盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂是鼻喷雾剂混悬剂。每次喷雾均产生体积为0.137 mL的悬浮液,其中包含137 mcg的氮卓斯汀盐酸盐和50 mcg的氟替卡松丙酸酯(137 mcg / 50 mcg)。
在临床试验中,据报道,在安慰剂对照试验中,服用盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂的某些患者(853名成人和青少年中有6名)出现了嗜睡感[见不良反应(6.1) ]。应当警告患者,不要进行需要完全精神警觉和协调动作的危险职业,例如在施用盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂后操作机器或驾驶汽车。应避免将氮卓斯汀盐酸盐和丙酸氟替卡松鼻腔喷剂与酒精或其他中枢神经系统抑制剂同时使用,因为可能会进一步降低机敏性并进一步损害中枢神经系统性能[参见药物相互作用(7.1) ]。
在2至52周的临床试验中,用盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗的患者比接受安慰剂的患者更容易出现鼻axis [见不良反应(6) ]。
正在使用抑制免疫系统的药物(例如皮质类固醇)的人比健康人更容易受到感染。例如,使用皮质类固醇的易感儿童或成人,水痘和麻疹的病程可能更严重甚至致命。对于未患有这些疾病或未进行适当免疫的儿童或成人,应特别注意避免接触。皮质类固醇给药的剂量,途径和持续时间如何影响发生传播性感染的风险尚不清楚。还不清楚潜在疾病和/或先前的皮质类固醇治疗对风险的贡献。如果暴露于水痘,可能需要预防使用水痘带状疱疹免疫球蛋白(VZIG)。如果暴露于麻疹,可能需要预防合并肌内免疫球蛋白(IG)。 (有关完整的VZIG和IG处方信息,请参阅相应的包装插页。)如果出现水痘,可以考虑使用抗病毒药进行治疗。
利托那韦和其他强力细胞色素P450 3A4(CYP3A4)抑制剂可显着增加血浆丙酸氟替卡松的暴露,从而显着降低血清皮质醇浓度[参见药物相互作用(7.2)和临床药理学(12.3) ]。在上市后使用期间,有报道称接受丙酸氟替卡松和利托那韦的患者存在临床上显着的药物相互作用,导致全身性糖皮质激素作用,包括库欣综合征和肾上腺抑制。因此,不建议同时使用盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂和利托那韦,除非对患者的潜在益处超过全身性皮质类固醇副作用的风险。
与盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂及其他强效CYP3A4抑制剂(例如酮康唑)合用时要谨慎[见药物相互作用(7.2)和临床药理学(12.3) ]。
给儿童患者服用皮质类固醇可能会导致生长速度降低。常规监测接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂的小儿患者的生长情况[见特定人群的使用(8.4) ]。
下文所述的12岁及12岁以上成人和青少年的安全性数据反映了3例季节性过敏性鼻炎患者中有853名患者(12岁及以上;男性36%,女性64%)接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂的暴露。为期2周的双盲,安慰剂对照临床试验。 3个临床试验的种族分布是80%的白人,16%的黑人,2%的亚裔和1%的其他种族。
*安全人口N = 853,意向治疗人口N = 848 †未在市场上销售 | ||||
每个鼻孔每天喷一喷两次 | ||||
盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂 (N = 853)* | 氮卓斯汀 盐酸盐鼻 喷雾† (N = 851) | 丙酸氟替卡松 鼻喷† (N = 846) | 车辆安慰剂 (N = 861) | |
味觉障碍 | 30(4%) | 44(5%) | 4(1%) | 2(<1%) |
头痛 | 18(2%) | 20(2%) | 20(2%) | 10(1%) |
鼻出血 | 16(2%) | 14(2%) | 14(2%) | 15(2%) |
在上述试验中,据报道,接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂(853件中的6件)或赋形剂安慰剂(861件中的1件)的患者中有1%嗜睡[见警告和注意事项(5.1) ]。
每个鼻孔每天喷一喷两次 | ||
盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂(N = 152)* | 车辆安慰剂(N = 152) | |
味觉障碍 | 6(4%) | 0(0%) |
鼻出血 | 6(4%) | 4(3%) |
*安全人口N = 152,有意治疗人口N = 152
在为期6到11岁的小儿患者的为期3个月的开放标签,主动控制,安全性试验中,有264位患者(128位≥6至<9岁的患者和136位≥9至<12岁的患者)患有过敏性鼻炎(根据研究者的评估)的患者接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷剂治疗,每鼻孔喷两次,每天两次,共89例(年龄≥6至<9岁的患者44例,年龄≥9至<12的患者45例)岁以下)分别接受丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗,每个鼻孔1次喷雾剂,每天两次。总体而言,盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾治疗组的不良反应为40%,丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾治疗组的不良反应为36%。盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷剂最常报告的不良反应(≥2%)是鼻出血,头痛,口咽痛,呕吐,上腹痛,咳嗽,发热,中耳炎,上呼吸道感染,腹泻,恶心,中耳炎。外部和荨麻疹。在盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗组中,有23例(9%)有轻微鼻epi,有3例(1%)有中等鼻epi。在丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗组中,有8例(9%)有轻微鼻epi。没有患者有严重鼻st的报道。进行了重点鼻腔检查,未观察到溃疡或中隔穿孔。 264例接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗的患者中有4例(占2%),而丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂治疗的89例患者中有3例(占3%)由于不良事件而中止了治疗。在接受盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松鼻喷雾剂的儿童中,有两例嗜睡的报告,一种严重[见警告和注意事项(5.1)]。
应避免将氮卓斯汀盐酸盐和丙酸氟替卡松鼻腔喷剂与酒精或其他中枢神经系统抑制剂同时使用,因为可能会出现嗜睡和中枢神经系统功能受损的情况[请参阅警告和注意事项(5.1) ]。
利托那韦(一种强效CYP3A4抑制剂)在给予丙酸氟替卡松鼻腔喷剂后,血浆丙酸氟替卡松的暴露显着增加,导致血清皮质醇浓度显着降低[见临床药理学(12.3) ]。在上市后使用期间,有报道称接受丙酸氟替卡松和利托那韦的患者存在临床上显着的药物相互作用,导致全身性糖皮质激素作用,包括库欣综合征和肾上腺抑制。因此,不建议同时使用丙酸氟替卡松和利托那韦,除非对患者的潜在益处超过全身性皮质类固醇副作用的风险。
酮康唑(也是强CYP3A4抑制剂),以多次200 mg剂量给药至稳态,增加丙酸氟替卡松的血浆暴露,降低血浆皮质醇AUC,但在单次给药1000 mcg后对尿皮质醇的排泄没有影响口服吸入丙酸氟替卡松
在动物生殖研究中,仅通过鼻子吸入的大鼠丙酸氟替卡松可降低胎儿体重,但在母体毒性剂量(以mcg / m 2为基础)低于MRHDID的情况下,不会引起致畸作用。在皮下给予母体毒性剂量的丙酸氟替卡松小于200 mcg的MRHDID(在mcg / m 2的基础上),在大鼠,小鼠和家兔中观察到了皮质类固醇的致畸性,胎儿体重和/或骨骼变化的降低(请参见数据)。皮质类固醇的经验表明,与人类相比,啮齿类动物更容易受到皮质类固醇的致畸作用。对于指定人群,估计的主要先天缺陷和流产的背景风险尚不清楚。所有怀孕都有出生缺陷,流产或其他不良后果的背景风险。在美国普通人群中,临床公认的怀孕中主要先天缺陷和流产的估计背景风险分别为2%至4%和15%至20%。
在器官形成期间对小鼠进行的胚胎-胎儿发育研究中,盐酸氮卓斯汀可导致胚胎-胎儿死亡,结构异常(c裂;尾巴短或缺失;融合,缺失或肋骨分叉),骨化延迟和胎儿体重减轻大约是成年人MRHDID的610倍(以68.6 mg / kg /天的母体口服剂量以mg / m 2为基础),这也引起了母体毒性,这可通过降低母体体重来证明。成年小鼠的MRHDID大约是成人的MRHDID的25倍时(以mg / m 2为基础,母体口服剂量为3 mg / kg /天),胎儿和母体都没有发生。
在妊娠第7至17天的器官发生期间对怀孕大鼠进行的胚胎-胎儿发育研究中,在没有母体毒性的情况下,盐酸氮卓斯汀会导致结构异常(寡和短乳菌),延迟骨化和骨骼变异。大约是成人MRHDID的530倍(母体口服剂量为30 mg / kg /天,以mg / m 2为基础)。盐酸氮卓斯汀在MRHDID的大约1200倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体口服剂量为68.6 mg / kg /天)时,导致胚胎胎儿死亡,胎儿体重下降和严重的母体毒性。 MRHDID的大约55倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体口服剂量为3 mg / kg /天)对胎儿和母体均无影响。
在妊娠第6至18天器官发生期间对怀孕兔子进行的胚胎-胎儿发育研究中,盐酸氮卓斯汀引起流产,骨化延迟,胎儿体重下降和严重的母体毒性,其成年率约为成人MRHDID的1100倍(毫克) / m 2 (母体口服剂量为30 mg / kg /天)。 MRHDID的大约10倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体口服剂量为0.3 mg / kg /天)对胎儿和母体均无影响。
在妊娠期后期和妊娠期第17至哺乳期第21的哺乳期孕妇的产前和产后发育研究中,盐酸氮卓斯汀在母体剂量高达MRHDID约530倍的情况下,对幼仔没有产生不利的发育影响。 (以mg / m 2为基础,孕妇剂量为30 mg / kg /天)。
在存在母体毒性的情况下,在大鼠胎儿中观察到了卵泡囊肿,体重减轻和骨骼变化,其剂量约为MRHDID的5倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为100 mcg / kg /天)。 MRHDID的大约1倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为30 mcg / kg /天)时,大鼠和母体均未发生胎儿或母体作用。在小鼠胎儿中观察到裂和胎儿骨骼变化,其剂量约为MRHDID的1倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为45 mcg / kg /天)。剂量约为MRHDID的0.4倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为15 mcg / kg /天)时,小鼠和胎儿均未发生母体作用。
在一项胚胎胎儿发育研究中,在整个器官发生期间,仅通过鼻部吸入途径给怀孕的大鼠给药,丙酸氟替卡松在存在母体毒性的情况下产生的胎儿体重和骨骼变异减少,其剂量约为MRHDID的1倍(在以mg / m 2为基础,仅母鼻吸入剂量为25.7 mcg / kg /天);但是,没有任何致畸性的证据。在大鼠中,MRHDID的剂量约为MRHDID的0.25倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体仅吸入剂量为5.5 mcg / kg /天),对胎儿和母体均无影响。
在通过整个器官发生过程中皮下途径给药的怀孕兔子的胚胎胎儿发育研究中,丙酸氟替卡松在存在母体毒性的情况下使胎儿体重降低,其剂量约为MRHDID的0.06倍或更高(mg / m 2)母体皮下剂量为0.57 mcg / kg /天)。致畸性是明显的,这是因为发现1个胎儿的left裂的剂量约为MRHDID的0.4倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为4 mcg / kg /天)。剂量约为MRHDID的0.01倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量为0.08 mcg / kg /天)时,对兔子和胎儿均无影响。
在从妊娠后期到分娩和哺乳期(妊娠第17天至产后第22天)给药的妊娠大鼠的产前和产后发育研究中,丙酸氟替卡松与幼崽体重的减少无关,并且对发育标志没有影响,学习,记忆,反射或生育能力,是MRHDID的2倍(以mg / m 2为基础,母体皮下剂量最高为50 mcg / kg /天)。
给泌乳的大鼠皮下注射10 mcg / kg tic化丙酸氟替卡松可导致牛奶中可测量的放射性。
在上述儿科研究中,对41位4至5岁的患者进行了盐酸氮卓斯汀和丙酸氟替卡松的治疗。 4至5岁儿童的安全性发现与6至11岁儿童的安全性相似,但尚未确立疗效。
尚无盐酸氮卓斯汀过量的报道。 Acute azelastine hydrochloride overdosage by adults with this dosage form is unlikely to result in clinically significant adverse events, other than increased somnolence, since one (1) 23 g bottle of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray contains approximately 23 mg of azelastine hydrochloride.在成人中,单剂量口服盐酸氮卓斯汀(最多16毫克)的临床试验并未导致严重不良事件的发生率增加。如果发生过量,应采取一般的支持措施。 There is no known antidote to azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray.口服摄入抗组胺药有可能对儿童造成严重的不良影响。 Accordingly, azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray should be kept out of the reach of children.
Fluticasone propionate:
Chronic fluticasone propionate overdosage may result in signs/symptoms of hypercorticism [ see Warnings and Precautions (5.5) ]. Intranasal administration of 2 mg (10 times the recommended dose) of fluticasone propionate twice daily for 7 days to healthy human volunteers was well tolerated. Single oral fluticasone propionate doses up to 16 mg have been studied in human volunteers with no acute toxic effects reported. Repeat oral doses up to 80 mg daily for 10 days in volunteers and repeat oral doses up to 10 mg daily for 14 days in patients were well tolerated.不良反应的程度为轻度或中度,在活跃和安慰剂治疗组中的发生率相似。 Acute overdosage with this dosage form is unlikely since one (1) 23 g bottle of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray contains approximately 8.5 mg of fluticasone propionate.
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray is formulated as a white, uniform metered-spray suspension for intranasal administration. It is a fixed dose combination product containing an antihistamine (H 1 receptor antagonist) and a corticosteroid as active ingredients.
Azelastine hydrochloride active ingredient occurs as a white or almost white, crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It has a molecular weight of 418.36 g/mol. It is sparingly soluble in water, methanol, and propylene glycol and slightly soluble in ethanol, octanol, and glycerin. It has a melting point of 225°C and the pH of 5.2.它的化学名称是(±)-1-(2H)-酞嗪酮,4-[((4-氯苯基)甲基] -2-(六氢-1-甲基-1H-氮杂-4-基)-,一盐酸盐。其分子式为C 22 H 24 ClN 3 O•HCl,具有以下化学结构:
Fluticasone propionate active ingredient is a white powder with a melting point of 273°C, a molecular weight of 500.6 g/mol, and the empirical formula is C 25 H 31 F 3 O 5 S. It is practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethylformamide, and slightly soluble in methanol and 95% ethanol. Fluticasone propionate is a synthetic corticosteroid having the chemical name S-(fluoromethyl)-6α,9-difluoro-11β,-17-dihydroxy-16α-methyl-3-oxoandrosta-1,4-diene-17β-carbothioate, 17-propionate, and the following chemical structure:
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray, 137 mcg / 50 mcg contains 0.1% solution of azelastine hydrochloride and 0.037% suspension of micronized fluticasone propionate in an isotonic aqueous suspension containing benzalkonium chloride (0.1 mg/g), edetate disodium dihydrate, glycerin, microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium, phenylethyl alcohol (2.5 mg/g), polysorbate 80, and purified water. It has a pH of approximately 6.0.
After priming [ see Dosage and Administration (2.2) ], each metered spray delivers a 0.137 mL mean volume of suspension containing 137 mcg of azelastine hydrochloride (equivalent to 125 mcg of azelastine base) and 50 mcg of fluticasone propionate. The 23 g bottle provides 120 metered sprays, after priming. The 14.5 g bottle provides 60 metered sprays, after priming.
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray contains both azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate; therefore, the mechanisms of actions described below for the individual components apply to azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray. These drugs represent two different classes of medications (histamine H 1 -receptor antagonist and synthetic corticosteroid).
Azelastine hydrochloride
盐酸氮卓斯汀(一种酞嗪酮衍生物)在分离的组织,动物模型和人类中表现出组胺H 1受体拮抗剂活性。 Azelastine hydrochloride in azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray is administered as a racemic mixture with no difference in pharmacologic activity noted between the enantiomers in in vitro studies.主要的代谢产物,去甲基氮卓斯汀,也具有H 1-受体拮抗剂活性。
Fluticasone propionate
丙酸氟替卡松是一种具有抗炎活性的合成三氟皮质类固醇。 In vitro dose response studies on a cloned human glucocorticoid receptor system involving binding and gene expression afforded 50% responses at 1.25 and 0.17 nM concentrations, respectively. Fluticasone propionate was 3-fold to 5-fold more potent than dexamethasone in these assays. Data from the McKenzie vasoconstrictor assay in man also support its potent glucocorticoid activity.这些发现的临床相关性未知。
The precise mechanism through which fluticasone propionate affects allergic rhinitis symptoms is not known. Corticosteroids have been shown to have a wide range of effects on multiple cell types (eg, mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes) and mediators (eg, histamine, eicosanoids, leukotrienes, and cytokines) involved in inflammation.
Cardiac Effects
在一项安慰剂对照试验(95例过敏性鼻炎患者)中,没有证据显示盐酸盐酸氮卓斯汀鼻腔喷雾(每个鼻孔每天2次,每次两次,共56天)对校正后的QT间期(QTc)有影响。心电图。每天两次两次口服给予氮卓斯汀4 mg或8 mg,QTc的平均变化分别为7.2毫秒和3.6毫秒。
Absorption: After intranasal administration of two sprays per nostril (548 mcg of azelastine hydrochloride and 200 mcg of fluticasone) of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray, the mean (± standard deviation) peak plasma exposure (C max ) was 194.5 ± 74.4 pg/mL for azelastine and 10.3 ± 3.9 pg/mL for fluticasone propionate and the mean total exposure (AUC) was 4217 ± 2618 pg/mL*hr for azelastine and 97.7 ± 43.1 pg/mL*hr for fluticasone. The median time to peak exposure (t max ) from a single dose was 0.5 hours for azelastine and 1.0 hour for fluticasone.
Systemic bioavailability of azelastine from azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray following intranasal administration was comparable with monotherapy azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray (ie, approximately 40%). Systemic bioavailability of fluticasone from azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray following intranasal administration was 44-61% higher than monotherapy fluticasone propionate (bioavailability for monotherapy fluticasone nasal spray was less than 2%). Due to the low intranasal bioavailability, pharmacokinetic data for fluticasone propionate were obtained via other routes of administration. Studies using oral dosing of radiolabeled fluticasone propionate showed negligible oral bioavailability and high extraction from plasma. The majority of the circulating radioactivity was due to an inactive metabolite.
Distribution: Based on intravenous and oral administration, the steady-state volume of distribution of azelastine hydrochloride is 14.5 L/kg. In vitro studies with human plasma indicate that the plasma protein binding of azelastine hydrochloride and its metabolite, desmethylazelastine, are approximately 88% and 97%, respectively.
静脉内给药后,丙酸氟替卡松的初始处置阶段迅速且与其高脂质溶解度和组织结合一致。分配量平均为4.2 L / kg。
The percentage of fluticasone propionate bound to human plasma proteins averaged 91% with no obvious concentration relationship. Fluticasone propionate is weakly and reversibly bound to erythrocytes and freely equilibrates between erythrocytes and plasma. Fluticasone propionate is not significantly bound to human transcortin.
Metabolism: Azelastine hydrochloride is oxidatively metabolized to the principal active metabolite, desmethylazelastine, by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system.尚未确定负责氮卓斯汀生物转化的特定P450同工型。 The total clearance of azelastine is approximately 0.50 L/kg/hr.
For fluticasone propionate, the only circulating metabolite detected in man is the 17β-carboxylic acid derivative, which is formed through the CYP3A4 pathway. This inactive metabolite had less affinity (approximately 1/2,000) than the parent drug for the glucocorticoid receptor of human lung cytosol in vitro and negligible pharmacological activity in animal studies. Other metabolites detected in vitro using cultured human hepatoma cells have not been detected in man. The average total clearance of fluticasone propionate is relatively high (approximately 66 L/hr).
Elimination: Following intranasal administration of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray, the elimination half-life of azelastine hydrochloride is approximately 25 hours.粪便中大约75%的放射性标记的盐酸氮卓斯汀盐酸盐被排泄到粪便中,而未变化的氮卓斯汀盐少于10%。
Following intravenous dosing, fluticasone propionate showed polyexponential kinetics and had a terminal elimination half-life of approximately 7.8 hours. Less than 5% of a radiolabeled oral dose was excreted in the urine as metabolites, with the remainder excreted in the feces as parent drug and metabolites.
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray was not studied in any special populations, and no gender-specific pharmacokinetic data have been obtained.
Hepatic Impairment : Following oral administration of azelastine hydrochloride, pharmacokinetic parameters were not influenced by hepatic impairment.
Renal Impairment : Based on oral, single-dose studies of azelastine hydrochloride, renal impairment (creatinine clearance <50 mL/min) resulted in a 70-75% higher C max and AUC compared to healthy subjects.达到最大浓度的时间不变。
Age : Following oral administration of azelastine hydrochloride, pharmacokinetic parameters were not influenced by age.
Gender : Following oral administration of azelastine hydrochloride, pharmacokinetic parameters were not influenced by gender.
No formal drug interaction studies have been performed with azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray. The drug interactions of the combination are expected to reflect those of the individual components.
Erythromycin : Coadministration of orally administered azelastine (4 mg twice daily) with erythromycin (500 mg three times daily for 7 days) resulted in C max of 5.36 ± 2.6 ng/mL and AUC of 49.7 ± 24 ng•h/mL for azelastine, whereas, administration of azelastine alone resulted in C max of 5.57 ± 2.7 ng/mL and AUC of 48.4 ± 24 ng•h/mL for azelastine.
In another multiple-dose drug interaction study, coadministration of orally inhaled fluticasone propionate (500 mcg twice daily) and erythromycin (333 mg three times daily) did not affect fluticasone propionate pharmacokinetics.
Cimetidine and Ranitidine : In a multiple-dose, steady-state drug interaction trial in healthy subjects, cimetidine (400 mg twice daily) increased orally administered mean azelastine hydrochloride (4 mg twice daily) concentrations by approximately 65%. Coadministration of orally administered azelastine hydrochloride (4 mg twice daily) with ranitidine hydrochloride (150 mg twice daily) resulted in C max of 8.89 ± 3.28 ng/mL and AUC of 88.22 ± 40.43 ng•h/mL for azelastine hydrochloride, whereas, administration of azelastine hydrochloride alone resulted in C max of 7.83 ± 4.06 ng/mL and AUC of 80.09 ± 43.55 ng•h/mL for azelastine hydrochloride.
Theophylline : No significant pharmacokinetic interaction was observed with the coadministration of an oral 4 mg dose of azelastine hydrochloride twice daily and theophylline 300 mg or 400 mg twice daily.
Ritonavir : Coadministration of fluticasone propionate and the strong CYP3A4 inhibitor, ritonavir, is not recommended based upon a multiple-dose, crossover drug interaction study in 18 healthy subjects.丙酸氟替卡松鼻腔喷雾剂(每天200 mcg一次)与利托那韦(100 mg每天两次)共同给药7天。 Plasma fluticasone propionate concentrations following fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray alone were undetectable (<10 pg/mL) in most subjects, and when concentrations were detectable, peak levels (C max ) averaged 11.9 pg/mL (range, 10.8 to 14.1 pg/mL) and AUC (0-τ) averaged 8.43 pg•hr/mL (range, 4.2 to 18.8 pg•hr/mL). Fluticasone propionate C max and AUC (0-τ) increased to 318 pg/mL (range, 110 to 648 pg/mL) and 3,102.6 pg•hr/mL (range, 1,207.1 to 5,662.0 pg•hr/mL), respectively, after coadministration of ritonavir with fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray. This significant increase in plasma fluticasone propionate exposure resulted in a significant decrease (86%) in plasma cortisol area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC).
Caution should be exercised when other strong CYP3A4 inhibitors are coadministered with fluticasone propionate. In a drug interaction study, coadministration of orally inhaled fluticasone propionate (1,000 mcg) and ketoconazole (200 mg once daily) resulted in increased fluticasone propionate exposure and reduced plasma cortisol AUC but had no effect on urinary excretion of cortisol. [ see Drug Interactions (7.2) ]
Azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray:
No studies of carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or impairment of fertility were conducted with azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray; however, studies are available for the individual active components, azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate, as described below.
Azelastine hydrochloride:
在Crl:CD(SD)BR大鼠和NMRI小鼠中进行了为期两年的致癌性研究,以评估盐酸氮卓斯汀的致癌潜力。 No evidence of tumorigenicity was observed in rats at doses up to 30 mg/kg/day (approximately 530 and 240 times the MRHDID for adults and children, respectively, on a mg/m 2 basis). No evidence for tumorigenicity was observed in mice at doses up to 25 mg/kg (approximately 220 and 100 times the MRHDID for adults and children, respectively, on a mg/m 2 basis).
There were no effects on male or female fertility and reproductive in male and female rats at oral doses up to 30 mg/kg (approximately 530 times the MRHDID in adults on a mg/m 2 basis). At 68.6 mg/kg (approximately 1200 times the MRHDID on a mg/m 2 basis), the duration of estrous cycles was prolonged and copulatory activity and the number of pregnancies were decreased.黄体和植入的数量减少了;但是,植入前的损失并没有增加。
Fluticasone propionate:
Fluticasone propionate demonstrated no tumorigenic potential in mice at oral doses up to 1,000 mcg/kg (approximately 25 and 10 times the MRHDID in adults and children, respectively, on a mcg/m 2 basis) for 78 weeks or in rats at inhalation doses up to 57 mcg/kg (approximately 3 and 1 times the MRHDID in adults and children, respectively, on a mcg/m 2 basis) for 104 weeks.
丙酸氟替卡松在体外不诱导原核或真核细胞中的基因突变。 No significant clastogenic effect was seen in cultured human peripheral lymphocytes in vitro or in the mouse micronucleus test.
Fertility and reproductive performance were unaffected in male and female rats at subcutaneous doses up to 50 mcg/kg (approximately 2 times the MRHDID for adults on a mcg/m 2 basis).
The efficacy and safety of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older with seasonal allergic rhinitis was evaluated in 3 randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials in 853 patients. The population of the trials was 12 to 78 years of age (64% female, 36% male; 80% white, 16% black, 2% Asian, 1% other).
Patients were randomized to one of four treatment groups: one spray per nostril twice daily of azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray, azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray, fluticasone propionate nasal spray, and vehicle placebo. The azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate comparators use the same device and vehicle as azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray and are not commercially marketed. Assessment of efficacy was based on the reflective total nasal symptom score (rTNSS), in addition to the instantaneous total nasal symptom score (iTNSS) and other supportive secondary efficacy variables. TNSS is calculated as the sum of the patients' scoring of the 4 individual nasal symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing, and nasal itching) on a 0 to 3 categorical severity scale (0 = absent, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe). Patients were required to record symptom severity daily reflecting over the previous 12 hours (morning, AM, and evening, PM). For the primary efficacy endpoint, the combined AM+PM rTNSS (maximum score of 24) was assessed as a change from baseline for each day and then averaged over a 2-week treatment period. The primary efficacy endpoint was the mean change from baseline in combined AM+PM rTNSS over 2 weeks. The iTNSS was recorded immediately prior to the next dose.
In these trials, azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate nasal spray demonstrated statistically significant greater decreases in rTNSS as compared to azelastine hydrochloride and to fluticasone propionate, as well as to placebo. The differences between the monotherapies and placebo also were statistically significant. Representative results from one of the trials are shown below (Table 3).
* Sum of AM and PM rTNSS for each day (Maximum Score =24) and averaged over the 14 day treatment period † Not commercially marketed | ||||||||||
LS Mean, 95% CI, and p-value are obtained from the repeated-measures analysis of covariance model using observed data. | ||||||||||
基准线 | 从 基准线 | Difference From Azelastine Hydrochloride and Fluticasone Propionate Nasal Spray | ||||||||
治疗 (one spray/nostril twice daily) | ñ | LS Mean |
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义不大。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |