周围血管造影(Peripheral Arteriography)
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泛影葡糖胺和泛影酸钠的品牌Hypaque-76是一种水溶性,不透射线的诊断介质。它以76%无菌水溶液的形式提供,提供66%(w / v)的泛影葡糖胺和10%(w / v)的泛影酸钠。它是含有37%(w / v)有机键合碘的三碘代苯甲酸衍生物。每毫升含370毫克碘和3.68毫克(0.16 mEq)钠。它由不透射线的碘化阴离子,泛影酸盐和不透射线的阳离子葡甲胺和钠组成。阴离子的有机结合碘使内部结构不透明,从而可以进行X射线可视化和荧光透视。
该溶液对血液具有高渗性,重量克分子渗透压浓度为2016 mosm / kg(由VPO确定)。在37℃下的粘度为9cp。使用Na 2 CO 3与HCl或NaOH将pH调节为6.0至7.7。泛氮酸的pKa为3.4。添加了0.01%的乙二胺四乙酸钙二钠作为螯合稳定剂。溶液澄清,无色至浅黄色。
泛影酸盐通过简单的扩散越过人类的胎盘屏障,似乎被动地进入胎儿组织。分娩前24小时静脉内注射泛影酸钠和泛影葡胺对胎儿无明显伤害。但是,分娩后4至6天检测到小肠和结肠的新生儿乳浊异常。包括放射在内的程序涉及与胎儿暴露有关的一定风险。 (请参阅预防措施,一般,怀孕类别C。)
可注射的不透射线的诊断剂在人乳中原样排泄。 (请参阅预防措施,一般,护理母亲。)
不要使用Hypaque-76进行脊髓造影或检查可能与蛛网膜下腔相通的背囊或鼻窦。蛛网膜下腔中即使是少量也可能引起抽搐并导致死亡。 (另见主动脉造影,警告。 )硬膜外注射也是禁忌的。
脱水无尿症患者禁用尿路造影和大剂量血管手术。 (另请参见注意事项—常规。)
尽管氮质血症不是禁忌症,但对于患有严重尿毒症的晚期肾功能不全的患者,应谨慎使用该介质。 (另请参见“专家作文,注意事项”。 )
据报道,患有糖尿病肾病的糖尿病患者和排尿造影后的易感非糖尿病患者(通常是患有肾脏疾病的老年患者)都患有急性肾衰竭。因此,在这些患者中进行射线照相之前,应仔细考虑潜在的风险。 (另请参见《专家制图,注意事项—准备脱水》。 )
除了已经描述的一般预防措施外,排尿造影,血管造影和其他用途也具有与所采用的特定技术相关的危害。 (请参阅“个别指示和使用”部分。)
红细胞计数:暂时减少红细胞计数。 net 99m-RBC标记干扰。
甲状腺功能检查结合蛋白质的碘(PBI)和总血清有机碘:尿路造影后,两种检查均出现短暂增加。 PBI和放射性碘吸收研究的结果取决于碘的估计,在使用碘化尿路造影剂后长达16天之内,它们无法准确反映甲状腺功能。但是,不依赖于碘估算的甲状腺功能测试(例如T 3树脂摄取或游离甲状腺素测定)不会受到影响。
神经系统:抽搐,瘫痪和昏迷。 (请参阅预防措施-常规。)
当泛影酸钠的剂量水平高于含45 g碘的水平时,不良反应的发生率会增加。在短时间内(例如30分钟)以等于80 gI或90 gI的总剂量给药时,出现系统性不耐受的临床体征(主要与高渗作用有关),表现为震颤,易怒和心动过速。在其他方面健康的成年人中,超过这些最大耐受剂量水平,呼吸困难和肺水肿的发生率和严重性将会增加。
据报道,在尿路造影中有4例婴儿用药过量。注射后19小时内有3名婴儿死亡。过量的范围从略高于推荐的儿科剂量到超过19 g / kg的剂量。注射造影剂后10分钟至数小时之间出现剂量过量的症状。不良反应危及生命,主要影响肺和心血管系统。症状包括:紫osis,心动过缓,酸中毒,肺出血,抽搐,昏迷和心脏骤停。所有婴儿的肾脏均显示不佳,所有组织和脉管系统均弥漫性浑浊。尸检发现急性肺损伤和/或皮下组织水肿。过量注射不透射线造影剂的治疗旨在支持所有重要功能,并迅速采取对症治疗。
小鼠中的泛影酸盐的急性静脉内LD 50相当于5.3 gI / kg至8.0 gI / kg的碘含量,似乎与注射速度成正比。
患者的准备随放射线医生的喜好和所执行放射线检查程序的类型而异。所使用的特定射线照相程序将取决于患者的状态和诊断指征。个体剂量应根据年龄,体型和检查指征量身定制。 (有关具体剂量和用法,请参见“个体适应症”)。
可注射的不透射线的诊断剂的儿科剂量通常以重量为基础确定,应针对每位患者单独计算。 (请参阅“个别指示和使用”部分。)
泛影酸盐在体外与某些抗组胺药和许多其他药物不相容。 It is believed that one of the chief causes of in vitro incompatibility is an alteration of pH. Turbidity of solutions of intravascular contrast medium occurs between pH 2.5 and 4.1. Another cause is chemical interaction; therefore, other pharmaceuticals should not be mixed with contrast agents in the same syringe.
Hydration: With the possible exception of urography, patients should be fully hydrated prior to the following procedures.
Diatrizoate salts are used in small, medium, and large dose urography. Visualization of the urinary tract can be achieved by either direct intravenous bolus injection, intravenous drip infusion, or incidentally following intra-arterial procedures. Visualization of the urinary tract is delayed in infants less than 1 month old, and in patients with urinary tract obstruction (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY).
Nephrotomography and "Adequate" or High Dose UrographyHypaque-76 solution may be used for excretory urography in selected patients. It may be used when prior urography has failed to provide diagnostic contrast and for preliminary excretory tract study to detect obstruction in azotemic patients or to avoid retrograde instrumentation. It may also be used as a high dosage medium to intensify and prolong the nephrographic effect when the prime purpose is examination of the renal parenchyma, especially with tomography. When combined with the urea "washout" technique, Hypaque-76 provides the necessary increased pyelographic contrast and diuresis required for screening or special examination of patients with suspected renal hypertension.
Urography is contraindicated in patients with anuria.
Although azotemia is not considered a contraindication, care is required in patients with advanced renal failure. The usual preparatory dehydration should be omitted, and urinary output should be observed for one to two days in these patients. Adequate visualization may be difficult or impossible to attain in patients with severely impaired renal and/or hepatic function. Use with extreme caution in patients with concomitant hepatorenal disease.
When Hypaque-76 is used with a urea "washout" procedure, the patient should also be observed for a few hours to detect signs of undue dehydration caused by increased diuresis induced by both the medium and the urea. Ingestion of water may be required for rehydration.
In myelomatosis, urography should only be performed with caution. If a weak protein-binding agent such as a diatrizoate is used for the procedure, it is essential to omit preparatory dehydration, administer fluids, and attempt to alkalinize the urine.
Preparatory Dehydration: Preparatory dehydration is dangerous in infants, young children, the elderly, and azotemic patients (especially those with polyuria, oliguria, diabetes, advanced vascular disease, or preexisting dehydration). The undesirable dehydration in these patients may be accentuated by the osmotic diuretic action of the medium.
Dehydration may improve image quality in patients with adequate renal function particularly if a low dose is used. Dehydration, however, will not improve contrast quality in patients with substantial renal insufficiencies and will increase risk of contrast induced renal damage. Dehydration in these patients is therefore contraindicated.
Side effects following this relatively high dose urography are usually mild and transitory and do not appear to occur more frequently or severely than those induced by "standard dose" urography. Nausea, facial flushing, and emesis are not uncommon reactions. (See also ADVERSE REACTIONS—General.)
The usual intravenous dose for adults is 20 mL, with a range of 20 mL to 40 mL. Children require less in proportion to weight: Under 6 months of age—4 mL; 6 to 12 months—6 mL; 1 to 2 years—8 mL; 2 to 5 years—10 mL; 5 to 7 years—12 mL; 8 to 10 years—14 mL; 11 to 15 years—16 mL.
Diatrizoate salts are used for radiographic studies throughout the cardiovascular system.
Intravascular radiopaque diagnostic agents of high concentration are not recommended for cerebral or spinal angiography (see CONTRAINDICATIONS—General), and contrast agents with the lowest compatible viscosity and higher concentration of iodine (310 mg/mL to 480 mg/mL of bound iodine) must be used for angiocardiography. Contrast media approaching serum ionic content and osmolality have less potential for deleterious effects on the myocardium (see PRECAUTIONS—General, Drug Interactions).
Addition of chelating agents may contribute to toxicity in coronary angiography, and the sodium content of angiographic agents used in coronary arteriography is of crucial importance.
Hypaque-76 solution may be injected by commonly accepted techniques, such as translumbar, retrograde catheter, retrograde pressure injection (by cannula) or antegrade (brachial) catheter, for examination of the aorta and its major branches.
警告事项During aortography by the translumbar technique, extreme care is advised to avoid inadvertent intrathecal injection since the injection of even small amounts (5 mL to 7 mL) of the contrast medium may cause convulsions, permanent sequelae, or fatality. Should the accident occur, the patient should be placed upright to confine the hyperbaric solution to a low level, anesthesia may be required to control convulsions, and if there is evidence of a large dose having been administered, a careful cerebrospinal fluid exchange-washout should be considered.
Pheochromocytoma: Administration of angiographic media to patients known or suspected to have pheochromocytoma can cause dangerous changes in blood pressure. A minimum dose should be injected. The blood pressure should be carefully monitored and measures for controlling major fluctuations should be available.
预防措施The presence of a vigorous pulsatile flow should be established before using a catheter or pressure injection technique. A small "pilot" dose (about 2 mL) should be administered to locate the exact site of needle or catheter tip to help prevent injection of the main dose into a branch of the aorta or intramurally. In the translumbar technique, severe pain during injection may indicate intramural placement and abdominal or back pain afterwards may indicate hemorrhage from the injection site. Following catheter procedures, gentle pressure hemostasis for 5 to 10 minutes is advised, followed by observation for 30 to 60 minutes and immobilization of the limb for several hours to prevent hemorrhage from the site of arterial puncture.
Under conditions of slowed aortic circulation there is an increased likelihood of aortography causing muscle spasm. Occasional serious neurologic complications, including paraplegia, have also been reported in patients with aortic-iliac or even femoral artery bed obstruction, abdominal compression, hypotension, hypertension, spinal anesthesia, injection of vasopressors to increase contrast, and low injection sites (L2-3). In these patients the concentration, dose, and number of repeat injections of the medium should be maintained at a minimum with appropriate intervals between injections. The position of the patient and catheter tip should be carefully evaluated.
不良反应The only adverse reaction expected is a mild burning or painful sensation on injection. Unusual reactions can occur, as in angiocardiography. An abrupt hypertensive episode can occur following entry of the medium into the renal artery in patients with pheochromocytoma. Mesenteric necrosis, acute pancreatitis, renal shutdown (usually transitory), and neurologic complications have been reported following inadvertent injection of a large part of the aortic dose into a branch of the aorta. Entry of the large aortic dose into the renal artery can cause, even in the absence of symptoms, albuminuria, cylindruria, hematuria, and an elevated BUN. Rapid and complete return of function usually follows.
Additional procedural reactions include injury to the aorta and neighboring organs, pleural puncture, renal damage including infarction and acute tubular necrosis with oliguria and anuria, accidental selective filling of the right renal artery during the translumbar procedure in the presence of preexistent renal disease, and retroperitoneal hemorrhage from the translumbar approach.
Dosage and AdministrationAdult: The usual adult dose as a single injection is 15 mL to 40 mL, repeated if indicated, to a total of 160 mL.
Pediatric: The usual single pediatric dose ranges from 0.3 mL/kg to 0.9 mL/kg. The total dose should not exceed 1 mL/kg.
Due to its physical characteristics (chiefly tonicity and viscosity) and the volume administered, Hypaque-76 may cause a number of transitory hemodynamic changes. When the medium is ejected from the left ventricle or introduced at the root of the ascending aorta, a brief (three seconds) hypertensive response is usually induced, followed immediately by a decrease in aortic and peripheral blood pressures below normal levels, lasting for at least two minutes. This hypotensive phase may be followed by a 15- to 20-minute period of fluctuating blood pressure.
Clinical doses (up to 1 mL per kg) injected into the vena cava or right heart outflow tract usually cause an irregular rise in right ventricular blood pressure, a slight increase in pulmonary artery blood pressure, and delayed signs of peripheral hypotension.
Other changes reported clinically include an increase in cardiac output and atrial pressure, a decrease in myocardial contractile force, and at the peak of postinjection hypotension, a marked rise in aortic and carotid blood flow, and elevation of central venous pressure. At dosage levels used in angiocardiography, the hematocrit and hemoglobin level may fall about 10 to 15 percent and serum osmolality may rise 10 to 12 percent. Blood carbon dioxide, pH, and BUN levels may fall. These changes commence immediately after injection, reach a maximum in two to five minutes, and return to normal values in 10 to 15 minutes. However, after the initial rise, plasma volume may decrease and continue to fall below control levels, even beyond 30 minutes, probably due to diuresis. If repeat injections are made in rapid succession these changes are likely to be more pronounced. (See also Dosage and Administration.) Hypaque-76 is not metabolized. It is eliminated unchanged, rapidly and completely in the urine by glomerular filtration.
During administration of large doses of Hypaque-76 continuous monitoring of vital signs is desirable. Caution is advised in the administration of large doses to patients with incipient heart failure because of the possibility of aggravation of the preexisting condition. Hypotension should be corrected promptly since it may induce serious arrhythmias.
Because of the hemodynamic changes which may occur on injection into the right heart outflow tract, special care, especially regarding dosage, should be observed in patients with right ventricular failure, pulmonary hypertension, or obliterated pulmonary vascular beds.
Apnea, bradycardia and other arrhythmias, cerebral effects (lethargy and depression), and a tendency to acidosis are more likely to occur in cyanotic infants. It is desirable that vital signs be monitored on an intensive care basis afterwards to detect delayed adverse effects (arrhythmia, electrolyte and hemodynamic disturbances). Infants are more likely than adults to respond with convulsions, particularly after repeated injections. Unlike in the adult, the amount of the total dosage in young infants is of particular importance. (See Dosage and Administration.)
The individual dose is determined by the size of the structure to be visualized, the anticipated degree of hemodilution, and valvular competence. Weight is a minor consideration in adults. The size of each individual dose is a more important consideration than the total dosage used. When large individual doses are administered, as for contrast in the cardiac chambers and thoracic aorta, it has been suggested that 20 minutes be permitted to elapse between each injection to allow for subsidence of hemodynamic disturbances.
Adult: The usual adult dose in a single injection is 45 mL, with a range of 40 mL to 50 mL. This may be repeated as necessary. However, when combined with selective coronary arteriography, the total dose should not exceed 225 mL.
Pediatric: The usual single pediatric dose is 0.2 mL/kg to 0.3 mL/kg. The total dose should not exceed 50 mL.
Adult: The usual single adult dose is 30 mL, with a range of 10 mL to 56 mL.
Pediatric: The pediatric dose ranges from 0.3 mL/kg to 0.9 mL/kg. The total dose should not exceed 1 mL/kg.
Combined Angiocardiographic ProceduresWith continuing advances in radiologic techniques and the development of more sophisticated equipment as well as more versatile and reliable radiopaque media, it is possible to examine multiple vascular systems and target organs during a single radiographic examination of the patient.
Multiple procedures of selective angiography require multiple injections of the contrast medium into several specific target organs and result in a greater dosage. Large doses of Hypaque-76 were well tolerated in multiple injections and multiple procedures of angiography.
See general sections for Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Reactions, and Dosage and Administration recommendations as well as those sections pertinent to the specific procedures.
Adult: The maximum total dose for multiple procedures in adult use should not exceed 225 mL.
Pediatric: When multiple procedures are required in pediatric use, the total dose administered should be maintained below 4 mL/kg, or especially in young infants below 3 mL/kg.
Adult: The usual single adult dose for right or left coronary arteriography is 8 mL (range 4 mL to 10 mL) repeated as required up to a total dose of 120 mL for coronary arteriography alone.
The use of Hypaque-76 is sometimes preferred over less concentrated media in selected cases for femoral and brachio-axillary arteriography in adults.
预防措施Pulsation should be present in the artery to be injected. In thromboangiitis obliterans, or ascending infection associated with severe ischemia, angiography should be performed with extreme caution, if at all.
不良反应Pain or a burning sensation with some spasm may occur, and is more marked in patients with arterial insufficiency. Therefore, the procedure is more satisfactorily performed under general or, for the lower extremity, spinal anesthesia.
Technical complications have included hemorrhage from the puncture site, and brachial plexus palsy following axillary artery injections.
Arterial thrombosis, displacement of arterial plaques, and ipsilateral venous thrombosis are very rare complications.
Dosage and AdministrationAdult: The single adult dose for femoral arteriography varies from 20 mL to 40 mL, depending on the site of placement, ie, aorta-iliac runoff, iliofemoral, femoral. For the upper limb, 20 mL to 40 mL is usually sufficient. These doses may be repeated up to three times.
Adult: For central venography (inferior or superior vena cava), the total adult dose is 40 mL to 50 mL, repeated up to two times.
Adult: The usual single adult dose is 20 mL to 40 mL.
Adult: The usual single adult dose is 40 mL with a range of 40 mL to 60 mL.
Adult: The usual single adult dose is 8 mL, repeated up to three times. The dose ranges from 5 mL to 10 mL.
Celiac Axis: The usual adult dose ranges from 30 mL to 40 mL with subselective arteriography of its branches, eg, hepatic, usual dose of 25 mL with a range of 15 mL to 30 mL; mesenteric, usual dose of 30 mL with a range of 20 mL to 40 mL; splenic, usual dose of 20 mL with a range of 20 mL to 50 mL.
Superior Mesenteric: The usual single adult dose is 30 mL with a range of 20 mL to 40 mL. The maximum total dose should not exceed 175 mL.
Arteriograms of diagnostic quality can be obtained following the intravenous administration of Hypaque-76 employing digital subtraction and computer imaging enhancement equipment. The intravenous route of administration using these techniques has the advantage of being less invasive than the corresponding selective catheter placement of the medium. The dose is administered into a peripheral vein usually by mechanical injection although sometimes by rapid manual injection. The technique has been used most frequently to visualize the ventricles, the aorta and most of its larger branches including carotid, cerebral, vertebral, renal, celiac, mesenterics, and the major peripheral vessels of the limbs.
预防措施Since the dose is usually administered mechanically under high pressure, rupture of smaller peripheral veins has occurred. It has been suggested that this can be avoided by using an intravenous catheter threaded proximally beyond larger tributaries or in the case of the antecubital vein, into the superior vena cava. Sometimes the femoral vein is used.
Dosage and AdministrationThe usual dose of Hypaque-76 per injection by the intravenous digital technique is 30 mL to 60 mL with a range of 0.5 mL/kg to 1 mL/kg administered as a bolus 7.5 mL/second to 30 mL/second using a pressure injector. The dose and rate of injection will depend primarily on the type of equipment and technique used, with first exposures made on calculated circulation time.
Injectable radiopaque contrast media may be used to refine diagnostic precision in areas of the brain which may not otherwise have been satisfactorily visualized.
Tumors: Radiopaque diagnostic agents may be useful to investigate the presence and extent of certain malignancies such as: gliomas including malignant gliomas, glioblastomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and gangliomas, ependymomas, medulloblastomas, meningiomas, neuromas, pinealomas, pituitary adenomas, craniopharyngiomas, germinomas, and metastatic lesions. The usefulness of contrast enhancement for the investigation of the retrobulbar space and in cases of low grade or infiltrative glioma has not been demonstrated.
In calcified lesions, there is less likelihood of enhancement.治疗后,肿瘤可能显示减少或没有增强。
Nonneoplastic Conditions of the Brain: The use of Hypaque-76 may be beneficial in the enhancement of images of lesions not due to neoplasms. Cerebral infarctions of recent onset may be better visualized with the contrast enhancement, while some infarctions are obscured if a contrast medium is used. The use of Hypaque-76 improved the contrast enhancement in approximately 60 percent of cerebral infarctions studied from one week to four weeks from the onset of symptoms.
Sites of active infection also will produce contrast enhancement following contrast medium administration.
Arteriovenous malformations and aneurysms will show contrast enhancement. In the case of these vascular lesions, the enhancement is probably dependent on the iodine content of the circulating blood pool.
Hematomas and intraparenchymal bleeders seldom demonstrate any contrast enhancement. However, in cases of intraparenchymal clot, for which there is no obvious clinical explanation, contrast medium administration may be helpful in ruling out the possibility of associated arteriovenous malformation.
The opacification of the inferior vermis following contrast medium administration has resulted in false-positive diagnoses in a number of normal studies.
Dosage and AdministrationThe suggested dose is 50 mL to 125 mL by intravenous administration; scanning may be performed immediately after completion of administration. Doses for children should be proportionately less, depending on age and weight.
Hypaque-76, brand of diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium injection, may be used for enhancement of computed tomographic scans performed for detection and evaluation of lesions in the liver, pancreas, kidneys, aorta, mediastinum, abdominal cavity, pelvis, and retroperitoneal space.
Enhancement of computed tomography with Hypaque-76 may be of benefit in establishing diagnoses of certain lesions in these sites with greater assurance than is possible with CT alone, and in supplying additional features of the lesions (eg, hepatic abscess delineation prior to percutaneous drainage). In other cases, the contrast agent may allow visualization of lesions not seen with CT alone (eg, tumor extension), or may help to define suspicious lesions seen with unenhanced CT (eg, pancreatic cyst).
Contrast enhancement appears to be greatest within 60 to 90 seconds after bolus administration of the contrast agent. Therefore, utilization of a continuous scanning technique (dynamic CT scanning) may improve enhancement and diagnostic assessment of tumor and other lesions such as an abscess, occasionally revealing unsuspected or more extensive disease. For example, a cyst may be distinguished from a vascularized solid lesion when precontrast and enhanced scans are compared; the nonperfused mass shows unchanged x-ray absorption (CT number). A vascularized lesion is characterized by an increase in CT number in the few minutes after a bolus of intravascular contrast agent; it may be malignant, benign or normal tissue, but would probably not be a cyst, hematoma, or other nonvascular lesion.
Because unenhanced scanning may provide adequate diagnostic information in the individual patient, the decision to employ contrast enhancement, which may be associated with risk and increased radiation exposure, should be based upon a careful evaluation of clinical, other radiological and unenhanced CT findings.
Dosage and AdministrationThe suggested dose is 50 mL to 125 mL by rapid intravenous bolus administration; scanning may be performed immediately after completion of administration. Doses for children should be proportionately less, depending on age and weight.
Vials of 50 mL, rubber stoppered, box of 25 (NDC 0407-0776-04)
Calibrated bottles of 200 mL, rubber stoppered, with hangers, box of 10 (NDC 0407-0778-02)
由Amersham Health Inc.发行。
Printed In USA
HYPAQUE diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium injection, solution | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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