应将米托蒽醌注射液USP(浓缩液)缓慢注入自由流动的静脉输液液中。绝不能在皮下,肌肉内或动脉内给予该药物。如果在给药过程中有外溢,可能会导致严重的局部组织损伤。 (请参阅不良反应,一般,皮肤和剂量与用法,制备和给药注意事项)。
不用于鞘内使用。鞘内给药可导致永久性后遗症的严重伤害。 (请参阅一般警告)
除治疗急性非淋巴细胞性白血病外,基线中性粒细胞计数低于1,500细胞/ mm 3的患者一般不应给予米托蒽醌治疗。为了监测骨髓抑制的发生,主要是中性粒细胞减少症,可能很严重并导致感染,建议对所有接受米托蒽醌治疗的患者进行频繁的外周血细胞计数。
充血性心力衰竭(CHF)可能致命,可能在米托蒽醌治疗期间或治疗终止后数月至数年发生。心脏毒性风险随米托蒽醌累积剂量的增加而增加,无论是否存在心脏危险因素,都可能发生。心血管疾病的存在或病史,对纵隔/心包区的放疗,先前使用其他蒽环类或蒽环二酮的治疗或使用其他心脏毒性药物可能会增加这种风险。在癌症患者中,对于累积剂量最高为140 mg / m 2的患者,有症状CHF的风险估计为2.6%。为了减轻米托蒽醌的心脏毒性风险,开药者应考虑以下事项:
米托蒽醌注射液,USP(浓缩液)是用于静脉使用的合成抗肿瘤药蒽二酮。分子式为C 22 H 28 N 4 O 6 ∙2HCl,分子量为517.41。它是作为浓缩液提供的,注射前必须稀释。浓缩物是一种无菌,无热源的深蓝色水溶液,含有相当于2 mg / mL米托蒽醌游离碱的米托蒽醌盐酸盐,氯化钠(0.80%w / v),焦亚硫酸钠(0.01%w / v),乙酸钠(0.005) %w / v),乙酸(0.046%w / v)和注射用水(USP)作为无效成分。溶液的pH值为3.0至4.5,每毫升钠含量为0.14 mEq。该产品不含防腐剂。化学名称为1,4-二羟基-5,8-双[[2-[((2-羟基乙基)氨基]乙基]氨基] -9,10-蒽二酮二盐酸盐,结构式为:
单室静脉给予米托蒽醌后,米托蒽醌的药代动力学可以通过三室模型来表征。米托蒽醌的平均α半衰期为6至12分钟,平均β半衰期为1.1至3.1小时,平均γ(终末或消除)半衰期为23至215小时(中位数约为75小时)。尚未接受每日多次给药的人体进行药代动力学研究。组织分布广泛:稳态分布体积超过1,000 L / m 2 。在最终消除阶段,米托蒽醌的组织浓度似乎超过血液中的浓度。在健康的猴子中,脑,脊髓,眼和脊髓液的分布很低。
在静脉内给予米托蒽醌15至90 mg / m 2的患者中,剂量与浓度时间曲线(AUC)下的面积之间存在线性关系。
在观察到的26至455 ng / mL浓度范围内,米托蒽醌与血浆蛋白结合率达78%。这种结合与浓度无关,不受苯妥英钠,阿霉素,甲氨蝶呤,泼尼松,泼尼松龙,肝素或阿司匹林的存在的影响。
在老年乳腺癌患者中,全身性米托蒽醌清除率为21.3 L / hr / m 2 ,而非老年鼻咽癌和恶性淋巴瘤患者的全身清除率分别为28.3 L / hr / m 2和16.2 L / hr / m 2 。 。
肝功能不全会降低米托蒽醌的清除率。严重肝功能不全(胆红素> 3.4 mg / dL)的患者的AUC大于接受相同剂量肝功能正常的患者的三倍。患有肝功能不全的多发性硬化症患者通常不应接受米托蒽醌治疗。其他肝功能不全患者应谨慎治疗,可能需要调整剂量。
药物相互作用体外药物相互作用研究表明,米托蒽醌在很宽的浓度范围内不会抑制CYP450 1A2、2A6、2C9、2C19、2D6、2E1和3A4。体外诱导研究的结果尚无定论,但提示米托蒽醌可能是CYP450 2E1活性的弱诱导剂。
在继发进行性或进行性复发性多发性硬化症患者中进行了一项随机对照研究(研究1)。这项研究的患者根据Kurtzke扩展残疾状况量表(EDSS)表现出明显的神经系统残疾。 EDSS是一种序数量表,以0.5点为增量,范围为0.0到10.0(评分增加表示恶化),并且主要基于其中间范围的动态障碍(EDSS 4.5到7.5点)。这项研究的患者在入组前的18个月中,平均EDSS恶化了1.6点。
患者随机接受安慰剂,5 mg / m 2米托蒽醌或12 mg / m 2米托蒽醌每3个月静脉注射2年。给予大剂量甲基泼尼松龙治疗复发。意向治疗分析队列包括188例患者。 149名完成了为期2年的研究。每3个月对患者进行一次评估,并在24个月后确定临床结局。此外,在基线,第12个月和第24个月,对一部分患者进行了磁共振成像(MRI)评估。评估者不愿研究药物和临床结局,但进行了神经系统评估和MRI复查,尽管诊断了复发和无激素治疗医师决定使用类固醇治疗复发。对五个临床变量(EDSS,活动指数[AI],需要接受类固醇治疗的复发次数,需要接受类固醇治疗的首次复发数月以及标准神经系统状态[SNS])进行多变量分析,以确定主要疗效。 AI是一个范围从0到9的序数标度,以一个点为增量来定义进行性门诊障碍。 SNS提供了神经功能缺损和残障的总体衡量指标,评分范围从0(正常神经系统检查)到99(最差评分)。
治疗组 | p值 | |||
米托蒽醌 | 安慰剂与 | |||
主要终点 | 安慰剂 (N = 64) | 5毫克/平方米2 (N = 64) | 12 mg / m 2 (N = 60) | 12 mg / m 2 米托蒽醌 |
NR = 24个月内未达到; MRI =磁共振成像。 | ||||
| ||||
主要功效多元分析* | -- | -- | -- | <0.0001 |
分析的主要临床变量: | ||||
EDSS变化†(平均值) | 0.23 | – 0.23 | – 0.13 | 0.0194 |
步行指数变化†(平均值) | 0.77 | 0.41 | 0.30 | 0.0306 |
每位需要接受皮质类固醇治疗的患者的平均复发次数(根据停用情况进行调整) | 1.20 | 0.73 | 0.40 | 0.0002 |
首次复发需要几个月接受皮质类固醇激素治疗的月份(中位数[ 1st四分位数]) | 14.2 [6.7] | NR [6.9] | 降噪[20.4] | 0.0004 |
标准神经系统状态变化†(平均值) | 0.77 | – 0.38 | – 1.07 | 0.0269 |
MRI ‡ | ||||
有新的Gd增强病变的患者人数 | 5/32(16%) | 4/37(11%) | 0/31 | 0.022 |
T2加权病变数目的变化,平均值(n)† | 1.94(32) | 0.68(34) | 0.29(28) | 0.027 |
第二项随机,对照研究(研究2)评估了米托蒽醌与甲基强的松龙(MP)的组合,该研究是在继发进行性或恶化的复发缓解型多发性硬化症患者中进行的,这些患者在复发之间残留神经系统缺陷。在过去的12个月内,所有患者均经历了至少两次复发,后遗症或神经系统恶化。在过去的12个月中,EDSS的平均恶化为2.2点。在筛选期间,患者接受了每月两次剂量为1 g的IV MP的治疗,并每月进行了MRI扫描。只有在2个月的筛查期间出现至少一个新的Gd增强MRI病变的患者才有资格进行随机分组。共有42位可评估患者接受了每月1 g IV MP(n = 21)或〜12 mg / m 2 IV米托蒽醌加1 g IV MP(n = 21)(MIT + MP)的治疗,为期6个月。每月对患者进行评估,并在6个月后确定研究结果。这项研究中有效性的主要衡量标准是比较每个治疗组在6个月时未出现新的Gd增强MRI病变的患者比例;这些MRI由盲法评估。还测量了其他结局,包括EDSS和复发次数,但该试验中的所有临床措施均由无盲治疗医师评估。由于缺乏疗效,仅靠MP进行治疗的5名患者未能完成研究。
主要终点 | 仅MP (N = 21) | 麻省理工学院+ MP (N = 21) | p值 |
MP =甲基泼尼松龙; MIT + MP =米托蒽醌加甲基泼尼松龙。 | |||
| |||
在MRI上没有新的Gd增强病变的患者(百分比)(主要终点)* | 5(31%) | 19(90%) | 0.001 |
次要终点 | |||
EDSS变化(第6个月减去基准)*(平均值) | – 0.1 | – 1.1 | 0.013 |
年度复发率(每位患者的平均值) | 3.0 | 0.7 | 0.003 |
无复发的患者(%) | 7(33%) | 14(67%) | 0.031 |
米托蒽醌和小剂量泼尼松(M + P)的多中心2期试验在27例激素难治性前列腺癌症状患者中进行。根据国家前列腺癌项目(NPCP)的疾病反应标准,有1名部分反应者和12名病情稳定的患者。然而,根据减少的止痛药使用或疼痛强度,有9名患者或33%达到了姑息治疗反应。
这些发现导致了一项随机多中心试验(CCI-NOV22)的启动,该试验比较了(M + P)与低剂量泼尼松(P)的疗效。符合条件的患者必须患有转移性疾病或局部晚期疾病,该疾病已在标准激素治疗下进展,去势血清睾丸激素水平,并且在研究开始时至少出现轻度疼痛。每3周静脉输注米托蒽醌,剂量为12 mg / m 2 。泼尼松每天两次口服,剂量为5 mg。随机接受泼尼松组治疗的患者,如果病情进展或仅用泼尼松治疗至少6周后仍无改善,则转到M + P组。
总共161例患者被随机分组,其中M + P组为80名,P组为81名。每个周期给予的米托蒽醌中位剂量为12 mg / m 2 。给予的米托蒽醌累积中位剂量为73 mg / m 2 (范围为12至212 mg / m 2 )。
在随机分为M + P组的29%患者中,实现了原发性姑息反应(定义为在6点疼痛量表中疼痛强度降低2点,与稳定的镇痛药有关,并且持续至少6周)到12%的患者被随机分配为单独使用P(p = 0.011)。在连续两个周期达到主要缓解标准后,两名缓解者退出研究。为了该分析的目的,这两名患者被指定为零天的反应持续时间。继发性姑息反应定义为镇痛药使用减少50%或更多,与稳定的疼痛强度相关,持续至少6周。随机分配给M + P的患者中有38%达到了总体姑息反应(定义为原发性和继发性响应),而随机分配到P中的21%的患者实现了总体姑息响应(p = 0.025)。
随机分组为M + P的患者的原发性姑息反应的中位持续时间为7.6个月,而随机分组为P + P的患者为2.1个月(p = 0.0009)。随机分组为M + P的患者的总体姑息反应持续时间的中位数为5.6个月,而随机分组为P + P的患者为1.9个月(p = 0.0004)。
进展时间定义为疼痛强度每增加1点,或止痛药使用增加> 25%,或影像学研究显示疾病进展或需要放疗。随机分配给M + P的所有患者的平均进展时间为4.4个月,而所有随机分配给P + P的患者的平均进展时间为2.3个月(p = 0.0001)。 M + P组所有患者的中位死亡时间为11.3个月,而仅P组所有患者的中位死亡时间为10.8个月(p = 0.2324)。
P臂上的48例患者接受M + P交叉治疗。其中30例患者进展为P,而18例患者病情稳定。交叉的中位周期为5个周期(2至16个周期) 。交叉患者的疼痛强度时间趋势比单独使用P的患者明显更差(p = 0.012)。交叉后,有9名患者(19%)对M + P表现出姑息反应。超过M + P的患者的平均死亡时间为12.7个月。
化疗后前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)浓度下降的临床意义尚不清楚。在CCI-NOV22试验中,有33%随机分配给M + P组的患者和9%随机分配给P组的患者在基线后连续两次随访评估的PSA下降了50%或更多。由于未对PSA反应做出前瞻性定义,因此应谨慎解释这些发现。许多患者的反应无可估量,可评估患者数量在治疗组之间不平衡。此外,PSA降低与姑息反应(本研究的主要疗效终点)没有确切的相关性。例如,随机分为M + P组的26例可评估患者中PSA降低≥50%,只有13例具有原发性姑息治疗。此外,在这支可评估的PSA没有降低的患者中,有42例患者中有8例为原发性姑息反应。
癌症和白血病B组(CALGB)的研究人员在激素难治性前列腺癌患者中进行了米托蒽醌加氢化可的松(M + H)与单独氢化可的松(H)的3期比较试验(CALGB 9182)。合格的患者必须进行转移性疾病,尽管至少进行了一种激素治疗,但该疾病已经进展。进入研究时的进展是根据进行性症状,可测量或骨性疾病的增加或PSA水平升高而定义的。每21天以14 mg / m 2的剂量静脉内施用米托蒽醌,每天以40 mg的剂量口服氢化可的松。总共242名受试者被随机分组,其中119名受试者被随机分为M + H组,而123名受试者被随机分为H组。两组之间的生存率无差异,M + H组中位数为11.1个月,H组中位数为12个月(p = 0.3298)。
使用NPCP缓解标准,随机分为M + H组的10例患者(8.4%)获得了部分缓解,而随机分为H +组的2名患者(1.6%)获得了部分缓解(p = 0.018)。根据NPCP标准定义,随机分为M + H组的患者中位进展时间为7.3个月,而随机分为H +组的患者为4.1个月(p = 0.0654)。
每只手臂上大约60%的患者在基线时需要镇痛药。在这项研究中,使用5分制量表来测量镇痛剂的使用。在M + H组可获得数据的61名患者中,平均镇痛使用率相对于基线的最佳变化百分比为-17%,而仅H组为61名患者,则为+ 17%(p = 0.014)。对个别患者使用镇痛剂的时间趋势分析也显示,M + H组优于单独使用H组的趋势,但无统计学意义。
使用症状困扰量表(SDS)疼痛项目2(5分制)测量疼痛强度。在M + H组可获得数据的37名患者中,平均疼痛强度相对于基线的最佳变化百分比为-14%,而仅H组的38名患者则为+ 8%(p = 0.057)。个别患者疼痛强度的时间趋势分析显示,各治疗组之间无差异。
在两项大型的随机多中心试验中,急性非淋巴细胞性白血病(ANLL)的缓解诱导疗法连续10天静脉滴注米托蒽醌12 mg / m 2,持续3天,连续7天给予阿糖胞苷100 mg / m 2,持续7天。静脉输注3天,再加上相同剂量和时间表的阿糖胞苷与米托蒽醌一起使用,将每天1小时的输注与柔红霉素45 mg / m 2每天比较。抗白血病反应不完全的患者接受第二次诱导疗程,其中米托蒽醌或柔红霉素的给药时间为每天2天,阿糖胞苷的给药时间为每天5天。表3列出了美国和国际多中心试验的缓解率和中位生存信息。
试用版 | 完成响应百分比(CR) | CR所需的中间时间(天) | 生存天数 | |||
麻省理工学院 | UN | 麻省理工学院 | UN | 麻省理工学院 | UN | |
MIT =米托蒽醌+阿糖胞苷 DAUN =柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷 | ||||||
我们 | 63(62/98) | 53(54/102) | 35 | 42 | 312 | 237 |
国际化 | 50(56/112) | 51(62/123) | 36 | 42 | 192 | 230 |
在这些研究中,管理了两个巩固课程,以完成每组的响应者。巩固疗法由用于缓解症状的相同药物和每日剂量组成,但仅给予阿糖胞苷5天和米托蒽醌或柔红霉素2天。如果患者完全缓解,则在最终的诱导疗程开始后6周进行第一次巩固疗程。通常在4周后进行第二次巩固课程。要使患者接受巩固治疗,必须有充分的血液学恢复。在美国试验中,巩固疗程1和2接受米托蒽醌+阿糖胞苷的患者的两个疗程的中性粒细胞最低点分别为10 / mm 3 ,柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷最低点的患者的中性粒细胞最低点分别为170 / mm 3和260 / mm 3 。 。在巩固疗程1和2中接受米托蒽醌+阿糖胞苷的患者的最低血浆中位数分别为17,000 / mm 3和14,000 / mm 3 ,在接受疗程1和2中的患者的血小板中位数分别为33,000 / mm 3和22,000 / mm 3柔红霉素+阿糖胞苷。对于完全缓解的ANLL患者,巩固治疗的益处尚存争议。然而,在仅有的经过良好对照的前瞻性,多中心米诺酮治疗ANLL的随机多中心试验中,对所有完全缓解的患者进行巩固治疗。在美国研究的合并过程中,米托蒽醌组发生了2例与骨髓抑制相关的死亡,柔红霉素组发生了1例死亡。但是,在国际研究中,巩固期间米托蒽醌臂上有8例死亡与骨髓抑制有关,柔红霉素臂上没有8例死亡与骨髓抑制有关。
当米托蒽醌以高剂量(> 14 mg / m 2 / d×3天)的剂量用于白血病治疗时,会发生严重的骨髓抑制。因此,建议仅由在此疾病的化学治疗方面有经验的医生来协助服用米托蒽醌。必须提供实验室和辅助服务,用于血液和化学监测以及辅助治疗,包括抗生素。
米托蒽醌可引起功能性心脏改变,包括左心室射血分数(LVEF)降低和不可逆性充血性心力衰竭。先前接受蒽环类药物治疗,纵隔放疗或已有心血管疾病的患者中,心脏毒性可能更常见。从治疗开始,此类患者应定期对LVEF进行心脏监护。单独或与其他化疗药物合用的累积剂量为140 mg / m 2的癌症患者,临床充血性心力衰竭的累积概率为2.6%。在比较肿瘤学试验中,在该剂量下LVEF中度或重度下降的总累积概率率为13%。
多发性硬化症米托蒽醌治疗的多发性硬化症患者可能会发生心功能改变。在一项对照试验(研究1,请参见临床试验,多发性硬化症)中,有127名米托蒽醌患者(2%)接受米托蒽醌治疗,其中1名患者接受5 mg / m 2剂量,另一名患者接受12 mg / m 2剂量的LVEF值降低到50%以下。另一位未接受LVEF测量的接受12 mg / m 2的患者的另一项心室功能超声心动图测量结果(分数缩短)降低,导致该研究中断了(请参阅“不良反应,多发性硬化症” )。两项对照试验均没有充血性心力衰竭的报道。
在开始米托蒽醌治疗之前,应通过适当的方法(例如,超声心动图,MUGA,MRI等),通过病史,体格检查,ECG和定量LVEF评估来评估MS患者的心脏体征和症状。基线LVEF低于正常下限的MS患者不应接受米托蒽醌治疗。如果出现充血性心力衰竭的体征或症状,并且在向MS患者进行每次给药之前,建议随后进行LVEF和ECG评估。米托蒽醌不宜用于LVEF降低至正常下限以下的MS患者,临床上LVEF显着降低的患者或累计终生剂量为140 mg / m 2的MS患者。停止米托蒽醌治疗后,MS患者应每年进行定量LVEF评估,以监测晚期心脏毒性。
激素难治性前列腺癌用米托蒽醌治疗的激素难治性前列腺癌患者可能发生功能性心脏改变,如LVEF降低和充血性心力衰竭。在米托蒽醌加小剂量泼尼松与小剂量泼尼松的随机对照试验中,接受米托蒽醌治疗的128例患者中有7例(5.5%)的心脏事件定义为LVEF下降至正常范围以下,充血性心力衰竭(n = 3)或心肌缺血。两名患者曾有心脏病史。给予心脏疾病患者的米托蒽醌总剂量范围> 48至212 mg / m 2 。
给孕妇服用米托蒽醌可能会造成胎儿伤害。应建议有生育能力的妇女避免怀孕。米托蒽醌被认为是一种潜在的人类致畸剂,因为它的作用机理和相关药物所显示的发育作用。 Treatment of pregnant rats during the organogenesis period of gestation was associated with fetal growth retardation at doses ≥0.1 mg/kg/day (0.01 times the recommended human dose on a mg/m 2 basis). When pregnant rabbits were treated during organogenesis, an increased incidence of premature delivery was observed at doses ≥0.1 mg/kg/day (0.01 times the recommended human dose on a mg/m 2 basis). No teratogenic effects were observed in these studies, but the maximum doses tested were well below the recommended human dose (0.02 and 0.05 times in rats and rabbits, respectively, on a mg/m 2 basis).没有针对孕妇的充分且对照良好的研究。 Women with multiple sclerosis who are biologically capable of becoming pregnant should have a pregnancy test prior to each dose, and the results should be known prior to administration of the drug. If this drug is used during pregnancy or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be apprised of the potential risk to the fetus.
Mitoxantrone therapy increases the risk of developing secondary leukemia in patients with cancer and in patients with multiple sclerosis.
In a study of patients with prostate cancer, acute myeloid leukemia occurred in 1% (5/487) of mitoxantrone-treated patients versus no cases in the control group (0/496) not receiving mitoxantrone at 4.7 years followup.
In a prospective, open-label, tolerability and safety monitoring study of mitoxantrone treated MS patients followed for up to five years (median of 2.8 years), leukemia occurred in 0.6% (3/509) of patients. Publications describe leukemia risk of 0.25% to 2.8% in cohorts of patients with MS treated with mitoxantrone and followed for varying periods of time. This leukemia risk exceeds the risk of leukemia in the general population. The most commonly reported types were acute promyelocytic leukemia and acute myelocytic leukemia.
In 1774 patients with breast cancer who received mitoxantrone concomitantly with other cytotoxic agents and radiotherapy, the cumulative risk of developing treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia was estimated as 1.1% and 1.6% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. The second largest report involved 449 patients with breast cancer treated with mitoxantrone, usually in combination with radiotherapy and/or other cytotoxic agents. In this study, the cumulative probability of developing secondary leukemia was estimated to be 2.2% at 4 years.
Secondary acute myeloid leukemia has also been reported in cancer patients treated with anthracyclines. Mitoxantrone is an anthracenedione, a related drug. The occurrence of secondary leukemia is more common when anthracyclines are given in combination with DNA-damaging antineoplastic agents, when patients have been heavily pretreated with cytotoxic drugs, or when doses of anthracyclines have been escalated.
Symptoms of acute leukemia may include excessive bruising, bleeding, and recurrent infections.
Therapy with mitoxantrone should be accompanied by close and frequent monitoring of hematologic and chemical laboratory parameters, as well as frequent patient observation.
Systemic infections should be treated concomitantly with or just prior to commencing therapy with mitoxantrone.
See FDA-approved patient labeling (MEDICATION GUIDE).
Inform patients of the availability of a Medication Guide and instruct them to read the Medication Guide prior to initiating treatment with MitoXANTRONE and prior to each infusion. Review the MitoXANTRONE Medication Guide with every patient prior to initiation of treatment and periodically during treatment. Instruct patients that MitoXANTRONE should be taken only as prescribed.
Advise patients that MitoXANTRONE can cause myelosuppression and inform patients of the signs and symptoms of myelosuppression. Advise patients that MitoXANTRONE can cause congestive heart failure that may lead to death even in people who have never had heart problems before, and inform patients of the signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure. Advise patients receiving MitoXANTRONE to treat multiple sclerosis that they should receive cardiac monitoring prior to each MitoXANTRONE dose and yearly after stopping MitoXANTRONE.
MitoXANTRONE may impart a blue-green color to the urine for 24 hours after administration, and patients should be advised to expect this during therapy. Bluish discoloration of the sclera may also occur.
A complete blood count, including platelets, should be obtained prior to each course of mitoxantrone and in the event that signs and symptoms of infection develop. Liver function tests should also be performed prior to each course of therapy. Mitoxantrone therapy in multiple sclerosis patients with abnormal liver function tests is not recommended because mitoxantrone clearance is reduced by hepatic impairment and no laboratory measurement can predict drug clearance and dose adjustments.
In leukemia treatment, hyperuricemia may occur as a result of rapid lysis of tumor cells by mitoxantrone. Serum uric acid levels should be monitored and hypouricemic therapy instituted prior to the initiation of antileukemic therapy.
Women with multiple sclerosis who are biologically capable of becoming pregnant, even if they are using birth control, should have a pregnancy test, and the results should be known, before receiving each dose of mitoxantrone (see WARNINGS, Pregnancy ).
Intravenous treatment of rats and mice, once every 21 days for 24 months, with mitoxantrone resulted in an increased incidence of fibroma and external auditory canal tumors in rats at a dose of 0.03 mg/kg (0.02 fold the recommended human dose, on a mg/m 2 basis), and hepatocellular adenoma in male mice at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg (0.03 fold the recommended human dose, on a mg/m 2 basis). Intravenous treatment of rats, once every 21 days for 12 months with mitoxantrone resulted in an increased incidence of external auditory canal tumors in rats at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg (0.15 fold the recommended human dose, on a mg/m 2 basis).
诱变Mitoxantrone was clastogenic in the in vivo rat bone marrow assay. Mitoxantrone was also clastogenic in two in vitro assays; it induced DNA damage in primary rat hepatocytes and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Mitoxantrone was mutagenic in bacterial and mammalian test systems (Ames/Salmonella and E. coli and L5178Y TK+/-mouse lymphoma).
Mitoxantrone and its metabolites are excreted in bile and urine, but it is not known whether the metabolic or excretory pathways are saturable, may be inhibited or induced, or if mitoxantrone and its metabolites undergo enterohepatic circulation. To date, post-marketing experience has not revealed any significant drug interactions in patients who have received mitoxantrone for treatment of cancer. Information on drug interactions in patients with multiple sclerosis is limited.
Following concurrent administration of mitoxantrone with corticosteroids, no evidence of drug interactions has been observed.
Patients with multiple sclerosis who have hepatic impairment should ordinarily not be treated with mitoxantrone. Mitoxantrone should be administered with caution to other patients with hepatic impairment. In patients with severe hepatic impairment, the AUC is more than three times greater than the value observed in patients with normal hepatic function.
(see WARNINGS ).
Mitoxantrone is excreted in human milk and significant concentrations (18 ng/mL) have been reported for 28 days after the last administration. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in infants from mitoxantrone, breast feeding should be discontinued before starting treatment.
Clinical studies of mitoxantrone did not include sufficient numbers of patients aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger patients.其他报告的临床经验尚未发现老年患者和年轻患者在反应方面的差异。
Hormone-Refractory Prostate CancerOne hundred forty-six patients aged 65 and over and 52 younger patients (<65 years) have been treated with mitoxantrone in controlled clinical studies. These studies did not include sufficient numbers of younger patients to determine whether they respond differently from older patients.但是,不能排除某些老年人的敏感性更高。
Acute Nonlymphocytic LeukemiaAlthough definitive studies with mitoxantrone have not been performed in geriatric patients with ANLL, toxicity may be more frequent in the elderly. Elderly patients are more likely to have age-related comorbidities due to disease or disease therapy.
Mitoxantrone has been administered to 149 patients with multiple sclerosis in two randomized clinical trials, including 21 patients who received mitoxantrone in combination with corticosteroids.
In Study 1, the proportion of patients who discontinued treatment due to an adverse event was 9.7% (n = 6) in the 12 mg/m 2 mitoxantrone arm (leukopenia, depression, decreased LV function, bone pain and emesis, renal failure, and one discontinuation to prevent future complications from repeated urinary tract infections) compared to 3.1% (n = 2) in the placebo arm (hepatitis and myocardial infarction). The following clinical adverse experiences were significantly more frequent in the mitoxantrone groups: nausea, alopecia, urinary tract infection, and menstrual disorders, including amenorrhea.
Table 4a summarizes clinical adverse events of all intensities occurring in ≥5% of patients in either dose group of mitoxantrone and that were numerically greater on drug than on placebo in Study 1. The majority of these events were of mild to moderate intensity, and nausea was the only adverse event that occurred with severe intensity in more than one patient (three patients [5%] in the 12 mg/m 2 group). Of note, alopecia consisted of mild hair thinning.
Two of the 127 patients treated with mitoxantrone in Study 1 had decreased LVEF to below 50% at some point during the 2 years of treatment. An additional patient receiving 12 mg/m 2 did not have LVEF measured, but had another echocardiographic measure of ventricular function (fractional shortening) that led to discontinuation from the study.
Percent of Patients | |||
Preferred Term | Placebo (N = 64) | 5 mg/m 2 Mitoxantrone (N = 65) | 12 mg/m 2 Mitoxantrone (N = 62) |
| |||
恶心 | 20 | 55 | 76 |
脱发症 | 31 | 38 | 61 |
Menstrual disorder* | 26 | 51 | 61 |
Amenorrhea* | 3 | 28 | 43 |
上呼吸道感染 | 52 | 51 | 53 |
尿路感染 | 13 | 29 | 32 |
Stomatitis | 8 | 15 | 19 |
心律失常 | 8 | 6 | 18岁 |
腹泻 | 11 | 25 | 16 |
Urine abnormal | 6 | 5 | 11 |
ECG abnormal | 3 | 5 | 11 |
便秘 | 6 | 14 | 10 |
背疼 | 5 | 6 | 8 |
鼻窦炎 | 2 | 3 | 6 |
头痛 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
The proportion of patients experiencing any infection during Study 1 was 67% for the placebo group, 85% for the 5 mg/m 2 group, and 81% for the 12 mg/m 2 group. However, few of these infections required hospitalization: one placebo patient (tonsillitis), three 5 mg/m 2 patients (enteritis, urinary tract infection, viral infection), and four 12 mg/m 2 patients (tonsillitis, urinary tract infection [two], endometritis).
Table 4b summarizes laboratory abnormalities that occurred in ≥ 5% of patients in either mitoxantrone dose group, and that were numerically more frequent than in the placebo group.
Percent of Patients | |||
事件 | Placebo (N = 64) | 5 mg/m 2 Mitoxantrone (N = 65) | 12 mg/m 2 Mitoxantrone (N = 62) |
| |||
Leukopenia† | 0 | 9 | 19 |
Gamma-GT increased | 3 | 3 | 15 |
SGOT increased | 8 | 9 | 8 |
Granulocytopenia‡ | 2 | 6 | 6 |
贫血 | 2 | 9 | 6 |
SGPT increased | 3 | 6 | 5 |
There was no difference among treatment groups in the incidence or severity of hemorrhagic events.
In Study 2, mitoxantrone was administered once a month. Clinical adverse events most frequently reported in the mitoxantrone group included amenorrhea (53% of female patients), alopecia (33% of patients), nausea (29% of patients), and asthenia (24% of patients). Tables 5a and 5b respectively summarize adverse events and laboratory abnormalities occurring in > 5% of patients in the mitoxantrone group and numerically more frequent than in the control group.
Percent of Patients | |||||||
事件 | MP (N = 21) | M + MP (N = 21) | |||||
M = mitoxantrone, MP = methylprednisolone | |||||||
| |||||||
Amenorrhea† | 0 | 53 | |||||
脱发症 | 0 | 33 | |||||
恶心 | 0 | 29 | |||||
虚弱 | 0 | 24 | |||||
Pharyngitis/throat infection | 5 | 19 | |||||
Gastralgia/stomach burn/epigastric pain | 5 | 14 | |||||
Aphthosis | 0 | 10 | |||||
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义最小。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |