用抗精神病药治疗的老年痴呆症相关精神病患者死亡风险增加。 1 28 73 113 114 118 119
对主要接受非典型抗精神病药的老年患者进行的17项安慰剂对照试验的分析表明,与接受安慰剂的患者相比,死亡率增加了约1.6到1.7倍。 73 113 118 119
大多数死亡似乎是由与心血管有关的事件(例如心力衰竭,猝死)或感染(主要是肺炎)引起的。 73 118 119
观察性研究表明,常规或第一代抗精神病药也可能增加此类患者的死亡率。 28 113 118 119
抗精神病药,包括阿立哌唑,未被批准用于治疗与痴呆有关的精神病。 1 73 113 118 119
与安慰剂相比,在患有严重抑郁症和其他精神疾病的儿童,青少年和年轻人(18至24岁)中,抗抑郁药会增加自杀思维和行为(自杀)的风险;平衡这种风险与临床需求。 1 76 77阿立哌唑未获批准用于治疗小儿抑郁症。 1 (请参阅“注意事项”中的“儿科用途”。)
在汇总数据分析中,与安慰剂相比,抗抑郁治疗的> 24岁的成年人自杀倾向的风险没有增加,而≥65岁的成年人自杀倾向的风险明显降低。 1 76 77
抑郁症和某些其他精神疾病本身与自杀风险增加有关。 1 76 77 78
适当监测并密切观察所有开始使用阿立哌唑治疗的患者,以了解其临床恶化,自杀倾向或异常行为改变;让家庭成员和/或照顾者参与此过程。 1 76 77 78 (请参见谨慎操作下抑郁和自杀风险的恶化。)
喹啉酮衍生物; 2 5非典型或第二代抗精神病药。 1 2 7 28 89 98
口服(作为阿立哌唑)和IM(作为阿立哌唑缓释剂或阿立哌唑月桂醇注射液)用于治疗精神分裂症。 1 2 3 9 89 91 93 118 119 120 121 122 139 147
美国精神病学协会(APA)考虑将大多数非典型抗精神病药一线药物用于治疗精神分裂症的急性期(包括首发精神病发作)。 28
对一种药物无反应或耐受的患者可用不同类别或不同不良反应的药物成功治疗。 28 70 71 72 115
速释阿立哌唑注射液(在美国不再有售)已用于IM,用于精神分裂症患者的急性躁动管理。 1 86 87
口服单独使用或与锂或丙戊酸盐联合用于急性治疗躁郁症和混合性发作,伴或不伴精神病性躁郁症。 1 67 90 139也可口服用于单药治疗或锂或丙戊酸盐辅助治疗,以维持双相性I障碍的治疗。 112 125 127 129 139
使用过的IM(作为阿立哌唑缓释注射剂[Abilify Maintena ])作为维持双相性I型障碍的单一疗法。 118 140
即时释放的阿立哌唑注射液(在美国不再销售)已用于IM,用于双相I型障碍患者的急性躁动管理。 1 88
口服用作抗抑郁药的辅助疗法,用于治疗重度抑郁症。 1 85 139
口服用于与自闭症相关的烦躁不安的急性治疗。 1 109 110
口服用于治疗图雷特氏综合症(吉列斯·德·图雷特氏综合症)。 1 124
监测抑郁症,自杀倾向或行为异常变化是否可能恶化,尤其是在治疗开始时或调整剂量期间。 1 76 77 78 (请参阅带框警告,另请参见在谨慎情况下抑郁和自杀风险的加剧。)
当从其他抗精神病药转向阿立哌唑时,某些精神分裂症患者突然停药可能是可以接受的,但逐渐停药可能对其他精神分裂症患者最合适。 1在所有情况下,都应尽量减少抗精神病药物的重复给药。 1个
带有传感器的阿立哌唑片剂(Abilify MyCite )是数字摄入跟踪系统的一部分,旨在提供有关药物摄入的客观数据。 139 (请参阅带作用的具有传感器的阿立哌唑片剂。)尚未确定具有传感器的阿立哌唑片剂改善患者依从性或改变阿立哌唑剂量的有用性的能力。 139不建议使用带有传感器的阿立哌唑片剂实时或在紧急情况下跟踪药物摄入,因为检测可能会延迟或可能不会发生。 139 (请参阅有关带有传感器的阿立哌唑片剂的注意事项,在警告下。)
口服阿立哌唑1 139或通过IM注射。 118仅通过IM注射给药阿立哌唑月桂酯。 119 147
在开始使用缓释阿立哌唑或阿立哌唑桂环素进行IM治疗之前,要建立口服阿立哌唑的耐受性。 118 119 147
每天一次以常规片剂,带传感器的片剂,口腔崩解片或口服溶液形式口服给药,无需考虑进餐。 1 139 (请参阅药代动力学下的食物。)
即将给药前,剥开吸塑包装。用干手取出口腔崩解片。 1请勿将平板电脑穿过金属箔。 1个
将药片放在舌头上溶解;制造商建议不带液体服用,但必要时可以带液体服用。 1个
不分口腔崩解片。 1个
阿立哌唑可作为数字摄入跟踪系统的一部分,该系统由以下组件组成:嵌入有可摄入事件标记传感器(IEM; Abilify MyCite)的阿立哌唑片剂);穿戴式传感器(MyCite补丁),它检测来自摄入传感器的信号并将数据传输到兼容的移动设备(例如智能手机);适用于兼容移动设备(例如智能手机; MyCite)的软件应用程序(app) App),显示患者信息;以及面向医疗保健专业人员和护理人员的基于Web的门户。 139
在初次使用患者之前,请方便使用Abilify MyCite系统。 139确保患者有能力并且愿意使用移动设备和软件应用程序。 139在使用系统的任何组件之前,请指示患者下载该应用程序并遵循所有使用说明,并确保该软件与他们的特定移动设备兼容。 139
每天不考虑进餐就使用带有传感器的片剂。 139片吞咽片;不分裂,粉碎,或咀嚼。 139
在使用软件应用程序之前,应先打开患者的移动设备并打开蓝牙已启用。 139患者应在移动软件应用程序提示时使用随附的可穿戴式传感器;该应用程序将指示患者正确应用和卸下传感器。 139患者在使用前应确认其移动设备已与可穿戴式传感器配对。移动软件应用程序将在移动设备上显示状态图标,以指示补丁已正确粘贴并正常运行。 139有关更多信息,请参阅产品包装中提供的信息以及在移动软件应用程序中使用的说明。 139
摄入阿立哌唑片的大多数传感器都将在摄入后30分钟内检测到;但是,智能手机应用程序和Web门户最多可能需要2个小时才能检测到摄入情况。 139在某些情况下,可能无法检测到平板传感器的摄入。 139如果未检测到与传感器片剂摄入后,不重复的剂量。 139
将可穿戴式传感器局部应用于肋骨保持架下边缘上方的身体左侧。 139避免将其涂抹在皮肤被刮擦,破裂,发炎或发炎的地方,或与最近移除的传感器的区域重叠的地方。 139
每周或更早根据需要更换可穿戴式传感器;移动软件应用程序将提醒患者何时更换传感器。 139指示患者在淋浴,游泳或锻炼时将可穿戴式传感器保持在原位。 139在进行磁共振成像(MRI)之前,请拆下可穿戴传感器,并尽快更换新传感器。 139
如果发生皮肤刺激,请卸下可穿戴传感器。 139 (请参阅与Abilify MyCite相关的皮肤刺激警告中的可穿戴式传感器。)
缓释IM阿立哌唑有300和400 mg的药瓶和预装注射器。不要将此制剂与阿立哌唑月桂酯缓释剂混淆(Aristada和Aristada Initio ,可提供441-,662-,675-,882-和1064 mg预装注射器)或即时释放IM阿立哌唑制剂(Abilify ; 9.75 mg /小瓶),在美国不再有售。 1 118 119 147
必须由医疗保健专业人员管理。 118
仅通过深部肌内注射缓慢地向三角肌或臀肌中施用阿立哌唑缓释剂。 118 IM管理后,请勿按摩注射部位。 118旋转注射部位。 118
每月管理;两次给药之间至少要间隔26天。 118
Abilify维护可在2种类型的试剂盒中以市售形式购买,这些试剂盒在一次性使用的小瓶或预填充的双腔注射器中均含有阿立哌唑冻干粉,具有重建和给药所需的所有组件(例如,用于注射稀释剂的无菌水,针头,注射器);有关制备,复原和管理的特定信息,请查阅制造商的使用说明。 118
由于预填充的双室注射器的全部内容物应在重构后进行管理,因此请使用单次使用的小瓶,剂量<300 mg。 118
重建后,分别剧烈摇动预填充的注射器或小瓶20或30秒,以确保悬浮液均匀均匀,呈不透明和乳白色。 118如果使用小瓶,请使用制造商提供的注射器取出适当剂量的阿立哌唑。 118如果未立即服用一瓶重新配制的悬浮液,请剧烈摇动该瓶至少60秒钟以重悬药物;重构后请勿存放在注射器中。 118如果使用预填充注射器,则在重构后立即(即在30分钟内)注入全部内容物。 118
缓释阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada )提供441-,662-,882-和1064毫克预装注射器用于治疗精神分裂症;不要将此制剂与阿立哌唑缓释制剂(Abilify Maintena ;可用300毫克和400毫克的药瓶和预装注射器)或速释阿立哌唑制剂(在美国不再有售)。 1 118 119
675 mg预装注射器中还提供阿立哌唑月桂酯缓释注射液(Aristada Initio )。 147仅在遗失剂量的阿立哌唑劳洛西尔缓释剂(Aristada)后用作IM单一剂量开始治疗或作为重新开始治疗的单一剂量)。第147章仅用于单剂量给药;请勿重复使用。第147章与Aristada不可互换因为它们具有不同的药代动力学特征。 147
必须由医疗保健专业人员管理。 119 147
可作为试剂盒使用,该试剂盒包含预装注射器中的阿立哌唑月桂酯,阿立哌唑可注射混悬剂和用于IM注射的安全针头。 119 147使用前,轻击预灌装的注射器≥10次以清除可能已经沉降的任何材料,然后剧烈摇动≥30秒以确保均匀悬浮。 119 147如果15分钟内未给药,请再次摇动注射器30秒钟。 119 147
仅通过IM注射快速连续地对三角肌(仅适用于441和675 mg剂量)或臀肌(适用于441、662、675、675、882和1064 mg剂量)进行注射。 119 147基于注射部位选择针;如果患者的皮下组织覆盖注射部位的肌肉较多,则使用更长的针头。在2种不同的阿立哌唑lauroxil注射制剂119 147避免同时给药(Aristada从头算和阿里斯塔达)在同一块肌肉上。 147
施用441和662 mg剂量的阿立哌唑劳罗西特缓释剂(Aristada )每月;可每月或每6周服用882毫克剂量。 119每2个月服用1064 mg剂量。 119两次给药之间至少要间隔14天。 119
阿立哌唑口服溶液的剂量可以与片剂的片剂强度相同,最高剂量为25 mg。 1但是,如果接受30毫克片剂的患者使用口服溶液,请使用25毫克口服溶液。 1个
阿立哌唑口腔崩解片的剂量与常规药物片的剂量相同。 1个
以阿立哌唑月桂酯表示的阿立哌唑月桂醇的剂量。 119 147
缓释阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada )441、662、882和1064 mg的剂量分别对应阿立哌唑300、450、600和724 mg的剂量。 119
如果与CYP3A4抑制剂,CYP2D6抑制剂和/或CYP3A4诱导剂一起使用,可能需要调整剂量。 1 (请参阅交互。)
≥13岁的青少年:建议的治疗目标剂量是每天一次10 mg。 1治疗开始于每天2 mg,然后滴定至2天后每天5 mg和另外2天后每天10 mg滴定。 1 75 91
随后应以每天一次5 mg的剂量增加剂量。 1个
在临床试验中每天评估10和30 mg的剂量;在青少年中,每日30毫克的剂量并不比每日10毫克的有效。 1 75 91
尽管未对精神分裂症青少年的维持治疗的疗效进行系统评价,但制造商指出,除了对成人和儿童患者使用阿立哌唑的药代动力学参数进行比较之外,还可以从成人数据中推断出这种功效。 1定期重新评估持续治疗的需要。 1 (请参阅“注意事项”中的“儿科用途”。)
≥10岁的儿童和青少年:急性治疗的目标剂量是每天一次10 mg。 1当作为单药治疗时,建议的初始剂量为每天2 mg,随后在2天后滴定至每天5 mg,再在2天后达到每天10 mg的目标剂量。 1个
当将阿立哌唑与锂或丙戊酸盐辅助治疗时,推荐剂量与单药治疗相同。 1个
如有必要,每日剂量可以5 mg为增量增加。 1在儿科临床研究中,每天10和30 mg的剂量有效。 1个
6-17岁的儿童和青少年:最初每天2 mg,然后增加剂量至每天5 mg,如有必要,随后增加至每天10或15 mg。 1每隔≥1周逐渐增加剂量。 1临床研究中确定的剂量范围为每天5-15 mg。 1 109 110
定期重新评估持续治疗的需求。 1个
6-18岁的儿童和青少年体重<50千克:最初每天2毫克,连续2天,然后将剂量增加到5毫克,每天一次。 1如果无法控制抽动症,则可将剂量增加至每天一次10毫克。 1每隔≥1周逐渐调整剂量。 1个
儿童和青少年6-18岁体重≥50公斤:最初,2毫克,每天一次,持续2天,然后增加至5mg,每天一次持续5天,以10毫克推荐的目标剂量,每天一次在第8天1如果无法获得最佳的抽动控制,则每天最多可增加20 mg剂量。 1以≥5周为间隔,以每天5 mg的增量逐渐调整剂量。 1个
定期重新评估对持续维持治疗的需求。 1个
治疗的初始剂量和目标剂量是每天一次10或15毫克。 1 139
每天一次10–30 mg的剂量在临床试验中有效。 1剂量超过每日10–15 mg不会产生更大的疗效。 1 139
间隔≥2周(达到稳定浓度所需的时间)调整剂量。 1 139
≤26周的维持治疗效果已得到证实;其他1个临床经验表明可能有效长达52周。 2 9 10最佳治疗持续时间尚不清楚,但抗精神病药物的维持治疗已得到公认。 1 28
定期重新评估持续治疗的需求。 1个
对于首发或多次发作缓解的患者,APA建议进行无限期维持治疗或逐步停用抗精神病药并密切随访,并计划在症状复发时恢复治疗。 28仅在接受抗精神病药≥1年症状缓解或最佳反应后才考虑停止抗精神病药治疗。 28如果先前多次精神病发作或5年内发生2次发作,建议无限期维持治疗。 28
对于天真的阿立哌唑的患者,在开始长效IM阿立哌唑治疗之前,应先与口服阿立哌唑建立耐受性。由于口服阿立哌唑的半衰期,可能需要长达2周的时间才能全面评估耐受性。 118
通常的初始剂量和维持剂量:每月400 mg IM(不超过前次注射后26天)。 118可以将出现不良反应的患者的剂量减少至每月300 mg。 118
每天第一次口服缓释阿立哌唑注射剂,每天口服10-20毫克阿立哌唑(或已在另一种口服抗精神病药上已经稳定并且已知能够耐受阿立哌唑的患者使用另一种口服抗精神病药),并在此后继续口服治疗14天,以确保足够的治疗性血浆保持浓度。 118
如果错过了阿立哌唑延长剂量的注射剂量,请尽快服用下一个剂量。 118根据经过时间的不同,可能需要补充口服阿立哌唑(见表1)。 118
错过剂量 | 无需口服补品 | 下一次IM剂量需要口服阿立哌唑补充14天 |
第2或第3 IM剂量 | 自上次注射后≤5周 | 自上次注射以来> 5周 |
第四次或以后的IM剂量 | 自上次注射后≤6周 | 自上次注射以来> 6周 |
对于天真的阿立哌唑的患者,在开始长效IM阿立哌唑月桂酯治疗之前,应先与口服阿立哌唑建立耐受性;由于口服阿立哌唑的半衰期,可能需要长达2周的时间才能全面评估耐受性。 119
根据患者的需求,可以每月以441、662或882 mg的IM剂量开始治疗;每6周882毫克;或每2个月1064 mg。 119
每天第一次口服阿立哌唑月桂醇注射液,每天口服阿立哌唑,此后继续口服阿立哌唑治疗21天。 119
对于每天口服阿立哌唑10 mg的患者,阿立哌唑月桂醇的IM推荐剂量为每月441 mg。 119
对于每天口服15 mg阿立哌唑的患者,阿立哌唑月桂醇的IM推荐剂量为每月662 mg,每6周882 mg或每2个月1064 mg。 119
对于每天口服阿立哌唑≥20 mg的患者,阿立哌唑月桂醇的IM推荐剂量为每月882 mg。 119
根据需要调整剂量。 119在调整剂量和给药间隔时,应考虑阿立哌唑月桂酯缓释剂的药代动力学和缓释特性。 119
如果错过了剂量,请尽快服用下一个剂量。 119口服阿立哌唑和/或675毫克IM剂量的阿立哌唑月桂酯缓释补充剂(Aristada Initio取决于剂量和经过的时间,可能需要使用)(请参见表2和3)。 119 147
口服阿立哌唑的补充剂量应与患者开始长期释放阿立哌唑月桂醇治疗的剂量相同。 119
病人最后一次注射的剂量 | 无需口服补充剂 | 口服阿立哌唑补充7天 | 口服阿立哌唑补充21天 |
每月441 mg | 自上次注射后≤6周 | 自上次注射以来> 6周且≤7周 | 自上次注射以来> 7周 |
每月662毫克 | 自上次注射后≤8周 | 自上次注射以来> 8周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
每月882毫克 | 自上次注射后≤8周 | 自上次注射以来> 8周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
每6周882毫克 | 自上次注射后≤8周 | 自上次注射以来> 8周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
每2个月1064 mg | 自上次注射后≤10周 | 自上次注射以来> 10周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
病人最后一次注射的剂量 | 无需IM补充 | 补充剂量为单剂量675毫克阿立哌唑月桂酯 | 以675毫克IM剂量的阿立哌唑劳罗西尔和30毫克口服Aripiprazole的重新开始 |
441毫克 | 自上次注射后≤6周 | 自上次注射以来> 6周且≤7周 | 自上次注射以来> 7周 |
662毫克 | 自上次注射后≤8周 | 自上次注射以来> 8周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
882毫克 | 自上次注射后≤8周 | 自上次注射以来> 8周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
1064毫克 | 自上次注射后≤10周 | 自上次注射以来> 10周且≤12周 | 自上次注射以来> 12周 |
对于天真的阿立哌唑患者,在开始使用缓释阿立哌唑月桂酯进行IM治疗之前,应先确定口服阿立哌唑的耐受性(Aristada Initio );可能需要长达2周的时间才能全面评估耐受性。 147
使用675 mg的阿立哌唑月桂酯缓释剂强度(Aristada Initio )仅作为一次剂量开始阿立哌唑月桂醇治疗或作为一次剂量重新开始治疗后错过剂量的阿立哌唑月桂洛唑缓释注射剂(Aristada )。 147不要使用重复给药675毫克的实力。 147
在确定口服阿立哌唑耐受性后开始阿立哌唑月桂酯治疗时,可首次IM注射阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada ; 441,662,882,或1064毫克)的阿立哌唑lauroxil的两个一个675毫克的IM注射结合(Aristada从头算)(此剂量相当于459 mg阿立哌唑)和一剂30 mg口服阿立哌唑。 147
可以服用第一剂阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada )与Aristada Initio在同一天或此后最多10天。 147避免将两种配方同时注射到同一三角肌或臀肌中。 147
用于重新启动阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada )剂量不足的治疗后,应再次注射阿立哌唑月桂酯(Aristada ) 尽早。 147取决于上次Aristada过去的时间注射,下一个阿里斯塔达注射剂可以按照表3的建议进行补充。147
单一疗法:最初,每天一次15毫克。 1 139
锂或丙戊酸盐的辅助治疗:初始剂量为10–15 mg,每天一次。 1 139
无论药物是单药治疗还是锂或丙戊酸盐辅助治疗,建议的目标剂量为每天15 mg。 1 139根据患者的反应,每天可增加剂量至30 mg。 1 139
尚未确定每日剂量> 30 mg的安全性。 1个
对于未接受过阿立哌唑治疗的患者,在开始延长释放的IM阿立哌唑治疗之前,应先与口服阿立哌唑建立耐受性。由于口服阿立哌唑的半衰期,可能需要长达2周的时间才能全面评估耐受性。 118
通常的初始剂量和维持剂量:每月400 mg IM(不超过前次注射后26天)。 118可以将出现不良反应的患者的剂量减少至每月300 mg。 118
每天第一次口服阿立哌唑缓释注射剂,每天口服口服阿立哌唑10–20 mg(或已经在另一种口服抗精神病药上稳定并且已知能够耐受阿立哌唑的患者使用另一种口服抗精神病药),此后继续口服治疗14天,以确保充分的治疗维持血浆浓度。 118
如果错过了阿立哌唑延长剂量的注射剂量,请尽快服用下一个剂量。 118根据经过时间的不同,可能需要补充口服阿立哌唑(见表1)。 118
最初,每天2至5毫克作为辅助性急性治疗。 1 139
以≥1周的间隔逐渐以每天≤5 mg的增量调整剂量;建议的剂量范围是每天2-15毫克。 1 139每天2–15 mg的剂量(平均剂量:每天约11 mg)在临床试验中有效。 1 139
定期重新评估持续治疗的需求。 1 139
对于重度抑郁症的辅助治疗与CYP2D6抑制剂同时给予时,制造商不建议调整阿立哌唑的剂量。 1 (请参阅交互。)
尚未确定每日剂量> 30 mg的安全性。 1 91
尚未确定每日剂量> 30 mg的安全性。 1个
尚未确定每日剂量大于15毫克的安全性和有效性。 1个
体重<50公斤:每天最多10毫克。 1个
重量≥50公斤:每天最多20毫克。 1个
尚未确定每日剂量> 30 mg的安全性和有效性。 1个
尚未确定每月> 400 mg剂量的安全性和有效性。 118
尚未确定每日剂量> 30 mg的安全性和有效性。 1个
尚未确定每日剂量大于15毫克的安全性和有效性。 1个
不需要剂量调整。 1 95 118 119
不需要剂量调整。 1 95 118 119
不需要剂量调整。 1 118 119
不需要剂量调整。 1 118 119
将口服剂量减少到通常剂量的50%;当用作重度抑郁症的辅助治疗时,无需调整剂量。 1个
如果CYP2D6代谢不良的患者同时接受强效的CYP3A4抑制剂,则将口服阿立哌唑的剂量减至通常剂量的25%。 1 (请参阅交互。)
每月减少剂量至300毫克。 118
如果CYP2D6代谢不良的患者同时接受强效CYP3A4抑制剂,则将IM阿立哌唑缓释注射剂的剂量减低至每月200 mg。 118小于2周的伴随使用不需要调整剂量。 118 (请参见交互。)
根据患者确定的口服剂量减少剂量。 119
如果CYP2D6代谢不良的患者同时接受强效CYP3A4抑制剂,则将缓释IM阿立哌唑月桂醇注射剂的剂量从662、882或1064 mg减少至每月441 mg。 119如果可以接受,则每月已经接受441 mg的患者无需调整剂量。 119少于2周的同时使用不需要调整剂量。 119 (请参见交互。)
CYP2D6代谢不良的患者同时接受强效CYP2D6抑制剂的患者无需进一步调整剂量。 119 (请参见交互。)
避免在CYP2D6代谢不良的患者中使用。 147只有一种强度(675毫克)可用。因此,无法调整剂量。 147
已知对阿立哌唑过敏;过敏反应的范围从瘙痒/荨麻疹到过敏反应。 1 118 119 139(下小心参见过敏反应)。
在患有痴呆症相关精神病的老年患者中使用常规(第一代)或非典型(第二代)抗精神病药会增加死亡风险。 1 28 73 113 114 118 119
抗精神病药,包括阿立哌唑,未被批准用于治疗与痴呆有关的精神病。 1 73 113 118 119 (在盒装警告中查看老年痴呆症相关精神病患者的死亡率增加,在谨慎下参见老年痴呆症相关精神病患者的脑血管事件,并在谨慎下参见吞咽困难。)
成人和小儿重度抑郁症患者是否服用抗抑郁药,可能会使抑郁恶化和/或出现自杀意念和行为(自杀)或行为异常改变;可能会持续到临床上重要的缓解为止。 1 76 77 78 79 (请参见框内警告,另请参见“谨慎使用儿科”。)但是,自杀是抑郁症和某些其他精神疾病的已知风险,而这些疾病本身就是自杀的最强预测因子。 1 76 77 78
出于任何原因,尤其是在开始治疗期间(即头几个月)和剂量调整期间,应适当监测并密切观察接受阿立哌唑的患者。 1 76 77 78
焦虑,躁动,惊恐发作,失眠,易怒,敌对,攻击性,冲动性,静坐不全,轻躁狂和/或躁狂可能是自杀倾向的先兆。 1 77 78对于抑郁持续恶化的患者,或出现自杀倾向或症状可能是抑郁或自杀倾向加剧的患者,应考虑改变或停止治疗,尤其是在严重,发作突然或不是患者出现症状的一部分时。 1 76 77 78
处方最少的剂量与良好的患者管理相一致,以减少用药过量的风险。 1 77
在阿立哌唑治疗的患者中报告了过敏和敏感性反应(例如过敏反应,血管性水肿,喉痉挛,瘙痒/荨麻疹,光敏性,皮疹,口咽痉挛)。 1 118 119 (请参阅警告中的禁忌症。)
在一些安慰剂对照研究中,在接受阿立哌唑治疗的老年痴呆症相关精神病患者中,观察到不良脑血管事件(脑血管意外和TIA)的发生率增加,包括死亡。 1 118阿立哌唑未被批准用于治疗与痴呆相关的精神病患者。 1 118 119 (在框内警告中,参阅老年痴呆症相关精神病患者的死亡率增加)。
Substitution and dispensing errors between the 2 different extended-release IM formulations of aripiprazole lauroxil, Aristada Initio and Aristada , may occur. 147
Aristada Initio is for single-dose administration only. 147 Do not substitute Aristada Initio for Aristada because of their different pharmacokinetic profiles. 147
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), a potentially fatal syndrome characterized by hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic instability, reported with antipsychotic agents, including some rare cases in patients treated with aripiprazole. 1 99 100 101 118 119
Immediately discontinue therapy and initiate supportive and symptomatic treatment if NMS occurs. 1 118 119 Careful monitoring recommended if therapy is reinstituted following recovery; the risk that NMS can recur must be considered. 1 118 119
Tardive dyskinesia, a syndrome of potentially irreversible, involuntary dyskinetic movements, reported with use of antipsychotic agents, including aripiprazole. 1 96 97 118 119
Reserve long-term antipsychotic treatment for patients with chronic illness known to respond to antipsychotic agents, and for whom alternative, equally effective, but potentially less harmful treatments are not available or appropriate. 1 118 119 In patients requiring chronic treatment, use smallest dosage and shortest duration of treatment producing a satisfactory clinical response; periodically reassess need for continued therapy. 1 118 119
APA recommends assessing patients receiving atypical antipsychotic agents for abnormal involuntary movements every 12 months; for patients at increased risk for tardive dyskinesia, assess every 6 months. 28 Consider discontinuance of aripiprazole if signs and symptoms of tardive dyskinesia appear. 1 118 119 However, some patients may require treatment despite the presence of the syndrome. 1 118 119
Atypical antipsychotic agents are associated with metabolic changes, including hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and weight gain. 1 118 119 While all atypical antipsychotics produce some metabolic changes, each drug has its own specific risk profile. 1 118 119 (See Hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus, see Dyslipidemia, and also see Weight Gain under Cautions.)
Hyperglycemia, sometimes severe and associated with ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma, or death, reported in patients receiving atypical antipsychotic agents. 1 In short- and longer-term clinical studies in adult and pediatric patients, clinically important differences between oral aripiprazole and placebo in mean change from baseline to end point in serum glucose concentrations not observed. 1个
Periodically monitor patients with an established diagnosis of diabetes mellitus for worsening of glucose control and perform fasting glucose testing at baseline and periodically in patients with risk factors for diabetes (eg, obesity, family history of diabetes). 1 If manifestations of hyperglycemia occur in any aripiprazole-treated patient, perform fasting blood glucose testing. 1 (请参阅对患者的建议。)
Some patients who developed hyperglycemia while receiving an atypical antipsychotic have required continuance of antidiabetic treatment despite discontinuance of the atypical antipsychotic; in other patients, hyperglycemia resolved with discontinuance of the antipsychotic. 1个
Undesirable changes in lipid parameters observed in patients treated with some atypical antipsychotics. 1 However, aripiprazole generally does not appear to adversely affect the lipid profile. 1个
Weight gain observed with atypical antipsychotic therapy. 1 Monitoring of weight recommended during aripiprazole therapy. 1 (See Hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus under Cautions.)
Serious impulse-control and compulsive behaviors, particularly pathological gambling, reported in adult and pediatric patients treated with aripiprazole. 1 118 119 123 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 148
In May 2016, FDA reported that 184 cases of impulse-control problems associated with aripiprazole therapy had been identified since November 2002; 89% of the cases involved pathological gambling. 123 Other impulse-control and compulsive behaviors (eg, compulsive or binge eating, compulsive spending or shopping, compulsive sexual behaviors) reported less frequently. 123 136 138 139 Most of the patients had no history of compulsive behaviors and experienced the uncontrollable urges only after beginning aripiprazole treatment. 123 137
Impulse-control symptoms may also be associated with the underlying disorder. 1 118 119 139 148 The results of a large pharmacoepidemiologic study suggest that patients with bipolar disorder who are receiving aripiprazole have a higher risk of gambling compared with patients with bipolar disorder who are not receiving aripiprazole. 148
In some, but not all, cases, uncontrollable urges stopped within days to weeks following aripiprazole dosage reduction or discontinuance; recurrence of compulsive behaviors following rechallenge reported. 1 118 119 123 134 136 137 138 139
Compulsive behaviors may result in harm to the patient or others if not recognized. 1 118 119 139 148 Because patients may not recognize such behaviors as abnormal, specifically ask patients whether they have developed any new or intense gambling urges, compulsive sexual urges, compulsive shopping, binge or compulsive eating, or other urges while receiving the drug. 1 118 119 123 139
If an aripiprazole-treated patient develops new or increased impulsive or compulsive behaviors, consider reducing the dosage or discontinuing the drug. 1 118 119 123 137 139 (See Advice to Patients.)
Risk of orthostatic hypotension associated with adverse effects, including postural dizziness, syncope, and tachycardia, perhaps because of aripiprazole's α 1 -adrenergic blocking activity. 1 118 119 Risk generally appears greatest during initiation of therapy and dosage titration. 119
Use with caution in patients with known cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease and/or conditions that would predispose them to hypotension (eg, dehydration, hypovolemia, concomitant antihypertensive therapy) and in antipsychotic-naive patients. 1 119 In such patients who are receiving extended-release IM aripiprazole lauroxil therapy, consider a lower initial dosage and monitoring of orthostatic vital signs. 119
May cause somnolence, postural hypotension, and motor and sensory instability, which may lead to falls and, consequently, fractures or other injuries. 1 118 119 139
In patients with diseases or conditions or receiving other drugs that could exacerbate these effects, complete fall risk assessments when initiating antipsychotic therapy and repeat such testing periodically during long-term therapy. 1 118 119 139
Leukopenia and neutropenia temporally related to antipsychotic agents, including aripiprazole, reported during clinical trial and/or postmarketing experience. 1 102 103 118 119 Agranulocytosis also reported. 1 118 119
Possible risk factors for leukopenia and neutropenia include preexisting low WBC count and a history of drug-induced leukopenia or neutropenia. 1 102 103 118 119 Monitor CBC frequently during the first few months of therapy in patients with such risk factors. 1 118 119 Discontinue aripiprazole at the first sign of a decline in WBC count in the absence of other causative factors. 1 118 119
Carefully monitor patients with neutropenia for signs and symptoms of infection (eg, fever) and treat promptly if they occur. 1 118 119 Discontinue aripiprazole if severe neutropenia (ANC <1000/mm 3 ) occurs; monitor WBC until recovery occurs. 1 118 119
Seizures/convulsions reported in 0.1% of adult and pediatric patients (6–18 years of age) treated with oral aripiprazole. 1个
Use with caution in patients with a history of seizures or with conditions known to lower the seizure threshold; such conditions may be more prevalent in patients ≥65 years of age. 1 118 119
Judgment, thinking, or motor skills may be impaired. 1 118 119
Somnolence (including sedation) reported in 11% of adults treated with oral aripiprazole compared with 6% of those receiving placebo in short-term clinical trials. 1 Somnolence (including sedation) reported in 24% of pediatric patients (6–17 years of age) receiving aripiprazole compared with 6% of those receiving placebo. 1 (请参阅对患者的建议。)
Antipsychotic agents may disrupt ability to reduce core body temperature. 1 118 119
Use appropriate caution in patients exposed to conditions that may contribute to an elevation in core body temperature (eg, dehydration, extreme heat, strenuous exercise, concomitant use of anticholinergic agents). 1 118 119
Attendant risk with psychotic illnesses, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder; closely supervise high-risk patients. 1 Prescribe in the smallest quantity consistent with good patient management to reduce the risk of overdosage. 1个
Esophageal dysmotility and aspiration associated with the use of antipsychotic agents, including aripiprazole. 1 118 119
Aspiration pneumonia is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in geriatric patients, particularly in those with advanced Alzheimer's dementia. 1 (See Increased Mortality in Geriatric Patients with Dementia-related Psychosis in Boxed Warning.) Use with caution in patients at risk for aspiration pneumonia. 1 118 119
Each 10- or 15-mg Abilify Discmelt orally disintegrating tablet contains aspartame (NutraSweet ), which is metabolized in the GI tract to provide about 1.12 or 1.68 mg of phenylalanine, respectively. 1 80 81 82 83 84
Ability of tablets with sensor (Abilify MyCite ) to improve patient adherence or usefulness in modifying aripiprazole dosage not established. 139
Tablets with sensor not recommended for tracking realtime drug ingestion or during an emergency since detection of ingestion may be delayed or not occur. 139 (See Tablets with Sensor [Abilify MyCite ] under Dosage and Administration.)
Skin irritation (eg, rash, pruritus, discoloration) may occur at the application site of the wearable sensor (MyCite patch). 139 144 In clinical studies, 12.4% of patients receiving aripiprazole tablets with sensor experienced rashes at placement sites. 139
If skin irritation occurs, remove the wearable sensor. 139
Risk for extrapyramidal and/or withdrawal symptoms (eg, agitation, hypertonia, hypotonia, tardive dyskinetic-like symptoms, tremor, somnolence, respiratory distress, feeding disorder) in neonates exposed to antipsychotic agents during the third trimester; monitor neonates exhibiting such symptoms. 1 106 107 108 111 118 119 Symptoms varied in severity; some neonates recovered within hours to days without specific treatment, while others have required intensive care unit support and prolonged hospitalization. 1 106 107 108 118 119
National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics: 866-961-2388 and [Web]. 1 118 119
Distributed into milk in humans. 1 111 118 119 However, data are insufficient to determine the amount present in human milk, the effects of the drug on breast-fed infants, or the effects on milk production. 118 119
Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions to aripiprazole in nursing infants, the manufacturer of aripiprazole tablets states that a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or the drug, taking into consideration the importance of the drug to the woman. 1个
The manufacturers of extended-release IM formulations of aripiprazole state that the benefit of aripiprazole therapy to the woman as well as the benefits of breast-feeding to the infant should be weighed against the potential risk to the infant from exposure to the drug or from the underlying maternal condition. 118 119
Safety and efficacy of aripiprazole tablets with sensor not established in pediatric patients. 139
Safety and efficacy of oral aripiprazole not established in pediatric patients with major depressive disorder. 1 Safety and efficacy of extended-release IM aripiprazole and aripiprazole lauroxil not evaluated in pediatric patients <18 years of age. 118 119
Safety and efficacy of oral aripiprazole for acute management of schizophrenia in pediatric patients 13–17 years of age established in a placebo-controlled study of 6 weeks' duration. 1 91 Efficacy for maintenance treatment not established, but can be extrapolated from adult data and pharmacokinetic comparisons between adult and pediatric populations. 1个
Safety and efficacy of oral aripiprazole monotherapy for acute management of bipolar mania in pediatric patients 10–17 years of age established in a placebo-controlled study of 4 weeks' duration. 1个
Efficacy of oral aripiprazole as adjunctive therapy to lithium or valproate for management of manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar disorder in pediatric patients not systematically evaluated. 1 However, efficacy can be extrapolated from adult data and pharmacokinetic comparisons between adult and pediatric populations. 1个
Safety and efficacy of oral aripiprazole for treatment of irritability associated with autistic disorder in pediatric patients 6–17 years of age established in 2 placebo-controlled clinical studies of 8 weeks' duration. 1 109 110 Efficacy as maintenance treatment not established in a longer-term, placebo-controlled relapse prevention trial in pediatric patients 6–17 years of age. 1 133
Safety and efficacy of oral aripiprazole for treatment of Tourette's syndrome in pediatric patients 6–18 years of age established in 2 short-term, placebo-controlled trials of 8 and 10 weeks' duration. 1 Efficacy as maintenance therapy not systematically evaluated. 1个
Mean weight gain of 1.6 kg reported in pediatric patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder receiving oral aripiprazole compared with a gain of 0.3 kg in those receiving placebo in 2 short-term studies; from baseline to 24 weeks, mean weight gain was 5.8 kg in aripiprazole-treated patients compared with 1.4 kg in placebo recipients. 1 Similar weight gain observed in short-term studies in pediatric patients with Tourette's syndrome or with irritability associated with autistic disorder. 1个
FDA warns that a greater risk of suicidal thinking or behavior (suicidality) occurred during first few months of antidepressant treatment compared with placebo in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or other psychiatric disorders based on pooled analyses of 24 short-term, placebo-controlled trials of 9 antidepressant drugs (SSRIs and others). 1 77 However, a later meta-analysis of 27 placebo-controlled trials of 9 antidepressants (SSRIs and others) in patients <19 years of age with major depressive disorder, OCD, or non-OCD anxiety disorders suggests that the benefits of antidepressant therapy in treating these conditions may outweigh the risks of suicidal behavior or suicidal ideation. 79 No suicides occurred in these pediatric trials. 1 77 79
Insufficient experience with oral and extended-release IM formulations of aripiprazole in patients ≥65 years of age to determine whether they respond differently than younger adults. 1 118 Manufacturer states that dosage adjustment of oral and IM aripiprazole based on age alone in geriatric patients is not necessary. 1 118
Safety and efficacy of extended-release IM aripiprazole lauroxil not evaluated in patients >65 years of age; manufacturer makes no specific dosage recommendations for geriatric patients. 119
Geriatric patients with dementia-related psychosis treated with antipsychotic agents are at an increased risk of death; 1 28 73 113 114 118 119 increased incidence of cerebrovascular events also observed with aripiprazole. 1 Aripiprazole is not approved for the treatment of patients with dementia-related psychosis. 1 118 119 (See Boxed Warning, see Cerebrovascular Events in Geriatric Patients with Dementia-related Psychosis under Cautions, and see Dysphagia under Cautions.)
在汇总数据分析中,与安慰剂相比,使用抗抑郁药治疗的≥65岁成年人的自杀风险降低。 1 76 77 (See Boxed Warning and also see Worsening of Depression and Suicidality Risk under Cautions.)
Because higher plasma concentrations of aripiprazole are likely, dosage adjustment recommended for patients known to be poor metabolizers of CYP2D6. 1 118 119 Approximately 8% of Caucasians and 3–8% of Blacks/African Americans cannot metabolize CYP2D6 substrates and are classified as poor CYP2D6 metabolizers. 1 118 119 (See Pharmacogenomics and Poor CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype under Dosage and Administration.)
Oral aripiprazole (adults): Nausea, 1 vomiting, 1 constipation, 1 sedation, 1 fatigue, 1 headache, 1 dizziness, 1 akathisia, 1 anxiety, 1 insomnia, 1 restlessness, 1 tremor, 1 extrapyramidal disorder, 1 blurred vision. 1个
Oral aripiprazole (pediatric patients): Somnolence or sedation, 1 headache, 1 nausea, 1 vomiting, 1 tremor, 1 extrapyramidal disorder, 1 increased appetite, 1 fatigue, 1 insomnia, 1 akathisia, 1 nasopharyngitis, 1 blurred vision, 1 salivary hypersecretion, 1 dizziness, 1 increased weight. 1个
Aripiprazole tablets with sensor and digital ingestion tracking system (Abilify MyCite ): Skin irritation (eg, rash, pruritus, discoloration) localized at application site of the wearable sensor. 139 144
IM aripiprazole, extended-release: Increased weight, 118 akathisia, 118 injection site pain, 118 sedation. 118
IM aripiprazole lauroxil, extended-release: Akathisia, 119 122 extrapyramidal symptoms (eg, parkinsonism, dystonia), 119 injection site reactions (eg, pain). 119 122
Aripiprazole is extensively metabolized in the liver principally via dehydrogenation, hydroxylation, and N -dealkylation by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4. 1个
Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors and/or potent CYP2D6 inhibitors: Potential pharmacokinetic interaction. 1个
Combination of potent, moderate, and weak CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 inhibitors (eg, potent CYP3A4 inhibitor with moderate CYP2D6 inhibitor; moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor with moderate CYP2D6 inhibitor): Potential pharmacokinetic interaction. 1个
Potent CYP3A4 inducers: Decreased systemic exposure to aripiprazole. 1个
Inhibitors or inducers of CYP isoenzymes 1A1, 1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, or 2E1: Pharmacokinetic interaction unlikely. 1个
Concomitant Drug | Recommended Dosage Adjustment | ||||||
Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors | Oral aripiprazole: Reduce aripiprazole dosage to 50% of usual dosage; dosage adjustment not required when used as adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder. 1 Increase back to original dosage when the CYP3A4 inhibitor is discontinued. 1 Further reduce dosage in patients with poor CYP2D6 metabolizer phenotype. 1 (See Pharmacogenomics and Poor CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype under Dosage and Administration.) Extended-release IM aripiprazole injection (Abilify Maintena ): Dosage adjustment not necessary if potent CYP3A4 inhibitor is added for <2 weeks. 118 For concomitant therapy >14 days, reduce aripiprazole dosage from 400 to 300 mg or from 300 to 200 mg every month. 118 Further dosage reduction in patients with poor CYP2D6 metabolizer phenotype may be necessary. 118 (See Pharmacogenomics and Poor CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype under Dosage and Administration.) Extended-release IM aripiprazole lauroxil injection (Aristada ): Dosage adjustment not necessary if potent CYP3A4 inhibitor is added for <2 weeks. 119 For concomitant therapy >14 days, reduce aripiprazole lauroxil dosage to next available lower strength. 119 Dosage reduction not necessary in patients receiving the 441-mg dosage, if tolerated. 119 Reduce 882 mg every 6 weeks or 1064 mg every 2 months to 441 mg every 4 weeks. 119 Further dosage reduction in patients with poor CYP2D6 metabolizer phenotype may be necessary. 119 (See Pharmacogenomics and Poor CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype under Dosage and Administration.) Extended-release IM aripiprazole lauroxil injection (Aristada Initio ): Avoid use. 147 (See Pharmacogenomics and Poor CYP2D6 Metabolizer Phenotype under Dosage and Administration.) | ||||||
具有高度临床意义。避免组合;互动的风险大于收益。 | |
具有中等临床意义。通常避免组合;仅在特殊情况下使用。 | |
临床意义不大。降低风险;评估风险并考虑使用替代药物,采取措施规避相互作用风险和/或制定监测计划。 | |
没有可用的互动信息。 |