由于潜在的耳毒性和肾毒性,患者应接受密切的临床观察。 1 2 3尚未确定14天以上的治疗安全性。 1 2 3
神经毒性(表现为前庭和永久性双侧听觉耳毒性)可能存在于既往存在肾脏损害的患者中,以及肾功能正常的患者,其接受的剂量比推荐的剂量大或治疗时间长。 1 2 3肾损害患者中氨基糖苷类诱发耳毒性的风险更大。 1 2 3
高频耳聋通常首先发生(只能通过听力测试来检测);可能发生眩晕(可能表示前庭损伤)。 1 2 3其他神经毒性表现包括麻木,皮肤刺痛,肌肉抽搐和癫痫发作。 1 2 3
听力损失的风险随暴露于高峰值或高谷血清浓度的程度而增加。 1 2 3接受耳蜗损害的患者在氨基糖苷治疗期间可能没有症状,以警告他们发展为第八神经毒性,停药后可能会发生完全或部分不可逆的双耳性耳聋。 1 2 3氨基糖苷诱导的耳毒性通常是不可逆的。 1 2 3
潜在的肾毒性。 1 2 3肾功能受损的患者以及接受大剂量或长期治疗的患者发生肾毒性的风险更大。 1 2 3
胃肠外,局部滴注(例如,在骨科和腹部冲洗,脓胸的局部治疗)或氨基糖苷类药物口服后出现神经肌肉阻滞和呼吸麻痹。 1 2 3考虑使用任何途径进行神经肌肉阻滞的可能性,尤其是在接受麻醉剂或神经肌肉阻滞剂(例如,微管尿素,琥珀酰胆碱,十甲铵)的患者或接受大量柠檬酸盐抗凝输血的患者中。 1 2 3钙盐可能会逆转神经肌肉阻滞,但可能需要机械呼吸辅助。 1 2 3
密切监测肾和八神经功能,尤其是在治疗开始时已知或怀疑肾功能不全的患者,以及肾功能最初正常但在治疗过程中出现肾功能障碍的患者。 1 2 3在可行的情况下,监测血清阿米卡星浓度,以确保足够的浓度,并避免潜在的有毒和延长的峰值浓度(> 35 mcg / mL)。 1 2 3评估尿液的比重降低,并定期测定BUN,血清肌酐或Cl cr 。 1 2 3
如果年龄足够大,可以接受测试的患者,尤其是高危患者,请获取串行听力图。 1 2 3如果有耳毒性(头晕,眩晕,耳鸣,耳鸣,听力下降)或肾毒性的证据,请中止或调整剂量。 1 2 3
避免同时和/或顺序使用其他神经毒性或肾毒性药物(全身,口服或局部使用)。 1 2 3其他可能增加毒性风险的因素是高龄和脱水。 1 2 3
避免同时使用强效利尿剂,因为利尿剂本身可能会引起耳毒性,并可能通过改变血清和组织中氨基糖苷的浓度来增强毒性。 1 2 3
抗菌;衍生自卡那霉素的氨基糖苷。 1 2 3 4
由易感染的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的严重骨和关节感染的治疗。 1 2 3
由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的严重腹腔内感染(包括腹膜炎)的治疗。 1 2 3 5 57用作其他合适的抗感染剂(例如克林霉素,甲硝唑,哌拉西林和他唑巴坦,氨苄青霉素和舒巴坦)的辅助剂。 5 57
由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的脑膜炎的治疗。 1 2 3 4 5 15 33 37 38 39 64 77
氨基糖苷类药物不应单独用于治疗脑膜炎; 4 33通常在初始治疗中用作其他抗感染药的辅助剂。 6我
与氨苄西林联用,用于初次经验性治疗新生儿无乳链球菌脑膜炎或儿童单核细胞增生性李斯特氏菌脑膜炎。 6与第三代头孢菌素联合使用可治疗新生儿革兰氏阴性细菌性脑膜炎,包括由大肠杆菌引起的感染。 15在成人中已与亚胺培南同时使用,用于治疗由大肠杆菌引起的脑膜炎; 33与美罗培南同时用于治疗由假单胞菌引起的脑膜炎;或与亚胺培南或亚胺培南一起用于治疗由脑膜炎引起的脑膜炎。不动杆菌属。 37 38
由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的严重呼吸道感染的治疗。 1 2 3 4 5
用作适当的β-内酰胺(例如头孢曲松,头孢噻肟,头孢吡肟,哌拉西林和他唑巴坦,替卡西林和克拉维酸盐)或碳青霉烯(例如亚胺培南,美罗培南)的辅助药物,用于医院内肺炎的经验性治疗。 5
由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的败血病的治疗。 1 2 3 4 5
用作适当的β-内酰胺(例如头孢曲松,头孢噻肟,头孢吡肟,哌拉西林和他唑巴坦,替卡西林和克拉维酸盐)或碳青霉烯(例如亚胺培南,美罗培南)的辅助药物,可用于危及生命的败血症的治疗。 5
治疗由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌引起的严重皮肤和皮肤结构感染。 1 2 3
治疗由易感的革兰氏阴性细菌(包括肠杆菌科或铜绿假单胞菌)引起的严重的复杂性和复发性尿路感染。 1 2 3 4 5用作其他合适的抗感染药的辅助剂。 5
除非致病菌对其他毒性较小的替代品具有抗药性,否则不建议用于简单的UTI。 1 2 3
在复发,治疗失败或对异烟肼和/或利福平耐药的结核分枝杆菌患者中或不能耐受一线药物的患者中,用于治疗活动性结核病的多药方案二线药物†。 218
用于治疗鸟鸟支原体复合体(MAC)感染的多种药物治疗方案的替代方案。 5 9 58 59 60 61
脓肿分枝†, 6 9 chelonae †, 4或M. fortuitum †引起的非肺部感染的治疗。 4 5 6 9
诺卡氏菌引起的感染的治疗†。 4 5 6 41 42 65 66 67 68 69
磺胺类药物(通常是复方新诺明)是大多数诺卡氏菌感染的首选治疗方法。 4 5 6 42 65 69建议同时使用丁胺卡那霉素,亚胺培南和/或头孢曲松钠治疗严重或弥漫性感染。 6 65当无法使用磺胺类药物时,应使用含阿米卡星,碳青霉烯(亚胺培南或美罗培南),第三代头孢菌素(头孢曲松),四环素(多西环素,米诺环素),阿莫西林和克拉维酸固定组合的组合,克拉霉素,环丝氨酸或利奈唑胺的方案推荐。 4 5 6 65 69
治疗由马氏红球菌†引起的感染。 5
发热性中性粒细胞减少症患者假定细菌感染的经验性抗感染治疗†。 4 5 8 62 63 75与合适的抗假性头孢菌素(例如头孢他啶,头孢曲松,头孢吡肟),广谱青霉素(例如哌拉西林和他唑巴坦,替卡西林和克拉维酸盐)或碳青霉烯(例如亚胺培南,美罗培南)联合使用。 5 8 62 63 75 75
有关选择初始经验方案,何时更改初始方案,可能的后续方案以及这些患者的治疗时间的具体建议,请咨询已发表的治疗高热性中性粒细胞减少症患者感染的方案。 8还建议咨询一位对免疫功能低下患者的感染了解丰富的传染病专家。 8
通过静脉输注或IM注射给药。 1 2 3
作为治疗脑膜炎和其他中枢神经系统感染的静脉或IM的辅助药物,已在鞘内或脑室内给予。 4 19 33 34 35 37 38 39
患者应充分补充水分,以最大程度地降低因尿中阿米卡星浓度高而引起的肾小管的化学刺激。 1 2 3
治疗前和治疗期间应评估肾功能。 1 2 3
如果同时服用β-内酰胺(例如头孢菌素,青霉素),则不应混用药物,而应分开服用。 1 2 3 HID
通过将500 mg加入100–200 mL的0.9%氯化钠,5%葡萄糖或其他兼容的IV溶液中来制备IV溶液(请参阅稳定性下的溶液兼容性)。 1 2 3
对于儿科患者,输液量取决于患者的需求,但应足以允许婴儿输注1–2小时或较大儿童输注30–60分钟。 1 2 3
在成人中,在30-60分钟内通过静脉输注给予适当剂量。 1 2 3
对于婴儿,在1-2小时内通过静脉输注给予适当剂量; 1 2 3在大一点的孩子中,在30-60分钟内静脉输注。 1 2 3
应当适当稀释含有阿米卡星浓度为50或250 mg / mL的市售注射剂的适当剂量。 1 2 3 IM注射到臀部的上外侧象限。 16
可用硫酸丁胺卡那霉素制成;以阿米卡星表示的剂量。 1 2 3
IV和IM剂量是相同的。 1 2 3
剂量应个体化,要考虑患者的治疗前体重,肾脏状况,感染的严重程度以及致病菌的敏感性。 1 2 3 4 11 200 201 202 203 204 216
许多临床医生建议使用适当的药代动力学方法确定剂量,以计算剂量需求和从血清浓度-时间数据得出的患者特定的药代动力学参数(例如,消除速率常数,分布体积)。 11 200 201 202 203 204 216
只要有可能,尤其是在具有威胁生命的感染,怀疑毒性或对治疗无反应,肾功能下降或变化和/或当氨基糖苷清除率增加(例如,囊性纤维化,烧伤的患者)或延长治疗的患者中,可能达到峰值和应定期确定阿米卡星的低谷血清浓度,并应调整剂量以维持所需的血清浓度。 4 11 207 216 219 222 223 228 236 237 237
当使用常规剂量方案(即每日多次剂量)时,许多临床医生建议调整剂量,以维持最高和最低血清浓度分别为15–30和<5–10 mcg / mL。 4 11 14 216 222 225 226 227 238 239种阿米卡星血清浓度> 30-35微克/毫升可与毒性相关联。 14制造商指出,应避免峰值血药浓度(给药后30-90分钟)> 35 mcg / mL,谷底血药浓度(在下一次给药之前获得)> 10 mcg / mL。 1 2 3
每天一次施用氨基糖苷†至少与采用多个日剂量的常规剂量方案一样有效,并且毒性可能更低。 11 48 49 50 52 56 62 74 75 76 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 243 245 246 247 248
通常的治疗时间为7-10天。 1 2 3氨基糖苷治疗超过14天的安全性尚未建立。 1 2 3如果在3到5天内未发生临床反应,应重新评估体外药敏性。 1 2 3在困难和复杂的感染中,如果考虑治疗> 10天,应重新评估丁胺卡那霉素的使用。 1 2 3如果继续使用该药物,则应密切监测血清阿米卡星浓度以及肾,听觉和前庭功能。 1 2 3
制造商建议初始剂量为10 mg / kg,然后每12小时7.5 mg / kg。 1 2 3
<1周龄的新生儿:AAP建议体重<1.2 kg的人每18-24小时7.5 mg / kg,体重1.2–2 kg的人每12小时7.5 mg / kg,以及每12小时7.5-10 mg / kg体重> 2公斤的人。 6
1-4周龄新生儿:AAP建议体重<1.2 kg的人每18-24小时7.5 mg / kg,体重1.2-2 kg的人每8或12小时7.5-10 mg / kg和10 mg / kg对于体重超过2千克的人,每8个小时一次。 6
AAP指出该药物不适用于治疗轻度至中度感染。 6
每天一次†方案:足月新生儿每天接受一次15 mg / kg。 48 56 76
较大的婴儿和儿童:制造商建议以2或3等分的剂量(即每12小时7.5 mg / kg或每8小时5 mg / kg)给予每日15 mg / kg。 1 2 3
≥1个月大的儿童:对于严重感染,AAP建议分3次服用15-22 mg / kg。 6
AAP指出该药物不适用于治疗轻度至中度感染。 6
每天一次†方案:儿童每天一次接受15–20 mg / kg。 50 54 62 74 76
<15岁的儿童:每天一次或每周两次15–30 mg / kg(最大1 g)。 6 218
≥15岁的儿童:前2到4个月或直到培养转化之前,每天15毫克/千克(最多1克)作为单日剂量(通常每天750-1000毫克)每周5-7次;然后,根据方案中其他药物的功效,可以每周两次或每天3次将剂量降低至每天15 mg / kg(最多1 g)。 218
必须与其他抗结核药联合使用。 218当涉及耐利福平的结核分枝杆菌时,通常给予12-18个月的多药治疗;当涉及耐异烟肼和利福平的菌株时,持续18-24个月;或当菌株对异烟肼,利福平,乙胺丁醇和/或吡嗪酰胺有抗药性时持续24个月。 218
≤7天的新生儿每天分两次服用15–20 mg / kg,年龄较大的新生儿和儿童每天分3次服用20–30 mg / kg。 64 77体重<2 kg的新生儿可能需要较小的剂量和较长的剂量间隔。 64 77
1-17岁的儿童:静脉注射头孢他啶与每日一次20 mg / kg或6.5 mg / kg每天3次。 62
每天15毫克/公斤,分2或3等分服用(即每8小时5毫克/公斤或每12小时7.5毫克/公斤)。 1 2 3
每日一次†方案:每天一次,每次15 mg / kg。 11 49
每天15毫克/千克,分3次服用。 77
每天4-20毫克,与IM或IV药物联用(每12小时7.5 mg / kg)。 4 19 33 35 37
每天两次250毫克。 1 2 3
在最初的2-4个月或直到培养转化之前,每天15 mg / kg(最多1 g)作为单日剂量(通常每天750-1000 mg)每周5-7次;然后,根据方案中其他药物的功效,可以每周两次或每天3次将剂量降低至每天15 mg / kg(最多1 g)。 218
> 59岁的成年人:每天10 mg / kg(最高750 mg)。 218
必须与其他抗结核药联合使用。 218当涉及耐利福平的结核分枝杆菌时,通常给予12至18个月的多药治疗;当涉及耐异烟肼和利福平的菌株时,持续18-24个月;或当菌株对异烟肼,利福平,乙胺丁醇和/或吡嗪酰胺有抗药性时持续24个月。 218
鸟分枝杆菌复合物†(MAC)感染:与其他抗分枝杆菌抗感染药联合使用,每天感染7.5–15 mg / kg。 58 59 60 61
IV脓毒症†或Fortuitum †感染:每天10-15 mg / kg,分两次服用,并与其他抗分枝杆菌抗感染药联合使用。 9
每12小时5–7.5 mg / kg。 69
静脉注射头孢他啶或静脉注射头孢吡肟的剂量为每日两次,每次7.5 mg / kg。 63
每日剂量不应超过15 mg / kg或1.5 g。 1 2 3
每日剂量不应超过15 mg / kg或1.5 g。 1 2 3
肾功能不全患者必须调整剂量。 4 6 11 14 24
由制造商建议的一种方法是为7.5的初始加载剂量毫克/千克,接着7.5毫克/公斤由9. 1 2 3在由患者的稳态血清肌酐相乘来计算时间间隔(小时)给出(以mg / dL)还建议使用基于校正的肌酐清除率的Sarubbi和Hull剂量方法。 H
上述的剂量计算方法不应该接受血液透析或腹膜透析的患者使用。 h对于接受血液透析的肾衰竭成年人,一些临床医生建议在每个透析期结束时补充初始负荷剂量的50–75%。 14其他人建议,接受短期血液透析的患者可能不需要补充剂量。 51在透析患者中应监测药物的血清浓度,并调整剂量以维持所需的血清浓度。 14 51
ATS,CDC和IDSA建议以较低的间隔给予常规剂量,因为使用较低剂量可能会降低药物的疗效。 218这些专家建议每周12至15毫克/千克2或3次。 218此外,如果患者正在接受血液透析,则应在手术结束后给予剂量,并应监测药物的血清浓度以避免毒性。 218
由于年龄相关的肾功能下降,应谨慎选择剂量并密切监测肾功能。 1 2 3 4
除与肾功能不全有关的剂量外,无其他剂量调整。 1 2 3 (请参阅剂量和给药方法下的肾功能损害。)
对丁胺卡那霉素或其他氨基糖苷类药物过敏或严重的毒性反应。 1 2 3
接受氨基糖苷类药物治疗的患者应进行密切的临床观察,因为可能存在耳毒性。 1 2 3
前庭和永久性双侧听觉耳毒性反应最常见于那些有过去或现在有肾功能损害病史的患者,那些接受其他耳毒性药物的患者以及接受高剂量或长期治疗的患者。 1 2 3
高频耳聋通常首先发生。 1 2 3如果可行,应在年龄足以接受测试的患者中获得串行听力图,尤其是在高危患者中。 1 2 3
如果有耳毒性(头晕,眩晕,耳鸣,耳鸣,听力下降)或肾毒性的证据,请停用阿米卡星或调整剂量。 1 2 3
当给孕妇服用时,一些氨基糖苷类会引起胎儿耳毒性。 1 2 3 (请参阅“注意事项”下的怀孕。)
接受氨基糖苷类药物治疗的患者应进行密切的临床观察,因为可能存在肾毒性。 1 2 3在治疗前和治疗期间应评估肾功能。 1 2 3
肾毒性最常见于那些有过去或现在有肾功能损害病史的患者,那些接受其他肾毒性药物的患者以及那些接受大剂量或长期治疗的患者。 1 2 3
患者应充分补充水分。 1 2 3如果患者水合良好且肾功能正常,则如果不超过常规剂量,则肾毒性作用的风险较低。 1 2 3
如果出现肾刺激的证据(尿液中有白细胞,白细胞或红细胞或白蛋白),请增加水合作用。 1 2 3如果出现其他肾功能不全的证据(例如,Cl cr降低,尿比重降低,BUN或血清肌酐升高,少尿),可能需要减少剂量。 1 2 3
如果氮质血症增加或尿量逐渐减少,则停用阿米卡星。 1 2 3
神经肌肉阻滞和呼吸麻痹的风险。 1 2 3可能发生急性肌肉麻痹和呼吸暂停。 1 2 3
应考虑神经肌肉阻滞的可能性,尤其是在接受麻醉剂或神经肌肉阻滞剂(例如微管尿素,琥珀酰胆碱,十甲铵)的患者或接受大量柠檬酸盐抗凝输血的患者中。 1 2 3
钙盐可能会逆转神经肌肉阻滞,但可能需要机械呼吸辅助。 1 2 3
交叉过敏性发生在氨基糖苷之间。 1 2 3
包含偏亚硫酸氢钠,在某些易感人群中可能引起过敏型反应(包括过敏反应和威胁生命的生命或不太严重的哮喘发作)。 1 2 3
为减少耐药菌的产生并保持丁胺卡那霉素和其他抗菌药的有效性,仅用于治疗已证实或强烈怀疑是由易感细菌引起的感染。 1 2
选择或修改抗感染疗法时,请使用培养结果和体外药敏试验。 1 2在没有此类数据的情况下,选择抗感染剂进行经验治疗时应考虑当地的流行病学和易感性模式。 1 2
非敏感细菌或真菌的可能出现和过度生长。 1 2 3如果发生重复感染,请停用药物并采取适当的治疗措施。 1 2 3
由于可能的附加毒性,请避免同时和/或顺序使用其他神经毒性或肾毒性药物(全身,口服或局部用药),尤其是杆菌肽,顺铂,两性霉素B,头孢啶(在美国不再销售),巴龙霉素,紫霉素,多粘菌素B,粘菌素,万古霉素或其他氨基糖苷类。 1 2 3请勿与强效利尿剂同时使用。 1 2 3 (请参阅相互作用下的特定药物。)
考虑接受麻醉药或神经肌肉阻滞剂(例如微管尿素,琥珀酰胆碱,十甲铵)的患者发生神经肌肉阻滞和呼吸麻痹的可能性。 1 2 3 (请参阅相互作用下的特定药物。)
在患有肌肉疾病(如重症肌无力或帕金森病)的患者中谨慎使用,因为在这些患者中使用的药物可能会加剧肌肉无力,因为它们可能对神经肌肉接头产生类似麻痹的作用。 1 2 3
当使用氨基糖甙类药物进行局部滴注时,发生了不可逆转的耳聋,肾衰竭和神经肌肉阻滞导致的死亡†;不论大小外科手术领域的灌溉都产生了毒性。 1 2 3
类D. 1 2 3
如果对孕妇使用,可能对胎儿造成伤害。 1 2 3报告在妊娠期间使用另一种氨基糖苷(即链霉素)时发生了完全,不可逆的双侧先天性耳聋。 1 2 3
如果在怀孕期间使用或如果患者在接受丁胺卡那霉素后怀孕,则应告知患者对胎儿的潜在危害。 1 2 3
低浓度的牛奶中分布。 259请谨慎使用。 1 2 3
在新生儿和早产婴儿中谨慎使用,因为这些患者的肾脏不成熟可能会导致血清半衰期延长。 1 2 3
由于年龄相关的肾功能下降,应谨慎选择剂量并密切监测肾功能。 1 2 3 4
在老年患者中,氨基糖苷治疗期间监测肾功能特别重要。 1 2 3 4 Cl cr可能比测定BUN或血清肌酐更有用。 1 2 3 4
肾损伤患者的神经毒性风险(表现为前庭和永久性双侧听觉耳毒性)比其他患者更大。 1 2 3
治疗前和治疗期间应评估肾功能。 1 2 3
应当密切监测肾脏的第八神经功能,尤其是在治疗开始时已知或怀疑肾功能不全的患者,以及肾功能最初正常但在治疗过程中出现肾功能不全迹象的患者。 1 2 3
耳毒性或肾毒性。 1 2 3我
与其他具有神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的全身,口服或局部用药(例如氨基糖甙类,阿昔洛韦,两性霉素B,杆菌肽,CAPREomycin,某些头孢菌素,粘菌素,顺铂,甲氧基氟烷,多粘菌素B,万古霉素)同时或依次使用可能导致加成毒性,应尽可能避免。 1 2 3 i此外,由于加成作用或血清和组织中氨基糖苷浓度的改变可能会增加耳毒性的风险,因此不应将氨基糖苷与乙炔酸,速尿,甘露醇,尿素同时使用。 1 2 3我
药品 | 相互作用 | 评论 |
阿昔洛韦 | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
两性霉素B | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
β-内酰胺抗生素(头孢菌素,青霉素) | 青霉素和氨基糖苷类药物对某些肠球菌,肠杆菌科或Ps的累加或协同抗菌作用的体外证据。铜绿;我曾经治疗优势我 据报道,一些头孢菌素可能增加肾毒性的发生;头孢菌素可能会虚假地提高肌酐浓度1 2 3 氨基糖苷在体外和体内的潜在失活; 1 2 3 i HID阿米卡星可能被β-内酰胺类灭活的程度低于其他一些氨基糖苷类i | 不要混合;分别管理药物的静脉注射液HID i 监测血清氨基糖苷浓度,尤其是当使用高剂量的青霉素或患者患有肾功能不全时 |
杆菌肽 | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
卡普霉素 | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
碳青霉烯(亚胺培南) | 在用针对一些革兰氏阳性菌氨基糖苷类加和或协同的抗菌效果(粪肠球菌,金黄色葡萄球菌,单增李斯特菌)1体外证据 | |
氯霉素 | 一些氨基糖苷拮抗作用的体外证据;我在体内拮抗作用尚未得到证实和药物已与活动我没有明显的下降同时施用 | |
顺铂 | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
克林霉素 | 一些氨基糖苷拮抗作用的体外证据;我在体内拮抗作用尚未得到证实和药物已与活动我没有明显的下降同时施用 | |
大白菜/ Colistin | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
利尿剂(乙炔酸,速尿,甘露醇,尿素) | 耳毒性的风险可能增加(利尿剂本身可能引起耳毒性)或其他与氨基糖苷有关的不良反应的风险增加(利尿剂可能会改变氨基糖苷的血清或组织浓度) 1 2 3 | |
神经肌肉阻滞剂和全身麻醉药(琥珀酰胆碱,微管尿素) | 神经肌肉阻滞和呼吸麻痹我的可能增强 | 谨慎使用;密切观察呼吸抑郁症我的迹象 |
非甾体抗炎药 | 吲哚美辛在早产儿中可能使血清氨基糖苷浓度升高;可能与在尿输出I吲哚美辛诱导的降低 | 密切监测氨基糖苷类浓度并相应地调整剂量我 |
多粘菌素B | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
四环素 | 一些氨基糖苷拮抗作用的体外证据;我在体内拮抗作用尚未得到证实和药物已与活动我没有明显的下降同时施用 | |
万古霉素 | 神经毒性,耳毒性或肾毒性作用的风险可能增加1 2 3 | 尽可能避免同时使用和/或顺序使用1 2 3 |
口服不吸收;必须由父母给予。 4 11
IM注射后迅速吸收; 1 2 3 11在0.5–2小时内达到峰值血清浓度。 1 2 3 13 16
分布于骨骼,心脏,胆囊,肺组织,胆汁,痰,支气管分泌物以及间质,胸膜和滑液中。 1 2 3 4小时
穿过胎盘。 1 2 3 4
低浓度分配到牛奶中。 259
≤11%。 1 2 3 4
一次IM或IV剂量的94–98%在24小时内通过肾小球滤过排泄。 1 2 3 4 17
肾功能正常的成年人2-3小时。 1 2 3 4 13 14 16 17 20
肾功能不全患者的血药浓度升高和半衰期延长。 1 2 3 4 h严重肾功能不全的成年人的半衰期为28–86小时。 4 14 21 22 24
15–30°C。 1 2 3
使用5%葡萄糖,5%葡萄糖和0.2或0.45%氯化钠,0.9%氯化钠,乳酸林格氏液,Normosol制备的含有0.25或5 mg / mL的稀释溶液-M和5%葡萄糖或Normosol -R和5%葡萄糖在室温下稳定24小时。 1 2 3
兼容 |
林格氏注射液中葡萄糖5% |
乳酸林格氏注射液中5%的乳酸 |
葡萄糖2.5%/氯化钠0.45或0.9% |
5%的葡萄糖在氯化钠中的含量为0.2、0.45或0.9% |
葡萄糖10%的氯化钠溶液0.9% |
水中的葡萄糖含量为5、10或20% |
甘露醇在水中20% |
5%葡萄糖水溶液中的Normosol M或R |
Normosol R |
林格注射 |
乳酸林格注射液 |
氯化钠0.25、0.45或0.9% |
乳酸钠1/6 M |
兼容 |
抗坏血酸注射液 |
硫酸博来霉素 |
氯化钙 |
葡萄糖酸钙 |
盐酸头孢吡肟 |
头孢西丁钠 |
头孢曲松钠 |
氯霉素琥珀酸钠 |
环丙沙星 |
磷酸克林霉素 |
秋水仙酸钠 |
地海因 |
盐酸苯海拉明 |
盐酸肾上腺素 |
氟康唑 |
透明质酸酶 |
氢化可的松琥珀酸钠 |
盐酸林可霉素 |
去甲肾上腺素酒石酸氢盐 |
戊巴比妥钠 |
苯巴比妥钠 |
苯乙二酮 |
硫酸多粘菌素B |
氯化钾 |
氯丙嗪乙二磺酸盐 |
盐酸异丙嗪 |
盐酸雷尼替丁 |
碳酸氢钠 |
琥珀酰胆碱氯化物 |
盐酸万古霉素 |
盐酸维拉帕米 |
不相容 |
两性霉素B |
氨苄西林钠 |
头孢唑林钠 |
头孢他啶 |
氯噻嗪钠 |
肝素钠 |
苯妥英钠 |
变量 |
氨茶碱 |
头孢噻肟钠 |
地塞米松磷酸钠 |
奥沙西林钠 |
青霉素G钾 |
兼容 |
阿昔洛韦钠 |
氨磷汀 |
盐酸胺碘酮 |
阿尼芬净 |
Aztreonam |
比伐卢定 |
醋酸卡泊芬净 |
盐酸头孢吡肟 |
头孢洛林酯 |
头孢他啶 |
苯磺酸顺沙曲库铵 |
环磷酰胺 |
地塞米松磷酸钠 |
盐酸右美托咪定 |
盐酸地尔硫卓 |
多西他赛 |
多瑞培南 |
依那普利拉 |
盐酸艾司洛尔 |
磷酸依托泊苷 |
甲磺酸非诺多m |
菲格拉斯汀 |
氟康唑 |
磷酸氟达拉滨 |
膦甲酸钠 |
速尿 |
盐酸吉西他滨 |
盐酸格拉司琼 |
乳酸盐电解质注射中的Hextastarch(扩展) |
盐酸氢吗啡酮 |
盐酸依达比星 |
盐酸拉贝洛尔 |
左氧氟沙星 |
利奈唑胺 |
劳拉西m |
硫酸镁 |
盐酸美法仑 |
盐酸哌替啶 |
盐酸咪达唑仑 |
乳酸米力农 |
硫酸吗啡 |
盐酸尼卡地平 |
盐酸恩丹西酮 |
紫杉醇 |
培美曲塞钠 |
盐酸瑞芬太尼 |
Sargramostim |
替尼泊苷 |
蒂奥帕 |
替吉环素 |
酒石酸长春瑞滨 |
华法林钠 |
齐多夫定 |
不相容 |
别嘌醇钠 |
两性霉素B胆固醇硫酸酯络合物 |
阿奇霉素 |
氯化钠0.9% |
异丙酚 |
体外活性谱包括许多革兰氏阴性需氧细菌(包括大多数肠杆菌科和铜绿假单胞菌)以及其他一些生物(例如分枝杆菌);仅对少量革兰氏阳性需氧菌有活性,对大多数厌氧菌无活性。 1 2 3 4 I H
革兰氏阳性需氧菌:对产生青霉素酶和产生非青霉素酶的金黄色葡萄球菌和表皮葡萄球菌具有体外活性。 1 2 3 4 i可能对某些耐奥沙西林(耐甲氧西林)的葡萄球菌有活性。 1 2 3 4化脓性链球菌(A组溶血性链球菌),肺炎链球菌和粪肠球菌通常具有耐药性。 4
Gram-negative aerobes: active in vitro and in clinical infections against Acinetobacter , Citrobacter , Enterobacter , Escherichia coli , Haemophilus influenzae , Klebsiella , Proteus , Providencia , Pseudomonas , Salmonella , Shigella , and Serratia . 1 2 3 4 i Burkholderia and Stenotrophomonas usually are resistant. 4
Partial cross-resistance occurs among the aminoglycosides. i Amikacin may be active against some Enterobacteriaceae and Ps. aeruginosa resistant to other aminoglycosides (eg, gentamicin, tobramycin). 1 2 3 i
Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to streptomycin usually are susceptible to amikacin; M. tuberculosis resistant to kanamycin usually also are resistant to amikacin. 218
Advise patients that antibacterials (including amikacin) should only be used to treat bacterial infections and not used to treat viral infections (eg, the common cold). 1 2
Importance of completing full course of therapy, even if feeling better after a few days. 1 2
Advise patients that skipping doses or not completing the full course of therapy may decrease effectiveness and increase the likelihood that bacteria will develop resistance and will not be treatable with amikacin or other antibacterials in the future. 1 2
Importance of maintaining adequate fluid intake. 1 2 3
Importance of informing clinician if there is evidence of ototoxicity (dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, roaring in the ears, hearing loss), other neurotoxicity (numbness, skin tingling, muscle twitching, seizures), or nephrotoxicity (eg, decreased urine output). 1 2 3
Importance of informing clinician of existing or contemplated therapy, including prescription and OTC drugs. 1 2 3
告知妇女临床医生是否怀孕或计划怀孕或计划母乳喂养的重要性。 1 2 3
向患者提供其他重要预防信息的重要性。 1 2 3 (See Cautions.)
路线 | 剂型 | 长处 | 品牌名称 | 制造商 |
肠胃外 | 注射 | 50 mg (of amikacin) per mL* | Amikacin Sulfate Injection | |
250 mg (of amikacin) per mL* | Amikacin Sulfate Injection |
AHFS DI Essentials™。 © Copyright 2020, Selected Revisions June 18, 2013. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.
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27. Canis F, Husson MO, Turck D et al. Pharmacokinetics and bronchial diffusion of single daily dose amikacin in cystic fibrosis patients.抗微生物化学杂志。 1997年; 39:431-3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9096197?dopt=AbstractPlus
28. Kihara M, Ikeda Y, Takagi N et al. Pharmacokinetics of single-dose intravenous amikacin in critically ill patients undergoing slow hemodialysis. Intensive Care Med . 1995; 21:348-51. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7650258?dopt=AbstractPlus
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33. Preston SL, Briceland LL. Intrathecal administration of amikacin for treatment of meningitis secondary to cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli .安Pharmacother 。 1993年; 27:870-3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8364266?dopt=AbstractPlus
34. Wright PF, Kaiser AB, Bowman CM et al. The pharmacokinetics and efficacy of an aminoglycoside administered into the cerebral ventricles in neonates: implications for further evaluation of this route of therapy in meningitis.感染杂志1981年; 143:141-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7012246?dopt=AbstractPlus
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36. Kafetzis DA, Sinaniotis CA, Papadatos CJ et al. Pharmacokinetics of amikacin in infants and pre-school children. Acta Paediatr Scand . 1979年; 68:419-22. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/443042?dopt=AbstractPlus
37. Fulnecky EJ, Wright D, Scheld WM et al. Amikacin and colistin for treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii meningitis. J Infect . 2005; 51:e249-51. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15913780?dopt=AbstractPlus
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43. Autret E, Marchand S, Breteau M et al. Pharmacokinetics of amikacin in cystic fibrosis: a study of bronchial diffusion. Eur J临床Pharmacol 。 1986年; 31:79-83. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3780832?dopt=AbstractPlus
44. Mombelli G, Coppens L, Thys JP et al. Anti- Pseudomonas activity in bronchial secretions of patients receiving amikacin or tobramycin as a continuous infusion.抗微生物剂。 1981年; 19:72-5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7247362?dopt=AbstractPlus http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=181359&blobtype=pdf
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46. Honda DH, Adams HG, Barriere SL. Amikacin penetration into synovial fluid during treatment of septic arthritis. Drug Intell Clin Pharm . 1981年; 15:284-6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7023898?dopt=AbstractPlus
47. Kenyon CF, Knoppert DC, Lee SK et al. Amikacin pharmacokinetics and suggested dosage modifications for the preterm infant.抗微生物剂。 1990年; 34:265-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2327775?dopt=AbstractPlus http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=171570&blobtype=pdf
48. Langhendries JP, Battisti O, Bertrand JM et al. Once-a-day administration of amikacin in neonates: assessment of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Dev Pharmacol Ther . 1993年; 20:220-30. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7828457?dopt=AbstractPlus
49. Karachalios GN, Houpas P, Tziviskou E et al. Prospective randomized study of once-daily versus twice-daily amikacin regimens in patients with systemic infections.国际药学杂志。 1998年; 36:561-4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9799062?dopt=AbstractPlus
50. Krivoy N, Postovsky S, Elhasid R et al. Pharmacokinetic analysis of amikacin twice and single daily dosage in immunocompromised pediatric patients. Infection . 1998年; 26:396-8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9861567?dopt=AbstractPlus
51. Armstrong DK, Hodgman T, Visconti JA et al. Hemodialysis of amikacin in critically ill patients. Crit Care Med . 1988年; 16:517-20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3359790?dopt=AbstractPlus
52. Vic P, Ategbo S, Turck D et al. Tolerance, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of once daily amikacin for treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis patients. Eur J Pediatr . 1996; 155:948-53. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8911895?dopt=AbstractPlus
53. Izquierdo M, Lanao JM, Cervero L et al. A comparative study of the population pharmacokinetics of gentamicin and amikacin in newborn patients. J Clin Pharmacol Ther . 1993年; 18:411-3,
54. El Desoky ES, Shoreit AH. Once- versus twice-daily administration of amikacin in pediatric patients with bronchopneumonia: plasma drug concentration and Bayesian pharmacokinetics estimation.安Pharmacother 。 1999年; 33:749-50. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10410192?dopt=AbstractPlus
55. O'Brien MA, Mason NA. Systemic absorption of intraperitoneal antimicrobials in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Clin Pharm . 1992年; 11:246-54. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1611814?dopt=AbstractPlus
56. Kotze A, Bartel PR, Sommers DK. Once versus twice daily amikacin in neonates: prospective study on toxicity. J Paediatr Child Health . 1999年; 35:283-6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10
最常见的副作用包括注射部位的油漆和听力损失(在某些情况下是永久性的)。 [参考]
停药时,肾功能改变通常是可逆的。 [参考]
最初的听力损失通常表现为高音敏锐度降低。 [参考]
IM给药会导致注射部位疼痛。 [参考]
玻璃体内给药后发生失明,黄斑梗塞和视网膜梗塞。 [参考]
1.“产品信息。Amikin(阿米卡星)。” Bristol-Myers Squibb,新泽西州普林斯顿。
2. Cerner Multum,Inc.“澳大利亚产品信息”。 00
3. Cerner Multum,Inc.“英国产品特性摘要”。 00
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
每天一次静脉输注10至15 mg / kg或每周3次静脉输注25 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每24小时静脉注射15至20 mg / kg
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
单纯性尿路感染:每天2次,每次250 mg IM或IV(30至60分钟)
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
静脉注射:每天15 mg / kg静脉注射,每8小时分次服用
脑室内:每天一次通过脑室内途径5至50 mg
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
间歇性(每天1次交换):每天一次腹膜内2 mg / kg
连续(所有交流) :
-维持剂量:4 mg / L
美国卫生与公共服务部(US HHS),美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),卫生资源与服务管理局(HRSA)和美国疾病控制与预防中心(US CDC)建议:
一次静脉输注10至15 mg / kg或每周3次静脉输注25 mg / kg
每天一次IM或IV 15 mg / kg或每周3次25 mg IM或IV
评论:肾功能不全的患者和/或年龄较大的患者可能需要每周3次服用15 mg / kg。
严重,广泛的(多叶)纤维性空洞疾病或先前治疗过的疾病:每周3次,每次25 mg / kg
结节/支气管疾病:每周2至3次IM或IV 8至10 mg / kg
每天一次10至15 mg / kg静脉注射
评论:对于晚期免疫抑制(例如,CD4计数低于50个细胞/ mcL),高分枝杆菌载量(大于2 log CFU / mL)或缺乏有效免疫力的患者,可以将该药物视为第三种或第四种药物抗逆转录病毒疗法。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-50岁及以上的患者或长期治疗(大于3周)的患者应给予较低的每日剂量(10 mg / kg /天)。
每天15 mg / kg IM或IV(超过30至60分钟),以2至3等分的剂量平均分配
最大剂量:15 mg / kg /天
-一些推荐的剂量方案包括每12小时7.5 mg / kg IM或每8小时5 mg / kg IM。
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
ATS and IDSA Recommendations :
10 to 15 mg/kg IV once a day OR 25 mg/kg IV 3 times a week
-Initial therapy: At least 2 weeks
-Serious skin and soft tissue infections: At least 4 months
-Bone infections: At least 6 months
-Patients 50 years of age and older or those with prolonged treatment (greater than 3 weeks) should be given lower daily doses (10 mg/kg/day).
-This drug should be given with azithromycin, clarithromycin, high-dose cefoxitin, or imipenem.
Use: Treatment of serous skin, soft tissue, and bone infections caused by M abscessus
ATS, US CDC, and IDSA Recommendations :
15 mg/kg IM or IV once a day OR 15 to 25 mg IM or IV 3 times a week
Comment: Patients with renal dysfunction and/or those who are older may require 15 mg/kg given 3 times a week.
Use: Second-line treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis caused by susceptible organisms
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-Concomitant therapy with a penicillin-type agent may be needed in the treatment of neonatal sepsis.
Short-term treatment of susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species causing the following infections :
-Bacterial septicemia
-Neonatal sepsis
-Serious infections of the bones and joints, burns, intraabdominal infections, respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
-Serious postoperative infections, including postvascular surgery
-Initial/empirical therapy in severe infection, with suspected gram-negative, staphylococcal, or mixed staphylococcal/gram-negative infections, or in patients allergic to other antibiotics
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
15 to 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 to 24 hours
-Initial doses should be based on body weight.
-Maintenance doses should be determined by concentration monitoring.
-Treatment of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections
-Treatment of patients with severe reactions to beta-lactam antibiotics who have complicated intra-abdominal infections
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV (over 30 to 60 minutes) per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
Use: Treatment of meningitis and serious infections of the central nervous system caused by susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species
Bacterial Meningitis :
0 to 7 days: 15 to 20 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 12 hours
8 to 28 days: 30 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 hours
Infants and children: 20 to 30 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 hours
Use: Adjunct empirical treatment of purulent meningitis caused by S agalactiae, E coli, L monocytogenes, Klebsiella species in patients younger than 1 month
IDSA, AAN, AANS, and NCS Recommendations :
Healthcare-associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis :
Infants and children :
-IV: 22.5 mg/kg IV per day, given in divided doses every 8 hours
-Intraventricular: 5 to 50 mg via intraventricular route once a day
-Neisseria meningitis or Haemophilus influenzae: 7 days
-Coagulase-negative staphylococcus or P acnes with no/minimal cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, normal CSF glucose, few symptoms/systemic features: 10 days
-Coagulase-negative staphylococcus or P acnes with significant CSF pleocytosis, S aureus or gram-negative bacilli with/without significant CSF pleocytosis, CSF hypoglycorrhachia, or symptoms/systemic features: 10 to 14 days
-S pneumoniae: 10 to 14 days
-S agalactiae: 14 to 21 days
-Aerobic gram-negative bacilli: 21 days
-L monocytogenes: At least 21 days
-Repeatedly positive CSF cultures on appropriate antimicrobial treatment: Continue treatment for 10 to 14 days after the last positive culture
-Neonate duration of therapy is 2 weeks beyond the first sterile CSF culture OR at least 3 weeks, whichever is longer.
-The usual intraventricular dose was 30 mg/day.
-The intraventricular drain should be clamped for approximately 15 to 60 minutes to allow the drug to equilibrate.
Use: Treatment of healthcare-associated ventriculitis and meningitis
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
Use: Treatment of peritonitis caused by susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species
ISPD Recommendations :
Continuous peritoneal dialysis :
-Loading dose: 25 mg/L
-Maintenance dose: 12 mg/L
Intermittent peritoneal dialysis :
-Anuric patients: 0.6 mg/kg intraperitoneally once a day
-Non-anuric patients: 0.75 mg/kg intraperitoneally once a day
-Continuous: Loading doses should be allowed to dwell for at least 3 to 6 hours.
-Intermittent: Doses should be administered via the long-dwell (unless otherwise specified) and be allowed to dwell for at least 6 hours.
-Prolonged courses of treatment should be avoided.
Use: Treatment of peritonitis
Newborns :
Loading dose: 10 mg/kg IM once
Maintenance dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM or via IV infusion (over 1 to 2 hours) every 12 hours
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
Older infants and children :
Serious complicated/recurrent urinary tract infections: 15 mg/kg IM or IV per day, given in 2 to 3 equal doses at equally divided intervals
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections: 250 mg IM or IV 2 times a day
Maximum dose: 15 mg/kg/day
-Infants should receive an IV infusion over 1 to 2 hours; children should be administered IV formulations over 30 to 60 minutes.
-Heavier patients should not exceed 1.5 grams/day.
-Some recommended dose regimens include 7.5 mg/kg IM every 12 hours or 5 mg/kg IM every 8 hours.
-Most infections typically respond in 24 to 48 hours; if clinical response does not occur within 3 to 5 days, treatment should be stopped and the susceptibility pattern of the organism should be rechecked.
-Drug serum levels, renal, auditory, and vestibular functions should be monitored in patients who require treatment beyond 10 days.
-This drug should not be used to treat initial uncomplicated urinary tract infections unless the causative organisms are not susceptible to less potent antibiotics.
-Short-term treatment of serious complicated and recurrent urinary tract infections caused by susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, E coli, indole-positive/-negative species of Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species
-Uncomplicated initial episodes of urinary tract infections caused by organisms not susceptible to antibiotics having less potential toxicity
Severe Infections :
7 days or younger and 2 kg or less: 15 mg IV or IM every 48 hours
7 days or younger and greater than 2 kg: 15 mg IV or IM every 24 hours
8 to 28 days and 2 kg or less: 15 mg IV or IM every 24 hours
8 to 28 days and greater than 2 kg: 17.5 mg every 24 hours
Older than 28 days: 15 to 22.5 mg IV or IM in 2 to 3 doses OR 15 to 20 mg IV or IM once a day
-Serum concentrations should guide ongoing treatment.
-Patients with cystic fibrosis should receive higher doses.
US HHS, NIH, HRSA, and US CDC Recommendations :
15 to 30 mg/kg IV in 1 to 2 divided doses per day
Maximum dose: 1.5 grams/day
Duration of therapy: At least 12 months
-If rifabutin cannot be administered AND a third agent must be added to a macrolide and ethambutol, this drug may be used.
-This drug may be added in patients with more severe symptoms or disseminated disease requiring a fourth agent.
Use: Third or fourth drug option as an alternative treatment in patients with disseminated MAC disease
SIS and IDSA Recommendations :
Children: 15 to 20 mg/kg IM or IV once a day OR 25 to 30 mg/kg IM or IV 2 times a week
Comment: Patients with renal dysfunction may require 15 mg/kg given 3 times a week.
Use: Second-line treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis caused by susceptible organisms
AAP, US HHS, NIH, HRSA, and US CDC Recommendations :
Infants, Children, and Adolescents: 15 to 30 mg/kg IM or IV once a day
Maximum dose: 1 gram
Duration of therapy: 2 months (with isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide)
Comment: Some experts state that this regimen may be used as an adjunctive treatment/second-line for drug-susceptible tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients undergoing DOT.
-Adjunctive treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis
-Adjunctive treatment of drug-susceptible meningitis caused by M bovis in geographic areas where resistance to streptomycin is common
Known/suspected renal dysfunction: Frequent monitoring recommended.
IM Administration :
-Prolonged intervals (creatinine clearance unknown): Administer the recommended single dose (7.5 mg/kg IM) at the dosage interval determined by multiplying the serum creatinine by 9
-Reduced dose (serum assay concentrations unknown):
---Loading dose: 7.5 mg/kg IM once
---Maintenance dose given IM every 12 hours: (observed creatinine clearance divided by normal creatinine clearance) multiplied by the loading dose OR recommended dose divided by the steady state creatinine clearance
Signs/symptoms of renal irritation occurring during treatment (eg, casts, white/red cells, albumin): Increase hydration.
Evidence of renal dysfunction occurring during treatment (eg, decreased creatinine clearance, decreased urine specific gravity, increased blood urea nitrogen/creatinine, oliguria): Dose reductions should be considered; closely monitor renal and eigh
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