抗菌;来自土霉素的半合成四环素抗生素。 103 111 113 114
肺炎支原体引起的呼吸道感染的治疗。 111 113 114
治疗由流感嗜血杆菌,肺炎链球菌或克雷伯菌引起的呼吸道感染。 111 113 114仅应在体外药敏试验表明该生物易感时用于治疗由这些细菌引起的感染。 111 113一
替代品,用于治疗由军团杆菌引起的感染。 137可使用或不使用利福平。 137
中度至重度炎性痤疮的辅助治疗。 111 a未指定用于治疗非炎性痤疮。一种
以色列放线菌引起的放线菌病的治疗。 111 113 137替代青霉素G; 111个113 137口服四环素(通常强力霉素或四环素)也被用作后续初始肠胃外后青霉素G 109
辅助使用除草剂治疗急性肠阿米巴病。 111 113四环素类药物未包括在当前推荐的因Entamoeba引起的阿米巴病治疗中。 109 122
暴露后预防措施以减少怀疑或证实的暴露于雾化炭疽芽孢杆菌孢子(吸入性炭疽)后疾病的发生或发展。 102 111 113 141 147预防这种疾病的首选初始药物是环丙沙星或强力霉素; 102 141 147多西环素是首选的四环素,因为它易于给药,并且在猴子研究中已证明有效。 102
吸入性炭疽的治疗。 102 111 113 142 143 147ö单一疗法可有效地用于炭疽热发生天然或地方性的曝光的结果,109 O,但多药肠胃外方案(环丙沙星或强力霉素和1或2个其它抗感染药预测是有效的)对于因在生物战或生物恐怖主义的情况下接触炭疽孢子而发生的吸入性炭疽,建议使用。 102 143 147尽管四环素通常不用于8岁以下的儿童或孕妇中,但强力霉素的益处远大于风险,疾病预防控制中心(CDC)和其他人指出,强力霉素可在必要时用于治疗这些人的吸入性炭疽。 102 105 143 147
胃肠道和口咽炭疽的治疗。 102 143如果发生在生物战或生物恐怖活动中,请使用建议用于吸入性炭疽的胃肠外治疗方案。 102 143
皮肤炭疽的治疗。 102 111 143 147 o当出现全身受累的迹象,广泛的水肿或头部或颈部有病变或2岁以下儿童发生皮肤炭疽时,建议多药疗法进行初始治疗。 102 105 143 147ö
细菌杆状杆菌引起的巴氏杆菌病的治疗。 111 113 160
治疗由亨氏杆菌引起的感染(例如,猫抓伤,细菌性血管瘤病,腹泻性肝炎)。 i猫挠性疾病通常在具有免疫能力的个体中是自限性的,可能在2-4个月内自发消退;一些临床医生建议,对于具有全身症状的急症或重症患者,尤其是肝脾肿大或疼痛性淋巴结病的患者,应考虑采用抗感染治疗,并且可能在免疫功能低下的患者中使用。 109 j k l在患有细菌性血管瘤病,神经性视网膜炎或帕里诺氏枕land综合征的半月板芽孢杆菌感染患者中也应指出抗感染药。 109 J K L最佳方案尚未确定;一些临床医生推荐使用红霉素,阿奇霉素,强力霉素,环丙沙星,利福平,复方新诺明,庆大霉素或第三代头孢菌素。 109 I J K L
造成B.通体†感染的治疗。 137尚未确定最佳的抗感染方案; E F G各种药物已被使用,其中包括多西环素,红霉素,阿奇霉素,氯霉素或头孢菌素。 137 F G
在HIV感染的成年人和青少年中治疗Bartonellosis的首选药物,尤其是CNS Bartonellosis。 160 USPHS / IDSA,CDC等建议,应考虑用红霉素或强力霉素进行长期抑制,以防止在感染了HIV的成人和青少年中复发或再感染,以预防Bartonellosis†的复发。 160小时
布氏杆菌病的治疗; 103 109 111 113 114 137 147 m被视为首选药物。 109 147与其他抗感染剂(例如链霉素或庆大霉素和/或利福平)联合使用103 109 111 113 114 137 137 147 m,特别适用于严重感染或有并发症(例如心内膜炎,脑膜炎,骨髓炎)。 109 147
高暴露于Brucella † 109 147 (例如,针刺伤,实验室无意中的暴露,在生物战或生物恐怖主义的情况下确定的暴露)后的暴露后预防。 147一般不建议暴露于地方性布鲁氏菌病后进行暴露后预防。 109 147
假性伯克霍尔德氏菌引起的类鼻oid病的治疗。 137 147 gggg尽管尚未确定最佳治疗方案,但强力霉素单药治疗可能对轻度,局部疾病有效而无毒性,而强力霉素联合co-trimoxazole可能对具有毒性的局部疾病有效。 147严重疾病需要接受头孢他啶,亚胺培南或美罗培南的初次肠胃外用药方案(有或没有并用三曲唑或多西环素),然后延长口服多西环素(联合三曲唑)或阿莫西林-克拉维酸的维持方案。 147克
梅毒双歧杆菌引起的腺体的治疗。 137在治疗人类病例方面经验有限;最佳方案尚未确定。 147 gg一些临床医生建议将链霉素与四环素或氯霉素或亚胺培南单一疗法联用。 137其他人认为,在体外药敏试验结果未定之前,用于治疗类胡突病的方案可用于初步的腺体治疗。 147
美国陆军传染病医学研究所(USAMRIID)和欧洲委员会生物和化学制剂威胁特别工作组(BICHAT)指出,如果在这种情况下发生伯克霍尔德氏菌感染,则应使用建议用于自然发生的类鼻疽或腺体的相同治疗方案生物战或生物恐怖主义。 147 gg这些专家建议,在这种情况下可以尝试用强力霉素或复方新诺明预防暴露后≥10天,但效果未得到证实。 147克
胎儿弯曲杆菌感染的治疗。 103 111 114四环素(通常是强力霉素)是替代品, 109并非胎儿隐孢子虫的选择药物。 137
杜克氏嗜血杆菌引起的类chan虫的治疗。 103 111 113 114不包括在用于治疗软下疳CDC建议。 107
治疗沙眼衣原体引起的单纯性尿道,子宫颈或直肠感染。 107 108 109 111 114 137一种用于推定治疗淋病患者衣原体感染的药物。 107 108
沙眼和包容性的治疗结膜炎由沙眼衣原体引起的。 109 111 113 114考虑到抗感染剂可能无法在所有慢性沙眼病例中消除沙眼衣原体。 111 113 114
治疗由沙眼衣原体引起的性病淋巴肉芽肿(生殖器,腹股沟或肛门直肠感染)。 103 107 108 111 113 114推荐为通过CDC和其他人的首选药物。 107 108
由鹦鹉热衣原体引起的鹦鹉热(甲虫病)的治疗。 100 103 109 111 113 114选择的药物建议CDC。 100
梭状芽孢杆菌感染的治疗。 111 113四环素是甲硝唑或青霉素G的替代品,用于辅助治疗破伤风梭菌感染。 137
治疗由吞噬性无浆细胞(原Ehrlichia phagocytophila , E。equi ,HGE的病原体)引起的人类粒细胞性(或粒细胞性)胞浆菌病(HGA;以前是人类粒细胞性埃希氏菌病[HGE]);选择的药物。 109 137 X Z cc的
Chaffeensis致人单核细胞(或单核细胞)埃希氏菌病(HME)的治疗;选择的药物。 109 137 X立方厘米
治疗由尤文氏大肠杆菌或犬埃希氏菌引起的埃希氏菌病†;选择的药物。 109 137立方厘米
治疗由易感的大肠杆菌,产气肠杆菌,克雷伯菌或志贺菌引起的感染。 111 113应该仅被用于治疗由这些常见的革兰氏阴性菌时其他适当的抗感染药是禁忌的或无效的一个,并且当在体外敏感性试验表明所述生物体是易受感染。 111 113一
青霉素G的替代品,用于治疗由梭形杆菌引起的感染(文森特氏感染)。 111 113
替代治疗易感淋病奈瑟氏菌引起的单纯性淋病。 111 113 114然而,四环素被认为是治疗不充分的疾病,CDC不建议将其用于淋病的治疗。 107羽
附睾炎的经验性治疗最有可能由淋病奈瑟氏球菌或沙眼衣原体引起;与IM头孢曲松联合使用。 107 108
治疗由肉芽孢杆菌引起的腹股沟肉芽肿(齿龈坏死)。 107 111 113 114 CDC建议多西环素或复方新诺明作为选择的药物。 107
青霉素G的替代品,用于治疗钩端螺旋体病†。 109 137
在前往钩端螺旋体病流行或流行地区且风险较高的旅行者(例如,从事娱乐性水上活动,如激流泛舟,冒险赛车,皮划艇的旅行者)的预防,可以预防瘦弱。 123 153
可用于对患有钩端螺旋体病风险增加且也需要疟疾化学预防的旅行者进行综合预防。 123
替代治疗李斯特菌引起的李斯特菌病。 111 113通常不认为选择或替代这些感染的药物。 109 137
在没有神经系统受累或三级房室传导阻滞的情况下,治疗与弥散性红斑相关的早期弥散的莱姆病†。 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 136 137 140 IDSA,AAP和其他机构建议口服多西环素或口服阿莫西林作为一线治疗,以便在适合口服治疗的情况下治疗早期局限性或早发性莱姆病。 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 136 137 140
在没有客观证据涉及神经系统疾病(例如脑膜炎或神经根病)的情况下,治疗单纯性莱姆关节炎†。 109 115 116 117 121 136 140
当无法使用β-内酰胺类药物(例如头孢曲松,青霉素G)时,可替代治疗莱姆病的神经系统表现†。 136
预防(预防)恶性疟原虫引起的疟疾,包括抗氯喹菌株。 111 122 123 139 153通过CDC和其他个人旅行到哪里氯喹的抗性的恶性疟原虫疟疾已经报道领域推荐作为选择的药物用于预防; 122 123由CDC推荐为那些行进到抗氯喹的恶性疟原虫尚未见报道和谁区域的替代无法采取氯喹或羟。 123
当抗氯喹耐药的恶性疟原虫或抗氯喹抗生性间日疟原虫以及未鉴定出疟原虫种类时,引起单纯性疟疾的治疗。 122 158用于与奎宁结合;不能单独有效。 122 158
CDC和其他一些国家指出,对于不复杂的对氯喹耐药的恶性疟原虫疟疾的治疗选择是口服奎宁联合口服强力霉素,四环素或克林霉素的方案,或阿托伐醌和胍基方案。 122 158一般优于奎宁和克林霉素的奎宁和强力霉素(或四环素)方案158,但不应接受四环素的幼儿或孕妇除外。 158奎宁联合四环素(或强力霉素)也是抗氯喹抗间日疟原虫疟疾的一种选择方案。 122 158
治疗恶性疟原虫引起的严重疟疾†;最初与IV奎尼丁葡萄糖酸盐联合使用,然后在允许口服方案时与口服奎宁联合使用。 158
选择不使用预防措施的旅行者,需要或选择使用可能未达到最佳疗效的预防方案的旅行者,或打算接受有效预防措施但计划访问非常偏远地区的长期旅行者的推定性自我治疗疟疾;与奎宁联用。 122 CDC不建议将其推定为自我治疗疟疾;疾病预防控制中心建议将阿托伐醌和鸟嘌呤固定组合使用。 123
仅对无性疟原虫的红血球形式有效(不对非红血球形成阶段),不能预防卵形疟原虫或间日疟原虫疟疾的延迟初发发作或复发,也不能提供根本的治疗方法; 122 123 158伯氨喹通常还用于根除次生子并防止暴露于卵形疟原虫或间日疟原虫疟疾或接受其治疗的患者复发。 122 123 158
CDC每天24小时可通过语音信息服务(877-394-8747),传真信息服务(888-232-3299)或Internet上的[Web]提供有关预防疟疾的详细建议。 123
可以从CDC疟疾流行病学分支机构获得诊断或治疗疟疾的帮助,方法是从东部标准时间上午8:00至下午4:30致电CDC疟疾热线770-488-7788,或下班后致电770-488-7100的CDC紧急行动中心,周末和节假日。 158
替代方法用于治疗由分枝杆菌†引起的感染。 137
治疗由M. marinum引起的皮肤感染106 137选择的药物。 106
替诺莫唑的替代品,用于治疗由诺卡氏菌引起的诺卡氏菌†。 109 137一
由解脲脲原体,沙眼衣原体或支原体引起的非淋球菌性尿道炎(NGU)的治疗。 107 108 111 114 b
考虑到多西环素治疗后的一些尿道炎复发病例可能是由耐四环素的解脲支原体引起的。 107
治疗急性盆腔炎(PID);与其他抗感染药联合使用。 PID方案中包括107 108强力霉素,以提供针对衣原体的保护。 107
当对PID采取肠胃外治疗方案时,CDC和其他人建议将IV头孢替坦(或头孢西丁)与IV或口服强力霉素一起作为首选方案。 107 108静脉注射氨苄青霉素,舒巴坦和多西环素的方案是一种替代方案107 108,因为它可以很好地覆盖沙眼衣原体,淋病奈瑟氏球菌和厌氧菌,并且对输卵管卵巢脓肿有效。 107强力霉素也用于克林霉素和庆大霉素的肠胃外治疗后的随访。 107
当指示口服方案时,CDC和其他人建议选择单次IM剂量的头孢曲松或头孢西丁(或其他肠胃外头孢菌素),然后口服强力霉素(有或没有口服甲硝唑)作为治疗方案。 107 108尽管经验有限,但口服阿莫西林和克拉维酸盐和口服强力霉素可能是另一种口服治疗方案。 107
引起的小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌治疗,103 111 113 114 123 137 144 147包括天然存在的或地方性淋巴腺,败血病,或肺鼠疫和鼠疫发生在暴露于Y.在生物战争或生物恐怖主义的上下文菌。 137 144 147选择的药物是链霉素或庆大霉素; 137 144 147替代品是强力霉素,四环素,环丙沙星或氯霉素。 144 147对于鼠疫性脑膜炎,一些专家建议治疗方案应包括氯霉素。 147
高风险暴露于鼠疫耶氏菌†(例如,家庭,医院或与患有肺炎鼠疫的个体的其他紧密接触)后的暴露后预防;实验室暴露于可行的鼠疫耶尔森氏菌;在生物学背景下证实接触鼠疫气溶胶战争或生物恐怖主义)。 144 147强力霉素可以是首选药物; 109个144 147其他方案是四环素,环丙沙星,或氯霉素。 147对患有鼠疫的人无症状接触并不需要预防,但是要观察这种接触1周并在出现症状时开始治疗。 147
与转移性肿瘤相关的胸腔积液的处理。 126 127 128 132 134 151 152
治疗由莫氏链球菌或负螺旋体引起的鼠咬热†。 109个137四环素(通常多西环素)的替代品青霉素G. 109 137
复发性疏螺旋体引起的复发性发烧的治疗。 111 113 137选择的药物。 137
立克次体感染的治疗包括落基山斑疹热(RMSF),斑疹伤寒和斑疹伤寒群,立克次体引起的Q热,立克次氏痘和壁虱热。 103 109 111 112 113 114 147 cc cc用于治疗大多数立克次氏菌感染的药物。 109 112 147立方厘米
青霉素G苄星胺的替代品,可用于对青霉素过敏的非怀孕成年人和青少年(包括HIV感染患者)治疗原发性,继发性,潜伏性或三级梅毒(非神经性梅毒)。 107 108 109 111 113 160因为没有足够的疗效证明,只有在可以确保依从性和随访时,才使用四环素。 107 160
由土拉弗朗西斯菌( Francisella tularensis ) 103 111 113 114 137 145 147引起的tularemia的治疗,包括自然发生的或地方性的tularemia或在生物战或生物恐怖主义的情况下暴露于Tularensis后发生的tularemia。选择137次145 147将药物链霉素或庆大霉素;替代品是四环素(通常是强力霉素),环丙沙星或氯霉素。 137 145 147使用替代品可能会增加复发和初级治疗失败的风险。 145
暴露后预防兔热病的†一个高风险的实验室暴露于土拉弗朗西斯菌(如溢出,离心机事故,针刺伤),或在生物战或生物恐怖袭击的情况下暴露在生物个体。选择145种147药物是强力霉素,四环素,环丙沙星或。 145 147通常不建议在暴露于自然或地方性吐拉血病(例如,叮咬,兔子或其他动物)后进行暴露后预防,并且由于不发生人与人之间的传播,因此对吐拉血病患者的密切接触是不必要的。 147
暴露前预防tularemia†。 147根据体外药敏数据的结果,在生物战或生物恐怖主义的情况下,暴露前使用强力霉素或环丙沙星可能可以预防Tularemia。 147
霍乱弧菌引起的霍乱的治疗。 109 110 111 137 p首选药物;在中度至重度疾病中用作补充液体和电解质的辅助剂。 109 110 137 p
除支持治疗外,还需要进行抗感染治疗时,可治疗严重的副溶血性弧菌†感染。 p
治疗由V. vulnificus †引起的感染。 137 p p尚未确定最佳抗感染治疗;建议使用四环素或第三代头孢菌素(例如头孢噻肟,头孢他啶)。 137 p q由于与创伤弧菌相关的病死率很高,因此,如果有指示,应立即开始抗感染治疗。 q
青霉素G替代疗法治疗梅毒螺旋体引起的偏航。 111 137
鼠疫耶尔森氏菌引起的鼠疫的治疗。 103 111 113 114 137 144 147(下用法见鼠疫)。
由小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌( Yersinia enterocolitica)或假结核耶尔森氏菌( Y. pseudotuberculosis) †引起的胃肠道感染的治疗。 110 p这些感染通常是自限性的,但是IDSA,AAP和其他感染者建议对严重感染或败血症或其他侵袭性疾病发生时使用抗感染药。 109 110 p有些人认为口服抗感染剂在控制耶尔森氏菌引起的小肠结肠炎,假性阑尾炎综合征或肠系膜腺炎中的作用需要进一步评估。 109
性侵犯受害者的经验性抗感染预防†;与对淋病有效的药物(IM头孢曲松)和对细菌性阴道病和滴虫病有效的药物(口服甲硝唑)联用。 107 108
口服给药101 103 114 111或通过缓慢静脉内输注。 113也已通过胸膜内输注给药。 126 127 128 132 134 151 152
不要给予IM或子-Q。 113
仅当没有适应症或不建议口服治疗时才建议使用静脉内途径;口服应尽快更换静脉注射。 113.长时间静脉注射可能导致血栓性静脉炎;避免外溢。 113
给胶囊和片剂服用足够量的液体,以减少食道刺激和溃疡的风险。 103 114 111 123可能不应该在就寝时间或患有食管阻塞或压迫的患者服用。 123羽
与食物或牛奶一起服用,以最大程度地减少恶心和呕吐以及胃部刺激。 103 114 111吸收不受同时摄入食物或牛奶的明显影响。 103 114 111 146 148 150
当用于预防疟疾时,疾病预防控制中心建议在晚上(而不是在睡前)服用该药物,避免长时间直接暴露在阳光下,并使用吸收长波UVA辐射的防晒霜以最大程度地降低光敏性风险。 123
在分配时,按照制造商的指示将多西环素一水合物粉末重新制成口服混悬液,以提供含25 mg / 5 mL的混悬液。 111
如所提供的那样给予多西环素钙口服混悬液而无需进一步稀释,并且含有50 mg / 5 mL。 111
如果需要,因为没有用于口服混悬剂和口服混悬剂的市售粉剂,可以将强力霉素薄膜包衣的片剂研磨并与食品或饮料混合。当巧克力布丁,定期或低脂巧克力牛奶,单糖浆带酸味的苹果香,苹果汁与蔗糖或低脂牛奶混合155个156地面强力霉素片是最可口;葡萄,草莓果冻或樱桃酸奶不会掩盖药物的苦味。 155
分别用100或200 mg的小瓶或10或20 mL的无菌注射用水或兼容的IV输注溶液(请参阅“稳定性”下的兼容性)重新配制小瓶,以提供10 mg / mL的溶液。 113
配制后的溶液必须在给药前进一步稀释。 113每100毫克应在100毫升中稀释至1升兼容的IV输液(请参阅“稳定性”下的兼容性),以提供约0.1–1毫克/毫升的溶液。 113不建议浓度<0.1 mg / mL或> 1 mg / mL。 113
缓慢静脉输注通常在1至4小时内给药(取决于剂量)。 113在包含0.5 mg / mL的溶液中注入100 mg的最小建议时间为1小时。 113
用25–30 mL的0.9%氯化钠注射液稀释500 mg强力霉素。 126 127 128 132 134 151 152
在胸腔内滴注强力霉素溶液之前,通过胸腔穿刺术(吸针)或通过重力或吸力经胸腔造瘘管引流胸腔(即,闭合胸腔引流管)。 127 128 130 131 133
如果将强力霉素引入胸膜腔时胸腔引流液> 100 mL / 24小时,则该手术的效率可能会降低。 130 131 133
通过胸肋切开管将稀释的强力霉素溶液滴入胸膜腔;夹住管子,然后清除流体。 126 127 128 132 134 151 152
可作为强力霉素钙, 111强力霉素氢酸盐, 103 111 113和强力霉素一水合物使用;用强力霉素表示的111 114剂量。 103 111 113 114
> 8岁以下且体重≤45 kg的儿童:第1天分2次服用4.4 mg / kg,然后每天分1次或2次服用2.2 mg / kg。 103 111 114对于严重感染,至多每日4.4毫克/公斤。 103 111 114
> 8岁以上且体重> 45 kg的儿童:第1天每12个小时100毫克,然后每天分1或2次服用100毫克。 103 111 114对于更严重的感染,100毫克每12小时。 103 111 114
> 8岁以下且体重≤45 kg的儿童:第1天分1或2次分次服用4.4 mg / kg,然后每天1或2次输注2.2–4.4 mg / kg。 113
> 8岁以上体重> 45 kg的儿童:第1或2输注的第1天为200 mg,然后每天输注100–200 mg。 113
≤8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次,每次≥2.2毫克/公斤(不超过100毫克),≥60天。 141 147 c由于对婴儿和儿童长期使用强力霉素的担忧,如果确诊了青霉素易感性,则考虑换用阿莫西林(10-14天后)以完成预防方案。 102 104 141 147
年龄大于8岁的儿童,体重≥45公斤:每天100毫克,两次≥60天。 104个141 147Ç
吸入炭疽芽孢杆菌孢子后的最佳预防接触后持续时间尚不清楚,为147 ff,但通常需要延长预防接触后的时间。 102 147对于低剂量暴露,可能需要60天的持续时间,但对于降低高剂量暴露后的风险,可能需要大于4个月的持续时间。 ff CDC和美国平民生物防御工作组建议,在确定暴露后(包括对暴露于炭疽芽孢杆菌培养物的实验室工作人员进行暴露后)预防暴露后预防应持续60天。 102 147美国陆军传染病医学研究所(USAMRIID)建议,对于未充分接种炭疽疫苗且炭疽疫苗不可用或无法用于接触后疫苗的个体,应至少持续60天进行接触后预防。 147
≤8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次(每天最多200毫克)为2.2毫克/公斤。 102个147Ç
大于45岁的8岁以上儿童:每天两次,每次100毫克。 102 c有些专家建议初始剂量为200 mg,然后每12小时100 mg。 147
首选初始肠胃外治疗方案;仅在无肠胃外治疗方案的情况下才使用口服方案进行初始治疗(例如,由于大量个体需要大量人员伤亡而需要提供治疗或后勤问题时)。 102 147继续为≥60天总的持续时间,如果吸入性炭疽发生由于暴露于炭疽孢子在生物战争或生物恐怖主义的上下文的结果。 102 143 147由于担心婴儿和儿童长期使用强力霉素,如果确诊了青霉素易感性,请考虑在10-14天后更换阿莫西林以完成8岁以下儿童的治疗方案。 105
IV,然后口头≤8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次,每次2.2毫克/公斤(不超过100毫克)。 102 143 147 d
大于45岁的8岁以上儿童:每天两次,每次100毫克。 102 142 143 147 d
与预计有效的1或2种其他抗感染药联合使用。 102 143 147当临床好转时,以相同剂量将IV强力霉素改为口服强力霉素,并持续≥60天。 102 142 143 147 d d出于对婴幼儿长期使用强力霉素的担忧,如果确定青霉素易感性,请考虑(10-14天后)换用阿莫西林以完成8岁以下儿童的治疗方案。 105
≤8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次,每次2.2毫克/公斤(不超过100毫克)。 102 143 147
大于45岁的8岁以上儿童:每天两次,每次100毫克。 102 143 147
对于自然或地方性暴露后发生的轻度,无并发症的皮肤炭疽,建议治疗5-10天。 102 143 147
对于在生物战或生物恐怖事件中暴露后发生的皮肤炭疽,治疗时间≥60天。 102 143 147由于担心婴儿和儿童长期使用强力霉素,如果确诊了青霉素易感性,请考虑在10-14天后更换阿莫西林以完成8岁以下儿童的治疗方案。 105 143 147
如果出现全身受累,广泛水肿或头颈部病变的迹象,则不应将口服方案用于皮肤炭疽的初始治疗,并且不应将其用于2岁以下的婴幼儿中。 102 105 143 147
IV,然后口头≤8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次,每次2.2毫克/公斤(不超过100毫克)。 102 147
大于45岁的8岁以上儿童:每12小时100毫克。 102 142 143 147
与预计有效的1或2种其他抗感染药联合使用。 102 143 147当临床好转时,以相同剂量将IV强力霉素改为口服强力霉素,并持续≥60天。 102 142 143 147 d d出于对婴幼儿长期使用强力霉素的担忧,如果确定青霉素易感性,请考虑(10-14天后)换用阿莫西林以完成8岁以下儿童的治疗方案。 105 147
感染了HIV的青少年:每3个月出现Bartonellosis(包括CNS感染),每12小时100 mg。 160对于复发或再感染的患者,也应考虑使用强力霉素长期抑制治疗†。 160
≥8岁的儿童:每天2-4 mg / kg(每天最多200 mg),分2次服用。 109有些专家建议每天两次2.2毫克/千克(每天最多200毫克)。 147
通常的治疗时间为4-6周; 109 147更可能需要复杂的疾病(例如,肝炎,脾炎,脑膜脑炎,心内膜炎,骨髓炎)延长治疗。 147脑膜脑炎和心内膜炎应治疗≥90天,可能需要治疗≥6个月。 147
通常与利福平或其他抗感染药联合使用,以降低复发风险。 109 147如果感染很严重,或者出现心内膜炎,脑膜炎或骨髓炎,则在强力霉素治疗的前1-3周内应使用IM链霉素或庆大霉素。 109 147
<8岁†或体重<45公斤的儿童:每天两次(每天最多200毫克)2.2毫克/公斤,与静脉内注射头孢他啶,亚胺培南或美罗培南同时使用。 gg
≥8岁或体重≥45 kg的儿童:每天两次,与静脉注射头孢他啶,亚胺培南或美罗培南同时服用,每次100 mg。 gg
最初的IV疗程持续≥14天,直到发生临床改善。 147 gg适当时,改用长期的口腔保养方案。 147克
≥8岁或体重≥45 kg的儿童:每天两次,口服100 mg口服联合曲莫唑。 147
建议长期口服维持方案,以减少静脉内注射头孢他啶,亚胺培南或美洛培南(含或不含IV强力霉素)的初始治疗后复发的风险。 147维持治疗方案通常持续≥4-6个月; 147 gg可能需要6-12个月的持续时间,具体取决于对治疗的反应和疾病的严重程度。建议所有患者147 gg进行终身随访,以识别复发。 147
> 8岁以下的儿童:每天两次,每次100毫克,共7天。 107 109
青少年:每天两次,每次100毫克,共7天。 107
青少年:每天两次,每次100毫克,持续21天。 107 109
AAP和CDC建议每天两次,每次2.2 mg / kg(最高100 mg)。 109 cc立即启动,因为延迟会导致严重的疾病和致命的后果。 109毫升
Optimum duration of therapy not established. 109 cc Usually continued ≥5–10 days and until patient is afebrile for ≥3 days and clinically improved. 109 x cc Severe illness may require longer duration of therapy. 109 cc CDC recommends a duration of 10–14 days in those with HGA since this provides an appropriate duration of therapy for possible concurrent early Lyme disease. cc
IV therapy generally indicated for hospitalized patients; oral therapy generally appropriate for patients with early disease, those treated as outpatients, or inpatients who are not vomiting or obtunded. 109 cc
Children ≥8 years of age: 100 mg twice daily given for 10 days; as follow-up to single-dose IM ceftriaxone. 107 109
Adolescents: 100 mg twice daily given for ≥3 weeks or until all lesions have healed completely; 107 consider adding IV aminoglycoside (eg, gentamicin) if improvement is not evident within the first few days of therapy and in HIV-infected patients. 107
Relapse can occur 6–18 months after apparently effective treatment. 116
Children ≥8 years of age: 1–2 mg/kg in 2 divided doses (up to 100 mg each dose). 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 124 136 137 140
Duration of treatment is 14–21 days for most patients with early localized or early disseminated disease in the absence of neurologic involvement. 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 124 136 140 Some experts recommend a duration of 21–28 days for early disseminated disease associated with mild carditis or isolated facial nerve palsy. 109 115 136 140
Children ≥8 years of age: 1–2 mg/kg twice daily (up to 100 mg each dose) for 28 days. 109 115 116 117 119 124 120 121 136
Children ≥8 years of age: 2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) once daily. 122 123 139 153
Initiate prophylaxis 1–2 days prior to entering malarious area; continue during the stay and for 4 weeks after leaving area. 111 122 123 139 If there are concerns about tolerance or drug interactions, it may be advisable to initiate prophylaxis 3–4 weeks prior to travel in individuals receiving other drugs to ensure that the combination of drugs is well tolerated and to allow ample time if a switch to another antimalarial is required. 123
Terminal prophylaxis with primaquine may be indicated during the final 2 weeks of doxycycline prophylaxis if exposure occurred in areas where P. ovale or P. vivax are endemic. 122 123
Children ≥8 years of age: 4 mg/kg daily given in 2 equally divided doses (up to 200 mg daily) for 7 days; used in conjunction with oral quinine sulfate (10 mg/kg 3 times daily given for 3 days if infection was acquired in Africa or South America or for 7 days if acquired in Southeast Asia). 122 158
Children ≥8 years of age: 4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses (up to 200 mg daily) for 7 days; used in conjunction with oral quinine sulfate (10 mg/kg 3 times daily given for 3 days if infection was acquired in Africa or South America or for 7 days if acquired in Southeast Asia). 158
In addition, a 14-day regimen of oral primaquine (0.6 mg/kg once daily) may be indicated to provide a radical cure and prevent delayed attacks or relapse of P. vivax malaria. 158
Children ≥8 years of age: 4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses (up to 200 mg daily) given for 7 days; used in conjunction with IV quinidine gluconate (followed by oral quinine sulfate) given for a total duration of 3–7 days. 158 159
IV, then OralChildren ≥8 years of age weighing <45 kg: Initially 4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses IV; when oral therapy can be tolerated, switch to oral doxycycline in a dosage of 4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses (up to 200 mg daily) for a total duration of IV and oral doxycycline of 7 days. 158 Used in conjunction with IV quinidine gluconate (followed by oral quinine sulfate) given for a total duration of 3–7 days. 158
Children ≥8 years of age weighing ≥45 kg: Initially 100 mg of doxycycline IV every 12 hours; when oral therapy can be tolerated, switch to oral doxycycline in a dosage of 100 mg every 12 hours for a total duration of IV and oral doxycycline of 7 days. 158 Used in conjunction with IV quinidine gluconate (followed by oral quinine sulfate) given for a total duration of 3–7 days. 158
Children ≥8 years of age: 4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses for 7 days; used in conjunction with oral quinine sulfate (10 mg/kg 3 times daily given for 3 days if infection was acquired in Africa or South America or for 7 days if acquired in Southeast Asia). 122 Initiate presumptive self-treatment if malaria is suspected (fever, chills, or other influenza-like illness) and professional medical care will not be available within 24 hours. 122
Not recommended for self-treatment of malaria in individuals currently taking the drug for prophylaxis. 122
Adolescents: 100 mg twice daily given for 7 days. 107
Adolescents: 100 mg every 12 hours given for 14 days. 107 Used in conjunction with and as follow-up to other anti-infectives (see Uses). 107
Adolescents: 100 mg every 12 hours. 107 Initially, IV doxycycline in conjunction with IV cefoxitin or cefotetan. 107 Switch IV doxycycline to oral doxycycline in the same dosage as soon as possible and continue for a total duration of 14 days; continue IV cephamycin for ≥24 hours after clinical improvement occurs. 107
Children weighing <45 kg: 2.2 mg/kg twice daily (up to 200 mg daily). 144
Children weighing ≥45 kg: 100 mg twice daily or 200 mg once daily. 144
Prompt initiation of treatment (within 18–24 hours of symptom onset) is essential. 144 147 Oral doxycycline may be substituted in the same dosage when the patient's condition improves or if parenteral doxycycline is unavailable. 144 147 Total duration of treatment is ≥10–14 days. 144 147
Children weighing <45 kg: 2.2 mg/kg twice daily (up to 200 mg daily). 144
Children weighing ≥45 kg: 100 mg twice daily. 144 Alternatively, 2–4 mg/kg daily in 2 equally divided doses. 149
Duration of prophylaxis following exposure to plague aerosol or a patient with suspected pneumonic plague is 7 days 144 147 or the duration of exposure risk plus 7 days. 147
Children >8 years of age weighing ≤45 kg: 4.4 mg/kg in 2 divided doses on day 1 followed by 2.2 mg/kg daily in 1 or 2 divided doses. 103 111 114 For severe infections, up to 4.4 mg/kg daily. 103 111 114
Children >8 years of age weighing >45 kg: 100 mg every 12 hours on day 1 followed by 100 mg daily in 1 or 2 divided doses. For severe infections, 100 mg every 12 hours. 103 111 114
Continue therapy for 3–10 days or until patient is afebrile for approximately 2–3 days. b Alternatively, a single 50-mg dose may be effective for louse-borne (epidemic) typhus, Brill-Zinsser disease, or scrub typhus. b
CDC recommends 2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) twice daily. cc Initiate promptly since delay can result in severe disease and fatal outcome. 109 cc
Usually continued ≥5–10 days and until patient is afebrile for ≥3 days and clinically improved. 109 x cc Severe illness may require longer duration of therapy. 109 cc
IV therapy generally indicated for hospitalized patients; oral therapy generally appropriate for patients with early disease, those treated as outpatients, or inpatients who are not vomiting or obtunded. cc
CDC recommends 2.2 mg/kg every 12 hours for ≥14 days for treatment of acute Q fever. 147
For prophylaxis against Q fever†, 2.2 mg/kg twice daily given for 5–7 days may prevent clinical disease if initiated 8–12 days after exposure; such prophylaxis is not effective and may only prolong the onset of disease if given immediately (1–7 days) after exposure. 147
Children >8 years of age: 100 mg twice daily given for 14 days. 107 109 111 160
Children >8 years of age: 100 mg twice daily given for 14 days for early latent syphilis (duration <1 year) or 100 mg twice daily given for 28 days for late latent syphilis (duration≥1 year), latent syphilis of unknown duration, or tertiary syphilis. 107 109 111 160
Children weighing <45 kg: 2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) twice daily. 145 147
Children weighing ≥45 kg: 100 mg twice daily. 145 147
Oral doxycycline may be substituted in the same dosage when the patient's condition improves or if parenteral doxycycline is unavailable. 145 Total duration of treatment is ≥14–21 days. 145 147
Children weighing <45 kg: 2.2 mg/kg (up to 100 mg) twice daily. 145 147
Children weighing ≥45 kg: 100 mg twice daily. 145 147
Initiate postexposure prophylaxis within 24 hours of exposure and continue for ≥14 days. 145 147
Children ≥8 years of age: 6 mg/kg (maximum 300 mg) as a single dose. 109
Adolescents: 100 mg twice daily given for 7 days; used in conjunction with single doses of IM ceftriaxone and oral metronidazole. 107
100 mg every 12 hours on day 1 followed by 100 mg daily in 1 or 2 divided doses. 103 111
For more severe infections, 100 mg every 12 hours. 103 111
200 mg on day 1 in 1 or 2 IV infusions followed by 100–200 mg daily. 113
100 mg every 12 hours on the first day followed by 100 mg daily in 1 or 2 divided doses.一种
For severe infections, 100 mg every 12 hours.一种
100 mg twice daily given for ≥60 days. 102 141 147 c Some experts recommend an initial 200-mg dose, then 100 mg every 12 hours. 147
Optimum duration of postexposure prophylaxis after an inhalation exposure to B. anthracis spores is unclear, 147 ff but prolonged postexposure prophylaxis usually required. 102 147 A duration of 60 days may be adequate for a low-dose exposure, but a duration >4 months may be necessary to reduce the risk following a high-dose exposure. ff CDC and US Working Group on Civilian Biodefense recommend that postexposure prophylaxis following a confirmed exposure (including in laboratory workers with confirmed exposures to B. anthracis cultures) be continued for 60 days. 102 147 The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) recommends that postexposure prophylaxis be continued for at least 60 days in individuals who are not fully immunized against anthrax and when anthrax vaccine is unavailable or cannot be used for postexposure vaccination. 147
100 mg twice daily. 102 143 Some experts recommend an initial 200-mg dose, then 100 mg every 12 hours. 147
Initial parenteral regimen preferred; use oral regimen for initial treatment only when a parenteral regimen is not available (eg, when there are supply or logistic problems because large numbers of individuals require treatment in a mass casualty setting). 102 143 Continue for total duration of ≥60 days if inhalational anthrax occurred as the result of exposure to anthrax spores in the context of biologic warfare or bioterrorism. 102 143 147
IV, then Oral100 mg twice daily. 102 142 143 Some experts recommend an initial 200-mg dose, then 100 mg every 12 hours. 147
Used in conjunction with 1 or 2 other anti-infectives predicted to be effective. 102 143 When clinical improvement occurs, switch IV doxycycline to oral doxycycline in the same dosage and continue for a total duration of ≥60 days. 102 142 143 147 d
100 mg twice daily. 102 143 147
For mild, uncomplicated cutaneous anthrax that occurs following natural or endemic exposure, 5–10 days of treatment has been recommended. 102 143 147
For cutaneous anthrax that occurs following exposure in the context of biologic warfare or bioterrorism, duration of treatment is ≥60 days. 102 143 147
Oral regimen should not be used for initial treatment of cutaneous anthrax if there are signs of systemic involvement, extensive edema, or head and neck lesions. 102 143 147
IV, then Oral100 mg twice daily. d 143
Used in conjunction with 1 or 2 other anti-infectives predicted to be effective. 102 143 When clinical improvement occurs, switch IV doxycycline to oral doxycycline in the same dosage and continue for a total duration of ≥60 days. 102 142 143 147 d
HIV-infected adults: 100 mg every 12 hours for ≥3 months for bartonellosis (including CNS infections). 160 Also consider doxycycline long-term suppressive therapy† in those with relapse or reinfection. 160
Mild, localized disease without toxicity: 100 mg twice daily for 60–150 days may be effective. 147
Localized disease without toxicity: 100 mg twice daily for 20 weeks given in conjunction with oral co-trimoxazole. 147
100 mg twice daily given in conjunction with IV ceftazidime, imipenem, or meropenem. 147 gg
Initial IV regimen continued for ≥14 days and until clinical improvement occurs. 147 gg When appropriate, switch to a prolonged oral maintenance regimen. 147 gg
100 mg twice daily given in conjunction with oral co-trimoxazole. 147
Prolonged oral maintenance regimen recommended to reduce risk of relapse after initial treatment with IV ceftazidime, imipenem, or meropenem (with or without IV doxycycline). 147 Maintenance regimen usually continued for ≥4–6 months; 147 gg a duration of 6–12 months may be necessary depending on response to therapy and severity of illness. 147 gg Lifelong follow-up recommended for all patients to identify relapse. 147
200 mg once daily in conjunction with oral rifampin. 147 Optimum duration unknown; continue for ≥10 days. 147
Some experts recommend 100 mg twice daily. 147
Usual duration is 4–6 weeks; 109 147 more prolonged therapy may be required for complicated disease (eg, hepatitis, splenitis, meningoencephalitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis). 147 Meningoencephalitis and endocarditis should be treated for ≥90 days and may require ≥6 months of treatment. 147
Usually used in conjunction with rifampin or other anti-infectives to decrease risk of relapse. 109 147 If infection is severe or if endocarditis, meningitis, or osteomyelitis is present, administer IM streptomycin or gentamicin during the first 1–3 weeks of doxycycline therapy. 109 147
200 mg once daily given for 3–6 weeks. 147
100 mg twice daily given for 7 days. 103 107 108 111 114
100 mg twice daily given for 7 days. 107 108 109
100 mg twice daily given for ≥10 days. 107 111
100 mg twice daily given for 21 days. 107 108
100 mg twice daily given for ≥10–14 days after defervescence. 100
IV4.4 mg/kg daily in 2 divided doses for initial treatment of severely ill patients. 100
CDC and others recommend 100 mg twice daily. 109 x cc Initiate promptly since delay can result in severe disease and fatal outcome. 109 cc
Optimum duration of therapy not established. 109 x cc Usually continued ≥5–10 days and until patient is afebrile for ≥3 days and clinically improved. 109 x cc Severe illness may require longer duration of therapy. 109 cc CDC recommends a duration of 10–14 days in those with HGA since this provides an appropriate duration of therapy for possible concurrent early Lyme disease. cc
IV therapy generally indicated for hospitalized patients; oral therapy generally appropriate for patients with early disease, not requiring hospitalization, or inpatients who are not vomiting or obtunded. 109 cc
100 mg twice daily given for 7 days recommended by manufacturer. 111 Alternatively, 300 mg followed by another 300-mg dose 1 hour later. 111
CDC或其他专家不再推荐用于淋病。 107 108
100 mg twice daily given for 10 days; as follow-up to a single dose of IM ceftriaxone. 107 108 109
100 mg twice daily given for ≥10 days for acute epididymo-orchitis or for 7 days for proctitis. 107 111
100 mg twice daily given for ≥3 weeks or until all lesions have healed completely; 107 consider adding IV aminoglycoside (eg, gentamicin) if improvement is not evident within the first few days of therapy and in HIV-infected patients. 107
Relapse can occur 6–18 months after apparently effective treatment. 116
100 mg twice daily given for 7 days. b
200 mg once weekly beginning 1–2 days prior to and continuing throughout the period of exposure. 123 153
100 mg twice daily. 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 124 136 140
Duration of treatment is 14–21 days for most patients with early localized or early disseminated disease in the absence of neurologic involvement. 109 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 124 136 140 Some experts recommend a duration of 21–28 days for early disseminated disease associated with mild carditis or isolated facial nerve palsy. 109 115 136 140
100 mg twice daily given for 28 days. 109 115 116 117 118
一名无明显病史的70岁女性患者突然出现严重头痛,然后在初次服用此药约15分钟后呕吐。患者还经历了记忆障碍。她不记得服药前下午的事件,也没有在提醒她后保留这些信息。事件持续了约30分钟,她被送往医院作进一步评估。不能引起其他原因,如中毒或外伤。到达医院后,患者能够记住下午的事件并可以保留新的信息,但是有关头痛发作后30分钟事件的健忘症仍然存在。患者的实验室检查结果,计算机断层扫描,MRI扫描,脑脊液和脑电图均未显示病理。当患者在两天后出院时,持续了30分钟的健忘症。消除其他症状原因后,由于剂量与症状发作之间密切相关,因此得出健忘症归因于该药物。 [参考]
服用四环素类抗生素的胶囊或片剂制剂的患者有食管炎和食道溃疡的报道。这些患者大多数都在睡觉前立即服用了该药。 [参考]
评估了使用这种药物治疗布鲁氏菌病的11岁男孩的无痛棕色指甲变色。该药物最初用于布鲁氏菌病,但在男孩发展为光敏性时停止使用,但开始治疗后15天棕色指甲变色。除了褐色变色外,男孩的身体状况正常,并且变色在1个月内消失。 [参考]
已经报道了非糖尿病患者的低血糖症。 [参考]
稀有(0.01%至0.1%):BUN /血液尿素增加(与剂量有关)
长期使用四环素与甲状腺的微观棕黑色变色有关。甲状腺功能异常尚未见报道。 [参考]
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IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
-如果使用一水合物制剂,则初始口服剂量可以分为2或4个分次剂量(每12小时100 mg或每6小时50 mg)。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-With trachoma, infectious agent is not always eliminated (as assessed by immunofluorescence).
-When used in streptococcal infections, duration of therapy should be 10 days.
-For the treatment of the following infections: Psittacosis (ornithosis) due to Chlamydophila psittaci; chancroid due to Haemophilus ducreyi; relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis; Campylobacter fetus infections; bartonellosis due to Bartonella bacilliformis; trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis; respiratory tract infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
-For the treatment of infections due to the following bacteria when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug: Escherichia coli; Enterobacter aerogenes; Shigella species; Acinetobacter species; respiratory tract infections due to H influenzae or Klebsiella species; upper respiratory infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae; urinary tract infections due to Klebsiella species
-When penicillin is contraindicated, as an alternative agent for the treatment of the following infections: Yaws due to Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue; listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes; Vincent's infection due to Fusobacterium fusiforme; actinomycosis due to Actinomyces israelii; infections due to Clostridium species
-As adjunctive therapy for: Acute intestinal amebiasis; severe acne
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections (especially chronic urinary tract infections): 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections (especially chronic urinary tract infections): 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-With trachoma, infectious agent is not always eliminated (as assessed by immunofluorescence).
-When used in streptococcal infections, duration of therapy should be 10 days.
-For the treatment of the following infections: Psittacosis (ornithosis) due to Chlamydophila psittaci; chancroid due to Haemophilus ducreyi; relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis; Campylobacter fetus infections; bartonellosis due to Bartonella bacilliformis; trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis; respiratory tract infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
-For the treatment of infections due to the following bacteria when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug: Escherichia coli; Enterobacter aerogenes; Shigella species; Acinetobacter species; respiratory tract infections due to H influenzae or Klebsiella species; upper respiratory infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae; urinary tract infections due to Klebsiella species
-When penicillin is contraindicated, as an alternative agent for the treatment of the following infections: Yaws due to Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue; listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes; Vincent's infection due to Fusobacterium fusiforme; actinomycosis due to Actinomyces israelii; infections due to Clostridium species
-As adjunctive therapy for: Acute intestinal amebiasis; severe acne
40 mg orally once a day in the morning
-The 40 mg capsule formulation
-This product should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably at least 1 hour prior to or 2 hours after meals.
-No meaningful effect shown for generalized erythema of rosacea.
-Safety and efficacy have not been established beyond 9 months and 16 weeks, respectively.
-This product has not been evaluated for treatment of erythematous, telangiectatic, or ocular components of rosacea.
Use: For the treatment of only inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules) of rosacea
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-Coadministration with streptomycin is recommended.
-According to some experts, this drug should be used with rifampin for at least 6 to 8 weeks; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
Use: For the treatment of brucellosis due to Brucella species
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of cholera due to Vibrio cholerae
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Recommendations: 300 mg orally once
-Recommended for the treatment of infectious diarrhea due to V cholerae O1 or O139
Uncomplicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infection :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Alternative regimen for uncomplicated urethral or endocervical infection :
-Delayed-release tablets: 200 mg orally once a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
-These regimens (100 mg orally twice a day and 200 mg orally once a day) have been recommended by the US CDC for the treatment of chlamydial infections; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Uses: For the treatment of uncomplicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infections due to C trachomatis
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: At least 10 days
Use: For the treatment of acute epididymo-orchitis due to C trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 10 days
-With ceftriaxone, the recommended regimen for acute epididymitis most likely due to sexually transmitted chlamydia and gonorrhea
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
Alternate single visit dose :
-Most products: 300 mg orally initially followed in 1 hour by a second 300 mg dose
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 360 mg orally initially followed in 1 hour by a second 360 mg dose
-Not recommended for anorectal infections in men.
Use: For the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea due to N gonorrhoeae
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-With ceftriaxone (or cefixime), recommended for uncomplicated infections of the cervix, urethra, or rectum as an alternative second antimicrobial in patients with azithromycin allergy
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of granuloma inguinale due to Klebsiella granulomatis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: At least 3 weeks and until all lesions have completely healed
-Recommended as an alternative regimen
-Another antibiotic (eg, an aminoglycoside such as gentamicin) may be added if no improvement is observed after several days.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of lymphogranuloma venereum due to C trachomatis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 21 days
-Recommended as the preferred regimen
-Patients should be clinically monitored until signs/symptoms have resolved.
-Prolonged therapy may be needed for HIV-infected patients; delay in symptom resolution may occur.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
-According to the US CDC, this (100 mg orally twice a day) is a recommended regimen for chlamydial urethritis; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Use: For the treatment of nongonococcal urethritis due to C trachomatis or Ureaplasma urealyticum
Most products: 100 mg orally once a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally once a day
-Prophylaxis should start 1 to 2 days before travel to endemic area; should continue daily while in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after leaving such areas
-Prophylaxis with this drug should not exceed 4 months.
Use: For prophylaxis of malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum in short-term travelers (less than 4 months) to areas with chloroquine and/or pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine resistant strains
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally once a day
-Recommended for prophylaxis in all areas
-Not recommended for use during pregnancy.
-Uncomplicated malaria: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-Severe malaria: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day for 7 days
-With quinine, recommended for uncomplicated malaria due to chloroquine-resistant P falciparum
-With quinine and primaquine, recommended for uncomplicated malaria due to chloroquine-resistant P vivax
-With quinine, recommended for severe malaria
20 mg orally twice a day for up to 9 months
-The 20 mg capsule or tablet formulation
-This product should be taken at least 1 hour prior to or 2 hours after meals.
-Safety and efficacy have not been established beyond 12 months and 9 months, respectively.
Use: As an adjunct to scaling and root planing to promote attachment level gain and to reduce pocket depth in patients with periodontitis
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of plague due to Yersinia pestis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day or 200 mg orally or IV once a day
Duration of therapy: 10 to 14 days (or until 2 days after fever subsides)
-In general, recommended as an alternative regimen for the treatment of plague
-IV therapy should be started as soon as plague suspected; may switch to oral therapy once patient improves
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-Recommended as a preferred agent for postexposure prophylaxis in patients with known exposure to plague (eg, close contact with pneumonic plague patient, direct contact with infected body fluids/tissues)
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Uses: For the treatment of rickettsial infections including Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever, rickettsialpox, and tick fevers due to Rickettsia species
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-RMSF, ehrlichiosis: At least 3 days after fever subsides and until evidence of clinical improvement
-Anaplasmosis: 10 days
-Recommended as drug of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases
-Tickborne rickettsial diseases include RMSF due to Rickettsia rickettsii, other spotted fever group rickettsioses due to R parkeri and Rickettsia species 364D, Ehrlichia chaffeensis ehrlichiosis (ie, human monocytic ehrlichiosis), other ehrlichioses due to E ewingii and E muris-like agent, and anaplasmosis due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (ie, human granulocytic anaplasmosis).
-The usual minimum duration of therapy for RMSF and ehrlichiosis is 5 to 7 days (total); severe/complicated disease may require longer therapy.
-According to some experts, typical duration of therapy for ehrlichiosis is 7 to 14 days.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Uses: For the treatment of rickettsial infections including Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever, rickettsialpox, and tick fevers due to Rickettsia species
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-RMSF, ehrlichiosis: At least 3 days after fever subsides and until evidence of clinical improvement
-Anaplasmosis: 10 days
-Recommended as drug of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases
-Tickborne rickettsial diseases include RMSF due to Rickettsia rickettsii, other spotted fever group rickettsioses due to R parkeri and Rickettsia species 364D, Ehrlichia chaffeensis ehrlichiosis (ie, human monocytic ehrlichiosis), other ehrlichioses due to E ewingii and E muris-like agent, and anaplasmosis due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (ie, human granulocytic anaplasmosis).
-The usual minimum duration of therapy for RMSF and ehrlichiosis is 5 to 7 days (total); severe/complicated disease may require longer therapy.
-According to some experts, typical duration of therapy for ehrlichiosis is 7 to 14 days.
Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
-Not the drug of choice for any type of staphylococcal infection
-The maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
Use: For the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections due to Staphylococcus aureus when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug
IDSA Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV every 12 hours
-Recommended as oral therapy for skin and soft tissue infections due to methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant S aureus, bacillary angiomatosis, bubonic plague, tularemia, and infections after human bites
-Recommended as oral therapy for purulent cellulitis (cellulitis associated with purulent drainage/exudate without a drainable abscess) due to methicillin-resistant S aureus
-With other agents, recommended as a part of an IV regimen for necrotizing infections of the skin, fascia, and muscle due to Aeromonas hydrophila or V vulnificus
-Recommended oral or IV therapy for infections after animal bites
-Recommended duration of therapy for bacillary angiomatosis is 2 weeks to 2 months
Early :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 2 weeks
More than 1-year duration :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
For the treatment of primary or secondary syphilis, some manufacturers recommend: 300 mg/day orally (in divided doses) or IV for at least 10 days
-Penicillin is the drug of choice.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Use: When penicillin is contraindicated, as alternative therapy for syphilis due to T pallidum
-Primary or secondary syphilis: 100 mg orally twice a day for 14 days
-Latent syphilis: 100 mg orally twice a day for 28 days
-Recommended for nonpregnant penicillin-allergic patients
-Penicillin-allergic pregnant patients or penicillin-allergic patients whose compliance cannot be ensured should be desensitized and treated with benzathine penicillin.
Early :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 2 weeks
More than 1-year duration :
-Most products: 100 mg oral
强力霉素。修订于01/2020。 Drugs.com https://www.drugs.com/ppa/doxycycline.html
版权所有1996-2020 Drugs.com。修订日期:2020年6月10日。
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