抗菌;四环素类抗生素。 1 14
口服用于成人牙周炎的治疗,可作为结垢和根部平整的辅助手段,以促进附着水平的增加并减少袋深。 14 15 16
龈下用于治疗慢性成人牙周炎,以减少囊袋深度,增加临床依从度并减少与探查相关的出血。 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 11
口服20毫克片剂,用于牙周炎的辅助治疗。 14
每天至少在饭前1小时或饭后2小时服用两次。 14
给予适量的液体以减少食道刺激和溃疡的风险。 14
牙科保健专业人员将其作为牙龈袋中的缓释制剂进行牙龈下给药。 1个
作为试剂盒可商购获得,该试剂盒包含液体聚合物输送系统的注射器(注射器A),强力霉素的注射器(注射器B)和钝管。 1 2个注射器中的内容物必须在给药前混合在一起。 1 (请参阅“剂量和管理”下的复原。)
最终混合物为淡黄色至黄色粘稠液体。龈下给药至牙周袋后1 ,液体固化7天,可提供强力霉素的控释。 1 8
每对注射器仅供一次性使用。 1个
给药不需要局部麻醉。 1个
缓释制剂可被生物吸收或自然排出,无需手动移除。 1个
给药前将两对注射器的内容物(液体聚合物输送系统[注射器A]和强力霉素粉[注射器B])混合在一起。 1个
混合前至少15分钟从冰箱中取出注射器。 1个
将注射器耦合在一起,并将注射器A的内含物注入注射器B,然后再注入注射器A以完成1个混合周期。 1使用轻拂冲程执行总共100个混合循环(每秒大约1个混合循环)。 1个
如果未立即使用,则已耦合的注射器可以在室温下保存在可重新密封的小袋(或气密容器)中,最多保存3天。 1储存后,在给药前再进行10次混合。 1个
混合后,垂直握住已连接的注射器,并使其底部的注射器A(用红色条纹表示)保持垂直。 1拉下注射器A的柱塞,并允许内容物向下流动筒几秒钟到注射器A. 1周非耦合的注射器和连接在试剂盒中提供给注射器A. 1弯曲插管钝的插管以类似于牙周探针。 1个
使用带有弯曲插管的注射器,将插管的尖端定位在牙周袋底部附近,并将强力霉素聚合物制剂注入袋中,直到混合物到达牙龈边缘的顶部。 1从口袋中拔出套管。 1个
如果需要,可以使用适当的牙科器械将制剂包装到牙周袋中。 1包装前,将牙科器械的边缘浸入水中,以防止制剂粘在器械上并加速聚合物的凝结。 1将制剂放入牙周袋后,在其表面滴几滴水以帮助聚合物凝结。 1如有必要,添加更多的强力霉素聚合物并将其装入牙周袋直至充满。 1个
龈下给药完成后,用牙周敷料覆盖口袋(Coe-Pak )或氰基丙烯酸酯牙科粘合剂。 1个
有关多西环素聚合物的制备和龈下给药的其他信息,请查阅制造商的文献。 1个
可作为强力霉素盐酸盐使用;用强力霉素表示的剂量。 1 14
用于龈下给药的盐酸多西环素聚合物:按照指示进行制备时(请参见“剂量和给药方法下的复溶”),注射器中的混合物含有50毫克的盐酸多西环素(相当于42.5 mg的强力霉素)。 1个
每12小时(早上和晚上)20毫克。 14
尚未确定12个月以上的治疗安全性和9个月以上的治疗有效性。 14
剂量根据所治疗的牙周袋的大小,形状和数量而异。 1个
初次治疗后4个月可重复治疗。 1个
已知对强力霉素或其他四环素过敏。 1 14
在牙齿发育期间(例如,怀孕,婴儿,8岁以下的儿童)请勿使用四环素;可能导致牙齿永久变色(黄灰色棕色)或牙釉质发育不全。 1 14最常见于长期使用四环素,但也有重复短期使用的报道。 1 14
四环素在任何骨形成组织中形成稳定的钙复合物。 14接受口服四环素的早产儿腓骨生长率可逆下降。 14
在接受四环素治疗的患者中,有过敏反应,包括过敏反应,过敏性紫癜,血清病,荨麻疹,血管性水肿,心包炎和系统性红斑狼疮加重。 14
在接受四环素类药物的某些患者中,有报道称其光敏性表现为在暴露于直射阳光或紫外线(UV)的人体区域上过度的晒伤反应。 1 14
皮肤红斑的最初征兆停止口服或龈下强力霉素。 13 14
辅助治疗牙周炎的口服剂量与治疗感染的剂量不同。 14如果高于牙周炎患者的推荐剂量,可能会增加不良反应的发生率,包括耐药菌的产生。 14
用于牙周炎辅助治疗的口服剂量不能提供足够高的药物浓度来抑制通常与成人牙周炎有关的生物。 14用于牙周炎的20毫克片剂不应用于减少或消除此类生物体。 14
牙周缺损极严重且牙周残留很少的患者未进行研究。 1个
未经研究可用于牙槽骨的再生,无论是用于准备骨内(牙齿)植入物或与之结合,还是用于治疗失败的植入物。 1个
未在免疫功能低下的患者中进行研究(例如,患有糖尿病或HIV感染的患者,接受化学疗法或放射治疗的患者)。 1个
口服或龈下强力霉素的患者中包括真菌在内的不敏感生物可能过度生长。 1 14
在评估患有牙周炎的成人中口服强力霉素的临床研究中未报告机会性微生物(例如酵母)的过度生长。 14
四环素可能会增加阴道念珠菌病的发病率。 14
有口腔念珠菌病病史或易患口腔念珠菌病的患者慎用口服或龈下强力霉素。 1 14并发口腔念珠菌病的患者尚未确定安全性和有效性。 1 14
怀孕期间请勿使用四环素。 1 14如果在怀孕期间使用了四环素,请告知患者对胎儿有潜在危害。 1 14
如果对孕妇服用可能会造成胎儿伤害;四环素对分娩和分娩的14种作用未知。 14
孕妇未评估龈下强力霉素。 1个
口服后四环素分布到牛奶中。 1 14未知在龈下给药后强力霉素是否分布在牛奶中。 1个
强力霉素禁用于哺乳期妇女。 14停止护理或药物。 1 14
口服:请勿在8岁以下的儿童中使用。 14 (请参见“谨慎使用牙齿和骨骼”。)
龈下:未满18岁的小儿患者的安全性和有效性尚未确立。 1 2 13
口服:头痛,普通感冒,流感症状,牙痛,胃肠道症状(腹泻,恶心,消化不良),关节痛。 14
龈下:头痛;普通感冒;牙龈不适,疼痛或酸痛,失去附着力或口袋深度增加;牙痛或压力敏感;牙周脓肿,渗出液,感染,引流,极度活动或化脓;牙齿热敏性。 1个
报道的药物相互作用涉及口服强力霉素。 14没有使用龈下强力霉素进行正式的药物相互作用研究。 1个
药品 | 相互作用 | 评论 |
抗酸剂(含铝,钙或镁) | 强力霉素吸收减少14 | |
口服抗凝剂 | 凝血酶原活性可能降低14 | 根据需要调整抗凝剂量14 |
抗惊厥药(巴比妥类药物,卡马西平,苯妥英钠) | 强力霉素的半衰期可能降低14 | |
水杨酸铋 | 强力霉素的吸收可能降低14 | |
激素避孕药 | 口服避孕药的有效性可能降低1 14 | |
含铁制剂 | 强力霉素的吸收可能降低14 | |
甲氧基氟烷 | 并用四环素和甲氧基氟烷14报道致命的肾脏毒性 | |
青霉素 | 可能的对抗14 | 避免同时使用14 |
口服:强力霉素迅速吸收,几乎完全从胃肠道吸收。 14在接受20毫克强力霉素片的成年人中,单剂给药后1.4小时内或稳态后2小时内达到的血清强力霉素峰值浓度。 14如果多西环素与包括乳制品在内的高脂肪,高蛋白食品一起服用,吸收率和吸收程度会降低。 14
龈下:将多西环素盐酸盐聚合物施入牙周袋后,混合物固化并控制药物释放7天。 1 8龈下给药后2小时,龈沟液(GCF)的浓度达到峰值,并在18小时内保持> 1 mg / mL。 1 GCF浓度随后逐渐下降,但对于牙周病原体(6 mcg / mL),其7天内仍高于MIC 90 。 1血清浓度从未超过0.1 mcg / mL。 1个
密闭,耐光的容器中温度为20–25°C。 14
2–30°C。 1个
尚未阐明口服强力霉素促进成年牙周炎患者的依恋水平增加和减少袋深的作用机制。 14尽管临床重要性尚不明确,但强力霉素在体外抑制胶原酶活性,口服强力霉素可降低成年牙周炎患者GCF中胶原酶活性的升高。 14
抑菌的。 1通过破坏核糖体位点的转移RNA和信使RNA来抑制易感细菌中的蛋白质合成。 1个
在体外对某些与牙周疾病有关的生物具有活性。 1个
在体外,强力霉素的浓度≤6mcg / mL可抑制牙龈卟啉单胞菌,中间型细肠杆菌,直弯弯曲杆菌和核梭状芽胞杆菌。 1个
在一项研究中,没有证据表明在接受龈下强力霉素治疗的成人牙周炎的龈下菌斑或唾液中培养的厌氧菌群中没有出现强力霉素抗性。 6
建议服用强力霉素片的患者饮用足够量的液体以减少食道刺激和溃疡的风险。 14
告知接受龈下强力霉素治疗的患者,在接受龈下强力霉素治疗后的7天之内,不要在治疗部位周围使用机械口腔卫生程序(即刷牙,用牙线清洁)很重要。 1个
建议接受口服或龈下强力霉素治疗的患者避免暴露在直射阳光或紫外线下的重要性,以及在出现皮肤红斑的第一时间通知牙科保健专业人员并停止治疗的重要性。 1 13 14
告知临床医生现有或预期的伴随疗法,包括处方药和非处方药以及任何伴随疾病。 1 14
告知妇女临床医生是否怀孕或计划怀孕或计划母乳喂养的重要性。 1 14建议患者强力霉素可能降低口服避孕药的有效性。 1 14
告知患者其他重要的预防信息的重要性。 1 14 (请参阅注意事项。)
路线 | 剂型 | 长处 | 品牌名称 | 制造商 |
口服 | 薄膜衣片 | 20毫克(强力霉素)* | 盐酸多西环素片 | |
龈下 | 液体,缓释聚合物套件 | 龈下使用液体,Atrigel 450毫克聚合物控释递送系统 牙龈下使用粉末,42.5 mg(强力霉素) | Atridox | 登马特 |
AHFS DI Essentials™。 ©版权所有2020,部分修订于2018年5月14日。美国卫生系统药剂师协会,东西高速公路4500号,马里兰州贝塞斯达900号套房20814。
1. Den-Mat Holdings,LLC。 Atridox (强力霉素盐酸盐10%)处方信息。加利福尼亚隆波克; 2016年10月
2.WennströmJL,Newman HN,MacNeill SR等。在非手术治疗慢性牙周炎中使用局部强力霉素。临床牙周病杂志。 2001年; 28:753-761。
3. Garrett S,Adams DF,Bogle G等。超过9个月的局部递送控释强力霉素或结垢和根部平整对牙周维持患者的影响。牙周病杂志。 2000; 71:22-30。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10695935?dopt=AbstractPlus
4. Garrett S,Johnson L,Drisko CH等。两项多中心研究评估了局部递送的盐酸多西环素,安慰剂对照,口腔卫生以及牙周炎治疗中的结垢和牙根整形。牙周病杂志。 1999年; 70:490-503。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10368053?dopt=AbstractPlus
5. Drisko CH。在局部治疗牙周炎中使用强力霉素。临床结果。临床牙周病杂志。 1998年; 25:947-52。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9839851?dopt=AbstractPlus
6. Walker CB,Godowski KC,Borden L.持续释放多西环素对龈下菌斑和唾液中厌氧菌群和抗生素耐药性模式的影响。牙周病杂志。 2000; 71:768-74。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10872958?dopt=AbstractPlus
7. Wolinsky LE,Camargo PM,Polson A等。通过局部递送含多西环素-hyclate的凝胶实现的先前机械疗法对于改变牙周状态的意义。临床牙周病杂志。 2001年; 28:1115-20。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11737508?dopt=AbstractPlus
8. Stoller NH,Johnson LR,Trapnell S等。与在牙齿龈沟液,唾液和血清中系统性递送强力霉素相比,含强力霉素的可生物降解控释递送系统的药代动力学特征。牙周病杂志。 1998年; 69:1085-91。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9802705?dopt=AbstractPlus
9. Ryder MI,Pons B,Adams D等。与结垢和根部平整相比,吸烟对局部释放控释强力霉素的影响。临床牙周病杂志。 1999年; 26:683-91。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10522780?dopt=AbstractPlus
10. Greenstein G,Tonetti M和美国牙周病学会的研究,科学与治疗委员会。立场文件。控制药物输送对牙周炎的作用。牙周病杂志。 2000; 71:125-40。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10695948?dopt=AbstractPlus
11. Greenstein G,PolsonA。局部药物在牙周疾病管理中的作用:全面综述。牙周病杂志。 1998年; 69:507-520。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9623893?dopt=AbstractPlus
12. Garrett S.强力霉素的局部给药,用于治疗牙周炎。纲要。 1999年; 20:437-46。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10650359?dopt=AbstractPlus
13.宾夕法尼亚州纽敦市的CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals公司。个人交流。
14. Lannett Company,Inc.盐酸多西环素片(相当于20毫克多西环素)的处方信息。宾夕法尼亚州费城; 2017年8月
15. Greenstein G. Periostat的作用成人牙周炎治疗中的关键评估。扩展Contin Educ Dent 。 1999年; 20:664,666-8,670,672,574,676-8。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10650384?dopt=AbstractPlus
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一名无明显病史的70岁女性患者突然出现严重头痛,然后在初次服用此药约15分钟后呕吐。患者还经历了记忆障碍。她不记得服药前下午的事件,也没有在提醒她后保留这些信息。事件持续了约30分钟,她被送往医院作进一步评估。不能引起其他原因,如中毒或外伤。到达医院后,患者能够记住下午的事件并可以保留新的信息,但是有关头痛发作后30分钟事件的健忘症仍然存在。患者的实验室检查结果,计算机断层扫描,MRI扫描,脑脊液和脑电图均未显示病理。当患者在两天后出院时,持续了30分钟的健忘症。消除其他症状原因后,由于剂量与症状发作之间密切相关,因此得出健忘症归因于该药物。 [参考]
服用四环素类抗生素的胶囊或片剂制剂的患者有食管炎和食道溃疡的报道。这些患者大多数都在睡觉前立即服用了该药。 [参考]
评估了使用这种药物治疗布鲁氏菌病的11岁男孩的无痛棕色指甲变色。该药物最初用于布鲁氏菌病,但在男孩发展为光敏性时停止使用,但开始治疗后15天棕色指甲变色。除了褐色变色外,男孩的身体状况正常,并且变色在1个月内消失。 [参考]
已经报道了非糖尿病患者的低血糖症。 [参考]
稀有(0.01%至0.1%):BUN /血液尿素增加(与剂量有关)
长期使用四环素与甲状腺的微观棕黑色变色有关。甲状腺功能异常尚未见报道。 [参考]
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19. Nelson R,Parker SR“多西环素诱导的成人牙齿染色:第一个报道的病例。”大皮肤病学杂志142(2006):1081-2
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22.克罗夫特AM,杰克逊CJ,达比郡AH“多西环素用于预防tick传播的复发性发热。” N Engl J Med 355(2006):1614;作者回复1614-5
23.药物不良反应咨询委员会“强力霉素引起的食道溃疡。” Med J Aust 161(1994):490
24. Foster JA,Sylvia LM“强力霉素引起的食管溃疡。” Ann Pharmacother 28(1994):1185-7
25. Wormser GP“临床实践。早期莱姆病。”英格兰医学杂志354(2006):2794-801
26.“小剂量强力霉素(红豆杉)用于酒渣鼻。” Med Lett Drugs Ther 49(2007):5-6
27. Amendola MA,Spera TD,《强力霉素诱发的食管炎》。牙买加253(1985):1009-11
28. Hasanjani Roushan先生,Mohraz M,Hajiahmadi M,Ramzani A,Valayati AA“庆大霉素加强力霉素与链霉素加强力霉素在治疗人类布鲁氏菌病中的疗效”。临床感染Dis 42(2006):1075-80
29. Grochenig HP,Tilg H,Vogetseder W“胃肠道疾病的临床挑战和影像。丸型食管炎。”胃肠病学131(2006):996,1365
30. de Vries HJ,Smelov V,Middelburg JG,Pleijster J,Speksnijder AG,Morre SA“用强力霉素治疗延迟性淋巴肉芽肿性直肠炎的微生物治疗”。临床感染Dis 48(2009):e53-6
32. Smith K,Leyden JJ,《强力霉素和米诺环素的安全性:系统评价》。临床杂志27(2005):1329-42
33. Passier A,Smits-van Herwaarden A,van Puijenbroek E“与强力霉素的使用有关的光电波解”。 BMJ 329(2004):265
34. Frost P,Weinstein GD,Gomez EC,“米诺环素和强力霉素的光毒性潜力”。大皮肤病学杂志105(1972):681-3
35. Lim DS,墨菲(Murphy)总经理,“高强度紫外线A光保护剂是防止多西环素光毒性所必需的:在东帝汶汲取的经验教训。” Br J Dermatol 149(2003):213-4
36.田中N,川田A,大西Y,Hiruma M,田岛S,秋山M,石桥A“由于盐酸多西环素的光敏性而引起的光敏性。”接触性皮炎37(1997):93-4
37. Lewis-Jones MS,Evans S,Thompson CM“在强力霉素治疗期间,多形性红斑与红斑狼疮有关。”临床皮肤病学杂志13(1988):245-7
38. Curley RK,Verbov JL,“由于四环素引起的史蒂文斯-约翰逊综合症:一例报告(强力霉素)并复习文献”。临床皮肤病学杂志12(1987):124-5
39. Habif TP“临床医学影像。强力霉素引起的光毒性。”英格兰医学杂志355(2006):182
40. Akcam M,Artan R,Akcam FZ,Yilmaz,“多西环素引起的指甲变色”。小儿科感染杂志J 24(2005):845-846
41. Bjornsson E,Lindberg J,Olsson R“肝脏对口服低剂量四环素的反应。”扫描的胃肠病杂志32(1997):390-5
42. Basaria S,Braga M,Moore WT,《多西环素诱导的非糖尿病年轻人血糖过低》。南方医学杂志95(2002):1353-4
43. Raeder JC“全身麻醉和β受体阻滞治疗期间静脉注射强力霉素引起的类过敏反应”。 Drug Intell Clin Pharm 18(1984):481-2
44. Chan AY,Liu DT,Friedman DI,Gordon LK,Egan RA“强力霉素与颅内高压”。神经学64(2005):765-6
45. Lochhead J,Elston JS,《强力霉素引起的颅内高压》。 BMJ 326(2003):641-2
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
-如果使用一水合物制剂,则初始口服剂量可以分为2或4个分次剂量(每12小时100 mg或每6小时50 mg)。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
IV :
-初始剂量:第一天静脉注射200 mg,分1或2次输注
-初始剂量:第一天口服200 mg,分2次服用(每12小时100 mg)
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服100 mg
Doryx(R)MPC :
---更严重的感染(尤其是慢性尿路感染):每12小时口服120 mg
-静脉内维持剂量取决于感染的严重程度; 200毫克剂量可以分1或2输注。
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-With trachoma, infectious agent is not always eliminated (as assessed by immunofluorescence).
-When used in streptococcal infections, duration of therapy should be 10 days.
-For the treatment of the following infections: Psittacosis (ornithosis) due to Chlamydophila psittaci; chancroid due to Haemophilus ducreyi; relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis; Campylobacter fetus infections; bartonellosis due to Bartonella bacilliformis; trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis; respiratory tract infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
-For the treatment of infections due to the following bacteria when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug: Escherichia coli; Enterobacter aerogenes; Shigella species; Acinetobacter species; respiratory tract infections due to H influenzae or Klebsiella species; upper respiratory infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae; urinary tract infections due to Klebsiella species
-When penicillin is contraindicated, as an alternative agent for the treatment of the following infections: Yaws due to Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue; listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes; Vincent's infection due to Fusobacterium fusiforme; actinomycosis due to Actinomyces israelii; infections due to Clostridium species
-As adjunctive therapy for: Acute intestinal amebiasis; severe acne
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections (especially chronic urinary tract infections): 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections (especially chronic urinary tract infections): 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-With trachoma, infectious agent is not always eliminated (as assessed by immunofluorescence).
-When used in streptococcal infections, duration of therapy should be 10 days.
-For the treatment of the following infections: Psittacosis (ornithosis) due to Chlamydophila psittaci; chancroid due to Haemophilus ducreyi; relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis; Campylobacter fetus infections; bartonellosis due to Bartonella bacilliformis; trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis due to Chlamydia trachomatis; respiratory tract infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
-For the treatment of infections due to the following bacteria when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug: Escherichia coli; Enterobacter aerogenes; Shigella species; Acinetobacter species; respiratory tract infections due to H influenzae or Klebsiella species; upper respiratory infections due to Streptococcus pneumoniae; urinary tract infections due to Klebsiella species
-When penicillin is contraindicated, as an alternative agent for the treatment of the following infections: Yaws due to Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue; listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes; Vincent's infection due to Fusobacterium fusiforme; actinomycosis due to Actinomyces israelii; infections due to Clostridium species
-As adjunctive therapy for: Acute intestinal amebiasis; severe acne
40 mg orally once a day in the morning
-The 40 mg capsule formulation
-This product should be taken on an empty stomach, preferably at least 1 hour prior to or 2 hours after meals.
-No meaningful effect shown for generalized erythema of rosacea.
-Safety and efficacy have not been established beyond 9 months and 16 weeks, respectively.
-This product has not been evaluated for treatment of erythematous, telangiectatic, or ocular components of rosacea.
Use: For the treatment of only inflammatory lesions (papules and pustules) of rosacea
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
Most products: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 60 days
-Parenteral therapy is recommended only when oral therapy is not indicated and should not be continued over an extended period.
-Oral therapy should be started as soon as possible.
-Treatment duration of 60 days includes any parenteral therapy plus oral therapy.
Use: For the treatment of anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis (including inhalational anthrax [postexposure]) to reduce the incidence or progression of disease after exposure to aerosolized B anthracis
-IV: 200 mg IV initially then 100 mg IV every 12 hours
-Oral: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Postexposure prophylaxis for B anthracis infection: 60 days
Systemic anthrax :
-When meningitis has been excluded: At least 2 weeks or until patient is clinically stable (whichever is longer)
-Patients exposed to aerosolized spores will require prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial regimen of 60 days from onset of illness.
-Bioterrorism-related cases: 60 days
-Recommended as a preferred oral drug for postexposure prophylaxis and for the treatment of cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Recommended as an alternative IV protein synthesis inhibitor for systemic anthrax when meningitis has been excluded
-Recommended for all strains (regardless of penicillin susceptibility or if susceptibility unknown) when used for postexposure prophylaxis or cutaneous anthrax without systemic involvement
-Systemic anthrax includes anthrax meningitis, inhalation anthrax, injection anthrax, gastrointestinal anthrax, and cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions of the head or neck.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
-Coadministration with streptomycin is recommended.
-According to some experts, this drug should be used with rifampin for at least 6 to 8 weeks; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
Use: For the treatment of brucellosis due to Brucella species
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of cholera due to Vibrio cholerae
Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Recommendations: 300 mg orally once
-Recommended for the treatment of infectious diarrhea due to V cholerae O1 or O139
Uncomplicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infection :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Alternative regimen for uncomplicated urethral or endocervical infection :
-Delayed-release tablets: 200 mg orally once a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
-These regimens (100 mg orally twice a day and 200 mg orally once a day) have been recommended by the US CDC for the treatment of chlamydial infections; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Uses: For the treatment of uncomplicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infections due to C trachomatis
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: At least 10 days
Use: For the treatment of acute epididymo-orchitis due to C trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 10 days
-With ceftriaxone, the recommended regimen for acute epididymitis most likely due to sexually transmitted chlamydia and gonorrhea
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
Alternate single visit dose :
-Most products: 300 mg orally initially followed in 1 hour by a second 300 mg dose
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 360 mg orally initially followed in 1 hour by a second 360 mg dose
-Not recommended for anorectal infections in men.
Use: For the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea due to N gonorrhoeae
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-With ceftriaxone (or cefixime), recommended for uncomplicated infections of the cervix, urethra, or rectum as an alternative second antimicrobial in patients with azithromycin allergy
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of granuloma inguinale due to Klebsiella granulomatis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: At least 3 weeks and until all lesions have completely healed
-Recommended as an alternative regimen
-Another antibiotic (eg, an aminoglycoside such as gentamicin) may be added if no improvement is observed after several days.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of lymphogranuloma venereum due to C trachomatis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 21 days
-Recommended as the preferred regimen
-Patients should be clinically monitored until signs/symptoms have resolved.
-Prolonged therapy may be needed for HIV-infected patients; delay in symptom resolution may occur.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 7 days
-According to the US CDC, this (100 mg orally twice a day) is a recommended regimen for chlamydial urethritis; current guidelines should be consulted for additional information.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Use: For the treatment of nongonococcal urethritis due to C trachomatis or Ureaplasma urealyticum
Most products: 100 mg orally once a day
-Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally once a day
-Prophylaxis should start 1 to 2 days before travel to endemic area; should continue daily while in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after leaving such areas
-Prophylaxis with this drug should not exceed 4 months.
Use: For prophylaxis of malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum in short-term travelers (less than 4 months) to areas with chloroquine and/or pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine resistant strains
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally once a day
-Recommended for prophylaxis in all areas
-Not recommended for use during pregnancy.
-Uncomplicated malaria: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-Severe malaria: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day for 7 days
-With quinine, recommended for uncomplicated malaria due to chloroquine-resistant P falciparum
-With quinine and primaquine, recommended for uncomplicated malaria due to chloroquine-resistant P vivax
-With quinine, recommended for severe malaria
20 mg orally twice a day for up to 9 months
-The 20 mg capsule or tablet formulation
-This product should be taken at least 1 hour prior to or 2 hours after meals.
-Safety and efficacy have not been established beyond 12 months and 9 months, respectively.
Use: As an adjunct to scaling and root planing to promote attachment level gain and to reduce pocket depth in patients with periodontitis
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Use: For the treatment of plague due to Yersinia pestis
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day or 200 mg orally or IV once a day
Duration of therapy: 10 to 14 days (or until 2 days after fever subsides)
-In general, recommended as an alternative regimen for the treatment of plague
-IV therapy should be started as soon as plague suspected; may switch to oral therapy once patient improves
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally twice a day for 7 days
-Recommended as a preferred agent for postexposure prophylaxis in patients with known exposure to plague (eg, close contact with pneumonic plague patient, direct contact with infected body fluids/tissues)
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Uses: For the treatment of rickettsial infections including Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever, rickettsialpox, and tick fevers due to Rickettsia species
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-RMSF, ehrlichiosis: At least 3 days after fever subsides and until evidence of clinical improvement
-Anaplasmosis: 10 days
-Recommended as drug of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases
-Tickborne rickettsial diseases include RMSF due to Rickettsia rickettsii, other spotted fever group rickettsioses due to R parkeri and Rickettsia species 364D, Ehrlichia chaffeensis ehrlichiosis (ie, human monocytic ehrlichiosis), other ehrlichioses due to E ewingii and E muris-like agent, and anaplasmosis due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (ie, human granulocytic anaplasmosis).
-The usual minimum duration of therapy for RMSF and ehrlichiosis is 5 to 7 days (total); severe/complicated disease may require longer therapy.
-According to some experts, typical duration of therapy for ehrlichiosis is 7 to 14 days.
IV :
-Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
-Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
Most Products :
-Initial dose: 200 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 100 mg orally once a day OR 50 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 100 mg orally every 12 hours
Doryx(R) MPC :
-Initial dose: 240 mg orally on the first day, given in 2 divided doses (120 mg every 12 hours)
-Maintenance dose: 120 mg orally once a day or 60 mg orally every 12 hours
---More severe infections: 120 mg orally every 12 hours
-The IV maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
-If using a monohydrate formulation, the initial oral dose may be given in 2 or 4 divided doses (100 mg every 12 hours or 50 mg every 6 hours).
Uses: For the treatment of rickettsial infections including Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever, rickettsialpox, and tick fevers due to Rickettsia species
US CDC Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV twice a day
-RMSF, ehrlichiosis: At least 3 days after fever subsides and until evidence of clinical improvement
-Anaplasmosis: 10 days
-Recommended as drug of choice for all tickborne rickettsial diseases
-Tickborne rickettsial diseases include RMSF due to Rickettsia rickettsii, other spotted fever group rickettsioses due to R parkeri and Rickettsia species 364D, Ehrlichia chaffeensis ehrlichiosis (ie, human monocytic ehrlichiosis), other ehrlichioses due to E ewingii and E muris-like agent, and anaplasmosis due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum (ie, human granulocytic anaplasmosis).
-The usual minimum duration of therapy for RMSF and ehrlichiosis is 5 to 7 days (total); severe/complicated disease may require longer therapy.
-According to some experts, typical duration of therapy for ehrlichiosis is 7 to 14 days.
Initial dose: 200 mg IV on the first day, given in 1 or 2 infusions
Maintenance dose: 100 to 200 mg/day IV
-Not the drug of choice for any type of staphylococcal infection
-The maintenance dose depends on the severity of the infection; the 200 mg dose may be given in 1 or 2 infusions.
Use: For the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections due to Staphylococcus aureus when bacteriological testing shows suitable susceptibility to this drug
IDSA Recommendations: 100 mg orally or IV every 12 hours
-Recommended as oral therapy for skin and soft tissue infections due to methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant S aureus, bacillary angiomatosis, bubonic plague, tularemia, and infections after human bites
-Recommended as oral therapy for purulent cellulitis (cellulitis associated with purulent drainage/exudate without a drainable abscess) due to methicillin-resistant S aureus
-With other agents, recommended as a part of an IV regimen for necrotizing infections of the skin, fascia, and muscle due to Aeromonas hydrophila or V vulnificus
-Recommended oral or IV therapy for infections after animal bites
-Recommended duration of therapy for bacillary angiomatosis is 2 weeks to 2 months
Early :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 2 weeks
More than 1-year duration :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
For the treatment of primary or secondary syphilis, some manufacturers recommend: 300 mg/day orally (in divided doses) or IV for at least 10 days
-Penicillin is the drug of choice.
-The patient's sexual partner(s) should also be evaluated/treated.
Use: When penicillin is contraindicated, as alternative therapy for syphilis due to T pallidum
-Primary or secondary syphilis: 100 mg orally twice a day for 14 days
-Latent syphilis: 100 mg orally twice a day for 28 days
-Recommended for nonpregnant penicillin-allergic patients
-Penicillin-allergic pregnant patients or penicillin-allergic patients whose compliance cannot be ensured should be desensitized and treated with benzathine penicillin.
Early :
-Most products: 100 mg orally twice a day
---Alternatively, Doryx(R) MPC: 120 mg orally twice a day
Duration of therapy: 2 weeks
More than 1-year duration :
-Most products: 100 mg oral
强力霉素。修订于01/2020。 Drugs.com https://www.drugs.com/ppa/doxycycline.html
版权所有1996-2020 Drugs.com。修订日期:2020年6月10日。
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