这种药物通常被很好地耐受。局部副作用(静脉注射或IM注射后)最为常见。 [参考]
在抗菌治疗期间或之后,已报告了伪膜性结肠炎症状的发作。 [参考]
血小板减少症引起的小儿皮疹或紫癜已有报道。 [参考]
当将稀释液稀释不足注入静脉时,更容易发生血栓性静脉炎。 [参考]
肝病患者或接受细胞毒性治疗或利尿剂的患者已报告高剂量的这种药物可降低血清钾水平。 [参考]
未报告频率:过敏/类过敏反应(某些会导致休克和死亡) [参考]
可逆性白细胞减少症(中性粒细胞减少症)的危险因素包括长期服用大剂量药物或引起该作用的药物。 [参考]
静脉给予高于推荐剂量的神经肌肉兴奋性和惊厥已有报道。 [参考]
药物诱发的间质性肾炎是所有青霉素罕见但潜在的严重副作用。 [参考]
1. Cerner Multum,Inc.“加拿大产品信息”。 O 0(2015):
2. Mandell GL“哌拉西林的体外微生物学和药代动力学”。临床杂志7(1985):37-44
5. Ramakrishnan K,Scheid DC,“成人急性肾盂肾炎的诊断和治疗”。美国家庭医生71(2005):933-42
6. Lutz B,Mogabgab W,Holmes B等,“哌拉西林的治疗效果和耐受性的临床评估”。抗微生物剂Chemother 22(1982):10-4
7. Winston DJ,Murphy W,Young LS,Hewitt WL“哌拉西林用于严重细菌感染的治疗”。美国医学杂志69(1980):255-61
8. Link AS,Jr“替卡西林加克拉维酸和哌拉西林在下呼吸道感染患者中的疗效和安全性。”美国医学杂志79(1985):86-7
9. Abate G,Godbole K,Springston C“哌拉西林/他唑巴坦引起的皮疹。” Ann Pharmacother 44(2010):1345-6
10.宜人的RA,Walker TR,Samuelson WM“囊性纤维化患者对肠胃外β-内酰胺类抗生素的过敏反应”。胸部106(1994):1124-8
11. Strandvik B“囊性纤维化患者对哌拉西林的不良反应。”柳叶刀06/16/84(1984):1362
12. Cabanas R,Munoz L,LopezSerrano C,Contreras J,Padial A,Caballero T,MorenoAncillo A,Barranco P“对哌拉西林的超敏性”。过敏53(1998):819-20
13. Stead RJ,Kennedy HG,Hodson ME,Batten JC“对哌拉西林在囊性纤维化中的不良反应”。柳叶刀04/14/84(1984):857
14. Moore M,McNamara TR,Johnson J“与哌拉西林治疗相关的出血时间和鼻出血增加。”南方医学杂志78(1985):363
15. Yan MT,Chu HY,Chau T,Lin SH“血液透析患者中与哌拉西林相关的血小板减少症。”临床肾病72(2009):240-3
16. Singh N,Yu VL,Mieles LA,Wagener MM“严重肝功能异常的β-内酰胺类抗生素引起的白细胞减少症:危险因素及其对肝病患者用药的影响”。美国医学杂志94(1993):251-6
17. Bressler RB,Huston DP“哌拉西林引起的贫血和白细胞减少症”。南方医学杂志79(1986):255-6
18. Gentry LO,Jemsek JG,Natelson EA“哌拉西林钠对正常志愿者血小板功能的影响”。抗微生物剂Chemother 19(1981):532-3
19. Fass RJ,Copelan EA,Brandt JT,Moeschberger ML,Ashton JJ“血小板介导的广谱青霉素引起的出血”。传染病杂志155(1987):1242-8
20. Lee M,Stobnicki M,Sharifi R“哌拉西林治疗的出血并发症”。乌克兰杂志136(1986):454-5
21. Kirkwood CF,Lasezkay GM“与美洛西林和哌拉西林相关的中性粒细胞减少症”。 Drug Intell Clin Pharm 19(1985):112-4
22. Mackie K,Pavlin EG,“哌拉西林给药后复发性麻痹”。麻醉学72(1990):561-3
23.Parkmatsumoto YC,Tazawa T“哌拉西林诱导的脑病”。神经科学杂志140(1996):141-2
24. Malanga CJ,Kokontis L,Mauzy S“哌拉西林引起的癫痫发作。”临床儿科(Phila)36(1997):475-6
复杂的尿路感染(UTI):每6至8小时分剂量静脉注射8至16 g /天
2 g IM一次
-第一剂:手术前2 g IV
-第二剂:手术期间静脉注射2 g
-第三剂:术后每6小时静脉注射2 g,最多24小时
第一剂:夹住脐带后静脉注射2 g
第二次剂量:第一次给药后4小时静脉输注2 g
第三次剂量:第一次给药后8小时静脉输注2 g
-第一剂:手术前2 g IV
-第二剂:2 g静脉注射回到恢复室
-第三剂:6小时后静脉注射2 g
-第一剂:手术前2 g IV
-第二剂:第一次给药后2 g静脉注射6
-第三剂:第一次给药后12小时静脉注射2 g
12岁或以上:每4至6小时分次服用200至300 mg / kg /天的静脉注射
12岁或以上:每4至6小时分次服用200至300 mg / kg /天的静脉注射
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 200 to 300 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 4 to 6 hours
Maximum dose: 18 g/day
-Most infections: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Gynecologic infections: 3 to 10 days
-Should be administered as a 20- to 30-minute infusion
-Duration of therapy should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, therapy should continue for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
Uses: For the treatment of serious infections such as septicemia, nosocomial pneumonia, intraabdominal infections, aerobic and anaerobic gynecologic infections, skin and soft tissue infections
-Septicemia (including bacteremia) due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Serratia species, P mirabilis, S pneumoniae, enterococci, P aeruginosa, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
-Lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci; although improvement seen in cystic fibrosis patients, may not achieve lasting bacterial eradication
-Intraabdominal infections (including hepatobiliary and surgical infections) due to E coli, P aeruginosa, enterococci, Clostridium species, anaerobic cocci, or Bacteroides species (including B fragilis)
-Gynecologic infections (including endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic cellulitis) due to Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, N gonorrhoeae, or enterococci (E faecalis)
-Skin and skin structure infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Serratia species, Acinetobacter species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, M morganii, P rettgeri, P vulgaris, P mirabilis, Bacteroides species (including B fragilis), anaerobic cocci, or enterococci
-Bone and joint infections due to P aeruginosa, enterococci, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older :
Complicated UTI: 125 to 200 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every 6 to 8 hours
Maximum dose: 16 g/day
Uncomplicated UTI: 100 to 125 mg/kg/day IM or IV in divided doses every 6 to 12 hours
Maximum dose: 8 g/day
Duration of therapy: 7 to 10 days (average)
Use: For the treatment of complicated and uncomplicated UTIs due to E coli, Klebsiella species, P aeruginosa, Proteus species (including P mirabilis), or enterococci
12 years or older: 100 to 125 mg/kg/day IM or IV in divided doses every 6 to 12 hours
Maximum dose: 8 g/day
Duration of therapy: 7 to 10 days (average)
-Although improvement has been seen in cystic fibrosis patients, lasting bacterial eradication may not be achieved.
Uses: For the treatment of most community-acquired pneumonia; for the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections due to E coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, P aeruginosa, Serratia species, H influenzae, Bacteroides species, or anaerobic cocci
12 years or older: 2 g IM once
-Probenecid 1 g should be given orally 30 minutes prior to injection.
-Due to resistance, penicillins are not recommended by the US CDC for gonococcal infections.
Use: For the treatment of uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis due to N gonorrhoeae
CrCl 20 to 40 mL/min :
-Complicated UTI: 3 g IV every 8 hours
-Uncomplicated UTI: No adjustment recommended.
-Severe systemic infection: 4 g IV every 8 hours
CrCl less than 20 mL/min :
-Complicated or uncomplicated UTI: 3 g IV every 12 hours
-Severe systemic infection: 4 g IV every 12 hours
-For patients with renal failure, measurement of serum drug levels will provide additional guidance for adjusting dose.
-For patients with liver dysfunction, measurement of serum drug levels will provide additional guidance for adjusting dose.
Hemodialysis :
-Severe systemic infection: 2 g IV every 8 hours
-Because hemodialysis removes 30% to 50% of this drug in 4 hours, a supplemental dose of 1 g should be administered after each dialysis period.
-May administer by IM injection, IV injection, or IV infusion; use IV route for serious infections.
-Administer IV injection slowly over 3 to 5 minutes (to help avoid vein irritation); administer IV infusion over about 20 to 40 minutes (or intermittent infusion over 30-minute to 2-hour period); discontinue primary IV solution during infusion of this drug.
-Limit IM injections to 2 g per injection site; this route of administration used primarily in the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea and urinary tract infections.
-When indicated by clinical and bacteriological findings, may start therapy with 6 to 8 g/day IM (in divided doses); may consider IM administration for maintenance therapy after clinical and bacteriological improvement obtained with IV therapy
-Upper outer quadrant of the buttock (ie, gluteus maximus) is preferred site for IM injection; use deltoid area with caution only if well-developed (to avoid radial nerve injury); do not make IM injection into the lower or mid-third of the upper arm.
-Maximum adult dose usually 24 g/day; higher doses have been used.
-Duration of therapy for most infections average 7 to 10 days; duration of therapy for gynecologic infections 3 to 10 days; treatment duration should be guided by clinical and bacteriological progress of patient; some infections (eg, osteomyelitis) may require significantly longer treatment durations.
-For most acute infections, continue therapy for at least 48 to 72 hours after patient is asymptomatic.
-Maintain antibiotic therapy for S pyogenes (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections) for at least 10 days to reduce risk of rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis.
-For prophylaxis, administer as 20- to 30-minute infusion just prior to anesthesia (when possible); administration while patient is awake will aid detection of possible side effects during drug infusion.
-Effective prophylactic use depends on time of administration; administer 30 to 60 minutes before surgery so effective levels can be reached in the site before the procedure.
-Stop prophylactic use within 24 hours as continued antibiotic use increases risk of side effects but does not reduce rate of subsequent infections (in most surgical procedures).
-If coadminister with aminoglycoside, use both drugs in full therapeutic doses; use of this drug with aminoglycosides has been successful, particularly in patients with impaired host defenses.
-Vials: Store between 15C and 30C (between 59F and 86F).
-Compatible diluents and IV solutions: Sterile Water for Injection, USP; 5% Dextrose Injection, USP;美国药典0.9%氯化钠注射液; 5% Dextrose and 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP;乳酸林格氏注射液,美国药典
-Incompatible: Solutions containing only sodium bicarbonate; blood products
-Appropriate culture and susceptibility testing recommended before therapy to isolate and identify infecting organisms and to establish susceptibility to this drug. Therapy may be started before test results are known; appropriate therapy should be continued when results are available.
-This drug is clinically effective for the treatment of infections at various sites due to Streptococcus species (including S pyogenes, S pneumoniae), but such infections are normally treated with more narrow-spectrum penicillins; because of its broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, this drug is especially useful for the treatment of mixed infections and as presumptive therapy before the causative organisms are identified.
-This drug may be used as single drug therapy in some situations where 2 antibiotics might typically be used.
-Sodium content is about 1.85 mEq (42.5 mg) per gram of drug; at usual recommended doses, patients would receive about 11.1 to 33.3 mEq/day (255 to 765 mg/day) of sodium.
-Cardiovascular: Cardiac status in patients with impaired cardiac function (during prolonged therapy)
-General: Drug serum levels in patients with renal failure, liver dysfunction, or biliary tract obstruction; organ system function (periodically during prolonged therapy)
-Hematologic: Hematopoietic system function (periodically during prolonged therapy)
-Hepatic: Hepatic system function (periodically during prolonged therapy)
-Infections/Infestations: Syphilis serology in gonorrhea patients (at diagnosis and 3 months after therapy)
-Metabolic: Electrolytes in patients with low potassium reserves (periodically); electrolyte status in patients with impaired cardiac function (during prolonged therapy)
-Renal: Renal system function (periodically during prolonged therapy)
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义不大。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |