在处理过程中必须始终保持严格的无菌技术。 DIPRIVAN是一种单次使用的肠胃外产品(单次患者输液瓶),其中含有0.005%的乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA),在意外外来污染的情况下,可抑制微生物的生长长达2小时。但是,DIPRIVAN仍然可以支持微生物的生长,因为它不是按照USP标准的抗菌保存产品。如果被污染,请勿使用
在文献和其他公共资源中,已经有报告指出,从不安全的注射方法中传播血源性病原体(例如乙型肝炎,丙型肝炎和艾滋病毒)的传播,以及旨在多次使用的丙泊酚小瓶的使用。 DIPRIVAN样品瓶永远不能被访问一次或被多个人使用。 (请参阅警告,剂量和管理,处理程序)。
丙泊酚微溶于水,因此被配制成白色水包油乳液。 pKa为11。在6至8.5的pH值下,丙泊酚的辛醇/水分配系数为6761:1。除活性成分丙泊酚外,该制剂还包含大豆油(100 mg / mL),甘油(22.5 mg / mL),卵磷脂(12 mg / mL);依地酸二钠(0.005%);用氢氧化钠调节pH。 DIPRIVAN是等渗的,pH值为7至8.5。
在成人和小儿患者中,DIPRIVAN引起的麻醉常常与呼吸暂停有关。在接受DIPRIVAN(2 mg / kg至2.5 mg / kg)的成年患者中,7%的患者的呼吸暂停持续时间少于30秒,24%的患者的呼吸暂停持续时间少于30秒至60秒,而12%的患者的呼吸暂停持续时间超过60秒耐心。在接受大剂量推定剂量(1 mg / kg至3.6 mg / kg)的可评估为窒息的从出生到16岁的儿科患者中,在12%的患者中,呼吸暂停持续时间少于30秒,在10%的情况下持续30秒至60秒%的患者,而5%的患者超过60秒。
临床研究表明,DIPRIVAN与低碳血症合用会增加脑血管抵抗力,并降低脑血流量,脑代谢氧消耗和颅内压。 DIPRIVAN不会影响脑血管对动脉二氧化碳张力变化的反应性(参见临床试验,神经麻醉)。
异丙酚的清除范围为23 mL / kg / min至50 mL / kg / min(70 kg成人为1.6 L / min至3.4 L / min)。它主要通过肝与非活性代谢物的结合而消除,这些代谢物被肾脏排泄。葡糖醛酸苷缀合物占给药剂量的约50%。异丙酚有一个
健康成人的稳态分布量(10天输注)接近60 L / kg。尚未观察到由于性别引起的药代动力学差异。输注10天后,异丙酚的终末半衰期为1天至3天。
在包括心脏外科手术患者在内的临床试验中对DIPRIVAN进行了研究。大多数患者为3岁或更大。大多数患者是健康的ASA-PS I或II患者。这些研究的剂量范围见表1和表2。
年龄范围 | 感应剂量 中位数(范围) | 注射时间 中位数(范围) |
出生至16年 | 2.5毫克/千克 (1毫克/千克至3.6毫克/千克) | 20秒 (6秒至45秒) |
年龄范围 | 维护剂量 | 持续时间 |
2个月至2年 | 199 mcg / kg / min(82 mcg / kg / min至394 mcg / kg / min) | 65分钟(12分钟至282分钟) |
2至12岁 | 188 mcg / kg / min(12 mcg / kg / min至1,041 mcg / kg / min) | 69分钟(23分钟至374分钟) |
> 12至16年 | 161 mcg / kg / min(84 mcg / kg / min至359 mcg / kg / min) | 69分钟(26分钟至251分钟) |
在两项临床试验中,对颅骨上肿瘤行开颅手术的患者进行了DIPRIVAN研究。在一项试验中,平均病变大小(前/后x外侧)分别为31 mm x 32 mm,在另一项试验中为55 mm x 42 mm。麻醉的中位DIPRIVAN剂量为1.4 mg / kg(范围:0.9 mg / kg至6.9 mg / kg)并维持中位维持DIPRIVAN剂量为146 mcg / kg / min(范围:68 mcg / kg / min至425 mcg / kg / min)。 DIPRIVAN维持输注的中位时间为285分钟(范围:48分钟至622分钟)。
在一项受控的临床试验中通过输注方式给予DIPRIVAN,以评估其对脑脊液压力(CSFP)的影响。平均动脉压在25分钟内保持相对恒定,相对于基线的变化为-4%±17%(均值±SD)。 CSFP的变化为-46%±14%。由于CSFP是颅内压(ICP)的间接量度,因此DIPRIVAN当通过输注或缓慢推注与低碳血症合并给药时,能够降低ICP,而与动脉压的变化无关。
在所有临床研究中,所有DIPRIVAN患者的平均输注维持率是27±21 mcg / kg / min。维持足够的镇静所需的维持输注速率在2.8 mcg / kg / min到130 mcg / kg / min的范围内。与55岁以下患者(约38 mcg / kg / min)相比,55岁以上患者(约20 mcg / kg / min)的输注率较低。尽管有报道减少了镇痛剂的使用量,但大多数患者在维持ICU镇静期间接受了镇痛的阿片类药物。在这些研究中,吗啡或芬太尼用于镇痛。一些患者还接受了苯二氮卓类和/或神经肌肉阻滞剂。在长期镇静期间,一些ICU患者每24小时醒来一次或两次,以评估神经功能或呼吸功能。
发现DIPRIVAN在癫痫持续状态中有效,这对标准的抗惊厥治疗是难治的。对于这些患者,以及ARDS /呼吸衰竭和破伤风患者,镇静维持剂量通常高于其他危重患者人群。
对327例小儿ICU患者进行了一项随机,对照,临床试验,评估了DIPRIVAN与标准镇静剂(SSA)的安全性和有效性。患者被随机分配接受DIPRIVAN 2%(113位患者),DIPRIVAN 1%(109位患者)或SSA(例如劳拉西m,水合氯醛,芬太尼,氯胺酮,吗啡或苯巴比妥)。 DIPRIVAN治疗以5.5 mg / kg / hr的输注速度开始,并根据需要调整以维持镇静在标准水平。研究结果显示,与SSA相比,接受DIPRIVAN治疗的患者死亡人数增加。在试验期间或在28天随访期内死亡的25名患者中:DIPRIVAN 2%治疗组12例(占11%),DIPRIVAN 1%治疗组9例(占8%)和4例在SSA治疗组中,%(4%)。两组之间的死亡率差异无统计学意义。对死亡的回顾未能揭示与潜在疾病状况的相关性,与药物的相关性或与死亡原因的明确模式。
在CABG(冠状动脉搭桥术)后患者中,由于术中使用高剂量的阿片类药物,异丙酚的维持率通常较低(中位数为11 mcg / kg / min)。与咪达唑仑患者相比,接受DIPRIVAN的患者所需的硝普钠少35%。在CABG后患者开始镇静期间,在前60分钟内血压下降了15%至20%。无法确定心室功能严重受损的患者的心血管作用。
适应症 | 批准的患者人数 |
启动和维护受监控 麻醉护理(MAC)镇静 | 只有成年人 |
镇静与区域麻醉相结合 | 仅限成人(请参阅注意事项) |
全身麻醉 | 大于或等于3的患者 岁 |
维持全身麻醉 | 大于或等于2的患者 月龄 |
插管重症监护病房(ICU)镇静剂 机械通气患者 | 只有成年人 |
尚未为儿童人群的MAC镇静制定DIPRIVAN的安全性,有效性和剂量指南;因此,不建议用于此用途(请参阅“注意事项”,“儿科用途” )。
不建议将DIPRIVAN用于产科,包括剖宫产。 DIPRIVAN穿过胎盘,与其他全身麻醉剂一样,DIPRIVAN的给药可能与新生儿抑郁症有关(请参阅注意事项)。
已知对丙泊酚或任何DIPRIVAN成分过敏的患者禁用DIPRIVAN。 |
对鸡蛋,蛋制品,大豆或大豆制品过敏的患者禁用DIPRIVAN。 |
对于全身麻醉或监护下的麻醉(MAC)镇静,DIPRIVAN应该仅由接受过全身麻醉培训的人员来管理,并且不得参与手术/诊断程序的进行。对镇静的患者应进行连续监测,必须立即提供维护气道通畅,提供人工通气,补充氧气和进行心血管复苏的设施。应持续监测患者的低血压,呼吸暂停,气道阻塞和/或氧饱和度下降的早期迹象。快速推注后,这些心肺功能更可能发生,尤其是在年老,虚弱或ASA-PS III或IV患者中。
成人和小儿ICU镇静均使用DIPRIVAN输注与一系列代谢紊乱和器官系统衰竭(称为丙泊酚输注综合症)相关,导致死亡。该综合征的特征是严重的代谢性酸中毒,高血钾,血脂,横纹肌溶解,肝肿大,肾衰竭,心电图改变*和/或心力衰竭。以下是发生这些事件的主要危险因素:氧气向组织的输送减少;严重的神经系统损伤和/或败血症;高剂量的一种或多种下列药物:血管收缩剂,类固醇,正性肌力药和/或长期,大剂量的异丙酚输注(大于5 mg / kg / h大于48h)。在外科手术麻醉期间进行大剂量,短期输注后,也有该综合征的报道。在长期需要镇静,增加丙泊酚剂量以维持恒定镇静水平或在丙泊酚输注过程中发生代谢性酸中毒的情况下,应考虑使用其他镇静方法。
在文献和其他公共资源中,已经有报告指出,从不安全的注射方法中传播血源性病原体(例如乙型肝炎,丙型肝炎和艾滋病毒)的传播,以及旨在多次使用的丙泊酚小瓶的使用。 DIPRIVAN样品瓶永远不会被访问一次或被多个人使用。
公开的动物研究表明,阻断NMDA受体和/或增强GABA活性的麻醉药和镇静药的使用会增加发育中大脑的神经元凋亡,并在使用时间超过3小时后导致长期认知缺陷。这些发现的临床意义尚不清楚。但是,根据现有数据,这些变化的脆弱性窗口被认为与生命的头三个月的妊娠中期有关,但在人类中可能会延续至大约三岁(请参阅注意事项)。 ,怀孕,儿科使用;动物毒理学和/或药理学)。
对于年老,虚弱的或ASA-PS III或IV患者,应使用较低的诱导剂量和较慢的给药维持率(请参阅剂量和用法) 。应持续监测患者的低血压和/或心动过缓的早期征兆。需要呼吸支持的呼吸暂停通常在诱导期间发生,并且可能持续超过60秒。当对患有脂质代谢异常(例如原发性高脂蛋白血症,糖尿病性高脂血症和胰腺炎)的患者给药时,DIPRIVAN的使用需要谨慎。
应注意减少DIPRIVAN的使用痛苦。如果使用前臂或肘前窝的大静脉,可以将暂时性局部疼痛降至最低。静脉注射利多卡因(1 mL 1%溶液)也可以减少静脉注射时的疼痛。当使用手的小静脉而不进行利多卡因预处理时,小儿患者经常会发生注射疼痛(45%)。利多卡因预处理或何时
使用肘前静脉,疼痛极小(发生率小于10%)且耐受性良好。文献中已有报道表明,向DIPRIVAN中添加利多卡因的量大于20 mg利多卡因/ 200 mg DIPRIVAN会导致乳剂的不稳定性,这与随时间的球状体大小增加和(在大鼠研究中)减少有关在麻醉方面因此,建议利多卡因在DIPRIVAN给药之前给药,或者在给药前立即加到DIPRIVAN中,其量不超过20 mg利多卡因/ 200 mg DIPRIVAN。
(请参阅警告和用法用量,以及处理程序。) DIPRIVAN的给药应以连续输注的方式开始,并且应缓慢(大于5分钟)改变给药速率,以最大程度地降低低血压并避免急性过量(参见DOSAGE)。和管理)。
应该监测患者的明显低血压和/或心血管抑郁的早期征兆,这可能是深刻的。这些作用对DIPRIVAN的停用,静脉输液和/或升压治疗有反应。在老年人,虚弱的或ASA-PS III或IV的患者中,在镇静过程中不应进行快速(单次或重复)推注给药,以最大程度地减少不良的心肺抑郁,包括低血压,呼吸暂停,呼吸道阻塞和氧饱和度降低。
在使患者从机械通气中断奶之前,应停止使用阿片类药物和麻痹剂并优化呼吸功能。在为患者从机械通气支持中撤机之前,应调整DIPRIVAN的输注量以维持轻度镇静作用。在整个断奶过程中,可以在没有呼吸抑制的情况下保持这种镇静水平。由于DIPRIVAN的快速清除,突然中断患者的输液可能会导致患者迅速醒来,并伴有焦虑,激动和对机械通气的抵抗力,从而难以从机械通气中退出。 It is therefore recommended that administration of DIPRIVAN be continued in order to maintain a light level of sedation throughout the weaning process until 10 minutes to 15 minutes prior to extubation, at which time the infusion can be discontinued.
Since DIPRIVAN is formulated in an oil-in-water emulsion, elevations in serum triglycerides may occur when DIPRIVAN is administered for extended periods of time. Patients at risk of hyperlipidemia should be monitored for increases in serum triglycerides or serum turbidity. Administration of DIPRIVAN should be adjusted if fat is being inadequately cleared from the body. A reduction in the quantity of concurrently administered lipids is indicated to compensate for the amount of lipid infused as part of the DIPRIVAN formulation; 1 mL of DIPRIVAN contains approximately 0.1 g of fat (1.1 kcal).
EDTA is a strong chelator of trace metals – including zinc. Although with DIPRIVAN there are no reports of decreased zinc levels or zinc deficiency-related adverse events, DIPRIVAN should not be infused for longer than 5 days without providing a drug holiday to safely replace estimated or measured urine zinc losses.
In clinical trials mean urinary zinc loss was approximately 2.5 mg/day to 3 mg/day in adult patients and 1.5 mg/day to 2 mg/day in pediatric patients.
In patients who are predisposed to zinc deficiency, such as those with burns, diarrhea, and/or major sepsis, the need for supplemental zinc should be considered during prolonged therapy with DIPRIVAN.
At high doses (2 grams to 3 grams per day), EDTA has been reported, on rare occasions, to be toxic to the renal tubules. Studies to date in patients with normal or impaired renal function have not shown any alteration in renal function with DIPRIVAN containing 0.005% disodium edetate. In patients at risk for renal impairment, urinalysis and urine sediment should be checked before initiation of sedation and then be monitored on alternate days during sedation.
The long-term administration of DIPRIVAN to patients with renal failure and/or hepatic insufficiency has not been evaluated.
Neurosurgical Anesthesia
When DIPRIVAN is used in patients with increased intracranial pressure or impaired cerebral circulation, significant decreases in mean arterial pressure should be avoided because of the resultant decreases in cerebral perfusion pressure. To avoid significant hypotension and decreases in cerebral perfusion pressure, an infusion or slow bolus of approximately 20 mg every 10 seconds should be utilized instead of rapid, more frequent, and/or larger boluses of DIPRIVAN. Slower induction, titrated to clinical responses, will generally result in reduced induction dosage requirements (1 mg/kg to 2 mg/kg). When increased ICP is suspected, hyperventilation and hypocarbia should accompany the administration of DIPRIVAN (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ).
Cardiac Anesthesia
Slower rates of administration should be utilized in premedicated patients, geriatric patients, patients with recent fluid shifts, and patients who are hemodynamically unstable. Fluid deficits should be corrected prior to administration of DIPRIVAN. In those patients where additional fluid therapy may be contraindicated, other measures, eg, elevation of lower extremities, or use of pressor agents, may be useful to offset the hypotension which is associated with the induction of anesthesia with DIPRIVAN.
Risk of Drowsiness
Patients should be advised that performance of activities requiring mental alertness, such as operating a motor vehicle, or hazardous machinery or signing legal documents may be impaired for some time after general anesthesia or sedation.
Effect of Anesthetic and Sedation Drugs on Early Brain Development
在幼小的动物和儿童中进行的研究表明,在3岁以下的儿童中重复或长期使用全身麻醉或镇静药物可能会对他们的大脑发育产生负面影响。 Discuss with parents and caregivers the benefits, risks, and timing and duration of surgery or procedures requiring anesthetic and sedation drugs (see WARNINGS, Pediatric Neurotoxicity ).
The induction dose requirements of DIPRIVAN may be reduced in patients with intramuscular or intravenous premedication, particularly with narcotics (eg, morphine, meperidine, and fentanyl, etc.) and combinations of opioids and sedatives (eg, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, chloral hydrate, droperidol, etc.). These agents may increase the anesthetic or sedative effects of DIPRIVAN and may also result in more pronounced decreases in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures and cardiac output.
During maintenance of anesthesia or sedation, the rate of DIPRIVAN administration should be adjusted according to the desired level of anesthesia or sedation and may be reduced in the presence of supplemental analgesic agents (eg, nitrous oxide or opioids). The concurrent administration of potent inhalational agents (eg, isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane) during maintenance with DIPRIVAN has not been extensively evaluated. These inhalational agents can also be expected to increase the anesthetic or sedative and cardiorespiratory effects of DIPRIVAN.
The concomitant use of valproate and propofol may lead to increased blood levels of propofol. Reduce the dose of propofol when co-administering with valproate. Monitor patients closely for signs of increased sedation or cardiorespiratory depression.
DIPRIVAN does not cause a clinically significant change in onset, intensity or duration of action of the commonly used neuromuscular blocking agents (eg, succinylcholine and nondepolarizing muscle relaxants).
No significant adverse interactions with commonly used premedications or drugs used during anesthesia or sedation (including a range of muscle relaxants, inhalational agents, analgesic agents, and local anesthetic agents) have been observed in adults. In pediatric patients, administration of fentanyl
concomitantly with DIPRIVAN may result in serious bradycardia.
Long-term studies in animals have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of propofol.
Propofol was not mutagenic in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) using Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537 and TA1538. Propofol was not mutagenic in either the gene mutation/gene conversion test using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or in vitro cytogenetic studies in Chinese hamsters. In the in vivo mouse micronucleus assay with Chinese hamsters propofol administration did not produce chromosome aberrations.
Female Wistar rats administered either 0, 10, or 15 mg/kg/day propofol intravenously from 2 weeks before pregnancy to day 7 of gestation did not show impaired fertility (0.65 and 1 times the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg based on body surface area). Male fertility in rats was not affected in a
dominant lethal study at intravenous doses up to 15 mg/kg/day for 5 days.
没有针对孕妇的充分且对照良好的研究。 In animal reproduction studies, decreased pup survival concurrent with increased maternal mortality was observed with intravenous administration of propofol to pregnant rats either prior to mating and during early gestation or during late gestation and early lactation at exposures less than the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg. In pregnant rats administered 15 mg/kg/day intravenous propofol (equivalent to the human induction dose) from two weeks prior to mating to early in gestation (Gestation Day 7), offspring that were allowed to mate had increased postimplantation losses. The pharmacological activity (anesthesia) of the drug on the mother is probably responsible for the adverse effects seen in the offspring.
已发表的关于怀孕灵长类动物的研究表明,在大脑发育高峰期,阻断NMDA受体和/或增强GABA活性的麻醉药和镇静药的使用时间超过3小时,会增加后代发育中大脑的神经元凋亡。 There are no data on pregnancy exposures in primates corresponding to periods prior to the third trimester in humans [See Data].
Pregnant rats were administered propofol intravenously at 0, 5, 10, and 15 mg/kg/day (0.3, 0.65, and 1 times the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg based on body surface area) during organogenesis (Gestational Days 6-15). Propofol did not cause adverse effects to the fetus at exposures up to 1 times the human induction dose despite evidence of maternal toxicity (decreased weight gain in all groups).
Pregnant rabbits were administered propofol intravenously at 0, 5, 10, and 15 mg/kg/day (0.65, 1.3, 2 times the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg based on body surface area comparison) during organogenesis (Gestation Days 6-18). Propofol treatment decreased total numbers of corpora lutea in all treatment groups but did not cause fetal malformations at any dose despite maternal toxicity (one maternal death from anesthesia-related respiratory depression in the high dose group).
Pregnant rats were administered propofol intravenously at 0, 10, and 15 mg/kg/day (0.65 and 1 times the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg based on body surface area) from late gestation through lactation (Gestation Day 16 to Lactation Day 22). Decreased pup survival was noted at all doses in the presence of maternal toxicity (deaths from anesthesia-induced respiratory depression). This study did not evaluate neurobehavioral function including learning and memory in the pups.
Pregnant rats were administered propofol intravenously at 0, 10, or 15 mg/kg/day (0.3 and 1 times the human induction dose of 2.5 mg/kg based on body surface area) from 2 weeks prior to mating to Gestational Day 7. Pup (F1) survival was decreased on Day 15 and 22 of lactation at maternally toxic doses of 10 and 15 mg/kg/day. When F1 offspring were allowed to mate, postimplantation losses were increased in the 15 mg/kg/day treatment group.
在灵长类动物的一项已发表研究中,在妊娠第122天给予麻醉剂量的氯胺酮24小时可增加胎儿发育中大脑的神经元凋亡。在其他已发表的研究中,在妊娠第120天给予异氟烷或丙泊酚5小时会导致后代发育中的大脑神经元和少突胶质细胞凋亡增加。关于大脑发育,该时间段对应于人类妊娠的晚期。这些发现的临床意义尚不清楚。 however, studies in juvenile animals suggest neuroapoptosis correlates with long-term cognitive deficits (see WARNINGS; Pediatric Neurotoxicity , PRECAUTIONS; Pediatric Use , and ANIMAL TOXICOLOGY AND/OR PHARMACOLOGY).
Labor and Delivery
DIPRIVAN is not recommended for obstetrics, including cesarean section deliveries. DIPRIVAN crosses the placenta, and as with other general anesthetic agents, the administration of DIPRIVAN may be associated with neonatal depression.
DIPRIVAN is not recommended for use in nursing mothers because DIPRIVAN has been reported to be excreted in human milk and the effects of oral absorption of small amounts of propofol are not known.
The safety and effectiveness of DIPRIVAN have been established for induction of anesthesia in pediatric patients aged 3 years and older and for the maintenance of anesthesia aged 2 months and older.
DIPRIVAN is not recommended for the induction of anesthesia in patients younger than 3 years of age and for the maintenance of anesthesia in patients younger than 2 months of age as safety and effectiveness have not been established.
In pediatric patients, administration of fentanyl concomitantly with DIPRIVAN may result in serious bradycardia (see PRECAUTIONS, General ).
DIPRIVAN is not indicated for use in pediatric patients for ICU sedation or for MAC sedation for surgical, nonsurgical or diagnostic procedures as safety and effectiveness have not been established.
There have been anecdotal reports of serious adverse events and death in pediatric patients with upper respiratory tract infections receiving DIPRIVAN for ICU sedation.
In one multicenter clinical trial of ICU sedation in critically ill pediatric patients that excluded patients with upper respiratory tract infections, the incidence of mortality observed in patients who received DIPRIVAN (n=222) was 9%, while that for patients who received standard sedative agents (n=105) was 4%. While causality has not been established, DIPRIVAN is not indicated for sedation in pediatric patients until further studies have been performed to document its safety in that population (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY , Pharmacokinetics , Pediatric Patients and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ).
In pediatric patients, abrupt discontinuation of DIPRIVAN following prolonged infusion may result in flushing of the hands and feet, agitation, tremulousness and hyperirritability. Increased incidences of bradycardia (5%), agitation (4%), and jitteriness (9%) have also been observed. Published juvenile animal studies demonstrate that the administration of anesthetic and sedation drugs, such as DIPRIVAN, that either block NMDA receptors or potentiate the activity of GABA during the period of rapid brain growth or synaptogenesis, results in widespread neuronal and oligodendrocyte cell loss in the developing brain and alterations in synaptic morphology and neurogenesis.根据不同物种之间的比较,这些变化的脆弱性窗口被认为与生命的头几个月中妊娠中期的暴露水平相关,但可能会延长到人类大约3岁。
在灵长类动物中,暴露于3小时的氯胺酮可产生轻度的麻醉手术平面,并不会增加神经元细胞的损失,但是,异氟烷5小时或更长时间的治疗方案会增加神经元细胞的损失。来自异氟烷处理过的啮齿动物和氯胺酮处理过的灵长类动物的数据表明,神经元和少突胶质细胞的损失与学习和记忆力的长期认知缺陷有关。 The clinical significance of these nonclinical findings is not known, and healthcare providers should balance the benefits of appropriate anesthesia in pregnant women, neonates, and young children who require procedures with the potential risks suggested by the nonclinical data (see WARNINGS , Pediatric Neurotoxicity , Pregnancy , ANIMAL TOXICOLOGY AND/OR PHARMACOLOGY).
The effect of age on induction dose requirements for propofol was assessed in an open-label study involving 211 unpremedicated patients with approximately 30 patients in each decade between the ages of 16 and 80. The average dose to induce anesthesia was calculated for patients up to 54 years
of age and for patients 55 years of age or older. The average dose to induce anesthesia in patients up to 54 years of age was 1.99 mg/kg and in patients above 54 it was 1.66 mg/kg. Subsequent clinical studies have demonstrated lower dosing requirements for subjects greater than 60 years of age.
A lower induction dose and a slower maintenance rate of administration of DIPRIVAN should be used in elderly patients. In this group of patients, rapid (single or repeated) bolus administration should not be used in order to minimize undesirable cardiorespiratory depression including hypotension, apnea, airway obstruction, and/or oxygen desaturation. All dosing should be titrated according to patient condition and response (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION, Elderly, Debilitated or ASA-PS III or IV Patients and CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Geriatrics ).
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC at 1-800-551-7176 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.
Adverse event information is derived from controlled clinical trials and worldwide marketing experience. In the description below, rates of the more common events represent US/Canadian clinical study results. Less frequent events are also derived from publications and marketing experience in over 8 million patients; there are insufficient data to support an accurate estimate of their incidence rates. These studies were conducted using a variety of premedicants, varying lengths of surgical/diagnostic procedures, and various other anesthetic/sedative agents. Most adverse events were mild and transient.
Anesthesia and MAC Sedation in Adults
The following estimates of adverse events for DIPRIVAN include data from clinical trials in general anesthesia/MAC sedation (N=2,889 adult patients). The adverse events listed below as probably causally related are those events in which the actual incidence rate in patients treated with DIPRIVAN was greater than the comparator incidence rate in these trials. Therefore, incidence rates for anesthesia and MAC sedation in adults generally represent estimates of the percentage of clinical trial patients which appeared to have probable causal relationship.
The adverse experience profile from reports of 150 patients in the MAC sedation clinical trials is similar to the profile established with DIPRIVAN during anesthesia (see below). During MAC sedation clinical trials, significant respiratory events included cough, upper airway obstruction, apnea, hypoventilation, and dyspnea.
Anesthesia in Pediatric Patients
Generally the adverse experience profile from reports of 506 DIPRIVAN pediatric patients from 6 days through 16 years of age in the US/Canadian anesthesia clinical trials is similar to the profile established with DIPRIVAN during anesthesia in adults (see Pediatric percentages [Peds %] below). Although not reported as an adverse event in clinical trials, apnea is frequently observed in pediatric patients.
ICU Sedation in Adults
The following estimates of adverse events include data from clinical trials in ICU sedation (N=159 adult patients). Probably related incidence rates for ICU sedation were determined by individual case report form review. Probable causality was based upon an apparent dose response relationship and/or positive responses to rechallenge. In many instances the presence of concomitant disease and concomitant therapy made the causal relationship unknown. Therefore, incidence rates for ICU sedation generally represent estimates of the percentage of clinical trial patients which appeared to have a probable causal relationship.
Incidence greater than 1% - Probably Causally Related
Anesthesia/MAC Sedation | ICU Sedation | |
心血管: | 心动过缓 | 心动过缓 Decreased Cardiac Output Hypotension 26% |
中枢神经系统: | Movement* [Peds: 17%] | |
注射部位: | Burning/Stinging or Pain, 17.6% [Peds:10%] | |
Metabolic/Nutritional: | Hyperlipemia* | |
呼吸系统: | Apnea (see also CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY) | Respiratory Acidosis During Weaning* |
Skin and Appendages: | Rash [Peds: 5%] Pruritus [Peds: 2%] |
Events without an * or had an incidence of 1% to 3%
*Incidence of events 3% to 10%
Incidence less than 1% - Probably Causally Related
Anesthesia MAC Sedation | ICU Sedation | |
身体整体 | Anaphylaxis/Anaphylactoid Reaction | |
Perinatal Disorder, Tachycardia, Bigeminy, Bradycardia, Premature Ventricular Contractions, Hemorrhage, ECG Abnormal, Arrhythmia Atrial, Fever, Extremities Pain, Anticholinergic Syndrome | ||
心血管: | Premature Atrial Contractions | |
中枢神经系统: | Hypertonia/Dystonia, | 搅动 |
消化系统: | Hypersalivation, 恶心 | |
Hemic/Lymphatic: | Leukocytosis | |
注射部位: | Phlebitis, | |
新陈代谢: | 低镁血症 | |
肌肉骨骼: | 肌痛 | |
紧张: | Dizziness, | |
呼吸系统: | Wheezing, | Decreased Lung Function |
Skin and Appendages: | Flushing, Pruritus | |
特殊感官: | Amblyopia, | |
泌尿生殖器 | Cloudy Urine | Green Urine |
Incidence less than 1% - Causal Relationship Unknown
Anesthesia/MAC Sedation | ICU Sedation | ||||||||
身体整体 | 对于消费者适用于丙泊酚:肠胃外注射乳剂 警告特别提醒: 批准的紧急使用授权(EUA): 758在2020年5月8日,FDA发出了紧急使用授权(EUA),允许未经批准的产品Fresenius Propoven 2%(丙泊酚20 mg / mL)乳液100 mL的紧急使用对于在COVID-19大流行期间需要在重症监护病房(ICU)进行机械通气的16岁以上患者,通过连续输注来维持镇静作用。由于Fresenius Propoven 2%(丙泊酚20 mg / mL)乳剂的浓度是FDA批准的丙泊酚产品浓度的两倍,因此存在无意过量的风险。两种产品在配方和标签上也有重要区别。医疗保健提供者应在管理Propoven之前检查EUA和两种产品之间的差异。可以在FDA网站的[Web]上找到与EUA相关的文件,包括最新的授权书([Web]),EUA的医疗保健提供者情况说明书([Web])以及挂图概述两种产品([Web])之间的主要区别。 在COVID-19公共卫生紧急事件期间重新包装或组合异丙酚药物产品的临时政策: 756在COVID-19公共卫生紧急事件期间,FDA收到了医疗保健专业人员的一些询问,这些询问涉及用于治疗和管理丙泊酚药物产品的情况与COVID-19相关的并发症的患者。 FDA正在发布此指南,以传达其有关由国家药房,联邦机构或根据联邦食品,药品和药物法规第503B条注册的外包机构中的许可药剂师重新包装或合并异丙酚药品的临时政策。本指南中概述的《化妆品法》(FD&C法)(21 USC 353b),适用于卫生与公共服务大臣(HHS)在2020年1月31日宣布的公共卫生紧急情况期间,或FDA可能规定的更短时间通过更新的指南进行公告。该政策的有效期不超过HHS宣布的与COVID-19相关的公共卫生突发事件的持续时间,包括HHS秘书根据《公共信息》第319(a)(2)节进行的任何续订。 《健康服务法》(42 USC 247d(a)(2))。 FDA不断评估使该指南发布适当的需求和情况。随着相关需求和情况的发展,FDA打算酌情更新,修改或撤消本指南中的政策。有关其他信息,请参阅以下网址的完整指南:https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/temporary-policy-repackaging-or-combining-propofol-drug-products-during- covid-19-公共卫生。 副作用包括: 全身麻醉或MAC镇静:心动过缓,心律不齐,心动过速,低血压,高血压,运动,烧灼/刺痛,注射部位疼痛,呼吸暂停,皮疹,瘙痒。 ICU镇静:心动过缓,心输出量降低,低血压,高脂血症,呼吸性酸中毒(断奶期间)。 对于医疗保健专业人员适用于丙泊酚:静脉乳液 心血管的很常见(10%或更多):低血压(75%) 常见(1%至10%):高血压,心动过缓 罕见(0.1%至1%):心律失常,房颤,房室心脏传导阻滞,双排位,束支传导阻滞,心脏骤停,心电图异常,水肿,收缩期,心脏传导阻滞,心肌梗塞,心肌缺血,早发性心室收缩,ST段压低,室上性心动过速,心动过速,心室纤颤,收缩期,晕厥,胸痛,右心衰竭 罕见(0.01%至0.1%):肺水肿,心搏停止,晕厥,围手术期心律不齐,心脏骤停 非常罕见(小于0.01%):心脏衰竭 未报告频率:心律失常[参考] 皮肤科很常见(10%或更多):瘙痒症(28%) 普通(1%至10%):暂时性潮红,皮疹 罕见(0.1%至1%):结膜充血,发汗,荨麻疹[参考] 胃肠道常见(1%至10%):恶心,呕吐 罕见(0.1%至1%):唾液分泌过多,痉挛,腹泻,口干,腮腺肿大,恶心,吞咽障碍,呕吐,肠梗阻 非常罕见(少于0.01%):胰腺炎,腹部绞痛[Ref] 泌尿生殖罕见(0.1%至1%):尿retention留性少尿 稀有(小于0.1%):长时间使用后尿液变色[参考] 肝的未报告频率:肝肿大[参考] 过敏症罕见(0.01%至0.1%):过敏性反应,在某些情况下与血管性水肿,支气管痉挛,红斑和低血压(这些反应已报告肾上腺素响应)[参考文献] 本地常见(1%到10%):注射时疼痛(例如灼痛,刺痛/吊带) 非常罕见(小于0.01%):意外血管外给药后组织坏死 罕见(0.1%至1%):荨麻疹/瘙痒,静脉炎,发红/变色[参考] 新陈代谢罕见(0.1%至1%):BUN增加,肌酐增加,脱水,高血糖,代谢性酸中毒,重量克分子渗透压浓度增加 非常罕见(少于0.01%):代谢性酸中毒,高钾血症,高脂血症[参考] 肌肉骨骼罕见(0.1%至1%):四肢疼痛,躯干疼痛,全身无力,四肢疼痛,颈部僵硬/僵硬 非常罕见(少于0.01%):横纹肌溶解症(ICU镇静时剂量大于4 mg / kg /小时) [参考] 神经系统感觉异常(包括烧灼感,刺痛感,刺痛感)和/或瘙痒症通常出现在会阴区,是临床试验中最常见的不良反应。感觉异常和瘙痒通常发生在给予初始剂量后的5分钟内,并且通常是短暂的,强度轻至中度。这些感觉现象的药理基础是未知的。尚无预处理措施,包括使用非甾体类抗炎药,阿片类药物或利多卡因,对这些感觉产生影响或降低其发生率。 [参考] 非常常见(10%或更高):感觉异常(74%),不自主运动,抽搐,震颤,高渗,打ic等兴奋现象 常见(1%至10%):头痛,发抖 罕见(0.01%至0.1%):癫痫类型的惊厥和癫痫发作 非常罕见(少于0.01%):术后神志不清 未报告频率:非自愿运动[参考] 呼吸道很常见(10%或更多):低氧血症(11%) 常见(1%至10%):程序性疼痛(支气管镜检查),短暂性呼吸暂停,咳嗽,断奶期间呼吸性酸中毒 罕见(0.1%至1%):支气管痉挛,咽喉灼痛,咳嗽,呼吸困难,打cc,过度换气,通气不足,缺氧,喉痉挛,咽炎,打喷嚏,呼吸急促,上呼吸道阻塞,呼吸暂停 非常罕见(少于0.01%):肺水肿[参考] 肾的非常罕见(小于0.01%):肾衰竭[参考] 血液学常见(1%至10%):血栓形成,静脉炎 罕见(0.1%至1%):出血,凝血障碍,白细胞增多[参考] 免疫学的罕见(0.1%至1%):败血症[Ref] 眼科罕见(0.1%至1%):复视,眼痛,眼球震颤[Ref] 精神科常见(1%至10%):兴高采烈/欣快 未报告频率:药物滥用和依赖性[参考] 其他罕见(0.1%至1%):发烧,抗胆碱能综合症,耳痛,味觉变态,耳鸣[参考] 参考文献1.“产品信息。异丙酚(丙泊酚)。”伊利诺伊州森林湖市的HospiraInc。 2.“产品信息。Diprivan(异丙酚)。” Zeneca Pharmaceuticals,威尔明顿,DE。 某些副作用可能没有报道。您可以将其报告给FDA。 通常的成人麻醉剂量注意:给出的剂量是制造商建议的剂量。患者之间使用的实际剂量差异很大。给药前应咨询当地方案。 通常的麻醉麻醉剂量注意:给出的剂量是制造商建议的剂量。患者之间使用的实际剂量差异很大。给药前应咨询当地方案。 麻醉的常规儿科剂量注意:给出的剂量是制造商建议的剂量。患者之间使用的实际剂量差异很大。给药前应咨询当地方案。 肾脏剂量调整数据不可用 肝剂量调整数据不可用 预防措施禁忌症: 透析数据不可用 其他的建议一般: 已知共有322种药物与丙泊酚相互作用。
异丙酚酒精/食物的相互作用丙泊酚与酒精/食物有2种相互作用 异丙酚疾病的相互作用与丙泊酚有5种疾病相互作用,包括:
美国日本医生![]() Heather Benjamin MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Benjamin MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Suzanne Reitz MD经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Miske DO经验:11-20年 ![]() Heather Miske DO经验:11-20年 ![]() 渡邊剛经验:21年以上 ![]() 宮崎総一郎 中部大学特聘教授经验:21年以上 ![]() 百村伸一 教授经验:21年以上 ![]() 村上和成 教授经验:21年以上 ![]() 中山秀章 教授经验:21年以上 |