 104 At ≥1 year after transplantation, AAP recommends that serum antibody concentrations be measured in all solid organ transplant recipients and appropriate vaccines administered if indicated. 100
When postvaccination serologic testing is used to measure seroconversion (eg, in individuals with altered immunocompetence, pregnant women, health-care personnel), such testing usually has been performed 6 weeks following vaccination. 27
Levels of anti-VZV antibodies that protect against varicella infection have not been identified and seroconversion following administration of varicella vaccine generally is defined as acquisition of any detectable level of anti-VZV antibodies. 1 27 52
Although varicella is unlikely to develop in individuals who have detectable anti-VZV antibodies, breakthrough varicella infections can occur despite seroconversion and presence of such antibodies. 5 27 42 73 75 77 81
A decision to administer or delay vaccination in an individual with a current or recent febrile illness depends on the severity of symptoms and etiology of the illness. 26 27
Manufacturers state Varivax and MMRV (ProQuad ) are contraindicated in individuals with any febrile respiratory illness or other active febrile infections. 1 125
ACIP states that minor acute illness, such as mild diarrhea or mild upper respiratory tract infection (with or without fever), generally does not preclude vaccination, but defer vaccination in individuals with moderate or severe acute illness (with or without fever). 26 27
Manufacturers state Varivax and MMRV (ProQuad ) are contraindicated in individuals with active untreated tuberculosis. 1 125
ACIP states that, although no data exist regarding whether tuberculosis is exacerbated by natural varicella or varicella vaccine, vaccination is not recommended for those with untreated, active tuberculosis. 27 However, tuberculin skin testing is not a prerequisite for vaccine administration. 27 100
Improper storage or handling of vaccines may result in loss of vaccine potency 26 139 and reduced immune response in vaccinees. 26
Do not administer Varivax or ProQuad vaccine that has been mishandled or has not been stored at the recommended temperature. 1 26 125 139 (See Storage under Stability.)
Protect lyophilized vaccine from light at all times; 1 125 139 exposure to light may inactivate the vaccine virus. 125 139
Avoid freezing or exposing the diluent supplied by the manufacturer to freezing temperatures; 1 125 139 diluent may be refrigerated or stored at room temperature. 1 125 139 (See Storage under Stability.)
交货时检查所有疫苗,并在存储过程中进行监控,以确保维持适当的温度。 26 If there are concerns about mishandling, contact the manufacturer or state or local health departments for guidance on whether the vaccine is usable. 26 139
Discard any reconstituted vaccine not used within 30 minutes;不要冻结。 1 125 139 (See Storage under Stability.)
Category C. 1 125
Contraindicated during pregnancy. 1 26 27 100 125 129 In addition, manufacturer of Varivax and MMRV (ProQuad ) states pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months after vaccination. 1 125 ACIP, AAP, and others state avoid pregnancy for 1 month following vaccination. 26 27 100 129 137 140
Natural varicella infection during pregnancy, especially during the first 2 trimesters, has been associated with congenital varicella syndrome which may result in spontaneous abortion, fetal death, or congenital abnormalities. 1 15 25 27 31 93 138 In addition, neonates whose mothers had signs and symptoms of varicella at the time of delivery (from 5 days before to 2 days after delivery) are at risk of severe, potentially fatal varicella. 27 100 138 Assess all pregnant women for evidence of varicella immunity; if there is no evidence of immunity, initiate varicella vaccination immediately after pregnancy is completed or terminated. 26 27 129 137
Pregnancy registry at 800-986-8999. 1 27 72 125 Clinicians or vaccinees should report any exposure to varicella vaccine that occurs during pregnancy or any time during the 3 months prior to pregnancy. 1 27 72 125
ACIP and AAP state that the presence of a pregnant woman in a household does not contraindicate use of varicella vaccine in other household members. 26 27 100 137 Vaccination of susceptible household members will likely protect the susceptible pregnant woman from exposure to wild-type VZV. 100
If varicella vaccine is administered to a household member and the recipient develops a varicelliform rash, contact with the susceptible pregnant woman should be avoided if possible. 27 95 103 (See Transmission of Vaccine Virus under Cautions.)
Use with caution in nursing women. 1个
Not known whether attenuated varicella virus contained in varicella vaccine is distributed into milk following sub-Q administration. 1 Although organisms contained in live vaccines multiply in the body and some may be distributed into milk following immunization of the mother (eg, rubella vaccine), there is no evidence that this occurs with varicella vaccine and no evidence that it would adversely affect a nursing infant. 26 27 100
ACIP and AAP state that monovalent varicella vaccine may be used in susceptible nursing women, 26 27 100 137 especially if the risk for exposure to natural infection is high. 100
Varivax : Safety and efficacy not established in children <12 months of age. 1 27
MMRV (ProQuad ): Safety and efficacy not established in children <12 months of age. 125 Should not be used in children or adolescents ≥13 years of age. 125
Transplacental antibodies to VZV reportedly persist for up to 6–8 months after delivery 44 and should not interfere with the immunologic response if vaccines containing varicella antigen are administered to children at ≥12 months of age. 44 100
Varivax : Clinical studies did not include sufficient numbers of seronegative adults ≥65 years of age to determine whether geriatric adults respond differently than younger individuals. 1 Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between geriatric and younger individuals. 1个
MMRV (ProQuad ): Not indicated for use in adults, including geriatric adults. 125
Varivax : Injection site reactions (pain, soreness, swelling, erythema), 1 9 11 27 30 42 43 44 45 47 80 fever (≥38.3°C), 1 3 27 30 42 generalized varicella-like maculopapular or papulovesicular rash. 1 3 14 27 30 42 43 44 45 47 75 80
MMRV (ProQuad ): Adverse effects similar to those reported when varicella vaccine and MMR are administered simultaneously at separate sites, 125 but higher incidence of fever (≥38.9°), 125 febrile seizures, 136 measles-like rash. 125
Varicella vaccine is a live, attenuated virus vaccine. 1 26 27 137 Some oral live vaccines (eg, rotavirus vaccine live oral, typhoid vaccine live oral, poliovirus vaccine live oral [OPV; no longer commercially available in the US]) can be administered simultaneously with or at any interval before or after varicella vaccine. 26 100 However, because of theoretical concerns that the immune response to intranasal live vaccines or other parenteral live virus vaccines might be impaired if given within 28–30 days of another live virus vaccine, if varicella vaccine and these live vaccines are not administered on the same day, they should be administered at least 4 weeks (ie, 28 days) apart to minimize the potential for interference. 26 100 (See Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests under Interactions.)
Varicella vaccine may be administered simultaneously with (using different syringes and different injection sites) or at any interval before or after inactivated vaccines, recombinant vaccines, polysaccharide vaccines, or toxoids. 26 27 100 121 137 (See Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests under Interactions.)
药物或测试 | 相互作用 | 评论 | |||||||
Antiviral agents active against Herpesviruses (eg, acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir) | May reduce efficacy of varicella vaccine 26 | Discontinue antiviral agent active against Herpesviruses at least 24 hours before administration of varicella vaccine, if possible 26 | |||||||
Blood products (eg, whole blood, packed RBCs, plasma) | Although specific studies not available, antibodies contained in blood products may interfere with the immune response to varicella vaccine 1 26 27 125 | Do not administer varicella vaccine simultaneously with or for specified intervals before or after administration of blood products 1 26 27 125 Defer varicella vaccine for ≥3 months following administration of RBCs (with adenine-saline added); for ≥6 months following administration of packed RBCs or whole blood; or for ≥7 months following administration of plasma or platelet products; 26 however, because of the importance of postpartum vaccination in women without evidence of varicella immunity, vaccination of such women should not be delayed because they received a blood product 26 After administering varicella vaccine, avoid blood products for 2 weeks; if use of a blood product is considered necessary during this period, give a repeat vaccine dose after the recommended interval unless serologic testing is feasible and indicates a response to the vaccine was attained 27 | |||||||
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccines adsorbed (DTaP) | Varivax : May be administered concurrently (using different syringes and different injection sites) or at any interval before or after DTaP 26 27 100 137 MMRV (ProQuad ): Manufacturer states data insufficient to date to recommend concurrent administration with DTaP 125 | ||||||||
Haemophilus b (Hib) vaccine | Although specific studies not available, Hib vaccines are inactivated vaccines and interactions are not expected 27 100 MMRV (ProQuad ): Has been administered concomitantly with Hib vaccine and HepB vaccine at separate injection sites and seroconversion rates and antibody titers for the measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, Hib, and hepatitis B antigens were comparable with results obtained when the vaccines were administered 6 weeks apart 125 | Varivax or MMRV (ProQuad ): May be administered concurrently with (using different syringes and different injection sites) or at any interval before or after Hib vaccine 27 100 121 125 | |||||||
Hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine | Although specific studies not available, HepB vaccine is an inactivated vaccine and interactions are not expected 27 100 MMRV (ProQuad ): Has been administered concomitantly with HepB and Hib vaccines at separate injection sites and seroconversion rates and antibody titers for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, anti-PRP, and hepatitis B were comparable with results obtained when the vaccines were administered 6 weeks apart 125 | Varivax or MMRV (ProQuad ): May be administered concurrently with or at any interval before or after HepB vaccine 27 100 121 125 | |||||||
Immune globulin (immune globulin IM [IGIM], immune globulin IV [IGIV]) or specific immune globulin (hepatitis B immune globulin [HBIG], rabies immune globulin [RIG], tetanus immune globulin [TIG], varicella zoster immune globulin [VZIG]) | Although specific studies not available, antibodies contained in immune globulin preparations may interfere with the immune response to varicella vaccine 1 26 27 125 | Varivax or MMRV (ProQuad ) should not be administered simultaneously with or for specified intervals before or after administration of immune globulin preparations 1 26 27 125 Defer administration of varicella vaccine for ≥3 months following administration of tetanus immune globulin (TIG), hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG), immune globulin IM (IGIM) used for postexposure prophylaxis of hepatitis A virus (HAV); 26 for ≥4 months following administration of rabies immune globulin (RIG); 26 for ≥5 months following administration of IGIM used for measles prophylaxis in immunocompetent individuals; 26 for ≥6 months following administration of cytomegalovirus immune globulin IV (CMV-IGIV) or IGIM for measles prophylaxis in immunocompromised individuals; 26 for ≥5–8 months following administration of VZIG or IGIV for postexposure prophylaxis of severe varicella; 26 27 126 for≥8 months following administration of immune globulin IV (IGIV) for replacement therapy of immunodeficiencies; for ≥8–10 months following administration of IGIV for treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP); 26 or for ≥11 months following administration of IGIV for Kawasaki syndrome 26 If varicella vaccine is administered simultaneously with an immune globulin preparation or was administered at less than the recommended interval, consider that vaccine-induced immunity may be compromised; give an additional vaccine dose after the specified interval unless serologic testing is feasible and indicates a response to the vaccine was attained 26 After administering varicella vaccine, avoid immune globulin preparations for 2 weeks; if use of an immune globulin is considered necessary during this period, give a repeat vaccine dose after the recommended interval unless serologic testing is feasible and indicates a response to the vaccine was attained 26 27 | |||||||
免疫抑制剂(例如烷基化剂,抗代谢物,皮质类固醇,放射线) | Use of varicella vaccine in individuals receiving immunosuppressive therapy may result in more extensive vaccine-associated rash or disseminated disease 1 27 125 Corticosteroid therapy (prednisone or equivalent) in a dosage ≥2 mg/kg daily or ≥20 mg daily given for ≥2 weeks is considered immunosuppressive 26 137 </ 对于消费者适用于水痘病毒疫苗:皮下散剂 需要立即就医的副作用水痘病毒疫苗及其所需的作用可能会引起一些不良影响。尽管并非所有这些副作用都可能发生,但如果确实发生了,则可能需要医疗护理。 接种水痘病毒疫苗时,请立即咨询医生是否有以下任何副作用: 比较普遍;普遍上
不需要立即就医的副作用水痘病毒疫苗可能会出现一些副作用,通常不需要医疗。随着身体对药物的适应,这些副作用可能会在治疗期间消失。另外,您的医疗保健专业人员可能会告诉您一些预防或减少这些副作用的方法。 请咨询您的医疗保健专业人员,是否持续存在以下不良反应或令人讨厌,或者是否对这些副作用有任何疑问: 比较普遍;普遍上
对于医疗保健专业人员适用于水痘病毒疫苗:皮下注射粉剂 一般最常见的不良事件是注射部位反应和发烧。 [参考] 其他非常常见(10%或更高):发烧(27%),中耳炎(12%) 罕见(0.1%至1%):中耳炎,病毒感染,乏力,血肿,不适 罕见(少于0.1%):耳痛,感染,念珠菌病,无毒咬伤/叮咬,沉重 未报告频率:昆虫叮咬[参考] 本地非常常见(10%或更多):注射部位不适(疼痛/酸痛,肿胀和/或红斑,皮疹,瘙痒,血肿,硬结,僵硬)(32.5%) 常见(1%至10%):水痘样皮疹(注射部位) 罕见(0.1%至1%):注射部位瘀斑,硬结 稀有(小于0.1%):外渗,注射部位湿疹,肿块,发热,僵硬,疼痛/压痛/酸痛,热感,手感温暖,静脉穿刺部位出血[参考] 呼吸道非常常见(10%或更多):上呼吸道感染(26.9%),咳嗽(11%) 常见(1%至10%):鼻漏 罕见(0.1%至1%):鼻充血,呼吸道充血,流行性感冒,咽炎 罕见(少于0.1%):肺炎,鼻窦炎,打喷嚏,肺部充血,鼻出血,鼻炎,喘息,支气管炎,呼吸道感染,肺炎,流感样疾病 未报告频率:上呼吸道疾病,下呼吸道疾病[参考] 皮肤科常见(1%至10%):水痘样皮疹(全身性),皮疹,麻疹/风疹样皮疹 罕见(0.1%至1%):水痘,病毒性皮疹,接触性皮炎,尿布疹,红斑,粟米疹,瘙痒症,荨麻疹 稀有(少于0.1%):潮红,水泡,特应性皮炎,湿疹,粉刺,单纯疱疹,挫伤,皮炎,药疹,脓疱疮,皮肤感染,麻疹,晒伤,肿块,温暖,变色,发炎,粗糙/干燥,蜂巢样皮疹,色素沉着 上市后报道:水痘(疫苗株),史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合征,多形性红斑,过敏性紫癜,皮肤和软组织(包括蜂窝织炎),带状疱疹的继发细菌感染[参考] 精神科常见(1%至10%):烦躁 罕见(0.1%至1%):哭泣,失眠,睡眠障碍 稀有(小于0.1%):冷漠,神经质,躁动,梦境异常,情绪变化 未报告频率:睡眠障碍[参考] 胃肠道罕见(0.1%至1%):肠胃炎,腹泻,呕吐 罕见(少于0.1%):腹痛,恶心,肠胃气胀,便血,口腔溃疡,嘴唇异常 未报告频率:便秘,唇疱疹/溃疡疮[参考] 神经系统罕见(0.1%至1%):头痛,嗜睡,疲劳 罕见(少于0.1%):高热惊厥,失眠,步态异常,震颤 上市后报告:脑炎,脑血管意外,横贯性脊髓炎,格林-巴利综合征,贝尔氏麻痹,共济失调,非热性惊厥,无菌性脑膜炎,头晕,感觉异常[参考] 血液学罕见(少于0.1%):淋巴结病,淋巴结炎,血小板减少症 上市后报道:再生障碍性贫血,特发性血小板减少性紫癜[参考] 过敏症未报告频率:过敏反应(包括过敏性皮疹,荨麻疹) 上市后报告:过敏反应(包括过敏性休克)和相关现象,如血管神经性水肿,面部水肿和周围性水肿;有或没有过敏史的人发生过敏反应[参考] 眼科罕见(0.1%至1%):结膜炎 罕见(少于0.1%):急性结膜炎,流泪,眼睑浮肿,刺激 未报告频率:眼睛投诉 上市后报告:坏死性视网膜炎(免疫功能低下的人) [参考] 新陈代谢罕见(0.1%至1%):厌食[参考] 肌肉骨骼罕见(少于0.1%):肌肉骨骼疼痛,肌痛,僵硬,臀部,腿部或颈部疼痛 频率未报告:发冷,脖子僵硬,关节痛[参考] 参考文献1. Cerner Multum,Inc.“英国产品特性摘要”。 00 2. Cerner Multum,Inc.“澳大利亚产品信息”。 00 3.“产品信息。Varivax(水痘病毒活疫苗)。”宾夕法尼亚州西点市的默克公司。 某些副作用可能没有报道。您可以将其报告给FDA。 已知共有247种药物与水痘病毒疫苗相互作用。
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