在开始治疗之前,先测量ALT,AST,碱性磷酸酶和总胆红素,然后根据建议定期测量ALT和AST。在治疗期间,如果ALT或AST≥3X ULN,则调整JUXTAPID的剂量。因临床上明显的肝毒性而停用JUXTAPID [参见剂量和用法(2.4)和警告和注意事项(5.1)]。
由于存在肝毒性风险,因此只能通过名为JUXTAPID REMS程序的风险评估和缓解策略(REMS)下的受限程序来使用JUXTAPID [请参阅警告和注意事项(5.2)]。仅对临床或实验室诊断与HoFH一致的患者开具JUXTAPID。对于没有HoFH的高胆固醇血症患者,尚未确定JUXTAPID的安全性和有效性[请参阅适应症和用法(1)] 。
JUXTAPID可作为低脂饮食和其他降脂治疗(包括LDL血液分离术)的辅助手段,以降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C),总胆固醇(TC),载脂蛋白B(apo B)和纯合子家族性高胆固醇血症(HoFH)患者的非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(non-HDL-C)。
JUXTAPID的建议起始剂量为每天5 mg,应根据可接受的安全性和耐受性逐步提高剂量。转氨酶应在剂量增加之前进行测量[见警告和注意事项(5.1)] 。 JUXTAPID的维持剂量应个体化,并考虑到患者的特征,例如治疗目标和对治疗的反应,如表1所述,最大每日60 mg,如表1所述。对同时服用弱CYP3A4抑制剂的患者和服用CYP3A4抑制剂的患者调整剂量肾功能不全或基线肝功能不全[请参阅剂量和给药方法(2.3),(2.5)和(2.6)] 。如警告和注意事项(5.1)中所述,在用JUXTAPID治疗期间监测转氨酶,对于转氨酶值≥正常值(ULN)上限3倍的患者,应减少或不加药[见剂量和用法(2.4)]。
剂量 | 在考虑增加下一次剂量之前的管理时间 |
每天5毫克 | 至少2周 |
每天10毫克 | 至少4周 |
每天20毫克 | 至少4周 |
每天40毫克 | 至少4周 |
每天60毫克 | 最大推荐剂量 |
为了降低因JUXTAPID在小肠中的作用机理而引起脂溶性营养素缺乏的风险,接受JUXTAPID治疗的患者应每日服用包含400国际单位维生素E和至少200 mg亚油酸,210 mgα-亚麻酸(ALA),110毫克二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和80毫克二十二碳六烯酸(DHA) [请参阅警告和注意事项(5.4) ]。
JUXTAPID禁忌同时使用中度和强力细胞色素P450 3A4(CYP3A4)抑制剂[见禁忌症(4)和药物相互作用(7.1)]。
JUXTAPID的建议最大剂量为每天30 mg,并同时使用弱CYP3A4抑制剂(如阿普唑仑,胺碘酮,氨氯地平,阿托伐他汀,比卡鲁胺,西洛他唑,西咪替丁,环孢菌素,氟西汀,氟伏沙明,银杏,金葡菌,异烟肼帕唑帕尼,雷尼替丁,雷诺嗪,替卡格雷,齐留通)。但是,JUXTAPID的最大推荐剂量为每天40 mg,同时使用口服避孕药。
在已经每天服用JUXTAPID 10 mg或更多的患者中开始使用弱CYP3A4抑制剂时,应将JUXTAPID的剂量减半;每天服用5毫克JUXTAPID的患者可以继续使用相同剂量。然后,根据LDL-C反应和安全性/耐受性,可以考虑将JUXTAPID小心滴定至每天30 mg的最大推荐剂量,除非与口服避孕药合用,在这种情况下,洛米他肽的最大推荐剂量为每天40 mg [请参阅药物相互作用(7.2)] 。
ALT或AST | 治疗和监测建议* |
| |
≥3×和<5×ULN |
≥5×ULN |
如果转氨酶升高伴有肝损伤的临床症状(例如恶心,呕吐,腹痛,发烧,黄疸,嗜睡,流感样症状),胆红素≥2×ULN升高或活动性肝病,请停用JUXTAPID治疗并调查以找出可能的原因[请参阅警告和注意事项(5.1)] 。
接受透析的终末期肾脏疾病患者每天不应超过40 mg。没有可用的数据来指导其他肾功能不全患者的用药[见特定人群的使用(8.6)]。
轻度肝功能不全(Child-Pugh A)的患者每天不应超过40毫克[请参见在特定人群中使用(8.7)] 。
5毫克:印有黑色墨水“ A733”和“ 5毫克”的橙色/橙色硬明胶胶囊
10毫克:橙色/白色硬明胶胶囊,印有黑色墨水“ A733”和“ 10毫克”
20毫克:用黑色墨水“ A733”和“ 20毫克”印刷的白色/白色硬明胶胶囊
30毫克:橙色/黄色硬明胶胶囊,印有黑色墨水“ A733”和“ 30毫克”
JUXTAPID可能导致转氨酶升高和肝脂肪变性,如下所述[请参阅警告和注意事项(5.2)] 。 JUXTAPID相关的肝脂肪变性促进转氨酶升高的程度尚不清楚。尽管尚无肝功能障碍(转氨酶升高,胆红素或INR升高)或肝功能衰竭的病例报道,但人们担心JUXTAPID可能诱发脂肪性肝炎,并可能在数年内发展为肝硬化。考虑到JUXTAPID在HoFH中的安全性和有效性,有关其规模和持续时间的临床研究不可能检测到这种不良结局[见临床研究(14)] 。
在为期78周的HoFH临床试验期间,没有任何患者因转氨酶升高而提前终止治疗。在随后参加HoFH扩展研究的19例患者中,有1例由于转氨酶增加而中断,尽管减少了数次剂量仍持续存在,而1例由于转氨酶显着升高(ALT 24×ULN,AST 13×ULN)而暂时中止。原因,包括JUXTAPID和强CYP3A4抑制剂克拉霉素之间的药物相互作用[见药物相互作用(7.1)]。
时间 | 推荐建议 |
开始治疗之前 |
第一年 |
第一年后 |
治疗期间的任何时候 |
JUXTAPID可增加或不伴随转氨酶增加的肝脏脂肪。肝脂肪变性是进行性肝病(包括脂肪性肝炎和肝硬化)的危险因素。与JUXTAPID治疗相关的肝脂肪变性的长期后果尚不清楚。在HoFH临床试验期间,通过磁共振波谱(MRS)测量,治疗26周和78周后,肝脂肪的绝对中位数绝对值增加了6%,而基线时为1% [见不良反应(6.1)]。临床数据表明,停止使用JUXTAPID治疗后,肝脏脂肪蓄积是可逆的,但尚不清楚是否会保留组织学后遗症,尤其是长期使用后; HoFH临床试验未进行方案肝活检。
当JUXTAPID与其他已知具有肝毒性潜力的药物(例如异维A酸,胺碘酮,对乙酰氨基酚(> 4 g /天,≥3天/周),甲氨蝶呤,四环素和他莫昔芬一起使用时,应谨慎行事。未知JUXTAPID与其他肝毒性药物同时给药的效果。可能需要更频繁地监测肝脏相关的检查。
由于与JUXTAPID治疗相关的肝毒性风险,因此可以通过REMS下的受限程序获得JUXTAPID。根据JUXTAPID REMS,只有经过认证的医疗保健提供者和药房可以开具和分发JUXTAPID。有关更多信息,请访问www.JUXTAPIDREMSProgram.com或致电1-85-JUXTAPID(1-855-898-2743)。
根据动物研究的结果,在怀孕期间禁忌使用JUXTAPID,因为它可能引起胎儿伤害[参见禁忌症(4),在特定人群中的使用( 8.1,8.3 )]。在大鼠和雪貂的动物生殖研究中,在临床相关的暴露下观察到了胚胎死亡和胎儿畸形。有生殖能力的女性在开始使用JUXTAPID之前应进行阴性妊娠试验。建议有生殖潜力的女性在使用JUXTAPID治疗期间以及最终剂量后的两周内使用有效的避孕方法。如果检测到怀孕,请中止JUXTAPID。
鉴于其在小肠中的作用机理,JUXTAPID可能会减少脂溶性营养物质的吸收。在HoFH临床试验中,每天为患者提供维生素E,亚油酸,α-亚麻酸(ALA),二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的膳食补充剂。在该试验中,血清维生素E,ALA,亚油酸,EPA,DHA和花生四烯酸的中值水平从基线下降至第26周,但仍高于参考范围的下限。 JUXTAPID治疗长达78周未观察到这些减少的不良临床后果。用JUXTAPID治疗的患者应每日补充,其中包含400国际单位维生素E和至少200 mg亚油酸,210 mg ALA,110 mg EPA和80 mg DHA [请参见剂量和用法(2.1)] 。使用JUXTAPID导致易吸收不良的慢性肠或胰腺疾病患者可能缺乏这些营养素。
在HoFH临床试验中,有29位患者中有27位(93%)报告了胃肠道不良反应。腹泻发生率为79%,恶心率为65%,消化不良为38%,呕吐为34%。至少20%的患者报告的其他反应包括腹痛,腹部不适,腹胀,便秘和肠胃气胀[请参阅不良反应(6)] 。
为了降低胃肠道不良事件的风险,患者应坚持低脂饮食,脂肪摄入的能量少于20%,并且JUXTAPID的剂量应逐渐增加[见剂量和用法(2.1)和(2.2)] 。
CYP3A4抑制剂增加洛米他肽的暴露,强抑制剂将暴露增加约27倍。禁止将中度或强效CYP3A4抑制剂与JUXTAPID并用[见药物相互作用(7.1)]。在JUXTAPID临床试验中,一名HoFH患者在开始使用强效CYP3A4抑制剂克拉霉素后几天内,转氨酶水平显着升高(ALT 24x ULN,AST 13x ULN)。如果不可避免要用中度或强效CYP3A4抑制剂治疗,则应在治疗过程中停用JUXTAPID。
弱的CYP3A4抑制剂可使洛米肽的暴露增加约2倍;因此,当JUXTAPID与弱CYP3A4抑制剂一起给药时,JUXTAPID的剂量应减半。然后可以根据LDL-C反应和对最大推荐剂量每天30 mg的安全性/耐受性考虑谨慎滴定,但与口服避孕药合用时除外,在这种情况下,最大推荐剂量洛米他肽为每天40 mg [请参阅剂量和给药方法( 2.3)和药物相互作用(7.2)]。
辛伐他汀和洛伐他汀单一疗法引起肌病包括横纹肌溶解的风险与剂量有关。 Lomitapide使辛伐他汀的暴露量大约翻倍;因此,建议在开始使用JUXTAPID时将辛伐他汀的剂量减少50% [请参见临床药理学(12.3)] 。服用JUXTAPID时,将辛伐他汀的剂量限制为每天20 mg(对于以前耐受辛伐他汀80 mg至少一年且无肌肉毒性迹象的患者,每天剂量应为40 mg)。有关其他剂量建议,请参考辛伐他汀处方信息。
JUXTAPID增加华法林的血浆浓度。 JUXTAPID剂量的增加可能导致超治疗性抗凝,JUXTAPID剂量的减少可能导致亚治疗性抗凝。难以控制的INR导致HoFH临床试验的早期停用导致了五名同时服用华法林的患者之一。服用华法令的患者应定期监测INR,尤其是在JUXTAPID剂量发生任何变化后。华法林的剂量应按照临床指示进行调整[见药物相互作用(7.3)] 。
在29位HoFH患者中进行了一项单臂,开放标签,为期78周的试验,其中23位患者完成了至少一年的治疗。 JUXTAPID的初始剂量为每天5 mg,根据安全性和耐受性,在18周内每天最多可滴定60 mg。在该试验中,平均年龄为30.7岁(范围为18至55岁),男性为16(55%)名患者,白种人为25(86%)名患者,亚洲为2(7%),为1(3%)是非裔美国人,其中1(3%)是多种族[见临床研究(14)] 。
参加临床试验的29位HoFH患者中有5位(17%)由于不良反应而中止了治疗。导致治疗中断的不良反应包括腹泻(2例; 7%)和腹痛,恶心,胃肠炎,体重减轻,头痛和华法林INR难以控制(每例1例; 3%)。
最常见的不良反应是胃肠道疾病,在29例患者中有27例(93%)报告。 HoFH临床试验中≥8(28%)位患者报告的不良反应包括腹泻,恶心,呕吐,消化不良和腹痛。由5到7(17-24%)患者报告的其他常见不良反应包括体重减轻,腹部不适,腹胀,便秘,肠胃气胀,ALT升高,胸痛,流感,鼻咽炎和疲劳。
不良反应 | 氮(%) |
胃肠道疾病 | |
腹泻 | 23(79) |
恶心 | 19(65) |
消化不良 | 11(38) |
呕吐 | 10(34) |
腹痛 | 10(34) |
腹部不适 | 6(21) |
腹胀 | 6(21) |
便秘 | 6(21) |
肠胃气胀 | 6(21) |
胃食管反流病 | 3(10) |
排便紧迫 | 3(10) |
直肠里急后重 | 3(10) |
传染病 | |
流感 | 6(21) |
鼻咽炎 | 5(17) |
肠胃炎 | 4(14) |
调查 | |
减轻重量 | 7(24) |
ALT升高 | 5(17) |
一般性疾病 | |
胸痛 | 7(24) |
疲劳 | 5(17) |
发热 | 3(10) |
肌肉骨骼疾病 | |
背疼 | 4(14) |
神经系统疾病 | |
头痛 | 3(10) |
头晕 | 3(10) |
呼吸系统疾病 | |
咽喉痛 | 4(14) |
鼻塞 | 3(10) |
心脏疾病 | |
心绞痛 | 3(10) |
心pit | 3(10) |
29例患者中有8例(28%)发生了严重的不良反应,最常见的是腹泻(4例,14%),呕吐(3例,10%),ALT或肝毒性增加(3例,10%) ),腹痛,腹胀和/或不适(2例,占7%)。
氮(%) | |
正常(ULN)的上限介于ALT的33-41国际单位/ L和AST的36-43国际单位/ L之间。 | |
总患者 | 29 |
最高ALT | |
≥3至<5×ULN | 6(21%) |
≥5至<10×ULN | 3(10%) |
≥10至<20×ULN | 1(3%) |
≥20×正常值上限 | 0 |
最大AST | |
≥3至<5×ULN | 5(17%) |
≥5至<10×ULN | 1(3%) |
≥10至<20×ULN | 0 |
≥20×正常值上限 | 0 |
在HoFH临床试验后参加扩展研究的19例患者中,有1例由于转氨酶增加而中断,尽管减少了数次剂量仍持续存在,而1例由于转氨酶显着升高(ALT 24×ULN,AST 13×ULN)而暂时中止。有几种可能的原因,包括JUXTAPID和强效CYP3A4抑制剂克拉霉素之间的药物相互作用[见药物相互作用(7.1)]。
在HoFH临床试验期间,对所有合格患者使用磁共振波谱(MRS)前瞻性测量了肝脂肪。 26周后,肝脂肪相对于基线的绝对绝对中值增加了6%,平均绝对增加了8%(范围从0%到30%)。 78周后,肝脂肪相对于基线的绝对绝对中值增加了6%,平均绝对增加了7%(范围从0%到18%)。在23名具有可评估数据的患者中,至少有1次在试验过程中,有18名(78%)的肝脂肪增加了> 5%,而3名(13%)的肝脂肪增加了> 20%。停止JUXTAPID后重复测量的个体的数据显示,肝脂肪蓄积是可逆的,但尚不知道组织后遗症是否存在。
一种强效CYP3A4抑制剂已显示可增加洛米特肽暴露约27倍[见临床药理学(12.3)] 。并用强效CYP3A4抑制剂(例如boceprevir,clarithromycin,conivaptan,indinavir,itraconazole,ketoconazole,lopinavir / ritonavir,nefazodone,nelfinavir,posaconazole,ritonavir,saquinavir,telapreviride,mitelavoravide,istipconidevir,teelevivir,telithromin,telelevivir,telithromin)。尚未研究中度CYP3A4抑制剂(如安普那韦,阿瑞匹坦,阿扎那韦,环丙沙星,克唑替尼,达鲁那韦/利托那韦,地尔硫卓,红霉素,氟康唑,氟苯那韦,伊马替尼,维拉帕米定)的同时使用,但不建议与Locomidein并用这些抑制剂的存在下可能会显着增加。
患者在服用JUXTAPID时必须避免使用葡萄柚汁[参见禁忌症(4),警告和注意事项(5.6)和临床药理学(12.3)] 。
弱CYP3A4抑制剂(如阿普唑仑,胺碘酮,氨氯地平,阿托伐他汀,比卡鲁胺,西洛他唑,西咪替丁,环孢菌素,氟西汀,氟伏沙明,银杏,金印,异烟肼,拉帕替尼,尼洛替尼,帕洛帕尼约2倍[参见临床药理学(12.3)] 。当与弱CYP3A4抑制剂一起给药时,JUXTAPID的剂量应减半。然后可根据LDL-C反应和安全性/耐受性,对JUXTAPID进行仔细滴定,直至每天30 mg的最大推荐剂量,除非与口服避孕药合用,在这种情况下,洛米肽的最大推荐剂量为每天40 mg [请参阅剂量和剂量给药(2.3),警告和注意事项(5.6)和临床药理学(12.3)] 。
Lomitapide使R(+)-华法林和S(-)-华法林的血浆浓度增加约30%,而INR增加22%。服用华法令的患者应定期监测INR,尤其是在洛米他肽剂量发生任何变化后。华法林的剂量应按照临床指示进行调整[见警告和注意事项(5.8)] 。
辛伐他汀和洛伐他汀单一疗法引起肌病包括横纹肌溶解的风险与剂量有关。 Lomitapide使辛伐他汀的暴露量几乎翻倍;因此,开始使用JUXTAPID时,辛伐他汀的推荐剂量应减少50% [请参见临床药理学(12.3)] 。服用JUXTAPID时,将辛伐他汀的剂量限制为每天20 mg(对于以前耐受辛伐他汀80 mg至少一年且无肌肉毒性迹象的患者,每天剂量应为40 mg)。有关辛伐他汀剂量的建议,请参考辛伐他汀的处方信息。
Lomitapide是P-糖蛋白(P-gp)的抑制剂。 Lomitapide与P-gp底物(例如阿利吉仑,安布森坦,秋水仙碱,达比加群酯,地高辛,依维莫司,非索非那定,伊马替尼,拉帕替尼,马拉维罗洛,尼洛替尼,泊沙康唑,雷诺嗪,沙格列汀,西洛莫司坦,可能会增加P-gp底物的吸收。当与洛米肽同时使用时,应考虑降低P-gp底物的剂量。
JUXTAPID尚未经过测试与胆汁酸螯合剂的相互作用。 JUXTAPID和胆汁酸螯合剂的给药应至少间隔4小时,因为胆汁酸螯合剂会干扰口服药物的吸收。
根据动物研究的结果,在怀孕期间禁忌使用JUXTAPID,因为它可能引起胎儿伤害[请参见禁忌症(4),警告和注意事项(5.3)]。现有的人类数据不足以得出有关主要出生缺陷,流产或不良的母婴结果的任何药物相关风险的结论。 However, in animal reproduction studies, lomitapide was teratogenic in rats at clinically relevant exposures and in ferrets at exposures estimated to be less than human therapeutic exposure at 60 mg when administered during organogenesis, based on AUC comparisons. Embryo-fetal lethality was observed in rabbits at 6-times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 60 mg based on body surface area. If pregnancy is detected, discontinue JUXTAPID.
对于指定人群,估计的主要先天缺陷和流产的背景风险尚不清楚。 In the US general population, the estimated background risks of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2-4% and 15-20%, respectively.
Oral gavage doses of 0.04, 0.4, or 4 mg/kg/day lomitapide given to pregnant rats from gestation day 6 through organogenesis were associated with fetal malformations at ≥2-times human exposure at the MRHD (60 mg) based on plasma AUC comparisons. Fetal malformations included umbilical hernia, gastroschisis, imperforate anus, alterations in heart shape and size, limb malrotations, skeletal malformations of the tail, and delayed ossification of cranial, vertebral and pelvic bones.
Oral gavage doses of 1.6, 4, 10, or 25 mg/kg/day lomitapide given to pregnant ferrets from gestation day 12 through organogenesis were associated with both maternal toxicity and fetal malformations at exposures that ranged from less than the human exposure at the MRHD to 5-times the human exposure at the MRHD. Fetal malformations included umbilical hernia, medially rotated or short limbs, absent or fused digits on paws, cleft palate, open eye lids, low-set ears, and kinked tail.
Oral gavage doses of 0.1, 1, or 10 mg/kg/day lomitapide given to pregnant rabbits from gestation day 6 through organogenesis were not associated with adverse effects at systemic exposures up to 3-times the MRHD of 60 mg based on body surface area comparison. Treatment at doses of ≥20 mg/kg/day, ≥6-times the MRHD, resulted in embryo-fetal lethality.
Pregnant female rats given oral gavage doses of 0.1, 0.3, or 1 mg/kg/day lomitapide from gestation day 7 through termination of nursing on lactation day 20 were associated with malformations at systemic exposures equivalent to human exposure at the MRHD of 60 mg based on AUC. Increased pup mortality occurred at 4-times the MRHD.
There are no data on the presence of lomitapide in human or animal milk, effects on the breastfed infant or on milk production. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions, including hepatotoxicity, advise patients that breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment with JUXTAPID.
Females of reproductive potential should have a negative pregnancy test before starting JUXTAPID.
Based on animal studies, JUXTAPID may cause fetal harm when administered to pregnant women [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1) ]. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with JUXTAPID and for two weeks after the final dose .
The use of JUXTAPID may result in reduced efficacy of oral contraceptives if vomiting or diarrhea occurs. Advise patients using oral contraceptives and who experience vomiting or diarrhea to use an effective alternative contraceptive method until 7 days after resolution of symptoms [see Drug Interactions (7.2)].
Clinical studies of JUXTAPID did not include sufficient numbers of patients aged 65 years and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger patients. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dosing for an elderly patient should be cautious, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.
Patients with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis should not exceed 40 mg daily since lomitapide exposure in these patients increased approximately 50% compared with healthy volunteers. Effects of mild, moderate, and severe renal impairment, including those with end-stage renal disease not yet receiving dialysis, on lomitapide exposure have not been studied. However, it is possible that patients with renal impairment who are not yet receiving dialysis may experience increases in lomitapide exposure exceeding 50% [see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)] .
Patients with mild hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh A) should not exceed 40 mg daily since the lomitapide exposure in these patients increased approximately 50% compared with healthy volunteers. JUXTAPID is contraindicated in patients with moderate (Child-Pugh B) or severe (Child-Pugh C) hepatic impairment since the lomitapide exposure in patients with moderate hepatic impairment increased 164% compared with healthy volunteers [see Contraindications (4) and Clinical Pharmacology (12.3)] .
There is no specific treatment in the event of overdose of JUXTAPID. In the event of overdose, the patient should be treated symptomatically and supportive measures instituted as required. Liver-related tests should be monitored. Hemodialysis is unlikely to be beneficial given that lomitapide is highly protein bound.
Juxtapid Capsules contain lomitapide mesylate, a synthetic lipid-lowering agent for oral administration.
The chemical name of lomitapide mesylate is N-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)-9-[4-[4-[[[4'-(trifluoromethyl)[1,1'-biphenyl]-2-yl]carbonyl]amino]-1-piperidinyl]butyl]-9 H -fluorene-9-carboxamide, methanesulfonate salt.其结构式为:
The empirical formula for lomitapide mesylate is C 39 H 37 F 6 N 3 O 2 ∙ CH 4 O 3 S and its molecular weight is 789.8.
Lomitapide mesylate is a white to off-white powder that is slightly soluble in aqueous solutions of pH 2 to 5. Lomitapide mesylate is freely soluble in acetone, ethanol, and methanol; soluble in 2-butanol, methylene chloride, and acetonitrile; sparingly soluble in 1-octanol and 2-propanol; slightly soluble in ethyl acetate; and insoluble in heptane.
Each JUXTAPID capsule contains lomitapide mesylate equivalent to 5, 10, 20, or 30 mg lomitapide free base and the following inactive ingredients: pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. The capsule shells of all strengths contain gelatin and titanium dioxide; the 5 mg, 10 mg and 30 mg capsules also contain red iron oxide; and the 30 mg capsules also contain yellow iron oxide. The imprinting ink contains shellac, black iron oxide, and propylene glycol.
JUXTAPID directly binds and inhibits microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP), which resides in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby preventing the assembly of apo B-containing lipoproteins in enterocytes and hepatocytes. This inhibits the synthesis of chylomicrons and VLDL. The inhibition of the synthesis of VLDL leads to reduced levels of plasma LDL-C.
Effects on QT Interval
At a concentration 23 times the C max of the maximum recommended dose, lomitapide does not prolong QTc to any clinically relevant extent.
Upon oral administration of a single 60-mg dose of JUXTAPID, the lomitapide t max is around 6 hours in healthy volunteers. The absolute bioavailability of lomitapide is approximately 7%. Lomitapide pharmacokinetics is approximately dose-proportional for oral single doses from 10-100 mg.
The mean lomitapide volume of distribution at steady state is 985-1292 liters. Lomitapide is 99.8% plasma-protein bound.
Lomitapide is metabolized extensively by the liver. The metabolic pathways include oxidation, oxidative N-dealkylation, glucuronide conjugation, and piperidine ring opening. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 metabolizes lomitapide to its major metabolites, M1 and M3, as detected in plasma. The oxidative N-dealkylation pathway breaks the lomitapide molecule into M1 and M3. M1 is the moiety that retains the piperidine ring, whereas M3 retains the rest of the lomitapide molecule in vitro . CYPs 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, and 2C19 may metabolize lomitapide to a small extent to M1. M1 and M3 do not inhibit activity of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein in vitro .
In a mass-balance study, a mean of 59.5% and 33.4% of the dose was excreted in the urine and feces, respectively. In another mass-balance study, a mean of 52.9% and 35.1% of the dose was excreted in the urine and feces, respectively. Lomitapide was not detectable in urine samples. M1 is the major urinary metabolite. Lomitapide is the major component in the feces. The mean lomitapide terminal half-life is 39.7 hours.
A single-dose, open-label study was conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of 60 mg lomitapide in healthy volunteers with normal hepatic function compared with patients with mild (Child-Pugh A) and moderate (Child-Pugh B) hepatic impairment. In patients with moderate hepatic impairment, lomitapide AUC and C max were 164% and 361% higher, respectively, compared with healthy volunteers. In patients with mild hepatic impairment, lomitapide AUC and C max were 47% and 4% higher, respectively, compared with healthy volunteers. Lomitapide has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score 10-15) [see Dosage and Administration (2.6), Contraindications (4), Warnings and Precautions (5.1), and Use in Specific Populations (8.7)] .
A single-dose, open-label study was conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of 60 mg lomitapide in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis compared with healthy volunteers with normal renal function. Healthy volunteers had estimated creatinine clearance >80 mL/min by the Cockcroft-Gault equation. Compared with healthy volunteers, lomitapide AUC 0-inf and C max were 40% and 50% higher, respectively, in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis. Effects of mild, moderate, and severe renal impairment as well as end-stage renal disease not yet on dialysis on lomitapide exposure have not been studied [see Dosage and Administration (2.5) and Use in Specific Populations (8.6)] .
[see Dosage and Administration (2.3), Contraindications (4), Warnings and Precautions (5.6), (5.7), (5.8), and Drug Interactions (7)].
In vitro Assessment of Drug Interactions
Lomitapide does not induce CYPs 1A2, 3A4, or 2B6. Lomitapide inhibits CYP3A4. Lomitapide does not inhibit CYPs 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, or 2E1. M1 and M3 do not induce CYPs 1A2, 3A4, or 2B6. M1 and M3 do not inhibit CYPs 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, or 3A4. Lomitapide is not a P-gp substrate. Lomitapide inhibits P-gp but does not inhibit breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP).
Effects of other Drugs on Lomitapide
Table 6 summarizes the effect of coadministered drugs on lomitapide AUC and C max .
AUC | 最高温度 | |||
BID = twice daily; QD = once daily | ||||
↑ = increase | ||||
Contraindicated with lomitapide [see Contraindications (4) and Warnings and Precautions (5.6)] | ||||
酮康唑 | 200 mg BID for 9 days | 60 mg single dose | ↑ 27 | ↑ 15 |
Adjustment necessary when coadministered with lomitapide [see Dosage and Administration (2.3) and Warnings and Precautions (5.6)] | ||||
AUC | 最高温度 | |||
阿托伐他汀 | 80 mg QD | 20 mg single dose | ↑2 | ↑2.1 |
Ethinyl Estradiol (EE) / norgestimate | 0.035 mg EE/ 0.25 mg norgestimate QD | 20 mg single dose | ↑1.3 | ↑1.4 |
Effect of Lomitapide on other Drugs
Table 7 summarizes the effects of lomitapide on the AUC and C max of coadministered drugs.
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义不大。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |